FRP Inspection Guide

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REICHHOLD ‘The FRP Inspection Gude i to assist end users, engnces, and others interested in conducting quality assurance (QA) inspection and reventive maintenane (PM) inspection of fibertelaforeed plastic (ERP) equipment for earosive indus services, Reichhold, Inc P.O. Box 13582 Research Triangle Park, NC27709- 3582 Tel :(800)448-3482 REICHHOLD Inspection Guide Statement of Purpose Objectives ‘Quay Assurance (QA) Inspection Preventive Maintenance (PM) Inspection ‘Terminology Fiber Reinforced Plate Technology Resins ‘Aitves Peroxide Initiator Promoters, Inhibitors and Other Adsitves Reinforcements Fiberglass Roving Fiberglass Cloth and Woven Roving (Chopped Strand Glass Mat Surfce Veil Laminate Constuation ‘Consrtion Methods Conoston Barer Structural Wall, (Codes and Standards (Quay Assurance (QA) Inspection Technology Inspection Tools ‘Common Hand Tools Dimensional Verification “Thickness Verification Cute Verification Sounding Wand Inspeation Metheds ‘Dimensional Inspection Flange Fimess ‘Bottom Flats ‘Laminate and Ply Thcknesses Helix Wind Angle ‘Cure Verifeaon ‘Barca Hardness Measoremens Acetone Sesitvgy Visual Inspection Global Appearance Local Defects ‘Thokness Vetiation “Magnetic Thickness Testing Digital Utrasonie (UT) Instruments (Diameter) Tepes Motel Verification ‘Gel Tine and Peak Exot Viscosity REICHHOLD Gus Yield Testing ‘Acoustic Emission (AE) Testing lnfared (IR) Sean Documentation Inspection Checklist Use of Photography Preventive Maintenance Baseline Das Special Considerations for Field QA Inspection ‘Shipping and insallation| Environmental Monitoring Contra of Materials ‘Surface Preparation and Bond Testing Surface Preparation Primes Pan Fituring Bond or Adhesion Testing Preventive Maintenance (PM) Inspection Technology Inspection Tools Inspection Methods Control Area Infared (IR) Thermography Xeny Radiography ‘Types of Damage ‘Aging Damage “Mechanial Damage Hextrlated Damage Preventive Maintenance Inspection Methodology ‘Step One ~ Understand What You Have ‘Step Two ~Peform an nial Evaluation ofthe Equipment ‘Step Three Inspec the Equipment and Gather Data ‘Vessel Inspection Procedures Piping Inspection Procedures Step Four ~ Perfor Immediate Repair, if Necessary Step Five —Develop a Plan for Future Preventive Mainenance Inspections Mainaining Control of Repairs ‘Gener ‘Surface Preparation in the Feld Abrasive Grinding Shearing Slagblastng Priming ‘To Repair, Reibe or Replace? Bond Verifiation Documentation References 7 8 9 9 9 9 20 20 ” Fn 2 2 u 3 B 3 B B B 2 Py 6 n n n n 8 30 0 30 in nL H nL a 2 2 2 2 3 B REICHHOLD Statement of Purpose “The purpose ofthis document isto assis end users engineers, and others intrested in conducting quality assurance (QA) inspection and preventive maintenance (PM) inspection of iternforced piss (FRP equipment for coosive indus evies Is nt intended to bean exhaustive Frsruction mantal. We hope tat it wil encourage informed and effective use of FRP in eorosion- resistant applications. Objectives ‘Quality Assurance (QA) Inspection ‘The objective of quay assurance inspection ito maximize te safety and relihility of rew FR equipment by confirming tat equipment has ben manufactured in accordance with he regirement of purchase documents and related specications. This process requires a evi ofthe mansfctre’s intemal guaity contr! program and direct inspection of equipment bythe owner or «designated representative, Quality assurance demands fila wit the unique characteristics of FRP ad knowledge ofthe spocaiedtols and instruments used to inspect iT inspector must be able to recogize ‘manufacturing and materi deficiencies and be prepared to negotiate efetve, appropri repairs that ‘il uimatelyenkance the long-term service if ofthe equipment Preventive Maintenance (PM) Inspection ‘The objective of preventive maitenance inspection isto reduce malatenance costs and he threat 0 safety and reliability caused by unexpected equipment flue, Property conducted and applied, PM inspections will sult in cost-effective and reliable epic decisions based on an accurate sessment of the equipment’ condition and th atest which that condition may be deteriorating Preventive Imaintenance of FRP requires ongoing it coleton though inrir and exterior eipnent Inspections using specific tools and methods Inspection shouldbe combined with an enginering evaluation ofthe findings, and documentation that ‘ais crac informaton in the proper fom fr log-trm trend evaluation. On the basi of eurent Conditions and at of change, the owner must decide been various options Inluing par, replacement, of coatnued usc ofthe equipment. The decision maker must understand how FRPdiflers ffom metals and oder, more familiar materials, and how tose differences fest longterm safety and relay. ‘the owner decides o reps equipment in service itis important recogize thers volved, specify the method and materials of repair, and verify compliance tote repair speciation through inspection, tis. as important to inspect piping and eral ducting as itis to inspect tanks and process vessel. Pipe flues common cause of equipment down time, while vssl flue represent the grates isk 0 life and propery. There sre finden diference inthe inspection methods and tol oquied for Inspection of ping and vessels. REICHHOLD Terminology “This manual assumes. basi fiir with industry terminology Iadonal information is required, please refer to ASME RTP-1, M-1I Glossary Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Technology Resina Resins can be divided into wo broad classes: thermosetng end thermoplastic. This docunent scutes composite material formed win thrmosutng reslas combined wih ber relorement ‘Thermoplastic resins have a definite mln point, whereas thermosetting resins cure to produce an infusible sold meri that does not melt when heated. They soften whes heated above hr lass ‘eastion temperature, but do not reach igi state Thermoseting resins ued for FRP re ypeally ‘purchased in iui form and are eacte oa slid wih chemical adie. ‘The most commonly used thermoscting resin systems for corosive industrial applications are: + Vinyl ester Bisphenol fumarate ‘Teephthale polyester Isophthale polyester CClorenic polyester “These resin files have uigue usefulness depending upon te specific coosive, temperature, nd enginering requirement ofthe aplication. For more information regarding selecting the rope resin ara specifi application please const a Reichhold materials selection guide, or el the Reehhold (Corrosion Hote at 1-800-752-0060, Aditi Industrial themoseting resin require incorporation of aditves before use. With pee promoted resins, ‘only an ntator (often calle a catalysts required tintin the ering ection Howeve, resis are fflen purchased in non-pomoted frm, requing addition of earful measured quanitis of ‘romote), an thoroughly blending them int the ein before nto is added to effsteuing.. Resin adiives ae typically highly reactive and must be stored and handled acording to manufactures" recommendations. NEVER MIX PROMOTERS WITH INITIATORS, SINCE VIOLENT DECOMPOSITION AND POSSIBLY EXPLOSION MAY RESULT. Peroxide Inititors Into ar typically the inal ative required init the curing reaction. Promoters andlor inhibitors maybe added to prepare the ‘resin hous, day, or weeks before it wil be used. Te nator is ‘aed immediately prior to use, andthe amount employed i one factor that determines the working lie ofthe resin. ‘The mos commonly used ntator ystems forthe resins sted previously nclde: [Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (MEKP) “Math! ety! ketone peroxide isthe workhors nto system tis generally the exsest to use, especialy in adverse ‘conditions It provides excelent curing performance, nd responds well posturing. ‘Cumene Hydroperoxide (CHP) CCamene hydroperoxide is used When a more convlled reain aes requled. When sedi conjunction with IMEKP. team rede or eliminate foaming in vinyl eter resins, and lower the laminae exathem temperature of tsphenal fumarate resin. enzoy Peroxide (BPO) “Typically used in past for, benz peroxide may be more

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