Context: Figure 1: Object Grabber Device Design

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The objective of this technical analysis was to determine the effect of utilizing different materials
as the inner shaft of an object grabber, which is intended to be utilized by disabled people. The
working principle of object grabber is solely reliant upon the force of gravity. It was designed in
such a way that when it is aimed to the ground, inner shaft ejects and make the device taller
making it easier to grab the objects from distance. The movement of inner shaft is dependent
upon the force of gravity and the drag force. Therefore, absence of any other process or
mechanism makes gravity solely governing factor for the speed of shaft coming to ground. This
technical analysis is, therefore, aimed to study the effect of different materials on the speed of
shaft under force of gravity. Below given is he picture of device design under study.

Figure 1: Object Grabber Device Design

Problem Statement
People who have difficulty in retrieving, reaching, placing and picking objects need an assistive
device. Such device which assists disabled people is known as the grabber. With the help of such
assistive devices, many people with disabilities around the world can function and live
independently without help from others [1]. Assistive technology helps to perform tasks in ease
and safety. Based on the literature scan, the design of existing grabbers is usually nonconvertible
i.e. without moveable inner shaft which can change the length of grabber [2]. This makes those
designs less practical when an object is at smaller or larger distance. Therefore, this design of
convertible grabber helps to change the length of grabber as per requirement. The length is
changed by inner shaft which moves down by force of gravity. But the speed of inner shaft will
be dependent upon material of inner shaft. This technical analysis aims to address the effects of
materials on speed of inner shaft of grabber.
As we learned in the previous section that movement of inner shaft of grabber will be dependent
upon the gravity. Gravitational force acts downwards and is dependent upon the weight and
density of object. As we know that weight and density of different materials varies, therefore, by
utilizing different materials we will experience different speeds by which inner shaft of grabber
will move downward.

The two materials of choice in this case are to be aluminum and plastic (HDPE). In this analysis
we will determine the effect of using different materials as inner shaft material.

Technical analysis
This analysis aims to determine the force of gravity on inner shaft of the grabber. Core purpose
of this analysis is to find out the effect of utilizing different materials as inner shaft of the grabber.
When we utilize different materials, though the dimensions remain same but the weight of shaft
changes. The effect of gravity is dependent upon the weight of object which is dependent upon
the density.

Dimensions of Grabber
Grabber will be utilized to pick up objects from distance of about 2 feet. Below given are the
dimensions of grabber. The total length of grabber inner and outer shafts are 50 cm and 30 cm
respectively which add up to 80 cm when inner shaft comer out completely. At the end of inner
shaft there is Grabber Teeth which will be utilized to handle the objects.

Figure 2: Dimensions of grabber

Total length of grabber adds up to 2 feet approximately. In nonconvertible designs, the excess
length of grabber may be problematic when handling objects at variable distances. Therefore,
we have designed convertible grabber with length variation up to 30 cm which can be useful
while handling objects at variables distances.

Determination of velocity
When an object freely falls towards the ground, the net force acting on the object is resultant of
two force; drag force or air resistance which acts towards upward and the force of gravity which
acts towards downwards. The action of both forces is depicted in below given figure. [3]
Figure 3: Forces acting on free falling object [3]

As the shaft of grabber is going to fall freely, therefore, both forces will act on the shaft.
Acceleration of shaft can be determined as given below;

= /

F is the resultant of drag force and the weight of object, therefore;

= [3]


= =

By putting the value of F, we get;

= [3]

While drag force and the weight can be determined as given below;

= 2 /2 [3]


= [ ]
= [material independent]
= [material independent]
= [material dependent]


m= XV


= density of material of inner shaft [material dependent]

V= volume of inner shaft [material independent]

Effect of different material

From the above given analysis, we can determine that the acceleration of inner shaft will be
ultimately dependent upon mass of shaft which varies according to the density of inner shaft as
the volume remains constant no matter what material is utilized.

Therefore, by changing the material we change the density and in turn the velocity of inner shaft
varies. Two proposed materials for the inner shaft are plastic (HDPE) and the aluminum. As we
deduced from above given analysis acceleration is directly proportional to the density of inner

The density of aluminum and plastic (HDPE) is 2.7 g/cm3 and 0.97 g/cm3 respectively [4],
therefore, higher the density higher the speed of inner shaft to move towards the ground.

Assumptions for Velocity

The velocity by which object moves towards the ground is dependent upon following factors.

Force of gravity which is driven by weight of object.

Weight of inner shaft is dependent upon the mass which is product of volume of
inner shaft and density of material utilized.
Drag force which depends upon the following;
o Area of cross section,
o Drag coefficient,
o Gas density,
o Velocity
Assuming length, width and height of grabber to be 80cm, 5cm and 3 cm

Variations in Velocity
Velocity of inner shaft of the grabber will be dependent upon the acceleration due to gravity.
This acceleration is controlled by the force of gravity (constant), and the mass of inner shaft. By
changing the shaft material, mass will be changed due to distinct density of different materials.
Below given is comparative analysis for the acceleration which is expected to be achieved for
aluminum and plastic.

Aluminum Plastic (HPDE)

= 2.7 g/cm3 = 0.97 g/cm3
g= 980 cms-2 g= 980 cms-2
Volume = 80 cmx 5cmx 3cm= 1200cm3 Volume = 80 cmx 5cmx 3cm= 1200cm3
= = ( ) = = ( )
= ( . ) = 31.752 N = ( . ) = 11.407 N

And weight is directly proportional to the acceleration that inner shaft will achieve due to gravity.

Which means that greater the density of materials, greater will be the acceleration and in turn
the shaft will hit the ground more speedily. Therefore, utilizing material with higher density i.e.
aluminum will provide the benefit of higher velocity.

The grabber is designed for disabled people to help them picking objects. Inner shaft of grabber
is designed such that is comes to the ground once pivot is removed, which is controlled by lever
on upper side of grabber. The speed on inner shaft of grabber will depend upon the weight of
materials i.e. greater the weight greater the gravitational force on the object. As the volume and
dimensions of shaft are constant no matter what materials is utilized, therefore, weight of
material is driving factor for the speed of inner shaft. As the weight of material depends upon
density, therefore, aluminum shaft will come to ground more speedily as compared to the plastic
(HDPE) shaft.

[1] A. Benjamin, M. Freitas, N. Hunnewell and N. Lee, "The Grab-Bot," Rehabilitation

Engineering, 2010. `

[2] R. Boyd and J. A. Stevens, "Falls and fear of falling: burden, beliefs and behaviours," Age and
Aging, 2009. Available:

[3] N. Hall, "Forces of Falling objects," NASA, 05 05 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2017].

[4] I. S. a. T. Directory, "List of Periodic Table Elements Sorted by: Density," Israel Science and
Technology Directory, 1999. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2017].

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