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EEE 342, Final Exam NAM. January 11, 2014 L. NAME: 4 Questions, 120 Minutes, CLOSED BOOK/NOTES QL. Consider the Bode plots of the plant transfer function G,(s) of Figure 1. i) Gs) GAS) f xf PP (i) (10 pts) Is the closed-loop system of Figure 1 stable when G.(s) = 1? Determine your answer via gain margin (GM) and phase margin (PM). (ii) (5 pts) Let G.(s) = K € R in Figure 1. Determine the value of K that will result in a marginally stable closed-loop system. (iii) (10 pts) If G.(s) = 1, would the closed-loop stability improve or not im- prove? Explain on the Bode plots. OQ) wi23 ,466sw,) 2 25° > Pur te vey ( 5 / weed, peGuotls4 -p Gm=-te #3 . seG Cloiet lop system 6 tes table = > iS do 4B @1) Macpinatly sheble o> by : ‘ ee ve | " 5 Wicd em GOP ett sip, Gee God = &Gywr- fe 0 = (Cequnnes a cn wey 7 wieret Oo 4 1 Liou lt 28 Gr Ko iw Mae new Fysten her Gm is doubled The fin ig aWe Werse Jente Whe nee gana Gow .wwek o Coos sab or by Gea) Jyseen Ld wf C5. Tete Cory jay de FON Syprhen be tomes Q2. In Figure 1, let and suppose we would like to have a closed-loop system with GM > 10 dB and PM > 40 degrees. (ii) (fopts) Determine the GM and PM approximately from the Bode plots when G.(s) = 1. (ii) (10 pts) Design a phase-lead controller G(s) = $8, ,a > 1,7 > 0. (Hint: a= HERE = 5.83, log(a) = 0.77) iii (5 pts) Is there a phase-lag controller G,(s) = ZH, ,a > 1,7 > 0 that will satisfy these design requirements? Explain. Answers: G) Plesk gore Wig = Loss thas Pm > 0* Also, peo Se Shas Gamo? Be SassnssescseieceeneneeeaeenaEEEEE OS) The eequved ne | ne Pm i s4ose = 4S Using the thins, X= S88 Aodeget = eaten The Frequency Gy a whe The gain wy 799 48 Ty Ag Avi mebely Wt hS from he maparhte pled. Ls IFwe SBC and Se Beg hid AS Thos, da ens pe of ‘SHoe Ge S)= $83 TT} se ae Beer ‘ Gi) Required Pm = 45° ec ears as ws 20. % male Tit Me new gach COS VEC Frequency , We Need + “ADD Gow Heace, a tay Cane (ler Can nek be uted: Q3. In Figure 1, let Hl ws 7) _ K(L+105) Ls) = Ge(s)Gp(s) = ss) (8) (25 pts) Lot G.(s) — K. Plot the full Nyquist plot for K > 0 and use this plot and the Nyquist criterion to determine the number of right half plane poles of the closed-loop system for K > 0 and for K <0 (Show your work!). (ii) (10 pts) Let K > 0. Sketch the asymptotic Bode magnitude and phase plots and indicate the GM and PM on these plots. Answers: A) L6w=s KK Cittoge) ake (La dofw) (4-je) =wt G+)” bot Creu beso* 1 igus) Woe, Los) Lud®ye b eT Nolo thek 7 Loot) Ke" (or) Lobe) =e eit KSe: => 2,2 Btfsdte =D RHP clicd-loop ples 1etzttori CHP 4 * cap Able Q4. Given the state-variable representation le et], [u@, (i) (10 pts) Find its state transition matrix &(t,0) Gi) (15 pts) Is there an input u(t) for which the solution is x(t) = [1-1]? for all t > 0? If ’yes,’ then find it; if ‘no,’ explain. Answers: oe ' “i Gi) Since xtoh= | eee iy an Cl yen vector ef the Kigenvalue ak 5 A, fucose fr ail te Werks TE gon did nek meWee M5, than aan ther dppoach is fe ty wldiru = Conthen Then, ¢ eos sty gt stay "B voy b a f~ t en oo Gey? ute * wy. feet bef 7 fuerte?) x (b) 2 ls fs -te* que ‘ fe ute

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