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EEE 342 Feedback Control Systems

Fall 2013-2014 - Homework #3

Due: 9 October 2013, Wednesday 17:00 to Prof. Blent zglers mailbox
Q.1 The block diagram of the paper-making system is shown in the figure below.
Let () = 1, and () = 10+1 , () = +2.

+ ()
() () () ()


a.) The closed-loop transfer function () = (),
b.) The sensitivity ,
c.) The steady-state error for a step change in the desired consistency () = /.
d.) Calculate the value of K required for an allowable steady-state error of 1%.

Q.2 The open-loop transfer function of a unity negative feedback system is,

() = .
( + 2)
A system response to a step input is specified as follows:
Peak time = 2 ,
Percent overshoot . . = 5%.
a.) Determine whether both specifications can be met simultaneously.
b.) If the specifications cannot be met simultaneously, determine a compromise value for
K so that the peak time and percent overshoot specifications are relaxed the same
Q.3 The speed control of a high speed train is represented by the system shown in the figure
below. Determine the equation for steady-state error for K for a unit step input (). Consider
the three values for K equal to 1, 10 and 100.

Train Dynamics
+ () +
() 20 ()
- + ( + 8)(2 + 7) Speed

a.) Determine the steady-state error.

b.) Determine and plot the response y(t) for
i. unit step input () = 1/ and
ii. a unit step disturbance input () = 1/.
c.) Create a table showing overshoot, settling time (with 2% criterion), for r(t), and

| | for the three values of K. Select the best compromise value.

Q.4 Consider the control system shown in the following figure.

Controller Process
() + 1 ()
- +3

a.) Show analytically that the expected percent overshoot of the closed-loop system
response to a unit step input is about 50%.
b.) Develop an m-file to plot the unit step response of the closed-loop system and the
estimate the percent overshoot from the plot. Compare the result with part (a).

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