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Mini Project

Inquiry Question:
How does the angle of an object and its height impact its shadow?

Hypothetical Project Background:

After learning about the both the sine and cosine laws, it is time to put them into a real-life
scenario. Your class is deciding to plant a few trees outside in the school field. The trees will
give future students a place to relax and study when the weather is hot. Since you are only
planting a few trees in the field, you decide it would be best to maximize the amount of shade
each tree provides. You know that a tree that stands at a 90 degree angle with the ground gives
of a fair amount of shade but you are not sure if a tree creating an acute or obtuse triangle
would be better.
Using objects around your school, you will conduct a short test to see if an acute or obtuse
triangle would be best to grow the trees at. You will compare the height of the object and the
angle that it creates with the ground with the length of the shadow it provides. The principal
also wants to know how you came to your conclusion so that he can give the okay.

Project description:
You will pick TWO objects around the school that creates an acute or obtuse angle its shadow.
For one object, ONLY measure the necessary sides and angles that will allow you to use the
SINE LAW to solve for the rest of the triangle. For the second object, ONLY measure the
necessary sides and angles that will allow you to use the COSINE LAW. In short, you are
solving for every side and angle of both triangles, but one of them you use sine and the other
uses cosine.
Detailed diagrams of both of these objects are required. This means that both triangles need to
be drawn out and labelled with each object name and side/angle lengths.
Lastly, you need to include a write up for the principal. This write up will have you explain your
process of the project. You will need to go through and thoroughly explain the exact steps you
took to complete the project. The write-up should include things like:

The sides you measured to set up a sine and cosine law type question.
Your work to solve for the rest of the triangles.
A brief conclusion that answers the inquiry question (at the top)
1) Kaelei, Julia Noel, Rhys
2) Leila, Logan, Amy
3) Aaron, Cobe, Hunter
4) Joey, Dru
5) Nancy, Julia

5 4 3 2 NA

Sine and
Sine and Sine and Sine and
Cosine Law
Cosine Law Cosine Law Cosine Law
Sine and calculations calculations calculations
are partially ^
Cosine Law are are mostly are incorrect
correct with |
Calculations completely correct with with no units
some units |
(x2) correct with most units included; 5-6
included; 3-4
units included; included; 1-2 errors or 2
errors or 1
no errors. minor errors. major errors
major error.
Diagrams are
complete. Diagrams are
Diagrams are Diagrams are
They correctly not
mostly less than
include all complete.
complete. complete. No material
Triangle three of the The triangles
They They handed in or
Diagrams criteria; the are displayed
correctly correctly material
(x2) side lengths, but the
include two include one missing
the angles, criteria is
of the three of the three
and the missing or
criteria. criteria.
objects not correct.
Write-up is Write-up is
Write-up is Write-up is
somewhat somewhat
clear and unclear and
proper and unclear and
concise and provides an
provides an provides a
provides a inadequate |
Write up adequate limited
thorough explanation |
(x2) explanation explanation
explanation of of their |
of their of their
their process process
process process
through the through the
through the through the
project. project.
project. project.


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