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The Educational Technology philosophy of Phillip McDowell 1

Running heading: The Educational Technology philosophy of Phillip McDowell

The effects of educational technology

In my life and how I apply it

Phillip McDowell

Carson-Newman University

Author Note

Phillip McDowell, Department of education, Carson-Newman University

Questions concerning this paper should be addressed to Phillip McDowell

At 406 Carter Joshua Trl. Inman S.C 29349

The Educational Technology philosophy of Phillip McDowell 2


This paper explores my meaning of educational technology. it uses online resources to

support how I feel about some stuff. It also talks about how I think some stuff will change and

how teachers need to change to better the education of students.

The Educational Technology philosophy of Phillip McDowell 3

Throughout my college experience I have learned that educational technology is a very

important part to education. Technology has enhanced learning in kids lives all across America.

Carson-Newman has taught me that the way to engage students and make ways to teach kids

more efficiently is through technology. In one class I always get one question what is

educational technology to me?

Michael Spector said, educational Technology involves the disciplined application of

knowledge for the purpose of improving learning, instruction and/or performance. I personally

agree with this statement in my own perspective because I must have the discipline to be able to

improve my learning in my own life. Also, I feel as if I must perform at a high level at anything I

do and that includes whatever I do dealing with technology. Another perspective is the

professional aspect of educational technology and I think the quote Educational technology is a

systematic, iterative process for designing instruction or training used to improve performance.

Goes with mine because I have to train my students to be able to learn using technology. For

example, I can train my students to only use technologies that apply to their learning styles so

that their performance is better.

This leads me to my next concern, what is the state of technology today. I think that

teachers have the right intentions, but they do not have the right training to properly teach

students through using technology. I feel like this through personal experiences in high school.

Also, I think because of teachers not having the righting they often just do not use the

technology that is provided to them. Another thing that I experienced was schools do not have

the funds they need to make their schools one to one. Edtech Magazine writes Edina Public
The Educational Technology philosophy of Phillip McDowell 4

Schools had concerns about the economic feasibility of one-to-one computing over the long

term, so the nine-school Minnesota district is pursuing what it considers to be the next best

alternative: allowing students to bring their own mobile devices to school. Even though this

solves the problem for some kids with computers, it does not solve the problem of kids that their

parents do not have the money to buy them a computer or tablet. So, for the education to get

better we need to effectively provide our teachers with proper training and schools being one to

one some kids will always have an advantage over some kids.

In my class room I will us technology to make my students great leaders because I think

in our country thats what we need to make it better. In my history class I will make students on

their laptops or tablets lead class discussions for homework so that kids can collaborate with

each other, so they can theoretically learn off of each other. Through my students being able to

use technology effectively they will become digital citizens and I want them to become one and

continue using their rights as a citizen. I will also use technology to keep up with my time

management problems. Another thing that I will use it for is to get into twitter blogs so that I can

communicate with my peers to become a better teacher for my students.

Hopefully my students will love me using technology to better their learning. I think if

the students understand that I am looking out for their best interest they will buy into the

technology I will use in the class rooms. Tech hub says students prefer technology because they

believe that it makes learning more interesting and fun. They especially like laptops and tablets.

Subjects that students deem challenging or boring can become more interesting with virtual

lessons, through a video, or when using a tablet. This shows that students will be interested by

technology in my class room, and keeping kids interested in learning is the only reason I wanted
The Educational Technology philosophy of Phillip McDowell 5

to become a teacher so students can become all they can be. The same website also said

CompTIAs study showed that 9 out of 10 students indicated that using technology in the

classroom would help prepare them for the digital future. These 21st-century skills are essential

in order to be successful in this day and age. Jobs that may not have had a digital component in

the past, may have one now. Me using technologies in the class room will make them better

students in the future.

This brings me to my next point; how will my students use technology to better

themselves? My students will use their technology to go into deeper detail in a topic by using

web searches. I also think they will use technology to use games that make their minds critically

think. I will also use technology like google class room to send out their homework assignments.

One source said, Technology helps students be more responsible. Owning your own device or

borrowing the school's devices gives students the opportunity to improve their decision-making

skills as well as taking ownership of a valuable (and often times expensive) device. Again, this

needs to be complimented by proper digital citizenship training to see the best results. I think

students having responsibility is very important to me because they would not lose homework

and turn their assignments in on time.

I think that the way schools are going now a day the digital divide and participation gap

are going to be things of the past. I believe this because the schools that I have been to are all

fundraising to make their schools one to one. So even students with parents that have low

incomes are getting their technologies at school. Also, kids that do not have these income

problems can bring their own devices like I said before. When schools become one to one

students, I think will not feel as left out as they would if they did not have technology to help
The Educational Technology philosophy of Phillip McDowell 6

them. In high school everyone had an iPad and it was a great thing we saw a lot of passing

grades than years before. Technology is a big role in America and I will use it in my class room.
The Educational Technology philosophy of Phillip McDowell 7

Work Cited

Benefits of Technology in the Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved November 07, 2017, from

Mareco, D. (n.d.). 10 Reasons Today's Students NEED Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved

November 07, 2017, from


W. (2012, April 02). One-to-One or BYOD? Districts Explain Thinking Behind Student

Computing Initiatives. Retrieved November 07, 2017, from


Forest, E. (2017, February 21). Definitions of Educational Technology. Retrieved November 07,

2017, from

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