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Practicum BAS 8 - EPC 4903 MST/MCT Final Assessment Report ‘This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher in consultation withthe Mentoring College Teacher. itis based on the six teaching competencies listed bel |). Commitment tothe Profession IV) Implementing Learning Il) Planning for Learning \V) Assessment Il) Managing Learning VI) Reflection on Practice Please complete ths form and tck the boxes using the following eitra a standing B (85-77%)-Very good (76.87% )-Satsfactory iaginal—F(60-59%)-Marginally unsatisfactory _F (0-49%)=Unealsfactory TName of student: ———S—S*« tema Abdulla Mohamed 2 Students TD number: HOO Ts00GE Name of school al Maske RG | 4 Mentoring School Teacher (MST): Angela Ferry (Mrs, Alia) SST emails Angela ae & Mentoring College Teacher (MCT): Josephine Butler [7 Grade level ROE [8 Absence daies reasons= This was disassed with Josephine Buller ‘ E Comliment to the Profession: Aiondance The student ‘4 (87-100%) Priorities the needs ofthe school and sudents over required working hours 15 (86-77%) Always demonstrates consistent etendance and punctualiy {€(76:57%) Demonstrates consistent atendance and puncevaiy (65-60%) Displays occasional issues wth attendance and punctuality 1 (50599) Displays issues wth atendance and punctuality (6409) Hart rspedhe Importance of atendane ad pana ening consent bance Result: D (66-60%) Displays occasional inoue wth anendance and punctuality TO. F Commiment io the Profession: Preparation & planning The students A (87-100%) Consistently prepares high quality materials which are well organized 1B 86-77%) Iswell prepared & ready foreach lesson (76-67%) Inprepared & ready for each lesson D (66-60%) Isgenerlly prepared & ready for each leston (50-89%) Hiss diffiubies preparing for lessons & being ready on time F (049%) Fals to demonstrate «willingness to plan and prepare materials and lessons Results A (87-00%) Consistently prepares high quality materials which are well organized TE. F Commioment othe Profession: SchooFwide involvement and relationships The student A (87-100%) Hes demonstrated initiative and comminent through independent involvement in school ‘used actives resulting Ina measurable contribution to the school 1B (86-77%) Aaively paricipaesin a range of school actives and buds poslve relationships wth a ‘range of stakeholders (© (76-67%) Potipates in range of school activites and builis postive relationships within the school (66-60%) Occasionally parilpate in School actives and bulla fe postive relatianships within ‘the schoo! (50-59%) Rerely participates in school actives and displays some dificult developing relationships cross the school F (049%) Doce not participate in schoo activites and has not developed relationships cross the schoo, apart from the MST Result: B (8.77%) Actively pareipate. ith range of stakeholders range af school ats and build sitive relationships TE. F Commionantio the Profession: Resolving work-based problems The students A (87-100%) Acceps schoo based authority sructures and responsibly for Independently resolving work-based proBlems 1B (86-77%) Accepts schol based authority sructures and responsibly for resolving work-based ‘problems witha growing level of independence (76.67%) Accepts school based author structures and responsibly or resolving work-based problens ith some support (66-60%) General accept school based authority structures and has some dfculie resolving work-based problems without some support (50-59%) Challenges schol based authority siructures and has difeuly accepting responsibilty for work-esed problems, even with support BF (049%) Does notrespect school based author structures & does not accept responsibil for work-based problems Result: B (8.77%) Accept school based author structures and responsibil for resolving work= ‘aed problems with a rowing level of independence TR. F Commiowento the Profession: Aude towards teaching & Tearing The students 4 (87-100%) Demonstrates exceptional enthusiasm and posivt towards teaching and learning 1B 46-77%) Demonstrates a postive aude towards teaching and learning (€(76-67%6) Generly demonstrates a positive aiude towards teaching and learning (66-60%) Generaly demonstrates a postive aude towards teaching and learning but with ome examples of nega -F (50-59%) Inconsizeny demonstrates a positive atude towards teaching and learning F (049%) Has not developed apoive atinde towards teaching and learning Result 1 (86.77%) Demonstrates a posiveatiude towards teaching and learning TH TE Planning or Learnings Producing quai eson plan The student: A (87-100%) Has completed outstanding lesson plans which are consistently printed and available for “MSTMCT upon request 18 (86-77%) Has completed slid lesson plans which ae printed and avilable for MSTIMCT upon request (© (76-67%) Has completed appropriate lesson plans which ae available for MSTAMICT upon request 1 (66-60%) Has completed poor quality lesson plans which are not alvaysavallable upen request F (50.59%) Has inconsistently completed adequate lesion plans 1 (049%) Has consent failed o complete adequate lesson plans Results 4 (87-100%) Has completed outstanding lesson plans which are consistently printed and ‘aallable for MSTIMCT upon request, | | | | | | ‘TS. I Planning Jor Learn: Producing detalled lesson plans ‘A 47-1008) Lesson plan are exceptional to secure successful delivery and include testable learning objectives and a varity of appropriate assessments and tasks 1B 86-77%) Lesson plan are well detaled Secure effective delivery and include tetele learning objectives and a varity of appropriate assessments and asks (€(76-67%5) Lesson plans have sufficient deta to secure salsfctry delivery and include testable ‘earning objectives and appropriate assessments ‘ (66-60%) Lesson plan: have sufficen dell generally secure effective delivery and include leaning ‘objectives ad some assessments -F (80-59%) Lesson plan lack detail and may not Include adequate learning objectives and excessments often leading t unsatisfactory lesion delivery -F(0-49%) Lesion plans lack detail and may not include learning objectives and assessments leading unsatisfactory lesson delivery 16.79%) Lescon plans ae well detailed te secure effctve delivery and incinde eta Tearing objectives and a varieg of appropriate assessment and tasks | 6 Planning for Leaning: Producing effective & meanlnghal sion Plans 3) Lesson plans are consistently balanced, engaging, effective and sudent-cenred 18 (677%) Lesom plant ave ueually balanced ngeging, effective and sndent centr? 1€(76.67%) Lesson plans are generally balanced, engaging effective and student-conred (66-60%) Lesson plan show some elements ofbelance but include some sudentcentred activites (50.59%) Lesson plans are inconsistent balanced and include ilted sudent-centred activites (049%) Lesson plans are inconsistently balanced and include no tadent-centred aces Result: A (87-100%) Lesson plans are consistently balanced, engaging. effective and suden-centred TEI. Manaiging Learning: Cooperative leering The sudent A (87-100%) Consistently and effectively uses a range of cooperative learning strategies with high degree of confidence |B (86-77%) Consistently and effectively uses cooperative learning with a high level of effectiveness (76-67%) Uses coopereive learning reguary, usually with «level of effectiveness (66-60%) Sometimes es cooperative learning apart oftheir learning environment budor uses these Strategies wih limited efetvenese -F (50-59%) Occasionally user cooperative learning s part of thei earning environment F (049%) Does not ws cooperative learning Results A (87-100%) Consistently and effectively ses a range of cooperative learning strategies with a igh degree of confidence "TE TE Managing Learing: Classroom management strategies The student A (87-100%) Uses a wide range of appropriate classroom management strategies to consistently secure a safe and efective learning environment ‘B 86-77%) Uses appropiate classroom management rags to consistently secur a safe and effective learning enironment (© (76-67%) Uses appropate classroom management strategies to secure a safe and effective learning (66-60%) Uses appropriate classroom management strategies which generally secure a safe and effective leaming environment -F (50-59%) Atemps tose classroom management aegis bul these donot generally achiev a safe “and/or effective learning environment -F(0-49%) Does not use lassroom management strategies effectively or consistently leading tan Ineffective and/or unsafe earning environment | Results A (87-100%) Uses a wide range ofeppropriate classroom management strategies to consistently secure a safe and effective learning environment "TB: TE- Managing Learning: Rows & ranlons ‘4 047-1008) Classroom routines and transitions are well established and differentiate lending slgnifcant student independence 1B (86-77%) The student establishes and consistently manages classroom routines and transitions leading 1 some suden independence 1©(76-67%) The student establishes and manages classroom routines and transtons ‘D (66-60%) The student tas established some elatsroom routines and trensitons but some development isnecded (509%) Classroom rates and transis are inconsistently implemented F (049%) The student has not established effective lasroom routines and transitions Result: B (86-77%) The student establishes and consistently manages classroom routines and ‘transitions lading to some student independence "LTV Implementing Learning: Teaching & learning strategies The student: A (87-100%) Implements a wide range of strategies which continually motivate students and maintain an ‘effective clasroom presence | 1B (86-77%) Implements rategies which continually motivate students and maintain am effective ‘classroom presence (76.67%) General implements srateples which motivate students and meinicn an effective lasro0m presence | 2 66-60%) Sometimes implements strates which motte students and maintain am effective elassroom presence £ (50-59%) Attempts 1 sometimes implement soategies which motivate student and malian an ‘ectveclasroom presence, although these are not necessarily effective (09%) Does notinploment strategies which motivate students and maintain an effective classroom presence ‘Results A ($7-100%) Implements a wide range of srteples which continually motivate students and ‘maintain an effective classroom Presence ‘IW Implementing Leaving: Teaching & learning materiale The students A(87-100%) Consistently presents material which is accurate, meaningful, accesible and differentiated to support student engegement end learning 1B (86-77%) Presents material which s accurate, meaningful, accesible and diferentted to support ‘student engagement and learning (© (76-67%) Presents materal which s generally accurate, meaningful and accesible o support student ‘engagement and learning Sometimes includes differentiation with growing effectiveness 1B (66-60%) Occasionally presets materia that lacks accuracy andor meaninghuless. Differentiation is Implemented bat nt necessary effectively 1 (5059%) Someimes presents material tht lacks accuracy and/or meaningfuless. Differentiation is ‘rarely implemented 1 (049%) Frequendy presents material that significantly lacks accuracy andor meaninghaness. Differentiation snot implemented Result:_A (87-100%) Consistent presents material which s accurate, meaningful, accesible and ‘Ufferentted tw support sindent engagement und tetning 22. 1V- Implementing Leasing: Pacing ‘A (87-100%) Lessons are pcedto ensure students are appropriately engaged and challenged and the ‘needs ofinvdual students are met 1B (86-77%) Lessons are consistently paced to ensure students ae appropriately engaged and challenged (C(7667%) Lestons are uroally paced o ensure students are appropriately engaged and challenged ‘ (66-60%) The pacing of tssons may result in some students Sometimes being disengaged, overwhelmed oroff tsk 20s Thepcing fons may result i same student bing seas overwhelmed Aor ff | (0-910 The pacing of teams may result in agian proportion othe clas Big engage, overwhelmed &r off task Result: (7-100%) Lessons are paced to ensure stulents ae appropriately engaged and challenged and the needs of indvidualsudents are met 23 Implementing Learing:Tstrctons A (87-100%) Clear, concise and timely insrucions are consistently given using a range of appropriate techniques 1 (86-77%) Instructions are consistently given at appropriate times within lesson and are invariably clear and concle {©(76-67%) Instructions ar given a appropriate times within a lesson and ee general clear and concise 1 (66-60%) Instrctons are usually given at appropriate times within a lesion But may not aways be clear and conce £ (509%) Instructions are piven within a lesson but maybe unclear and/or excessively wordy, resulting —— learning Result: B (86-77%) Insrucions are consistently give at appropriate times within a lesson and are invariably clear and concise | PTV Tnplementing Learning: Questioning The students A(87-100%) Shilfuly uses avaretyof questions which appropriately ft wichin the lesson context and ‘challenges suiens thinking 1B (86-77%) Uses avarety of yuestions which appropriately fit within the lesson context to support learning | © (76-87%) Uses questions which generally fit within the lesson contest to support leering (66-60%) Uses questions which fit within the lesson context but these tnd to Be closed and/or donot | extend earning - (50-59%) Inconsistent uses questions whch i within the lesson context but these end to be closed ‘andor do ot extend learning F (049%) Generally does noluse questions effectively ResulleB (86-77%) Uses variety of questions which appropriately ft within the lesson context suppor learning 281 Assesiment: Monlorng The student A 87-100%) Consistently mositorsin relation to learning and behavior, meting Individual students’ needs 18 (8.77%) Monlor purposively i relation to learning and behavior {€(76-47%) General monitors in relation to learning and behavior some improvement needed (66-60%) Monliors butt isunfocused in elation to learning and/or behavior. Improvement i needed (509%) Demonstrates lite understanding or ably In mantorng in relation to learning and ‘behavior 1 (0-491) Fait to ile monitoring in relation sunt learning an behavior Results (87-10%) Consisently monitors in relation to learning and Behavior meeting individual students? needs 726 V- Aasesaments Formative assessment The student: A (87-100%) Uelizes and thoroughly understands a range of effective formative assesment strategies to -qeuge student progress 18 (86-77%) Utlizesarange of effective formative assessment strategies o gauge student progress (C(76-67%) Generaly ules a range of effective formative assessment raegles to gute student progress (66-60%) Uallees some variety of formative assessment strategies to gouge student progress (50.59%) Rarely uiliced formative assesment strategies to gauge student progres F (049%) Fails to understand and ull formative aStximent strategies, [ F W950 When insrucions are given they are generally unclear and ts dock no feces faliate | | | | i | | i i i i i Resale A (87-100%) Uillees and thoroughly understands a range ofefetve formative asxesament Strategies to gang student progress TI. V- Assesment: Summative asesament A (87-100%) Outstanding knowledge and implementation of valid and rable summative assessment “rages, where appropriate, | 2 66-77%) The salen implement valid and rele summative assessment sree, where ‘propriate (© (76:67%) The stulent generally implement valid ond reliable summative assessment srateples, where “pproprite 1 (66-60%) The suet Implements summative assessment strategies but not always ones that are valid ‘reliable anor appropriate F (50.9%) Sunmaiveasessment sratepes ar invalid and/or unreliable F (049%) Summative asesament strategies are not completed Result: (85-77%) The student implements valid and reliable summative sscoment srs, where pprepriate DEV Assesment: Feedback A (87-100%) Consrutve feedback is provided in anprowhes 1B (86-77%) Consrutve feedback ls conssenly provided to students ina timely and appropriate manner (€(7667%) Constsive foedbuck is generally prolded students in a timely and appropriate manner ‘ (66-60%) Constructive fcdback ls provided lo students inconsistently. may need to be more timely ‘andor dlvered in an appropriate manner -F (50-59%) Limited fcdback provided to students due oa lack of understanding -F (039%) Constructive feedback is mot provided to students timely and effective manner using arange of Results (85-77%) Constructive feedback is conssenly provided to students ina timely and ‘appropriate manner OV: Aascrament: esesiment data 4 (87-100%) Assessment dati consistently used to effectively inform planning and instruction “Assessment dates recorded in an organized va) ts alaysavalale for MSTMICT. 18 (86-77%) Assessment datas used o effectively inform planning and instruction. Assesment data is ‘recorded in an organized way ands available for MSTAICT. (© (76-67%) Assessment datas generally used lo inform planning and instruction, though not abreys ffective. Assessment datas generally recorded in an organized way ands usualy availble for MSTMCT. 1 (66-60%) The sunt sometimes uses assessment data o inform planning and instruction. Assesament data is recorded but not abvays in an organized way but ls usualyavallable for MSTIMCT. F (509%) The stunt has made lie atemp at wing assessment dat to inform planning ond instruction. Limited assessment datas avatable for MSTMCT. “F (0-196) The sadn has lle we assessment data to inform planning and instruction Ror assesment data i not evailable to MSTIMCT Rests B (8.27%) Assessment dto is wsed to fective infor planning and insrcton. Assesment dara is recorded in an organized way and is availabe for MSTAMCT. ‘BW. VI Reflection on Pace: Reflecting on tude learning The student: A (87-1008) Consseny reflects on student learning ina meaningful way {8 46-77%) Reflcton student earning in a meaningful ay (76.67%) Reflectson student learning ‘ (66-60%) Engages in some reflection on student earning, but reflection is quite vague and repetitive £ (509%) Engages in very lie reflection om student learning 1 (049%) Fails to understand the importance of reflecting om student learning Results B(86-77%) Reflect on sadent earning ts meaningful way “IE VE Reflection ox Practice The sudent 4 (87-100%) Consisenly reflects on her practic, drawing effectively from theory and leading to habitual Improvement 1B (86-77%) Consistent reets on her practice leading to improvements in a range of areas (C(76:67%) Reflecson her practice leading o improvement with limited guidance and support 1D (66-60%) Engagesin inconsistent and vague reflections om her ovn practice leading oie Improvenent of practice - (50-59%) Engages ite reflection om her wm practice which leads to ited improvement of ‘practice (089%) Fails to understand the importance of reflecting on her own practice andior fails t display the ‘abil to to so meaningfully ResulB(86-77%) Consitemly reflects on her pracice leading to improvements in a range of areas “FE Observed Sirens Mrs. Fatema is avery confident teacher wh i succesful uring whole group lessons and throughout centre time. managing the hehevour ofthe students “3 Areas for Developments Fh. General etonal comments (optional: ‘Mrs, Patema is very good at developing resourees for he student to use during class. The students enjoyed completing the activites that she created and benefited greatly from her hnonledge and care or ‘hem. She wil make am excellent teacher! “5 Final grade

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