Labor II Batch 2

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24. PT&T vs NLRC G.R. No.

118978 decision on November 23, 1993 declaring that

May 23, 1997 petitioner illegally dismissed De Guzman, who had
Gallo already gained the status of a regular
employee. Furthermore, it was apparent that she had
Petitioners policy is not only in derogation of the been discriminated on account of her having contracted
provisions of Article 136 of the Labor Code on the marriage in violation of company policies.
right of a woman to be free from any kind of
stipulation against marriage in connection with her ISSUE: Whether the alleged concealment of civil status
employment, but it likewise assaults good morals can be grounds to terminate the services of an
and public policy, tending as it does to deprive a employee.
woman of the freedom to choose her status, a
privilege that by all accounts inheres in the
HELD: Article 136 of the Labor Code, one of the
individual as an intangible and inalienable right.
protective laws for women, explicitly prohibits
discrimination merely by reason of marriage of a female
What it submits as unforgivable is her concealment
of that marriage yet, at the same time, declaring employee. It is recognized that company is free to
that marriage as a trivial matter to which it regulate manpower and employment from hiring to
supposedly has no objection. In other words, PT&T firing, according to their discretion and best business
says it gives its blessings to its female employees judgment, except in those cases of unlawful
contracting marriage, despite the maternity leaves discrimination or those provided by law.
and other benefits it would consequently respond
for and which obviously it would have wanted to PT&Ts policy of not accepting or disqualifying from
avoid work any woman worker who contracts marriage is
afoul of the right against discrimination provided to all
If that employee confesses such fact of marriage, women workers by our labor laws and by our
there will be no sanction; but if such employee Constitution. The record discloses clearly that de
conceals the same instead of proceeding to the Guzmans ties with PT&T were dissolved principally
confessional, she will be dismissed. This line of because of the companys policy that married women
reasoning does not impress us as reflecting its true are not qualified for employment in the company, and
management policy or that we are being regaled not merely because of her supposed acts of dishonesty.
with responsible advocacy.
The government abhors any stipulation or policy in the
FACTS: PT&T (Philippine Telegraph & Telephone
nature adopted by PT&T. As stated in the labor code:
Company) initially hired Grace de Guzman specifically as
Supernumerary Project Worker, for a fixed period
ART. 136. Stipulation against marriage. It shall be
from November 21, 1990 until April 20, 1991 as reliever
unlawful for an employer to require as a condition of
for C.F. Tenorio who went on maternity leave. She was
employment or continuation of employment that a
again invited for employment as replacement of Erlina
woman shall not get married, or to stipulate expressly
F. Dizon who went on leave on 2 periods, from June 10,
or tacitly that upon getting married, a woman employee
1991 to July 1, 1991 and July 19, 1991 to August 8,
shall be deemed resigned or separated, or to actually
dismiss, discharge, discriminate or otherwise prejudice
a woman employee merely by reason of marriage.
On September 2, 1991, de Guzman was again asked to
join PT&T as a probationary employee where
The policy of PT&T is in derogation of the provisions
probationary period will cover 150 days. She indicated
stated in Art.136 of the Labor Code on the right of a
in the portion of the job application form under civil
woman to be free from any kind of stipulation against
status that she was single although she had contracted
marriage in connection with her employment and it
marriage a few months earlier. When petitioner
likewise is contrary to good morals and public policy,
learned later about the marriage, its branch supervisor,
depriving a woman of her freedom to choose her status,
Delia M. Oficial, sent de Guzman a memorandum
a privilege that is inherent in an individual as an
requiring her to explain the discrepancy. Included in
intangible and inalienable right. The kind of policy
the memorandum, was a reminder about the
followed by PT&T strikes at the very essence, ideals and
companys policy of not accepting married women for
purpose of marriage as an inviolable social institution
employment. She was dismissed from the company
and ultimately, family as the foundation of the
effective January 29, 1992. Labor Arbiter handed down
nation. Such policy must be prohibited in all its indirect, under the circumstances because relationships of
disguised or dissembled forms as discriminatory that nature might compromise the interests of the
conduct derogatory of the laws of the land not only for company. In laying down the assailed company
order but also imperatively required. policy, Glaxo only aims to protect its interests
against the possibility that a competitor company
Hence, while it is true that the parties to a contract may will gain access to its secrets and procedures.
establish any agreements, terms, and conditions that
they may deem convenient, the same should not be They also argue that Tecson was constructively
dismissed as shown by the following
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or
circumstances: (1) he was transferred from the
public policy. Carried to its logical consequences, it may
Camarines Sur-Camarines Norte sales area to the
even be said that petitioner's policy against legitimate
Butuan-Surigao-Agusan sales area, (2) he suffered
marital bonds would encourage illicit or common-law a diminution in pay, (3) he was excluded from
relations and subvert the sacrament of marriage. attending seminars and training sessions for
medical representatives, and (4) he was prohibited
25. Duncan Association vs. Glaxo from promoting respondents products which were
G.R. No. 162994, September 19, 2005 competing with Astras products

Facts: Petitioner Pedro Tecson was hired on Oct. 25,

In Abbott Laboratories (Phils.), Inc. v. 1995 by respondent Glaxo Wellcome Philippines, Inc. as
National Labor Relations a medical representative. He was assigned to market
Commission, which involved a complaint
Glaxo's products in the Camarines Sur-Camarines Norte
filed by a medical representative against sales area. Upon his employment, Tecson signed an
his employer drug company for illegal employment contract, wherein he agreed, among
dismissal for allegedly terminating his others, to study and abide by existing company rules; to
disclose to management any existing or future
employment when he refused to accept relationship by consanguinity or affinity with co-
his reassignment to a new area, the Court employees or employees of competing drug companies;
upheld the right of the drug company to and if management found that such relationship posed
transfer or reassign its employee in a possible conflict of interest, to resign from the
accordance with its operational demands company.
and requirements. The ruling of the Court On September 1998 Tecson married Bettsy, an
therein, quoted hereunder, also finds employee of a rival pharmaceutical firm Astra
application in the instant case: Pharmaceuticals as the branch coordinator. The
relationship, including the subsequent marriage,
By the very nature of his employment, a drug dismayed Glaxo. On January 1999, Tecson's superiors
salesman or medical representative is informed him that his marriage to Bettsy had given rise
expected to travel. He should anticipate to a conflict of interest. Negotiations ensued, with
Tecson adverting to his wife's possible resignation from
reassignment according to the demands of Astra, and Glaxo making it known that they preferred to
their business. It would be a poor drug retain his services owing to his good performance. Yet
corporation which cannot even assign its no resolution came to pass. In September 1999, Tecson
representatives or detail men to new markets applied for a transfer to Glaxo's milk division, but his
calling for opening or expansion or to areas application was denied in view of Glaxo's "least-
where the need for pushing its products is movement-possible" policy. Then in November 1999,
Glaxo transferred Tecson to the Butuan City-Surigao
great. More so if such reassignments are part
City-Agusan del Sur sales area. Tecson asked Glaxo to
of the employment contrac reconsider its decision, but his request was denied.
Tecson sought Glaxos reconsideration regarding his
transfer and brought the matter to Glaxos Grievance
Right to protect its economic interests cannot be Committee. Glaxo, however, remained firm in its
denied. The prohibition against personal or marital decision and gave Tescon until February 7, 2000 to
relationships with employees of competitor
comply with the transfer order. Tecson defied the
companies upon Glaxos employees is reasonable
transfer order and continued acting as medical Simbol and Comia allege that they did not resign
representative in the Camarines Sur-Camarines Norte voluntarily; they were compelled to resign in view of
sales area. an illegal company policy

On Nov. 15, 2000, the Natl. Conciliation and

Mediation Board ruled that Glaxos policy was Respondents later filed a complaint for unfair labor
valid. Glaxo's policy on relationships between its practice, constructive dismissal, separation pay and
employees and persons employed with competitor attorneys fees. They averred that the aforementioned
companies, and affirming Glaxo's right to transfer company policy is illegal and contravenes Article 136
Tecson to another sales territory. This decision was of the Labor Code. They also contended that they
assailed by petitioners before the Court of Appeals. were dismissed due to their union membership.

Issue: Article XIII, Sec. 3. The State shall afford full

protection to labor, local and overseas, organized and
1. WON Glaxos policy against its employees marrying unorganized, and promote full employment and
employees from competitor companies is valid, and in equality of employment opportunities for all.
not holding that said policy violates the equal
Art. 1700. The relation between capital and labor are
protection clause of the Constitution;
not merely contractual. They are so impressed with
2. WON Tecson was constructively dismissed. public interest that labor contracts must yield to the
common good. Therefore, such contracts are subject
Ruling: to the special laws on labor unions, collective
bargaining, strikes and lockouts, closed shop, wages,
1. No. The record shows that Tecson was cognizant about the working conditions, hours of labor and similar
policy imposed by Glaxo Company, upon signing the subjects.
contract; he voluntarily set his hands to follow the said
Art. 1702. In case of doubt, all labor legislation and all
policies. Albeit employees are free to cultivate relationships
labor contracts shall be construed in favor of the
w/ and marry persons of their own choosing. What the safety and decent living for the laborer.
company merely seeks to avoid is a conflict of interest
between the employee and the company that may arise out The Labor Code is the most comprehensive piece of
of such relationships. After Tecson married Bettsy, legislation protecting labor. The case at bar involves
Glaxo gave him time to resolve the conflict. Glaxo Article 136 of the Labor Code which provides:
even expressed its desire to retain Tecson in its
employ because of his satisfactory performance and Art. 136. It shall be unlawful for an employer to
suggested that his wife would be the one to resign require as a condition of employment or continuation
instead. Glaxo likewise acceded to his repeated of employment that a woman employee shall not get
requests for more time to resolve the conflict of married, or to stipulate expressly or tacitly that upon
interest. When the problem could not be resolved getting married a woman employee shall be deemed
resigned or separated, or to actually dismiss,
after several years of waiting, Glaxo was
discharge, discriminate or otherwise prejudice a
constrained to reassign Tecson to a sales area woman employee merely by reason of her marriage.
different from that handled by his wife for Astra.
These courts also find the no-spouse employment
2. No. Notably, the Court did not terminate Tecson policy invalid for failure of the employer to present any
from employment but only reassigned him to evidence of business necessity other than the
another area where his home province, Agusan del general perception that spouses in the same
Sur, was included. In effecting Tecsons transfer, workplace might adversely affect the business.28 They
Glaxo even considered the welfare of Tecsons hold that the absence of such a bona fide
family. Clearly, the foregoing dispels any suspicion occupational qualification29 invalidates a rule
denying employment to one spouse due to the current
of unfairness and bad faith on the part of Glaxo.
employment of the other spouse in the same
Hence, the petition is denied for lack of merit. office.30 Thus, they rule that unless the employer can
prove that the reasonable demands of the business
26. STAR PAPER CORPORATION VS SIMBOL require a distinction based on marital status and there
is no better available or acceptable policy which
would better accomplish the business purpose, an
employer may not discriminate against an employee
based on the identity of the employees spouse.31 This and Confirmation Agreement. They stated that they
is known as the bona fide occupational have no money and property accountabilities in the
qualification exception. JUSTIFIES THE NO company and that they release the latter of any claim or
SPOUSE RULE, IT SHOULD BE STRICLTY demand of whatever nature.
To justify a bona fide occupational qualification, the
employer must prove two factors: (1) that the
Whether the policy of the employer banning
employment qualification is reasonably related to the
essential operation of the job involved; and, (2) that
spouses from working in the same company violates the
there is a factual basis for believing that all or rights of the employee under the Constitution and the
substantially all persons meeting the qualification Labor Code or is a valid exercise of management
would be unable to properly perform the duties of the prerogative.
We do not find a reasonable business necessity in
the case at bar. The case at bar involves Article 136 of the Labor
Code which provides: Art. 136. It shall be unlawful for
Petitioners sole contention that "the company did not an employer to require as a condition of employment or
just want to have two (2) or more of its employees
continuation of employment that a woman employee
related between the third degree by affinity and/or
consanguinity"38 is lame. shall not get married, or to stipulate expressly or tacitly
that upon getting married a woman employee shall be
No showing that the relationship could be detrimental deemed resigned or separated, or to actually dismiss,
to its business operations. The failure of petitioners to discharge, discriminate or otherwise prejudice a woman
prove a legitimate business concern in imposing the employee merely by reason of her marriage.
questioned policy cannot prejudice the employees
right to be free from arbitrary discrimination based It is true that the policy of petitioners
upon stereotypes of married persons working together prohibiting close relatives from working in the same
in one company.40 company takes the nature of an anti-nepotism
Facts: Star Paper Corporation (the company) is a employment policy. Companies adopt these policies to
corporation engaged in trading. Ronaldo D. Simbol prevent the hiring of unqualified persons based on their
(Simbol), Wilfreda N. Comia (Comia) and Lorna E. status as a relative, rather than upon their ability. These
Estrella (Estrella) were all regular employees of the policies focus upon the potential employment problems
company. Simbol was employed by the company and he arising from the perception of favoritism exhibited
met Alma Dayrit, also an employee of the company, towards relatives.
whom he married. Prior to the marriage, Ongsitco These courts also find the no-spouse
advised the couple that should they decide to get employment policy invalid for failure of the employer to
married, one of them should resign pursuant to a present any evidence of business necessity other than
company policy promulgated in 1995: the general perception that spouses in the same
1. New applicants will not be allowed to be hired if in workplace might adversely affect the business. They
case he/she has [a] relative, up to [the] 3rd degree of hold that the absence of such a bona fide occupational
relationship, already employed by the company. qualification invalidates a rule denying employment to
one spouse due to the current employment of the other
2. In case of two of our employees (both singles [sic], spouse in the same office. Thus, they rule that unless
one male and another female) developed a friendly the employer can prove that the reasonable demands
relationship during the course of their employment and of the business require a distinction based on marital
then decided to get married, one of them should resign status and there is no better available or acceptable
to preserve the policy stated above. policy which would better accomplish the business
purpose, an employer may not discriminate against an
Simbol resigned on pursuant to the company policy. The employee based on the identity of the employees
same happened to Comia. Estrella met Luisito Zuiga spouse. This is known as the bona fide occupational
(Zuiga) also a co-worker. Zuiga, a married man, got qualification exception.
Estrella pregnant. The company allegedly could have
terminated her services due to immorality but she We note that since the finding of a bona fide
opted to resign. The respondents each signed a Release occupational qualification justifies an employers no-
spouse rule, the exception is interpreted strictly and at any time, in any manner whatsoever, directly or
narrowly by these state courts. There must be a indirectly engage in any unlawful activity prejudicial to
compelling business necessity for which no alternative the interest of Solidbank, its parent, affiliate or
exists other than the discriminatory practice.To justify a subsidiary companies, their stockholders, officers,
bona fide occupational qualification, the employer must directors, agents or employees, and their successors-in-
prove two factors: (1) that the employment interest and will not disclose any information
qualification is reasonably related to the essential concerning the business of Solidbank, its manner or
operation of the job involved; and, (2) that there is a operation, its plans, processes, or data of any kind.
factual basis for believing that all or substantially all
persons meeting the qualification would be unable to On May 1 1995, the Equitable Banking Corporation
properly perform the duties of the job. employed Rivera as Manager of its Credit Investigation
and Appraisal Division of its Consumers Banking Group.
We do not find a reasonable business necessity Upon discovering this, Solidbank First Vice-President for
in the case at bar. Petitioners sole contention that "the Human Resources Division (HRD) wrote a letter
company did not just want to have two (2) or more of informing Rivera that he had violated the Undertaking
its employees related between the third degree by and demanded the return of all the monetary benefits
affinity and/or consanguinity" is lame. That the second he received in consideration of the SRP within five days
paragraph was meant to give teeth to the first from receipt; otherwise, appropriate legal action would
paragraph of the questioned rule is evidently not the be taken against him.
valid reasonable business necessity required by the law.
When Rivera refused to return the amount demanded
27. Rolando Rivera vs. Solidbank Corporation
within the given period, Solidbank filed a complaint.
G.R. No.163269. April 19, 2006
Petitioner avers that the prohibition incorporated in the
Release, Waiver and Quitclaim barring him as retiree
from engaging directly or indirectly in any unlawful
Facts: Petitioner Rolando Rivera had been working for
activity and disclosing any information concerning the
Solidbank Corporation since July 1977. He was initially
business of respondent bank, as well as the
employed as an Audit Clerk, then as Credit Investigator,
employment ban contained in the Undertaking he
Senior Clerk, Assistant Accountant, and Assistant
executed, is oppressive, unreasonable, cruel and
Manager. Prior to his retirement, he became the
inhuman because of its overbreath.
Manager of the Credit Investigation and Appraisal
Division of the Consumers Banking Group. In the
meantime, Rivera and his brother-in-law put up a Rivera stressed that, being a former bank
poultry business in Cavite. employee, it was the only kind of work he
knew. The ban was, in fact, practically
In December 1994, Solidbank offered two retirement
programs to its employees: (a) the Ordinary Retirement
absolute since it applied to all financial
Program (ORP), under which an employee would institutions for one year from February 28,
receive 85% of his monthly basic salary multiplied by 1995. He pointed out that he could not
the number of years in service; and (b) the Special work in any other company because he did
Retirement Program (SRP), under which a retiring
employee would receive 250% of the gross monthly not have the qualifications, especially
salary multiplied by the number of years in service. considering his age. Moreover, after one
Since Rivera was only 45 years old, he was not qualified year from February 28, 1995, he would no
for retirement under the ORP. Under the SRP, he was
longer have any marketable skill, because
entitled to receive P1,045,258.95 by way of benefits.
by then, it would have been rendered
Deciding to devote his time and attention to his poultry obsolete by non-use and rapid technological
business in Cavite, Rivera applied for retirement under advances. He insisted
the SRP. Subsequently, Solidbank required Rivera to
sign an undated Release, Waiver and Quitclaim, which
that the ban was not necessary to protect
was notarized on March 1, 1995. Rivera acknowledged the interest of Solidbank, as, in the first
receipt of the net proceeds of his separation and place, he had no access to any secret
retirement benefits and promised that [he] would not,
information which, if revealed would be In cases where an employee assails a
prejudicial to Solidbanks interest. In any contract containing a provision prohibiting
case, he was not one to reveal whatever him or her from accepting competitive
knowledge or information he may have employment as against public policy, the
acquired during his employment with said employer has to adduce evidence to prove
bank. RTC and CA ruled that the agreement that the restriction is reasonable and not
was not unreasonable. greater than necessary to protect the
employers legitimate business
The rulings of the trial court ( rendered interests. The restraint may not be
summary judgment and thereby foreclosed unduly harsh or oppressive in curtailing the
the presentation of evidence by the parties employees legitimate efforts to earn a
to prove whether the restrictive covenant is livelihood and must be reasonable in light
reasonable or not.) and the appellate court of sound public policy.[55]
are incorrect.
Thus, the court must have before it
Issue: Whether or not the post-retirement competitive evidence relating to the legitimate interests
employment ban is reasonable.
of the employer which might be protected in
One (1) year from February 28, 1995 terms of time, space and the types of activity
Ruling: On the face of the Undertaking, the post-
retirement competitive employment ban is
unreasonable because it has no geographical limits;
Consideration must be given to the
respondent is barred from accepting any kind of employees right to earn a living and to his
employment in any competitive bank within (1yr) the ability to determine with certainty the area
proscribed period. Although the period of one year may
appear reasonable, the matter of whether the within which his employment ban is
restriction is reasonable or unreasonable cannot be restituted. A provision on territorial
ascertained with finality solely from the terms and limitation is necessary to guide an employee
conditions of the Undertaking, or even in tandem with
the Release, Waiver and Quitclaim of what constitutes as violation of a
restrictive covenant and whether the
geographic scope is co-extensive with that in
Thus, in determining whether the contract
which the employer is doing business. In
is reasonable or not, the trial court should
considering a territorial restriction, the facts
consider the following factors: (a) whether
the covenant protects a legitimate business and circumstances surrounding the case
interest of the employer; (b) whether the must be considered.
covenant creates an undue burden on the
employee; (c) whether the covenant is The Court reiterates that the determination of
reasonableness is made on the particular facts and
injurious to the public welfare; (d) whether
circumstances of each case.
the time and territorial limitations
contained in the covenant are reasonable; Consideration must be given to the employees right to
earn a living and to his ability to determine with
and (e) whether the restraint is reasonable certainty the area within which his employment ban is
from the standpoint of public policy. restituted. A provision on territorial limitation is
necessary to guide an employee of what constitutes as
violation of a restrictive covenant and whether the petitioner failed to meet the companys weight
geographic scope is co-extensive with that in which the standards, prompting another leave without pay
employer is doing business. In considering a territorial from March 5, 1985 to November 1985.
restriction, the facts and circumstances surrounding the
case must be considered. After meeting the required weight, petitioner
We have reviewed the Undertaking which respondent was allowed to return to work. But petitioners weight
problem recurred. He again went on leave without pay
impelled petitioner to sign, and find that in case of
failure to comply with the promise not to accept from October 17, 1988 to February 1989.
competitive employment within one year from February
28, 1995, respondent will have a cause of action against On April 26, 1989, petitioner weighed 209
petitioner for "protection in the courts of law." The pounds, 43 pounds over his ideal weight. In line with
words "cause of action for protection in the courts of company policy, he was removed from flight duty
law" are so broad and comprehensive, that they may effective May 6, 1989 to July 3, 1989. He was formally
also include a cause of action for prohibitory and requested to trim down to his ideal weight and report
mandatory injunction against petitioner, specific for weight checks on several
performance plus damages, or a damage suit (for dates. He was also told that he may avail of the services
of the company physician should he wish to do so. He
actual, moral and/or exemplary damages), all inclusive
of the restitution of the P963,619.28 which petitioner was advised that his case will be evaluated on July 3,
received from respondent. The Undertaking and the 1989.[2]
Release, Waiver and Quitclaim do not provide for the
automatic forfeiture of the benefits petitioner received On February 25, 1989, petitioner underwent
under the SRP upon his breach of said deeds. weight check. It was discovered that he gained, instead
of losing, weight. He was overweight at 215 pounds,
On the assumption that the competitive employment which is 49 pounds beyond the limit. Consequently, his
ban in the Undertaking is valid, petitioner is not off-duty status was retained.
automatically entitled to return the P963,619.28 he
received from respondent. To reiterate, the terms of On October 17, 1989, PAL Line Administrator
the Undertaking clearly state that any breach by Gloria Dizon personally visited petitioner at his
petitioner of his promise would entitle respondent to a residence to check on the
cause of action for protection in the courts of law; as
such, restitution of the P963,619.28 will not follow as a Despite the lapse of a ninety-day period given
matter of course. Respondent is still burdened to prove him to reach his ideal weight, petitioner remained
its entitlement to the aforesaid amount by producing overweight. On January 3, 1990, he was informed of
the best evidence of which its case is susceptible. the PAL decision for him to remain grounded until such
time that he satisfactorily complies with the weight
28. Yrasuegui vs. PAL standards. Again, he was directed to report every two
G.R. No. 168081. Oct. 17, 2008 weeks for weight checks.

Facts: Complainant was an international flight steward Petitioner failed to report for weight checks. Despite
who was dismissed because of his failure to adhere to that, he was given one more month to comply with the
the weight standards of the airline company. Petitioner weight requirement. As usual, he was asked to report
Armando G. Yrasuegui was a former international flight for weight check on different dates. He was reminded
steward of Philippine Airlines, Inc. (PAL). He stands five that his grounding would continue pending satisfactory
feet and eight inches (58) with a large body frame. The compliance with the weight standards.[5]
proper weight for a man of his height and body
structure is from 147 to 166 pounds, the ideal weight
Again, petitioner failed to report for weight
being 166 pounds, as mandated by the Cabin and Crew
checks, although he was seen submitting his passport
Administration Manual[1] of PAL.
for processing at the PAL Staff Service Division.
The weight problem of petitioner dates back to
1984. Back then, PAL advised him to go on an extended On April 17, 1990, petitioner was formally
vacation leave from December 29, 1984 to March 4, warned that a repeated refusal to report for weight
1985 to address his weight concerns. Apparently, check would be dealt with accordingly. He was given
another set of weight check dates.[6] Again, petitioner Ruling: SC upheld the legality of dismissal. Separation
ignored the directive and did not report for weight pay, however, should be awarded in favor of the
checks. On June 26, 1990, petitioner was required to employee as an act of social justice or based on equity.
explain his refusal to undergo weight checks.[7] This is so because his dismissal is not for serious
misconduct. Neither is it reflective of his moral
When petitioner tipped the scale on July 30, character. The obesity of petitioner, when placed in the
1990, he weighed at 212 pounds. Clearly, he was still context of his work as flight attendant, becomes an
way over his ideal weight of 166 pounds. analogous cause under Article 282(e) of the Labor Code.
His obesity may not be unintended, but is nonetheless
voluntary. [v] Voluntariness basically means that the
From then on, nothing was heard from just cause is solely attributable to the employee without
petitioner until he followed up his case requesting for any external force influencing or controlling his actions.
leniency on the latter part of 1992. He weighed at 219 This element runs through all just causes under Article
pounds on August 20, 1992 and 205 282, whether they be in the nature of a wrongful action
pounds on November 5, 1992. or omission. Gross and habitual neglect, a recognized
just cause, is considered voluntary although it lacks the
On November 13, 1992, PAL finally served element of intent found in Article 282(a), (c), and (d).
petitioner a Notice of Administrative Charge for
violation of company standards on weight Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)
requirements. He was given ten (10) days from receipt Employment in particular jobs may not be limited to
of the charge within which to file his answer and persons of a particular sex, religion, or national origin
submit controverting evidence.[8] unless the employer can show that sex, religion, or
national origin is an actual qualification for performing
Just like the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC, the CA held the job.
that the weight standards of PAL are
reasonable.[38] Thus, petitioner was legally dismissed
because he repeatedly failed to meet the prescribed
BFOQ is valid provided it reflects an
weight standards.[39] It is obvious that the issue of inherent quality reasonably necessary for
discrimination was only invoked by petitioner for satisfactory job performance
purposes of escaping the result of his dismissal for being
overweight.[40 Argument that BFOQ is a statutory defense must fail
The Constitution, the Labor Code, and RA No. 7277 or
Issue: Was the dismissal valid? the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons contains
provisions similar to BFOQ.
. The obesity of petitioner is a ground for dismissal
Meiorin Test (US jurisprudence) in determining whether
under Article 282(e) [44] of the Labor Code.
an employment policy is justified.
(1) the employer must show that it adopted the
II. The dismissal of petitioner can be predicated on the
standard for a purpose rationally connected to
bona fide occupational qualification defense.
the performance of the job;
(2) the employer must establish that the
In order to qualify for and keep his or her position in the standard is reasonably necessary to the
company. In other words, they were standards that accomplishment of that work related purpose
establish continuing qualifications for an employees and
position. In this sense, the failure to maintain these (3) the employer must establish that the
standards does not fall under Article 282(a) whose standard is reasonably necessary in order to
express terms require the element of willfulness in accomplish the legitimate work-related
order to be a ground for dismissal. The failure to meet purpose.
the employers qualifying standards is in fact a ground
that does not squarely fall under grounds (a) to (d) and In Star Paper Corporation v. Simbol, this Court held that
is therefore one that falls under Article 282(e) the other in order to justify a BFOQ, the employer must prove:
causes analogous to the foregoing. (1) the employment qualification is reasonably
related to the essential operation of the job
involved; and
(2) that there is factual basis for believing that
all or substantially all persons meeting the
qualification would be unable to properly
perform the duties of the job.

In short, the test of reasonableness of the company

policy is used because it is parallel to BFOQ. BFOQ is
valid provided it reflects an inherent quality reasonably
necessary for satisfactory job performance. The weight
standards of PAL are reasonable. A common carrier,
from the nature of its business and for reasons of public
policy, is bound to observe extraordinary diligence for
the safety of the passengers it transports. The primary
objective of PAL in the imposition of the weight
standards for cabin crew is flight safety. It cannot be
gainsaid that cabin attendants must maintain agility at
all times in order to inspire passenger confidence on
their ability to care for the passengers when something
goes wrong.

Entitled to separation pay, even if terminated for just

Exceptionally, separation pay is granted to a legally
dismissed employee as an act social justice, or based
on equity. Provided the dismissal:
(1) was not for serious misconduct; and
(2) does not reflect on the moral character of
the employee.
Thus, he was granted separation pay equivalent to one-
half (1/2) months pay for every year of service.

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