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~ TARO ~

( Left ) Taro Leaves, ( Right ) Taro Roots

Both the taro roots and leaves benefit our
health. They are even used as medicines
back in the day. Both the leaves & roots are
rich in nutrients.

How Taro Roots & Leaves Benefit you :

reduce risks of diabetes

Helps keep your skin healthy

Bolsters your immunity

Helps with your health of your heart

Improves your visions health & much more

More about Taro

It can be used to feed our live stock such as pigs, we can feed it
the corm peelings & leaves of the taro

Taro consists of protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, & vitamin

A, C, D, B6, & B12\

Taro thrives in marshy locations ( ex pic below )

How can we make Maui Sustainable on Taro

Maui has so much land that we are not using & some
land that is just not good for planting due to dryness
Such as the acres of land in kihei. We can Farm/Grow
Taro on these lands.

As we grow Taro on the Dry lands, we can slowly

start to turn that bad soil & land into good soil for the
plants & crops to grow into.

We already have some people on Maui that farm/

grow Taro, those people could teach us how to grow
taro. They can teach us what to do in order to grow
taro, what it needs, what we need to do to harvest it
and turn it into food for us to eat.

The whole taro plant can be used, nothing goes to

waste. The leaves & roots not only can benefit our
health but also be cooked and eaten. The taro stem
can also be eaten as well, we can also cut the stem of
the taro plant and regrow the plant.

We can use the taro to make so much delicious foods

& desserts such as taro swirl Moon cakes, crispy taro
Pancakes, Fries, Chips, Ice-cream, Taro cheese cake,

Taro does both very well in hot or cold weather. It

can be grow in wet land or dry land.

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