Intern Report Form - Fall 2017 1

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Student: Dallas Johnson INTERNSHIP SITE: ODAC conference office

Faculty Supervisor: Site Supervisor: Brad Banskton

Semester: Fall 2017 Number of Credits: 3

Dates Covered for report: sep12,14,19,21 Number of hours worked (week):12

Hoursworked (total):12
What were the interns primary responsibilities?

During the first week of being an intern at the ODAC offices I have Archived old data, helped out with the website and
sat in on a conference call.

What Planning and/or Preparation activities went into the responsibilities?

The activities performed at my last internship two summers ago has seemed to be beneficial to the work I will be doing
over at the ODAC offices due to the important information

What difficulties or problems did the intern need to overcome? What strategies/decisions were used?

Not too many problems that happened over the first week, as I was just keeping busy with tedious work

What did the intern learn during this period?

That in order for something to be a viable to a group of people everyone has to come to a senesce, when I was in on the
conference call with the ODAC womens basketball coaches about there scheduling you could see that one or more of
the people are willing to talk and the rest have to be pried out.

Were any tasks or responsibilities repetitive from previous reporting periods?

The archiving of the old statistics into the website

Add further comments on separate page if needed.

Great group of people to be working for and learning from

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