Lesson Plan Sight Singing

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Lesson Preparation

Topic/Day Choral Sight Reading Drills All State Audition Prep, 9-12 grade
NMMEA Standard 1, 9-12 Benchmark 1D
Identify basic music notation and symbols
Objective(s) TSW demonstrate the ability to sight read at their appropriate grade level using
(Blooms/DOK) interactive an interactive online sight reading program. (Apply)
Vocal practice mute (included below)
Materials/ Paper sight reading examples
Resources/Safety Paper
Computer (sightreadingfactory.com)
Technology Headphones
Vocal practice mute
Vocabulary/ Sight singing, proficiency, rhythms, dynamics
Exercises will begin on an individual student basis, and expand to include
Student Grouping
group sight singing exercises
Differentiated Exercises can be varied depending on students ability and specific
Instruction/ Access skills/limitations, and online sight singing examples may also be given in paper
for All Students form if necessary
Modifications/ Aural pitch/interval identification can be used as an appropriate modification
Accommodations for students unable to use visual computer technology
Learning-Teaching Process Time
Activate Standard choral warmups, cementing pitch and interval clarity, correct 10m
Student technique, and student engagement.
Anticipatory Set


Entire chorus will be led in a short sight reading segment to activate 5m

Activate Prior student knowledge regarding sight singing and refresh cognitive
Knowledge engagement in the sight singing process

I can demonstrate the ability to sight read at their appropriate grade

I can level using interactive an interactive online sight reading program.

Formative Assessment Time

(Following prior knowledge Student understanding check 10
activation): Students will be given a How confident are you for the
brief refresher on the process of All sight singing portion of your
Content State auditions, specifically the sight audition? students raise
Exploration singing portion. Open discussion will fingers from 1-5 to
be held regarding the standards and demonstrate level of
challenges of this process. understanding. Questions are
Guided Practice Students will be sent to the computer 20
lab to work individually (one student
per computer). Each student will
complete a total of seven sight singing
exercises in timed practice mode
noting areas of challenge, using vocal
mute to ensure privacy.
Students will return to the classroom, Input will be gathered from the 20
where the sight singing program will non-quartet students regarding
be projected on the board, with four- strengths and weaknesses of
part choral sight singing examples. student quartets.
Modeling Student quartets (one for each
example) will be selected using
volunteers, and will sight sing each

Paper sight reading examples will be

Independent given as a take-home practice
Homework assignment


Summative Assessment (End of Unit)

Full-choir sight reading, as well as NMMEA All State auditions (sight reading section)

After the Lesson

Lesson Reflection

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