Intern Report Form - Fall 2017-5

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Student: Dallas Johnson INTERNSHIP SITE: ODAC Offices

Faculty Supervisor: Hedrick Site Supervisor: Brad Bankson

Semester: Fall 2017 Number of Credits:

Dates Covered for report: 14th 15th 16th 17th Number of hours worked (week):17 Hours worked (total):63

What were the interns primary responsibilities?

Archiving the old statistics into a file so we have them on paper and digital. Running paperwork back and forth to
Lynchburg college and the ODAC Offices.

What Planning and/or Preparation activities went into the responsibilities?

Only planning the dates that I will be working and where I will be.

What difficulties or problems did the intern need to overcome? What strategies/decisions were used?

Tracking down people that I have never met before or even heard of here at Lynchburg so I could deliver what they have
been waiting for. Delivering a couple of paychecks, athletic awards and the unknown to the rightful owner.

What did the intern learn during this period?

Entering the work place after graduation is not going to be an easy task nor is it going to be what I have been thinking it
will be like.

Were any tasks or responsibilities repetitive from previous reporting periods?

Archiving has been getting pretty repetitive over the past couple of weeks.

Add further comments on separate page if needed.

I calculated my hours and will be able to finish but I wont be able to add any hours to try and get rid of internship hours
that are needed to graduate.

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