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Continuous Assessment

Cameron Peppers

Tests and Measurements

November 30, 2017

Continuous Assessment 2

Continuous assessment in higher education can support student learning if done correctly.

Continuous assessment consists of many different elements. Assessment of learning, assessment

for learning and feedback. These ideas are talked about throughout the article. Assessment of

learning is more summative. This takes place during tests and other big exams. Assessment for

learning is formative. This takes place throughout the lesson and helps the students and the

teacher visualize where the students are lacking. These can be utilized in the classroom by

having the teacher ask students questions throughout the lecture, pop quizzes, and exams. Using

these techniques students can become life-long learners and keep moving forward in the

classroom. Summative and formative assessments are ways for students and teachers to receive

feedback. Feedback is received through the different assignments and by the teacher. This paper

aims to address this gap by examining the views of academics and students on how assessment

practices support student learning (Hernndez, pg. 490). The gap that this article looks at is the

gap between the types of assessment and the lack of information on continuous assessment.

Summative assessment can be useful for students and teachers to see how well the

students retained the information from the unit. This is helpful because the teacher can see which

part of the unit was not received well or that the students needed more time on that topic.

Summative assessment helps the students see how well they performed for that unit.

Formative assessment happens more throughout the lecture and helps the students

remember the information better. This type of assessment is done through question and answer,

exit slip, or trivia game. Formative assessments can be useful in the classroom because the

teacher can receive immediate feedback on the students learning. Students also receive

immediate feedback and this feedback comes by the teacher correcting their answers if the

student answers incorrect.

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Assessment is important for student learning, because if the students was not tested then

they would never know how well they know information. Assessment allows students and

teachers to visualize their progress in the class. Assessment is a way for students to learn.

Assessment is about continuous checks and helping the students achieve a goal. This goal is

supporting students and keeping them on track. Continuous assessment is typically more

formative because it is happening throughout the day or week. A summative assessment is

typically for a major test, like a final exam. Assessment supports students learning and this

article discusses the relationship between assessment and students learning.

Learning oriented assessment are assessments that are meant to encourage student

learning. These assessments are formative and summative. It can be a combination of both.

There are differences between formative and summative. The main difference is their purpose.

Formative assessment is mainly used for easy check-ups and immediate feedback. Summative

assessments are used to give a grade. Another difference is the impact on student learning.

When an assessment uses both types that assessment is considered to be formative because the

feedback that the students receive is to help them learn from their mistakes. However, the same

assessment can be considered summative because there is a grade and that grade is used for the


Continuous assessment pushes students to keep learning and to always be prepared. This

type of assessment allows for the students to visualize their progress and how well they know the

information. A formative assessment typically has immediate feedback and allows the students

to see what areas need improvement. If done incorrectly, continuous assessments can become

pointless because students receive too much feedback. If a formative assessment is used too

often it can have a negative impact on the summative assessment. Another problem can occur if
Continuous Assessment 4

the formative and summative assessments are too similar. Especially if there are too many

assignments that do not have a grade.

Learning oriented assessments are designed to encourage and support students learning. If the

right environment is set up then the student will learn more. This logic is put into assessments, if

the assessment is given in the right way or for the right situation then the students will learn

more. Effective feedback is important to learning because it helps students visualize their

mistakes and know which areas to study. Effective feedback is given in the form of an email,

numerous comments, or in person. Ineffective feedback would be if the students was simply

handed a grade with only a couple comments. This does not help the student learn from their

mistakes. Using technology does help give students comments, especially in a bigger class

setting. Feedback is important to learning. There are three important steps to feedback. The first

one, the teacher should have a rubric for the students to look at while they for the assignment and

to make it easier for the students to see where they made the mistakes. The second step, is that

the teacher provides feedback on the assignment by written notes. The last step of feedback is

when the teacher helps the student fill in the gap between what the students knows and what they

should know.
Continuous Assessment 5


Hernndez, R. (2012). Does continuous assessment in higher education support student

learning? Higher Education, 64(4), 489-502. Retrieved from

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