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Student: Dallas Johnson INTERNSHIP SITE: ODAC Office

Faculty Supervisor: Hedrick Site Supervisor: Brad Bankton

Semester: Fall 2017 Number of Credits: 3

Dates Covered for report: Nov. 12th, 14th, 16th, 17thNumber of hours worked (week):16Hours worked (total):110

What were the interns primary responsibilities?

This week was all about archiving

What Planning and/or Preparation activities went into the responsibilities?

No planning went into this week but communicating with my Advisor about what is going on with the project that I was

What difficulties or problems did the intern need to overcome? What strategies/decisions were used?

Had to overcome not finding all of the information from that certain year. Which was basically just keeping tally of what
I have found as far as stats from the past go. The stats of recent are basically on uploaded to the website and their files.

What did the intern learn during this period?

How tedious archiving can get especially when you have so much to go through from the past and overcoming the
boundaries to keep moving long.

Were any tasks or responsibilities repetitive from previous reporting periods?

Archiving, filing all the stats

fAdd further comments on separate page if needed.

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