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How do our bodies move?

Grades 3-5

Objective: Students will investigate the mechanics behind

humans movements and gain a greater understanding of how

the body works to allow movement.


Projector/ SMART board

Sticky notes

Butcher paper

Computer/iPad access

Skype application, speaker, and microphone

1. After exploring texts in the literary collection, show

students a short clip of a pas de deux from Romeo and


b. after the clip ask students to take a moment to

reflect on how the movements in the video were

made possible

i. have students jot down any thoughts they have

about how the body moves on a sticky note

2. Invite students to place their sticky note on a large piece

of butcher paper near the front of the room

3. Read the students responses and begin sorting them

based on the main ideas

a. Most likely, responses will generally fall in the

following categories:

i. Brain controls movement

ii. Bones allow movement

iii. Muscles allow movement

4. As a whole class create a list of questions and wondering

about the human body

a. Questions should seek to clarify confusions from the

initial sticky note activity as well as investigate


5. The class should generate about 15 questions

6. Next, inform students that they will be working with a

partner to find the answer to one of the questions to

share with the class

7. Pull students names written on popsicle sticks out of a

jar to determine the order in which questions will be


a. When a students name is drawn they will first select

a topic. Next the will quickly select a partner.

8. Once all students are paired up with a designated

question, they will be given ten minutes to gather as

much information about their topic as possible.

9. When the 10 minutes are up, the teacher will read off one

question at a time. After reading each question, the group

that researched it will present their findings to the class.

a. During these presentations, students will take notes

on their classmates findings in the health journals

Day Two:

1. On the second day of the activity, students will partake in

a class-wide skype session with a physical therapist who

deals with sports-related injuries

2. The physical therapist will first explain to the kids the

science behind movement and what happens when our

bodies get injured

a. The physical therapist will focus especially on ballet

and ballet-related injuries, since it is the class area

of focus
b. During the last ten minutes of the twenty-five

minute skype session, students will have an

opportunity to ask questions

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