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Our dogs are faithful companions, and they depend on us for good care. And one of their

common canine problems is caused by allergies, yeast, ear mites and bacteria. Many dogs are

suffering from rapid escalation of ticks.

Ticks are small arachnids and ectoparasites, living by feeding on blood of mammals most

especially on dogs. These parasites are living by feeding on the blood of dogs. As we encounter

this problem in our community, the researchers come up with an idea: What to do to eradicate or

atleast lessen the quantity of ticks on a dog? In searching an alternative solution to this problem

the researchers read an article that Annona Squamosa, popularly known as custard apple, is one

of the widely available in the world. Custard apple is a small tree that grows between 10-20 feet

high when fully matured with oblong leaves and green heart shaped fruits with polygonal

tubercles. The custard tree is easy to grow. However, it requires tropical weather. When planted,

Atis will begin to bear fruit in about a years time. It will bear fruit about 3 times a year and the

sweetest fruits are those borne during summer months. All parts of the custard apple tree have

medicinal value. The seeds are however poisonous. The seeds are pounded and made into paste.

This can be applied to the scalp of the head and was effectively proven to eradicate head lice. If

we try to use it in eradicating ticks, is it possible? Custard apple seeds contain alkaloid that

mostly contain basic nitrogen and contains poisons like morphine strychnine, quinine, ephedrine

and nicotine, neutral resin are typically fusible and flammable organic substances that are

transparent, fixed oil a natural vegetable oil and irritant poison. The leaves, fruits and seeds of

custard apple are vermicidal and insecticidal. Studies have showed that custard apple seeds also

be an analgesic, anti-inflamatory, anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, cytotoxic, antioxidant,

antilipimic, anti-ulcer, molluscicidal, genotoxic, vasorelaxant, hepatoprotective, larvicidal,

anthelmintic and insecticidal properties.


This states the natural and alternative way in eradicating ticks on dogs using the custard

apple seeds that is thrown away after eating wont be placed into waste. It is also an easy way to

help canine problems. The poisonous seed solution is a remedy to a less expensive tick removers

found in the market.

The study states the problem below:

1. Whats the most effective solution to eradicate ticks on dog among the three?

Custard apple seeds + water? Custard apple seeds +? Custard apple seeds + gas?

2. What is with the most effective solution that eradicates ticks?

3. What is the analysis about the solution?


Most dog owners are concern to the canine health of their dogs. And the escalation of

ticks on dogs are one of the top problems their owners and the dogs suffering. The ticks remover

out in the market are too expensive for them to buy and difficult to find. The significance of this

study is to utilize a cheaper, natural solution using the gift of nature and promoting alternative

remedies that you can do at home.

Custard apple seeds have different benefits. It has insecticidal and vermicidal properties

where in insecticidal has the substance that kills insects including larvicides and larvae that can

deminish eggs of ticks. On the other hand, the vermicidal property of custard apple is used to kill

worms, especially parasitic intestinal worms. The purposeful of this custard apple also known as

atis in the Philippines is an essential replacement of lice on people and ticks on dogs. The chosen

solution for tick removal will act as an inexpensive, home remedy and easy to make.

This study will promote awareness to the pet owners and to the animal concern group

that the chosen solution is very essential in using. It will lessen the cases that most canine

animals have experienced. In some instance it will help people to generate this new way of

lessening ticks. This idea will inspire others to study and research other facts that will convince

them to do a solution and adds an agricultural impact to the people in a society.


The study focused on the number one intended ingredient, the custard apple seeds and the

observation on the proper application of the solution. It took a month to finalize the result of the

research using the experimentation method and the trial and error method. It started from

harvesting fruits of custard apple that are locally available in our backyards or in the local

market. The valid outcome of this study undergone experimentation process and trial and error

since we had three solutions used. The custard apple seeds that were used was from a ripe fruits

and unripe fruits. The seeds of the ripe ones were dried direct sunlight while the unripe ones did

not passed this procedure. To achieve the desired results we followed the procedures that were

set to.

Moreover, the study of this dog ticks eradicator targeted 30 seeds, 4 tablespoons of water

and a pinch of salt for the first solution, custard apple seed extracts has 30 seeds used and the last

solution used 24 black seeds and 20 unripe seeds with the addition of 1 cup gas.


The following definitions are used for further understanding:

Tick-a small wingless bloodsucking insect commonly found on dogs.

Ectoparasite-a parasite such as flea that lives on outside of its host.

Larvicides- is an insecticide that is specifically targeted against larval life stage of an insect.

Vermicide- used to kill worms, especially drug used to kill parasitic intestinal worms.

Sugar apple- or custard apple is a knobby fruit with soft creamy white flesh having a custardy




The review of the study focuses on health of dogs given by the combination of the chosen

solution, which contributed a factual solution for canine problems. The rapid growth of ticks on

dogs nowadays needs to find ways on how to eradicate that top one problem. The effect of the

modern society affects also the living of any living organisms here on earth. Ticks are probably

present every month but they are more active during winter or cold months. On their adult stage

from fall to spring as long as the temperature is above freezing the ticks becomes active.

The researchers stated the properties present in the custard apple seeds. First, the

insecticidal property or the insecticides that is different from non-insecticidal repellents, which

repel but do not totally kill. The nicotine that was present in the custard apple seed is a defense

against insects. Factual concept about custard apple seeds was collected and gathered as a major

repellant of head lice. The researchers who found this concept prove that the solution they made

for lice was effective. While researchers are finding a solution for the major problem of dogs, the

researchers combined the facts we gathered about custard apple seeds. This seed really have the

factors and properties that kill insects.

According to the whole custard apple tree was essential in repelling

insects. It is truly an insect killer. It is stated that the whole tree is possible to abort fetus or what

they call abortificient. Their purpose in making these solutions is to help the escalation of ticks

on dogs.

It is also stated in that custard apple are also known as sugar apple,

sweetsop or Annona Squamosa. There are variety kind of this fruit, the atemoya or pineapple

sugar-apple and cherimoya found in Taiwan. The Spanish traders of Manila Galleons brought it

in Asia where its old Mexican name ate may still be found in Bengali ata, Nepali aati, Sinhalese

mati anoda, Burmese wazar three and atis in the Philippines. It is also known as custard apple in

India and (mainly Annona reticulate) in the Philippines.



In achieving the study of Custard Apple seeds solution in repelling ticks, many research

were done. Factual basis were gathered and gained from computer sources and from reading on

books. The used of the custard apple seeds that were usually thrown away turned into useful

solution in one of the most canine problem most especially in the Philippines. The researchers

performed experimentation and undergone trial and error. The researchers performed it in a

school wet laboratory wherein all laboratory tools were fully equipped. The three solutions that

the researchers have done were proven and tested in doing step by step process.

The preparation of the three solutions were made by the following:

Harvest ripe custard apple fruit and after eating it set aside the black seeds direct sunlight.

For the first solution, combine water and mashed black seeds. Second solution, combine mashed

black seeds and water then boiled. Third solution, combine the seeds from the ripe fruits and

seeds from the unripe ones then add gas that is used in using gas lamp. Put the solutions in

different designated containers in a room temperature. This will took 1-2 weeks fermenting.

They used 5 ticks as a testing object in every solution. Using a sprayer bottle to disseminate the

solutions made on the target object.

The study showed points that helped the success of the intended experiment: the longer

time that the solutions are fermented, the most effective it is. The preparations made must

followed, to achieve a successful process in repelling ticks.



Number of Solutions Process Outcome

Solution 1 Freshly picked ripe custard 5 ticks slowly out of their

apple fruit separating the 30 moves as the researchers

seeds, dried it direct sunlight, sprayed 3 sprays within 3

mashed then placed in a minutes coming from the

container with 40 ml water. 2- solution

3 weeks fermenting

Solution 2 Freshly picked ripe custard 5 ticks immediately died

apple fruit separating the 30 before 1 minute after spraying

seeds, dried it direct sunlight, 3 sprays

mashed then boiled with 20 ml

water. 2-3 weeks preserving

Solution 3 Freshly ripe and unripe 5 ticks slowly died after 3

custard apple fruit separating minutes after spraying 3 sprays

the 30 seeds: 15 white and 15

black seeds, dried it direct

sunlight, placed in a container

with 40 ml gas. 2-3 weeks





The researchers gathered facts about the seeds to show the properties and benefits of it.

After performing experimentation, the researchers found out whats the best solution used. The

time of preserving or fermenting the solutions helped in fast effect of the solutions. The first

solution is the least solution that can kill ticks. The second solution is the most effective solution

among the three. This most effective solution was boiled thats why all the properties present in

the seed was being extracted. The last solution was the second most effective solution. The

solution was combined seeds and gas that made it also possible to lessen ticks on dogs.


From the research done, it is really a fact that custard apple seeds has the factors to

eradicate or lessening ticks from dogs. The effectivity of the solutions helped all owners and

other concern citizens in lessening ticks that mostly dogs suffer from. These solutions are more

effective if you store it for a long time. The longer time consumed in preserving the effective it is

once you apply it on dogs. The researchers have done something useful using the custard apple

seeds that were usually thrown away after eating the white flesh of he fruit.


Based on the observations of the researchers, it was really effective if the solutions were

fermented on a very long time, maybe 2-3 weeks or more. It is advisable for all owners out there.

Very useful and effective as you encountered and read facts about this seed. This natural way of

lessening ticks will help not only dogs but the owners to save expenses in buying costly tick

eradicator out in the market. These solutions were all natural. In making this one, all you need to

gather was the seeds, water or gas. Trust this recommendation to achieve the desired result. An

alternative tool in pounding the seeds are mortar and pestle, you can also use grinder or blender

if possible to make ones work easier, faster and come up with the desired consistency of the

seeds. The seeds can be blended or not, depending on your strategy to achieve the desired result.


1st solution 2nd solution

3rd solution

Three Solutions

Separating of ticks to the designated containers

Setup of the Experiment performed

Putting the solutions in a sprayer bottle







The study aimed to provide natural and less expensive tick eradicator for all dog owners

out there. From the custard seeds this study was made possible.

The study wouldnt be successful without the care, love, trust and assistance in moral or

in financial of the researchers family who supported them, who uplift and encourage them to

work hard to achieve their goal.

The researchers would like to thank the following: Ms. Yhangale Socias who extended

her time to make this project possible. Dr. Marivic F. Realin who supported this project and for

letting us attend the competition.To the faculty and staff, friends, classmates who have shared

thoughts that were related to the given project.

And most especially our dear Lord who strengthened and brightened our minds to

continue and achieve the desired goal.


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