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1 1A word order in questions ‘uestions with be questions with do/ does didn present simple and past simple question be subject adjective, 41) word noun, ete. question word | auxiliary | subject infinitive (= verb) 33) ica Tyco Tha Do you live with your pares? Is there abanknearhere? Did you hhave a holiday ast year? What was that noise? Where does yoursister_ work? Where are you from? When did you stare scudying English? were born? What did they talk about? + Use ASI (Auxiliary, Subject, Infinitive) and QUASI (Question word, Ausiliary, Subject, Lofinitive) o remember word order in questions. ‘+ Make questions with the verb be sa aun the 3 She isa teacher. Is she ateacher? 1B present simple I you we [they | hej she it Holly knows me very wel It doesn’t often rain here Does Alice like jazz? usually work ac home. They don’t live near here. Do you speak French? Yes.Ido, /No.Idon'. + Use the present simple for things you do every day / week { year, or for things which are generally true or always happen. + Usedon'ydoesn’t to make negative sentences, and dojdoes to make questions. work | works ‘add-s study | studies | consonant + y> ies finish | finishes __| add -eseafter ch. ce. ge. sh g0/do | goes/does | add-es have has change to-s 22) Yes, she does. | No, she doesn't adverbs and expressions of frequency 1 Weoftengoouton Fry night, 139) She doesn't usually study at weckends, Ton never Hesalways late for work She getsupearly every day Wehave English classes twice a week 1 We often use the present simple with adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever,never) + Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb, + Adverbs of frequeucy goafier be. She's never il. NOT She'silinever: + Remember to usea[#]verh with never. Itneverrains. NOT itdoesn'tnever rain: 2 Expressions of frequency (every day, once a week, etc, usually go at the end ofa sentence. 1€ present continuous: be + verb + -ing 1A Whatare you doing? B I'm sending a message to Sarah. 2 My brother is doing a two-month course inthe UK. 3 Inthis picture the woman is standing near the window ‘v22i) + Use the present continuous: 1 for ings that are happening now: at this moment. 2 for temporary things that are happening now, this week, et 3 to describe a picture. ‘Are you working? Yes, lam. / No, mot. Ishe working? Yes, heis. /No, he isn’t. ‘cook cooking adding study | studying live ving cut the final e and add -ing run running —_ double the final consonant and add -ing present simple or present continuous? ‘A Whatdo youdo?_B Lwork for Microsoft, 231) A Whatare youdoing? B I'mchecking my emails. ‘+ Use the present simple for things that are generally true or always happen. Use the present continuous for an action happening now for at this moment. We normally use verbs which describe states or fe (non-action verbs), e.g, want, need, like, in the present simple, not continuous. 1A Pur the word or phrase in the right place in the question How old are you? (old) Where do you from? (come) Where the train station? (is) How often you read magazines? (do) Where your friends from? (are) Why you write to me? (didn't) Do you often to the cinema? (go) What this word mean? (does) What time did arrive? (your friends) Does finish at 8.00? (the class) Where were born? (you) GRAMMAR BANK bb Purthe words in the right order ta make questions. you live where do? Wheredo you live? 1 you a do have car ? 2 older is brother your you than ? 3 often he how to write docs you ? 4 this time start does what class ? 5 Brazil from is friend your ? 6 languages how you many do speak ? 7 she bora where was ? 8 9 10 last go where you summer did 2 father doctor your is a ? come bus to you by school did ? saw. See Irregular verbs p.164. st simple, e.g. go> went, + Use the infinitive after didn’t for negatives and Did...? for questions. + Use ASTand QUASI to remember word order in questions. work worked add -ed stay _ stayed ke | Uked | add dif verb finishes ine ‘study | studied |y>iedaftera consonant ‘stop stopped | if verb finishes in cconsonant-vowet- consonant, double the Final ‘consonant 2B past continuous: was/ were + verb + -ing Av 8.45 lat Saturday Twas working in my office. 1 29)) I wasn’e doing anything important My friends were having breakfast, They weren't working A Wasicraining when you gorup?B No, itwasn’e |A What were you doingat IT o'locklase night? B Iwas watching TV W/He/She/it | was working. /He/She/it_| wasn't working ae 5 they working? Yes, they were. /No, they weren't. ‘+ Use the past continuous to describe an action in.progress ata specific moment in the past. ‘+ We often use the past continuous to des the 1 the beginning ofa story or narrative past simple or past continuous? Iwas workingin myofficewhenthe 401) boss walke | was having lunch when my sister arrived. ‘+ Use the past simple fora completed action inthe pas. + Use the past continuous for an action in progress before or at the time of the past simple action. 2C time sequencers Onur first date we went tothe cinema, Afterthat westarted 469) meeting every day ‘On Thursday [had an argument with my boss, Next day I decided to look fora new job. We sat down to cat. Two minutes later the phone rang When teamne o ‘ “The accident happened when | was crossing the road the lub he was wai ‘+ Weuse time sequencers to say when or in what order things happen. + Weuse when asa time sequencer and also to join ewo actions. Iwas watching TV when the phone rang. ((wo verbs joined by when) then, after that ‘The most common way of linking consecutive actions is with then or after that, but NOT with after, e.g, Igot up and got dressed. Then / After that I made a cup of coffee. NOT After /made 2 cup of coffee, connectors: because, so, but, although becouse and so She was driving fast beeause she wasin 47!) suhurry. (reason) She wasn. hurry. s0 she was driving fast. (result) + Use because to express. reason. + Use soto express a result, butand although She tied to tophe car but sh hitthe man.) 483) Although se tril to stop car she hit the man, She was very tied, but she couldtseep Sie count sleep although she was ery tired + Use but and although to show a contrast. + Although can goat the beginning or in the middle ofa sentence. 2a a. Putthe verbs in brackets in the past simple. Two summers ago we had (have) a holiday in Scotland. We? (drive) there from London, but our ear? (break) down GRAMMAR BANK 'b_ Complete the questions in the past simple. Where did you go on holiday last year? We went to Vancouver. 1 ‘a good time? Yes, we hada great time 2 _ with? con the motorway and we ? spend) the firse night in Birmingham. Whenwes Twent with my family. we? (not can) find a good hotel - they’ (be) all full. 4 2 We’ (not know) what to do, but in the end we ® (find) We stayed in a hotel 2 Red and Breakfast and we? (Geay) there for he week. We 4 the plane ticket 2 » (sec) the caste, # (go) tothe Arts Festival, and Ir cost £500. we ___(buy)a lot of souvenirs. We ®. (want) to goto 5 the weather like? Loch Ness, but w (not have) much time andie® (be) Ser quite far away. The weather ® B (start) raining the day we # (leave). _ (not be) very good, and it 6 tight? We went tobarsand restaurants, << p.13 4 Complete the sentences with a verb in the past b _Putthe verbs into the past simple oF past continuous. ‘She arrived when we were having dinner. (arrive, have) i myarm when foorball continuous. (break, play) { was eating dinner, so I didn’t answer the phone. (eat) itary fast when the police 1 took this photo when my wife inthe you? (drive stop) garden. (work) 3 It___whenwe __ the pub. (snow, leave) 2 Hemet his wife when he. inJapan. (live) 41 ide rosie because 3 They. for us when we arrived. (not wait) (Gorse, work) 4 the__acoat when she went out? 5 When you et tomy boss. (eat) (call talk) 5 Thesun____when left for work. (shine) 6 We in Cambridge when we 6 What___you_at 730 last night? (do) (ceudy; meet) 71 ‘when you gave the instructions. 7 they __ in Rome when they (oot listen) their first baby? (live, have) 8 We TV when you phoned. (not watch) Make sentences with used to didn't use to, or a Look at how John has changed. Write five sentences about how he was IN THE PAST. _ Jong hair. glasses. aheard. football atie. 1 2 3 4 5 did... use to? you / have long hair Did you use to have long hair? 1&3) my sister / hate maths, hut she loves it now 2D where | you / work 3 El I /like vegetables when | was a child 4-1 what | you / do in the summer holidays when you were young 5 Bl The British | drinka lot of coffee 6 © this building / bea cinema 7 [2 yourbrother / teach here 8 EI beaManchester United fan 9 Jeff have a motorbike 10 B telegrams / be a way of sending important messages Ea 12 12A past perfect ©) When woke up the garden wasall white Iehad snowed during the night. {suddenly reaised that Md lefe my mobile in the tax. ©) We got home ustin time =the match hadn't started. When she goto class she realized that she hada’t brought her book. A IwenttoParislast weekend. Ireally loved it B Hadyou been there before? A No.thadn'e 17) Use the past perfect when you are already talking about the past and want to talk about an earlier past action, When Iwoke up the garden was all white. It had snowed during the night. = Itsnowed before I woke up. Make the past perfect with had / hadn't + past participle. + The form of the past perfect is the same for al persons. had or would? Be careful: can be had or would. | idn't know that you'd found a new job. (3 hhad is sometimes contracted to‘. 12B reported (or indirect) speech rect speech Hove you ve justarrived ‘We'll come at eight! reported speech He said (that) he loved me. She sad (tbat) she had just arrived. He told me (tbat) they would ‘comear eight Jack told Anna (that) he didn't want goo the party. [don’t wantto gow the party + Use reported speech to report (co tell somebody) what another person sai ‘We often introduce reported speech with said or told (+ person) ‘After said or told that is optional, eg, He said (that) he loved me. Pronouns often change in reported speech, e.g. changes to he or she. ‘Pm tired? She told me (that) she was tired. ($23) *+ Verb tenses change like thi ‘lean help you! ‘He said (that) he could help me. (present simple) (past simple) ‘tmwatchingTV | She said (that) she was watching TV. (present continuous) | (past continuous) ‘rllphone you! He told me (that) he would phone me. (will) (would) ‘Imet a girl” John told me (that) he had met a girl. (Gast simple) (past perfect) ‘ve broken my leg” | Sara said (that) she had broken her leg. (Gresent perfect) | (past perfect) PD say or tett? You can use saidor toldin reported speech but they are used differently, You can't use said with an object or pronoun. He said (that) he loved me. NOT He saidme (that)-he loved me: You must use told with an object. He told me (that) he loved me. NOT He-told {thatthe loved me. 12C questions without auxiliaries subject verb ez) Who painted Mrand Mrs Clark and Perey? Which singer made -_reggue popular all over the world? How many people live nearthe school? Who wants acupofeoffee? + When the question word (Who?, What?, Which?, How ‘many?, etc.)is the subject of the verb in the question, we don't use an auxiliary verb (do | does jd Who painted Mrand Mrs Clarkand Percy? NOT Whordid paint? + Inmost other questions in the present and past simple we tse the auxiliary verb do /does/ did + the infinitive What music do you like? NOT What sie you ike? See 1A p126. 12A a Match the sentence halves. I couldn't getinto my flat because (C] 1 When our friends arrived [_] 2 Took the jacket back because [ ] 3 jilldidn’t come with us because {_] 4 Trarned on the TV news [1 5 Johnny was nervous because [] 6 When I got the supermarket checkout [7] A she'd made other plans. B J realized that 'lefe my wallet at home. C Fttosemy keys: D Thad bought the wrong size. E it was the Fest rime he had flown, F ro.see what had happened, G we hadn't finished cooking the dinner. GRAMMAR BANK 1b Complete the sentences, Put the verbs in the past simple and past perfect. We didn’ get a table in the restaurant because we hadn't booked. (not get, not book) 11 Caroline because she__allo. (not recognize, change) 2 My friend torell me that my wallet imhiscar. (phone, leave) 3 When | the adio,thenews (turn on, already finish) 4 She______methe DVD because she (not lend, not watch) 5 The bar by the time we _. (lose, arrive) 6 Whenwe __ home we saw that somebody __— the kitchen window. (get, break) 7 Luckily it snowing when we work. (stop, leave)

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