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Industrial Revolution Study guide Name:_______________________

1. Who invented the telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell
2. Which of the following did Thomas Edison invent?
the incandescent light bulb
3. Which of the following was invented in 1903 by two brothers and changed transportation?
the airplane
4. Which business leader founded Standard Oil Company?
John D. Rockefeller
5. Andrew Carnegie is known for which of the following?
building a huge steel business
6. Which of the following best describes how railroads helped the United States economy continue to
They helped businesses to transport goods.
7. The growth of big business led to all EXCEPT which of the following?
People moved by the millions to rural areas.
8. Monopolies were able to keep wages low and were able to keep what from being effective?
Labor Unions
9. Monopolies are businesses that have no competition.
10. Immigrants often lived in communities with others from their home country because:
It was a way to help the make the adjustment to the United States easier.
11. Which of the following is a true statement about the industrial revolution?
Many farmers left rural areas and moved to cities during the Industrial Revolution.
12. What were two things that progressives wanted to improve about life in the cities?
Working conditions, child labor, sanitation of the city, better wages (more money)
13. Little Italy is the name of a neighborhood in New York City. Why is it called by that name?
Mostly Italian immigrants live there.
14. Which of the following was a result of immigrants getting jobs in factories?
Most Americans began seeing immigrants as job competition.
15. A group of writers known as _____________ used magazines and newspapers to talk about the harsh
conditions in the factories and wrote about the corruption in the monopolies.
16. Progressives fought again child labor and worked to pass laws requiring children to attend school.
17. What are some Pull factors?
jobs, political freedom, religious freedom, land
18. Which was not a problem factory workers faced?
Many business owners were going on strike
19. Which of the following was a goal of Progressive Reformers?
Safer working conditions, to end child labor, better wages
20. Upton Sinclair was a muckraker who wrote The Jungle. What was an effect of this novel?
President Roosevelt passed new laws to make sure food was safe to eat.
21. After the work of Progressives, Congress passed a law declaring which of the following things was
illegal? This law was causes the Sherman Anti Trust Law.

22. What famous landmark is in the view of the passengers?

Statue of Liberty
23. The passengers are immigrants. They were most likely headed to _______ before entering the United
Ellis Island
24. Based on what you have learned about immigrants, how do you think these immigrants aboard this ship
were feeling?
They were hoping for a better life than the one they left.

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