Reflective Memo

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Final Portfolio

Date: December 8, 2017

To: Lisa Meyers, English 219 Professor
From: Miranda Simp, English 219 Student
Subject: Reflective Memo

I am writing this final memo to you to reflect on the entire semester. I will address four
outcomes; Project Analysis, Production and Delivery.

The first outcome, Project Analysis, states, Identifying a documents readers and a documents
context relative to practices of composing for specific global, diverse, and multicultural
audiences. Understanding how technical documents occupy and respond to social justice and
community service contexts. Recognizing the readers and the content within a document for
specific global, diverse, and multicultural audiences is the meaning of this outcome.

The second outcome is shown and achieved through the assignment itself. Each document that
was composed, had various factors and external influences that impacted the way the documents
were written. A couple of the factors included the purpose of the document and audience. These
two were actually the major factors in deciding what genre and what kind of vocabulary to use
for each document. For example: In the application letter, the genre I picked was a business letter
type of format. I picked this type of letter because the application letter would be used in a
business manner if I actually were applying for the job. I would need to choose a good choice of
vocabulary, my sentences needed to be short and to the point. The content of the application
letter also needed to reflect and refer to my resume. The audience was also a big factor in
deciding the business letter type of format. The application letter needed to be professional
because it was going to a hiring committee of some company and I needed to show
professionalism. The project analysis outcome really shows in the documents, they show that I
learned and achieved them.

Thank you for your time. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at ext. 274
or visit me at Dane Smith Hall 144.

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