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Congratulations on ALMOST completing the 2017 edition of Wingspan and seeing this project through to the
end. Thank you for committing your time and completing multiple drafts, attending work nights, taking on
extra tasks, supporting each other, etc. This school would not have a yearbook without staff members like
you who are dedicated and willing to record and capture the events of the year. I hope you walk away from
your yearbook experience with no regrets and understand the impact each of you have made on my life
individually and on this school collectively. YOU ARE AN AWESOME STAFF. I LOVE YOU!

You are required to write a self-evaluation for your performance and contributions this year as a staff
member. Your typed response must address ALL THE ITEMS stated below. It should be written in
PARAGRAPH FORM as a WORD DOCUMENT and printed. All evaluations are due to me by FRIDAY, MAY
5, 2017. Any evaluation NOT turned in by this date will NOT be accepted and therefore count as a ZERO
in the grade book. This final is worth 50% of your entire semester grade. FORMAT MATTERS! PLEASE

1. Use a standard font family, 10-12 points, 1.5 line space, type name/date in left hand of header
2. Title your evaluation YEARBOOK FINAL SELF EVALUATION 2017
3. Write in complete thoughts and sentences, using paragraphs to address the required topics below.
You may use subheads to separate areas you are addressing (NO LISTS, NO BULLETS, NO
NUMBERING, ETC.) This should be a thorough narrative essay that addresses all areas I have asked
you to consider as far as your performance and participation on staff is concerned.
4. On its own page, include a list of all assignments by topic & page you were assigned. Photographers
also add a list of all events you photographed and date (available in the metadata of your photos).


WRITING: What stories did you complete during semester two? Who helped you write/develop yours
stories (if applicable)? Did you meet your deadlines on each of these stories? Discuss your timeliness on
stories, captions, secondary content, interviewswhat deadlines did you complete late and why? What
was your biggest struggle with the writing process (if applicable)?

IF APPLICABLE: Were any of your original stories reassigned because you failed to complete the work
yourself? And were there any stories you took on when others failed to do their work? Which one(s)?

STORYTELLING/INTERVIEWING: What did you enjoy most about the story-telling process and why?
What did you struggle with most through the story telling process and why? What did you learn about
yourself or others through the storytelling experience?

SPREAD BUILDING/AFTER HOURS WORK: Discuss the extent to which you built your spreads and helped
others build theirs? What kind of time did you commit to work nights, afterschool shooting
responsibilities, final deadline submission, and other out-of-class yearbook responsibilities?

HELPFULNESS/ATTITUDE: Discuss the expectations that came with your role as a staff
member/writer/photographer/editor. HOW have you fulfilled AND fallen short of those expectations
(discuss both). Discuss any additional contributions you made to this book and this staff this year.
Describe your attitude/helpfulness especially during high peak deadlines. How were you positive? How
were you negative? How were you helpful? Were others helpful to you? How do you think attitude and
helpfulness effect the work environment and morale of the staff?

INDIVIDUAL WEAKNESSES/STRENGTHS: In what ways did you fall short on staff this semester? Explain
why. What have been your greatest strengths on the staff?

COMMUNICATION: Address your efforts to communicate with your adviser, editors and fellow staff
members this year. How did your form of communication with those on staff and your adviser hinder or
help you on this staff? How do you feel about the level and quality of our communication on staff? Do
you have any positive ideas to offer that could help improve or continue our communication as a staff?

FAVORITE MOMENTS: Share any highlights youve experienced on staff, personal challenges youve
overcome or skills youve developed, moments of pride/support/guidance, quality of work, etc.that
have made this experience worth while. Please be specific and elaborate.

GRADE: You may feel you deserve an Amaybe you feel youve done a lot more than others, provided a
lot of support to the team and put in time when it was necessary to complete tasks, deadlines, stories,
etc. You know what kind of effort you have made and whether you have been here working late or have
attended events to get the best story or the best pictures, or have gone through multiple interviews to
get it just right. You know if you waited until the last minute or blew off a deadline or turned in
incomplete work that left others taking on added responsibilities during deadlines and proofing. With
that said, keep this in mind as you provide an honest evaluation of yourself and justify the grade you
think you deserve. It is often this part of the evaluation that is the most revealing to me about staff
members. Please reflect deeply and honestly about your level of work, timeliness, commitment, effort,
attitude, kindness, follow-through, reliability, etc. before you choose a grade you believe you deserve.
You will be graded on ALL contributions (or lack there of) you made this semester. Finally, remember,
this is a SELF-EVALUATION. You are each responsible for the choices you make in life, so focus on YOU!
Your grade for this assignment will be based on your ability to answer and address all parts of this
assignment thoroughly with deep reflection and attention to detail. YOU MUST IDENTIFY AND JUSTIFY


STAFF MEMERS: Write two or more personal letters of thanks to two or more people on staff
(staffers/editors/adviser) whove impacted you in a significant way. Be thorough in your letters so the
recipient understands exactly what they mean to you. Both letters must be included with your
evaluation and portfolio. They must be typed for the portfolio, however, you are welcome to hand write
any thank you letter/card you give to the recipients. Many students feel compelled to do more
letters/cards of thanks to the staffI only ask to see two so I can see your ability to be reflective and
grateful to those who have supported/mentored/assisted/loved you, etc.

INTERVIEWEE: Write a letter of gratitude to at least ONE person you met for the first time though an
interview for a story that impacted you on a POSITIVE WAY! Be authentic and communicate why you are
gratefule for the expereicen and what his/her story meant to you. Be specificNOT VAGUE, for example
if you say you are inspired by her courage, tell them the courage to do WHAT? And WHY? This is an
opportunity to Be Better by contributing some small, yet positive way to someone elses life.

III. PORTFOLIO Gather a collection of your published work...

1. TITLE PAGE: Create a title page for your work with your NAME, DATE, PUBLICATION NAME and

2. TABLE OF CONTENTS: List the titles (from the yearbook) and topics (subject covered) of each story
you have written this year.

3. STORIES: Create a running file (Word or Google Docs) of your work and put your name in the header.
Insert page break where new stories begin. Include all PUBLISHED headlines, subheads and page
numbers as they were published in the book (you can do this by opening the PDF file from the FINAL
PAGES folder and copying/pasting into the WORD file). Make sure all stories are formatted the
EXACT same way throughout document so it demonstrates consistency! Use ONE font/font family
for your portfolio.


5. PHOTOS: If you were a photographer this year, you will also include proof sheets with your top 20-
25 images in the portfolioyou can create a proof sheet in Bridge (Photo Editor can show you how).

6. SPREADS: Inclue copies of your spreads as a single page spread form pdf format for all pages you
completed in the book. I will provide instructions or prints for you when you are ready for this

7. AWARDS: If you participated in any write-off contests this year, include them in the back of your
portfolio along with the critique and the certificate (if you won an award).

8. PRESENTATION OF PORTFOLIO: Using sleeve protectors, create a portfolio in a or 1 inch binder or
present your portfolio in a report presentation folder.


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