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Class #1: Polar Bear Stories Course Grade 2 ELA



General Outcome 1: students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to
explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences.
General Outcome 4: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to
enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
General Outcome 5: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to
respect, support and collaborate with others.
Background Information: Students will review what may be incorporated into a story
(grade 2: characters, settings, storyline) and also how we take our ideas and incorporate
them into stories. Grade 1 will review stories that they have written earlier in the year
(i.e. Frankenstein story) and the components of that story (i.e. it, has, can).

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Identify what they have already learned about the components of a story (grade 2)
or components of writing (grade 1) (remembering).
2. Explain the components of their polar bear stories (understanding).
3. Transfer newfound knowledge/ knowledge they already knew about polar bears
into their story (applying).
Polar bear book
Chart paper with components of the story written on it
Chart paper for brainstorming with the grade 1


Have the student who hands out paper to pass out the sheets to the grade 1 and 2
Have all materials prepared (chart paper, markers, etc).

Introduction Time
Review what we have learned about polar bears so far (from the
previous video, from any previous knowledge) and have the students
10 Min
share their ideas with the class.
Explain that the students will now be using this knowledge to create
stories about polar bears that will go along with their polar bear art!
Transition: have the students move to the carpet based on the color of their

Body Time
Body of a story 1) The students will meet at the carpet and the 20 min
teacher will wait until the students are quiet 8:40-9:00
before continuing.
2) The teacher will review with the grade 1 and 2
the components of a story. Can any of the
students remember what are the components
of a story?
3) The teacher will read a book about polar bears
to the students (can also use the different
ways of reading that were reviewed in the
lesson about read to self).
Transition: stretching break
4) The teacher will then work with the class to
build up the components of the story using the
problems and characters from the book.
5) The grade 2 students will then go back to their
desk to start working on the components of
their own stories.

Transition: The students will take a water break

Grade 1 focus 1) The teacher will then focus on building the
stories for the grade 1 students. The teacher
will use the previous stories that the grade 1
have written using: has, can, and is.
2) The teacher can then use this time to
brainstorm with the grade 1 some ideas that
can help build up their stories: white fur,
arctic, eat fish, etc.
3) Tell the grade 1 students that they will be
building up their stories using three is, three
has, and three can.
Transition: Have the students take a Go Noodle
5 minutes
Stories 1) The teacher will circle around the students as
continue they are working and remind the grade 2 that
they must show the teacher their ideas before
continuing on with their writing.
2) The grade 2 will be doing best try spelling. 20
3) Students will then move on onto writing their minutes
stories about the polar bear once they have 9:25-9:45
checked with the teacher. The students will
then do a good copy if they finish early.
4) Students can take water/bathroom breaks as
needed if engagement is decreasing.
Conclusion Time
The students can share some of their characters/ideas with the 1-2 min
class 9:45-9:50
Formative assessment: the teacher can observe the review that occurred
with the grade 1 and 2 students based on their unique components of a story.
This can help gauge if more review is needed or if the students can move
ahead with the activity.
Formative assessment: the teacher will observe the students work on their
story and evaluate if more instructions are needed based on the students

Additional Notes:
General Lesson information: At the end of the lesson the students in grade 2
should be able to demonstrate their understanding of the different components of a
story and apply this to their own stories. The grade 1 students should be able to
remember how to write a story using has, is, can and apply it to their own stories
about polar bears.

General Learning Expectations:

General Outcome 1: students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and
represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences. This can be
observed as the students explore their own ideas as they are creating their stories.
This can come from the review about the components of a story and seeing it
applied as the teacher does a read-aloud. The students will write about their polar
bears and demonstrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
General Outcome 4: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and
represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. The students
can use the building of stories to build up their communication skills as well as
their clarity skills through the practice of writing.
General Outcome 5: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and
represent to respect, support and collaborate with others. The students can
collaborate with others as they share ideas with their classmates (through the
grade 1 students brainstorming and the grade 2 students can collaborate with each
other to build ideas).


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