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Erick Castro

The Bad Seed Essay Reflection

After reviewing the essay that I submitted as my final draft, I seemed to have overlooked

a few of statements I made and found out that the placement of my information, the structure,

could have been a lot better. The first things I realized were out of order were the details about

both the story and the details describing Rhoda. I failed to use the introductory paragraph to

briefly introduce the character I was most going to speak about and therefore ended up moving

some of the information into my first paragraph. Another change was the further explanations of

my quotes. I had trouble incorporating the quotes and paraphrases into my essay in the sense that

I could not find a proper way to introduce and describe how they connected to my essay. After

going back, I considered the feedback I was given and decided to give a further explanation on a

few of the quotes that I left at the end of the paragraphs. I also tried went back and changed a few

of the statements I made to focus more on the concept that Rhoda represents rather than just

introducing her as the murderer. Stating that Rhoda was a cold-blooded murderer and then

elaborating didnt do much for my argument and because of this I instead tried to focus more on

giving reasons on why she is more of a metaphor for the true underlying fear of uncertainty that

almost every human experiences.

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