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CLASSifieds: Pyromancer

Written by Jason Stoffa
Art and Design by Rick Hershey

They have been called by many names. Scions of

the inferno, masters of flame, maniacs and firestorm
fanatics, they are all descriptions following in the
charred wake of a pyromancer. Pyromancers look
within themselves for arcane prowess and draw
forth the mighty ability to bend the power of fire to
their will, be it for good or evil.

Embolded, and sometimes consumed by their innate

power, these arcane-touched spell casters endlessly
indulge in and refine their dangerous abilities,
gradually learning how to harness their skills and
call forth ever greater power. Some pyromancers
seek to control their abilities through discipline and
study, others give in to their innate magic, letting
its wild nature drive their lives into a fanaticism,
often with explosive results.

Pyromancers excel at casting a selection of
fire based spells frequently. As they become
familiar with a specific and ever-widening set
of spells, pyromancers often discover new and
dangerously destructive ways of making use of
their abilities.

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

Fat Goblin Games
Alignment: Any. new pyromancer level, he gains one Fiery Ray (Sp): Starting at 2nd
Hit Die: d6 or more new spells, as indicated in level, the pyromancer can unleash
the pyromancer spells known table. a fiery ray as a standard action,
(Unlike spells per day, the number targeting any foe within 30 feet
Class Skills of spells a pyromancer knows is as a ranged touch attack. This ray
The pyromancers class skills are not affected by his Charisma score; deals 1d8 points of fire damage +1
Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), the numbers on the known spells for every two pyromancer levels
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge sidebar are fixed.) These new the pyromancer possess. The
(arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis), spells can be spells chosen from the pyromancer can use this ability a
Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic pyromancer spell list, or they can be number of times per day equal to
Device (Cha). unusual spells that the pyromancer 3+ the pyromancers Charisma
has gained some understanding of modifier.
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int through study. Unlike a wizard or
modifier. a cleric, a pyromancer need not Maintain Fire (Su): This
prepare his spells in advance. He supernatural ability allows the
Class Features can cast any spell he knows at any
time, assuming he has not yet used
pyromancer to maintain a flame and
keep it from being extinguished.
All of the following are class
up his spells per day for that spell He must have eye contact with the
features of the pyromancer.
level. flame and then focuses his energy
Weapon and Armor Proficiency to maintain it. By doing this, he
Pyromancers are proficient with Upon reaching 5th level, and at raises the extinguish DC of the
all simple weapons. They are not every odd-numbered pyromancer fire to 10+ the pyromancers
proficient with any type of armor level after that (7th, 9th, and so on), class level plus his Cha modifier.
or shield. Armor interferes with a pyromancer can choose to learn a The flame is maintained as long
a pyromancers gestures, which new spell in place of one he already as the pyromancer focuses on it.
can cause his spells with somatic
components to fail. knows. In effect, the pyromancer Using this ability is a move action
loses the old spell in exchange for and during which the pyromancer
Spells the new one. The new spells level becomes flat-footed.
A pyromancer casts arcane spells must be the same as that of the spell
drawn from the pyromancer spell being exchanged. A pyromancer Flaming Burst (Sp): At 5th level,
may swap only a single spell at the pyromancer can unleash a blast
list. He can cast any spell he knows of flame once per day. This 20-foot-
without preparing it ahead of time. any given level, and must choose
radius burst deals 1d6 points
To learn or cast a spell, a pyromancer whether or not to swap the spell of fire damage per pyromancer
must have a Charisma score equal at the same time that he gains new level. Those caught in the area of
to at least 10 + the spell level. The spells known for the level. the pyromancers blast receive a
Difficulty Class for a saving throw Reflex save for half damage. The
Fire Resistance (Ex): At 1st level, DC of this save is equal to 10 +
against a pyromancers spell is 10 + 1/2 the pyromancers level plus
the spell level + the pyromancers the pyromancer gains fire resistance
the pyromancers Cha modifier. At
Charisma modifier. Like other spell 5. At 5th level, and every five levels 5th level, the pyromancer can use
casters, a pyromancer can cast only after, this bonus increases by 5 until this ability once per day. At 12th
a certain number of spells of each at 20th level the pyromancers fire level, the pyromancer can use this
spell level per day. In addition, he resistance increases to 20. ability twice per day. At 19th level,
receives bonus spells per day if the pyromancer can use this ability
he has a high Charisma score. A Master of Flames (Ex): Every time three times per day. This power has
pyromancers selection of spells is a Pyromancer inflicts fire damage a range of 60 feet.
extremely limited. on a target, be this with a spell or
A pyromancer begins play knowing another source of fire, he inflicts an Control Fire (Su): At 6th level, the
three 0-level spells and two 1st- amount of extra fire damage equal pyromancer gains the supernatural
level spells of his choice. At each to his Charisma modifier. ability to control the size and
brightness of fires within 50 feet.

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

CLASSifieds: Pyromancer
The pyromancer can choose to Piercing Heat (Ex): At 10th level, against a creature. The target of this
extinguish the fire, or change the a pyromancers fire spells become attack must succeed a Fortitude
level of light given from the fire more powerful and can cut through save DC 10 + the Pyromancers
from dim to bright light. If the fire resistance and the hardness of level plus his Cha modifier or
pyromancer chooses to adjust the natural materials. No more than instantly catch on fire, suffering 1d6
size of a fire, any creatures caught points of fire damage per every two
of the damage inflicted by his fire pyromancer levels the pyromancer
in the effect receive a Reflex saving damage (spells and abilities) can possesses. This damage continues
throw to avoid the effects. If failed be negated by an items hardness or until the target extinguishes the
these creatures are effected as if resistance to fire. flames as a full round action. At
they where successfully targeted 16th level, the pyromancer can use
with the fire and suffer damage as Searing Heat (Su): A 12th level a this ability once per day. At 18th
normal. Only natural fires can be pyromancer can generate an intense level, the pyromancer can use this
affected by this ability. Activating amount of heat, causing anything ability twice per day. At 20th level,
this ability is a standard action, that touches his body to take the pyromancer can use this ability
and all changes last for as long three times per day.
2d6+2 for every two pyromancer
as the pyromancer continues to levels the pyromancer possess of Spreading Flames (Sp): At 18th
concentrate on maintaining the fire damage. Creatures striking a level the pyromancer becomes
effect (a move action). pyromancer with natural attacks able to cause any spell to gain the
or non-reach weapons are subject effects of one of the following
Rebuke Elemental (Ex): At 8th to this damage. The duration of feats; Empower Spell, Enlarge
level, the Pyromancer gains the this effect lasts a number of rounds Spell, Extend Spell or a Widen
extraordinary ability to rebuke or equal to the pyromancers class Spell without an increase to the
command fire creatures as a cleric level. At 12th level, the pyromancer spells level. Activating this ability
of the same level. is a swift action. At 18th level, the
can use this ability once per day. At
Pyromancer can use this ability
17th level, the pyromancer can use once per day. At 19th level, and
Clinging Flame (Su): At 9th level this ability twice per day. each level beyond, the pyromancer
a pyromancers fire spells have a gains another use of this ability.
supernatural ability to cling to an Pyromancer Ascension (Ex): At
object or creature and continue to 13th level, the pyromancer again Fiery Form (Ex): A 20th level
burn. The pyromancer may use gains a bonus when he sets objects a pyromancers very essence is
a swift action to make any spell a or creatures on fire. The damage the consumed by the power of fire. His
clinging spell. This ability must be fire deals is increased by +1 per die, type changes to elemental, he no
used before the spell is cast and if and the extinguishing DC of any longer ages, and he gains the fire
such fire attacks rises by +5. subtype, although he is immune to
the spell is disrupted during casting
this ability is lost. If successfully any banishment spells that would
Improved Piercing Heat (Ex): normally affect an elemental, due
cast the spell will continue to deal A 15th level the pyromancers fire to his connections with the Prime
of the original spells damage on the from his spells entirely ignores Material Plane. The pyromancer
following round. A Reflex saving any fire resistance, hardness, or also gains immunity to paralysis,
throw (DC of this save is equal to 10 immunity a creature or object may poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
+ 1/2 the Pyromancers level plus have. Objects now take full damage He is no longer subject to critical
the Pyromancers Cha modifier) from the pyromancers spells and hits or flanking or additional damage
reduces this amount to instead. even stone can be reduced to a from precision based attacks, such
At 9th level, the pyromancer can cindered ruin. as sneak attack.
use this ability once per day. At 14th
level, the pyromancer can use this Combustion (Su): Beginning at
16th level a pyromancer can cause
ability two times per day. At 20th
any creature he touches to burst
level, the pyromancer can use this into flame. As a standard action the
ability three times per day. pyromancer can make a touch attack

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

Fat Goblin Games
Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Fire Resistance
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 3 - - - - - - - -
Master of Flames
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Fiery Ray 4 - - - - - - - -
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 5 - - - - - - -
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Maintain Flame 6 3 - - - - - - -
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Fiery Burst 6 4 - - - - - - -
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Control Fire 6 5 3 - - - - -
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 6 6 4 - - - - -
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Rebuke Elemental 6 6 5 3 - - - - -
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Clinging Flame 6 6 6 4 - - - - -
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Piercing Heat 6 6 6 5 3 - - - -
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 6 6 6 6 4 - - -
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Searing Heat 6 6 6 6 5 3 - - -
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 6 6 6 6 6 4 - - -
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 -
Improved Piercing
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 - -
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Combustion 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3 -
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Spreading Flames 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 3
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Fiery Form 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Pyromancer Spell List Obscuring smoke*: Fog surrounds you.

0-Level Pyromancer Spells Produce Flame: 1d6 damage + 1/level, touch or thrown.
Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune on an object or Summon Monster I: Summons elemental creature to fight for
creature (visible or invisible). you.
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. 2nd-Level Pyromancer Spells
Burning Gaze(APG): 1d6 fire damage to target by looking at it
Flare: Dazzles one creature (1 penalty on attack rolls).
Continual Flame: Makes a permanent, heatless light.
Fire Orb*:Creates a small flame which deals 1d3 fire damage.
Elemental Speech(APG): Enables you to speak to elementals.
Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks.
Fire Breath(APG): Exhale a cone of f lame at will.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Flame Blade: Touch attack deals 1d8 + 1/two levels damage.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 bonus on saving throws.
Flaming Sphere: Rolling ball of fire deals 3d6 fire damage.
Spark(APG): Ignites flammable objects.
Heat Metal:Makes metal so hot it damages those who touch it.
Torch: Object shines like a torch.
Maddening Flames*: Subject takes 1d6 penalty to Int, Wis,
1st-Level Pyromancer Spells and Cha.
Burning Hands: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4). Pyrotechnics: Turns fire into blinding light or thick smoke.
Dancing Lantern(APG): Animates a lantern that follows you. Resist Energy: Ignores 10 or more points of damage per attack
Endure Elements: Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions. from specified energy type.
Fiery doom* :This spell fills a single subject with a feeling Scorching Ray: Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage,+
of horrible dread that causes it to become shaken. 1 ray/four levels (max 3).
Flaming Coal*: Three stones gain +1 on attack rolls, deal Summon Monster II: Summons elemental creature to fight
1d6+1 damage. for you.

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

CLASSifieds: Pyromancer
3rd-Level Pyromancer Spells 7th-Level Pyromancer Spells
Campfire Wall(APG): Creates a shelter around a campfire. Delayed Blast Fireball: 1d6/level fire damage; you can
Fire Ball: 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius. postpone blast for up to 5 rounds.
Flaming Bolt*: Fiery bolt deals 1d6/level damage. Elemental Body IV: Turns you into a Huge elemental.
Flame Arrow: Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage. Firebrand(APG): Allies gain flaming weapons, immunity to
Quench: Extinguishes fires. your fire spells, and a one-use ray of fire attack.
Sapping Flames: Damaging fire that heals. Fire Storm: Deals 1d6/level fire damage.
Summon Monster III: Summons elemental creature to fight Summon Monster VII: Summons elemental creature to fight
for you. for you.

4th-Level Pyromancer Spells 8th-Level Pyromancer Spells

Elemental Body I: Turns you into a Small elemental. Binding: Utilizes an array of techniques to imprison a creature.
Fire Fall(APG): Fire bursts upward, dealing 2d6 fire damage. Blazing Ray*: Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level fire
Fire Trap: Opened object deals 1d4 + 1/level damage. damage and 1d4 points of Charisma drain.
Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage; Incendiary Cloud: Cloud deals 6d6 fire damage/round.
youre protected from heat or cold. Planar Binding, Greater: As lesser planar binding, but
Flame Stride*: Teleport short distances through flame. up to 18 HD.
Flaming Tentacles*: Tentacles of flame grapple all Summon Monster VIII: Summons elemental creature to
creatures within a 10-ft. spread. fight for you.
Smoldering Spittle: Spit explosive spheres of fire. Wall of Lava(APG): Wall damages foes that try to enter,
Summon Monster IV: Summons elemental creature to periodically launches lava at nearby targets.
fight for you.
Wall of Fire: Deals 2d4 f ire damage out to 10 ft. and 9th-Level Pyromancer Spells
1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage Elemental Swarm: Summons multiple elementals.
+ 1/ level. Meteor Swarm: Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire
5th-Level Pyromancer Spells Summon Monster IX: Summons elemental creature to
Elemental Body II: Turns you into a Medium elemental. fight for you.
Fire Snake(APG): Creates a serpentine path of fire 5 ft.
long/level that deals 1d6 fire damage/level. (APG): See the Spell section in Chapter 5 of the Pathfinder
Geyser(APG): Creates a geyser of boiling water. Roleplaying Game: Advanced Players Guide.
Planar Binding, Lesser: Traps elemental creature of 6
HD or less until it performs a task.
Summon Monster V: Summons elemental creature to
fight for you.
Weapons of Flame: Create flaming weapons.

6th-Level Pyromancer Spells

Chain Inferno*: 1d6/level damage and 1 secondary bolt/ level.
Contagious Flame(APG): Rays do 4d6 fire damage, then
move on to new targets.
Elemental Body III: Turns you into a Large elemental.
Flaming Fog*: Fog deals fire damage.
Planar Binding: As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD.
Sirocco(APG): Hot wind does 4d6 damage, fatigues
those damaged, and knocks creatures prone.
Summon Monster VI: Summons elemental creature to
fight for you

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

Fat Goblin Games
Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st 4 2 - - - - - - - -
2nd 5 2 - - - - - - - -
3rd 5 3 - - - - - - - -
4th 6 3 1 - - - - - - -
5th 6 4 2 - - - - - - -
6th 7 4 2 1 - - - - - -
7th 7 5 3 2 - - - - - -
8th 8 5 3 2 1 - - - - -
9th 8 5 4 3 2 - - - - -
10th 9 5 4 3 2 1 - - - -
11th 9 5 5 4 3 2 - - - -
12th 9 5 5 4 3 2 1 - - -
13th 9 5 5 4 4 3 2 - - -
14th 9 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 - -
15th 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 - -
16th 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 1 -
17th 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 -
18th 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 1
19th 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2
20th 9 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3

New Favored Class Fires Friend: Add a + point to individuals sometimes take to the
the extra damage caused by the forge, determined to stoke the fires
Abilities pyromancers Master of Flames hotter than ever before and to make
The final section of this chapter ability. weapons in which to hold their
describes alternative benefits for the power. Others take a darker path and
pyromancer as a favored class. The Fire it up!: Add a + point to the invite foul creatures of the pit into
normal benefit of having a favored DC of the pyromancers Flaming their careers, making dark pacts in
class is simple and effective: your Burst ability. exchange for more power.
character gains one extra hit point
or one extra skill rank each time Fanning the Flames: Add a + Flame Forge Crafter
he gains a level in that class. The point to the DC of the pyromancers Bent on making enchanted weapons
alternate favored class abilities Combustion ability. and items of a power that rivals their
listed here are designed to reflect own, these pyromancers become like
flavorful options that can prove Fire Proof: Add a + point to the artists with their ability to merge iron
handy for a character with the right pyromancers Fire Resistance ability. and flame as one. Throughout their
focus. levels, they spend great amounts of
time and energy to gather materials
Persistent Study: Add +1/3 of Pyromancer in order to perfect the craft of forging.
a new spell to the pyromancers Archetypes Forge Initiate (Ex): At fifth level the
list of spells known. This spell With the mastery of flame many
must be of a level lower than the pyromancer gains the Craft Magic
different paths open themselves
pyromancers current spell level. Arms and Armor as a bonus feat. At
before a pyromancer. These

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

CLASSifieds: Pyromancer
sixth level the pyromancer also gains Flame Forged Weapon / Shield can be willed as a standard action to
the Master Craftsman feat even if he (su): Whenever the wielder of this release a 10 foot radius bust of flame
does not meet the feats prerequisites. weapon or shield is targeted by a fire- that deals 5d6 damage (Reflex DC 15
This replaces the Fiery Burst and based spell, the item has a chance for half damage).
Control Flame class features at 5th to absorb the spell. The wielder of
and 6th level. In addition, the Flame this item can use this ability as an Hellfire Ascendant
Forge Crafter adds a bonus equal to immediate action three time per day, Hell bent on achieving powers that
their pyromancer class level to all the wielder gains SR equal to 10+ cannot be learned from earthly sources,
craft checks involving magical arms the pyromancers class level plus Cha the Hellfire Ascendant has turned to the
and armors. modifier at the time of creation. If the otherworldly in the form of devils to
spell fails to overcome the SR, the grant him greater powers at the cost of
Fire Crafting (Ex): At level eight item becomes temporally enchanted his mortal soul.
the pyromancers mastery over the and acts as a spell storing item until
forge becomes so great that he can the spell is released. This power Devils Mark (Ex): At first level, the
reduce the time required in crafting cannot be used if the item already pyromancer gains a devils mark in
metal items. This ability reduces the holds an absorbed spell. the form of a brand along his wrist,
creation time by one-third. In addition, shoulder, throat or some other area
if the pyromancer chooses to include Black Iron (su): This infusion can of the body. This signifies that he has
exotic metals such as Adamantine, be called upon up to three times per completed a pact with the devil in
Cold Iron, or Mithral into the creation day .When called upon the weapon exchange for the dark powers of the pit.
of the item, the included metals cost begins to smolder and glows red-hot. The devils mark acts the same as the
is reduced by 25%. This replaces the The weapons blade will bypass a pyromancers Master of Flame ability.
Rebuke Elemental class feature at 8th creatures various damage reduction The pyromancer is now considered an
level. ratings. The pyromancer level (at the evil creature for the purposes of spells
time of infusion) determines what that affect evil creatures, regardless of
Fiery Infusion (Ex): At thirteenth type of damage reduction is bypassed. his true alignment, such as Protection
level the pyromancer gains the ability At 13th level the weapon can bypass From Evil, and Detect Evil. The ability
to infuse a portion of his power into anything requiring DR/ Cold Iron. At replaces the pyromancers Master of
any magical arms or armor in which 15th level the weapon can bypass DR/ Flame class feature.
he crafts. These infusions take the Adamantine. At 17th level the weapon
form of the following enchantments can overcome damage reduction with Wicked Blood (Ex): At fifth level
which can be added at no cost or no requirements ( DR/-). the pyromancers blood becomes
additional crafting time added to the infused with a small power of the pit.
creation of the weapon or armor. Only Flame Walker (su): When the Whenever the pyromancer is damaged
one such infusion can be applied to a pyromancer uses this infusion on a by a piercing or slashing weapon his
weapon or armor. created suit of metal armor it gains now supernatural blood sprays from the
the ability to absorb heat and damage wounds in the form of gouts of liquid fire.
Flaming Weapon (su): This infusion from fire based attacks and effects. The creature who caused the damage
allows the wielder to will the presence of Three times per day the wearer of must make a reflex saving throw ( DC is
the pyromancers influence to give birth this armor can call upon the infusion equal to 10 + the pyromancers class
to a white hot flame which sheaths the to absorb fire damage based on the level plus Cha modifier) or suffer 1d6
weapon. This ability can be called forth pryomancers level at the time of the plus the pyromancers Cha modifier
as a move action for a number of rounds infusion. At 13th level the armor, as an points of fire damage for each attack.
per day equal to the pyromancers level immediate action, grants the wearer The damage dice of this ability increases
at the time of the weapons creation. Fire Resistance 5. This resistance to 1d8 at 10th level, 1d10 at 15th, and
These rounds need not be consecutive increases to 10 at 15th level, 15 at 2d6 at 20th. This ability replaces the
and dismissing the infusion is a free 17th level, and 20 at 19th level. Once pyromancers Fiery Burst class feature.
action. While active the infused weapon per day, after the armor has prevented
acts as a flame burst weapon. 30 or more fire damage, the armor

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

Fat Goblin Games
Hellfire (Ex): At sixteenth level Pyromancer Feats Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
the true powers of the Hellfire Effect ray
Ascendant become apparent as all Extra Burn Duration instantaneous
fire created by the caster begins to You have honed your pyromancers Saving Throw none;
take the form of writhing blackened innate abilities . Spell Resistance yes
flames. The sounds of pain and Prerequisites: Fire Mastery class A white hot ray of burning flame
torments can be heard behind each feature, Greater Fire Mastery. springs from your hand. You must
roar of the pyromancers fiery Benefit: Gain two additional uses succeed on a ranged touch attack with
spells. The pyromancer can use of a pyromancer class feature with the ray to deal damage to a target. The
the hellfire ability a number of limited uses. ray deals 1d6 points of fire damage
times per day equal to one-half his Normal: You gain a number of uses per caster level (maximum 25d6) and
Cha modifier. Each time that the of a pyromancer class feature based 1d4 points of charisma drain.
pyromancer uses this ability the on your charisma bonus.
spell it is applied to is cast as an Special: You may select this feat Chained Inferno
empowered spell (as per the feat). multiple times, its benefits must be School evocation [fire];
In addition, half the damage is fire applied to a different pyromancer Level pyromancer/sorcerer/wizard 6
ability each time. Casting Time 1 standard action
damage, but the other half results
Components V, S, F (a flask of
directly from profane power and
Greater Fire Mastery alchemist fire; a piece of amber, both of
is therefore not subject to being
Fire grows hotter when sculpted by which are consumed during casting)
reduced by resistance to fire-based
your hands. Range medium(150 ft. + 25 ft./level)
attacks. A creature who takes
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Fire Mastery Targets one primary target, plus
damage from a Hellfire spell cannot one secondary target/ level (each of
heal the wound naturally and must class feature.
Benefit: You gain an additional +1 to all which must be within 20 ft. of the
seek the help of magic healing in primary target)
order to restore the charred flesh damage dealt with fire based spells.
Duration instantaneous
left behind by these wounds. This Saving Throw Reflex half;
Supreme Fire Mastery
ability replaces the pyromancers Spell Resistance yes
Your ability to craft flame, and
Combustion class feature. This spell creates a fiery discharge
your joy to watch things burn into
cinders and ash, is a dangerous and that begins as an explosion erupting
Hell Bound (Ex): Whenever a at the feet of the initial target and then
disturbing thing to watch.
pyromancer gains the dying condition again and again to different targets
Prerequisites: Cha 16, Fire Mastery
he suffers a -2 to all checks made to within the spells range. Chained
class feature, Greater Fire Mastery.
stabilize. If the stabilization roll is Inferno strikes one object or creature
Benefit: Add twice your Cha modifier
unsuccessful he suffers one extra initially, then the explosion moves to
to all damage dealt with fire based
point of damage resulting from the other targets. The explosion deals
failed roll. Once a Hellfire Ascendant 1d6 points of fire damage per
Normal: Add your Cha modifier
dies his body is rapidly consumed caster level (maximum 20d6) to the
to all damage dealt with fire based
in black flames and reduced to ash primary target. After it explodes,
within seconds of his death. The Chained Inferno then moves to a
character cannot be the target of Raise
Dead, Resurrection, and Breath of
New Pyromancer number of secondary targets equal
Life or similar spells which restore
Spells to your caster level (maximum 20).
The secondary explosions each
the dead to life. Nothing short of a
Blazing Ray strike one target and deal as much
Limited Wish, Wish or Miracle spell
School evocation [fire]; damage as the primary explosions.
can restore a lost Hellfire Ascendant
Level pyromancer/sorcerer/wizard 8 Each target can attempt a Reflex
back to life. If one of these mentioned
Casting Time 1 standard action saving throw for half damage. The
effects is used to restore him he loses
Components V, S, F (an fine cut Reflex DC to halve the damage of
all class features of the Archetype.
amber gem worth 100gp) the secondary explosion is 2 lower

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

CLASSifieds: Pyromancer
than the DC to halve the damage Duration instantaneous damage per caster level (maximum
of the primary bolt. You choose Saving Throw none and Will negates 10d4+10) to each creature within
secondary targets as you like, but (object) the area. The Flaming Bolt begins
they must all be within 20 feet of Spell Resistance no and yes (object) at your fingertips, and sets fire to
the primary target, and no target can With an explosion of flame you combustibles and damages objects
be struck more than once. You can instantly transfer yourself from your in its path. It can melt metals with a
choose to affect fewer secondary current location to any other spot low melting point, such as lead, gold,
targets than the maximum. within range. You always arrive at copper, silver, or bronze.
exactly the spot desiredwhether
Fiery Doom by simply visualizing the area or Flaming Coal
School evocation [fire, mind- by stating direction. When the spell School transmutation;
affecting]; is cast a circle of flame with a 10ft. Level Pyromancer 1
Level pyromancer 1 radius, centered on you, bursts Casting Time 1 standard action
Casting Time 1 standard action forth dealing 1d6 +1d6 per every Components V, S, M
Components V, S, M three caster levels (Reflex save for Range touch
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) damage) to any creature within Targets up to three pieces of coal
Target one living creature range. This effect also happens again touched
Duration 1 min./level at the arrival point of the intended Duration 30 minutes or until discharged
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell destination. After using this spell, Saving Throw Will negates
Resistance yes you cant take any other actions (harmless, object);
This spell sets a single subject ablaze until your next turn. You can bring Spell Resistance yes (harmless, object)
with false fire and fills the target with along objects as long as their weight You transmute as many as three
a feeling of being burned alive. This doesnt exceed your maximum pieces of coal, which can be no larger
effect causes it to become shaken. load. If you arrive in a place that is than sling bullets, so that they burst
The material component for the spell already occupied by a solid body, into flame when they strike when
is a small bit of lamp oil. you take 1d6 points of damage and thrown or slung. If hurled, they
are shunted to a random open space have a range increment of 20 feet.
Fire Orb on a suitable surface within 100 feet If slung, treat them as sling bullets
School conjuration (creation) [fire]; of the intended location. If there is no (range increment 50 feet). The spell
Level sorcerer/wizard/ Pyromancer 0 free space within 100 feet, you take gives them a +1 enhancement bonus
Casting Time 1 standard action an additional 2d6 points of damage on attack and damage rolls. The user
Components V, S and are shunted to a free space of the coal makes a normal ranged
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) within 1,000 feet. If there is no free attack. Each coal piece that hits
Effect one missile of fire space within 1,000 feet, you take an deals 1d6+1 points of fire damage
Duration instantaneous additional 4d6 points of damage and (including the spells enhancement
Saving Throw none; the spell simply fails. bonus). The material component
Spell Resistance no for the spell are the three pieces of
You lob a small orb of fire at the Flaming Bolt coal.
target. You must succeed on a ranged School evocation [electricity];
touch attack to hit your target. The Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Flaming Fog
orb deals 1d3 points of fire damage. Casting Time 1 standard action School conjuration (creation) [fire];
Components V, S, M (Sulfur and flint) Level pyromancer/sorcerer/wizard 6
Flame Stride Range 60 ft. Casting Time 1 standard action
School conjuration (teleportation); Area 40-ft long line x 10ft wide
Components V, S, M (powdered
Level Pyromancer/sorcerer/wizard 4 Duration instantaneous
hematite and a flint )
Casting Time 1 standard action Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Components V Resistance yes
Effect fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) You release a powerful blast of
ft. high
Target you and touched objects flame that deals 1d4 +1 points of fire
Duration 1 round/level

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

Fat Goblin Games
Saving Throw none; Maddening Flames Collapsing into a horrified heap the
Spell Resistance no School enchantment (compulsion) subject of this spell believes that his
Flaming fog creates a billowing mass [mind-affecting]; face and body are being melted away
of super heated vapors like the solid Level Pyromancer/sorcerer/wizard 2 by the pyromancers flame. Falling
fog spell. In addition to slowing Casting Time 1 standard action prone, the subject can take no
down creatures and obscuring sight, Components V, S, M (Amber gem actions while screaming, but is not
this spells vapors reach extremely worth 25 gp) considered helpless. After the spell
superheated temperatures as flames Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) ends, it can act normally. On the
burst forth from the fog. Each round Target one creature; see text creatures next turn, it may attempt a
on your turn, starting when you cast Duration 1 round/level new saving throw to end the effect.
the spell, the fog deals 3d6 points Saving Throw Will negates; This is a full round action that does
of fire damage to each creature and Spell Resistance yes not provoke attacks of opportunity.
object within it. As this spell is cast a small thin If this save is successful, the effect
sheen of fire erupts around the ends. If not, the creature continues
Flaming Tentacles subjects head dealing 1d6 points screaming and burning.
School conjuration (creation); of fire damage and begins to burn
Level pyromancer/sorcerer/wizard 4 away flesh and sanity. Each round
Casting Time 1 standard action the subject takes 1d6 points of fire
Components V, S, M (oil wick damage and must make a new
soaked in alchemist fire) will save to end the spells effects.
Range short (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) This spell afflicts
Area 10-ft.-radius spread the subject with
Duration 1 round/level (D) uncontrollable
Saving Throw: none; screaming.
Spell Resistance: no
This spell causes a field of flaming
tentacles to appear, burrowing up
from the floor and reaching for any
creature in the area. Every creature
within the area of the spell is the
target of a combat maneuver check
made to grapple each round at the
beginning of your turn, including the
round that Flaming Tentacles is cast.
Creatures that enter the area of effect
are also automatically attacked. The
tentacles do not provoke attacks of
opportunity. When determining the
tentacles CMB, the tentacles use
your caster level as their base attack
bonus and receive a +4 bonus due to
their Strength and a +1 size bonus.
Roll only once for the entire spell
effect each round and apply the result
to all creatures in the area of effect.
Any creature caught in the grasp of
the Flaming Tentacles suffer 1d6
points of fire damage per round.

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

CLASSifieds: Pyromancer
Obscuring Smoke deals 1d4 points of damage per Smoldering Spittle
School conjuration (creation); two caster levels (maximum 10d4) School evocation [fire];
Level sorcerer/Wizard/Pyromancer 1 and temporally blinds the target Level pyromancer/sorcerer/
Casting Time 1 standard action of the attack for 1 round. At the wizard 4
Components V, S end of the targets next round the Casting Time 1 standard action
Range 20 ft. flames leap from the target back Components V, S, M ( the
Effect cloud spreads in 20-ft. and onto the casters body where caster must place a small
they are absorbed. You gain hit amount of sulfur to the tongue)
Range short (25 ft. + 10 ft./
Duration 1 min./level (D) points equal to the damage you
Saving Throw none/Fort negates deal. You cant gain more than the
Area 10-ft.-radius spreads, see
Spell Resistance no subjects current hit points + the
A smog like vapor arises around you. subjects Constitution score (which Duration instantaneous
It is stationary. The smoke obscures is enough to kill the subject). Saving Throw Reflex half , see
all sight, including darkvision, text; Spell Resistance yes
beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet Weapons of Flame Smoldering spittle is a
away has concealment (attacks School conjuration (creation); spectacular spell that is similar
have a 20% miss chance). Creatures Level pyromancer/sorcerer/wizard 5 to fireball in many aspects.
who begin their turns in the smoke Casting Time 1 minute Once cast, the pyromancer
must succeeded a fortitude save Components V, S, M (a small gains the ability to spit one
or become sickened for 1 round. piece of flint or charcoal per explosive sphere of fire per
Creatures farther away have total item you plan to create with three caster levels. These
concealment (50% miss chance, Weapons of flame) small spheres spring from your
Range 0 ft. mouth and streak in straight
and the attacker cannot use sight to
lines to the target. The spheres
locate the target). A moderate wind Effect create one weapon/ 3 caster
leave a fiery trail of sparks
(15+ mph), such as from a gust of levels
when shot. If you aim a sphere
wind spell, disperses the smoke in Duration 1 hour/level (D)
at a specific creature, you may
4 rounds. A strong wind (25+ mph) Saving Throw none; make a ranged touch attack
disperses the smokey cloud. Spell Resistance no to strike the target with the
You create one melee weapon per spittle. Once a sphere reaches
Sapping Flames three caster levels from magical its destination, it explodes in
School evocation; flame which can be used by a 10-foot radius spread, dealing
Level pyromancer/sorcerer/wizard 3 yourself or others. This can be 3d6 points of fire damage on a
Casting Time 1 standard action any weapon the caster wills, two- direct hit and one half damage
Components V, S handed and reach weapons created to each creature in the area.
Range touch in this way count as two weapons. If a targeted sphere misses its
Target living creature touched These items can be given to, stolen, target, it simply explodes at the
Duration instantaneous and used by other creatures. These nearest corner of the targets
fiery weapons are considered space. You may aim more than
Saving Throw none;
one spittle attack at the same
Spell Resistance yes magical, deal no damage to the
target. If a creature is within the
You must succeed on a melee touch items wielder, and do damage
area of more than one sphere,
attack. Flames begin to arise from listed as per the weapon created
it must save separately against
the targets skin as they are covered +1d6 points of fire damage. each
with a sheen of blue fire. This fire

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

Fat Goblin Games
New Items Flame Fluid: This substance Fire Flask
may be added to any flame based This liquid is extremely volatile
Arsonists Kit attack (natural or magical). If and detonates into a fiery explosion
This kit contains alchemical added to a magical attack it upon impact. You can throw a Fire
becomes a material component Flask as a splash weapon. Treat
substances and other additives
and must be in hand at the time this attack as a ranged touch attack
and tools needed to make a fire
of casting. When applied this with a range increment of 10 feet.
or natural flame based attack A direct hit deals 2d6 points of fire
(such as the use of burning oil substance increases the DC of
damage. Each creature within 10
or a torch as a weapon) more the fire based attacks by +1. If
feet of the point where the flask hits
potent. With these tools, you applied to a torch it provides
takes 1d4+1 point of fire damage
may choose which benefit is a +1 to the fire damage for 5 from the splash and are allowed
gained from each use of the kit. rounds. a Reflex saving throw DC 12 for
Each Arsonists kit has ten uses. one half damage. On the round
Fire Flasks: These flasks following a direct hit, the target
Improved Flame: When bear a strange red fluid that takes an additional 2d4 points of
this substance is added to an acts as alchemists fire when damage. If desired, the target can
existing flask of oil, it acts as thrown. Components used in use a full round action to attempt
a fuel stabilizer. The length in this way count as two of the to extinguish the flames before
which the oil burns is doubled. kits uses. taking this additional damage.
In a lantern, it burns for twice Extinguishing the flames requires
as long, if thrown it provides an a DC 17 Reflex save. Rolling on
additional round of damage to the ground provides the target a +2
the target hit. bonus on the save. Leaping into a
lake or magically extinguishing the
flames automatically smothers the
Quick Light: A use of
the kit may be used to light a
flame as a quick action rather
than a move action.

Arsonists Kit

Fire Flask

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

Fat Goblin Games and Wolfgang
Baurs Open Design, two companies
guaranteed to bring you original and
creative encounters for all your
adventure needs! is your
premier source for deadly
threats, mysterious monsters,
heinous horrors, and awesome
encounters for the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game!
Every weekday you
gain access to a new
creature, with full
stats and original art
that you can use
20 creatures a month with full
stats, ecology, combat tac-
tics, and colored
original art. provides members with access to the following features;

A new daily encounter posted with full game stats,for the Pathfinder roleplaying game. A total of about 20 creatures a month!
A fully illustrated depiction of the creature in color by artist Rick Hershey with each entry.
Each month is themed to various creature types or related genre.
Progressive CR ratings throughout the month; start of the month low challenges, end of the month high challenges.
A stylish full color collected pdf released at the end of every month collecting the last group of entries. Thats over 40 pages of collected creatures.
A collection of each months creatures formatted as paper miniatures for game use.

daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

CLASSifieds: Pyromancer and all other Fat Goblin Games product names and their respective logos are trademarks of Fat Goblin Games
in the U.S.A. and other countries.
All Fat Gobin Games characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are property of Fat Goblin Games. This mate-
rial is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or
events included herein is purely coincidental.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a,
Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, artifacts, places, etc.),
dialogue, plots, story lines, language, incidents, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress.
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the contents of this Fat Goblin Games game product are
Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material
designated as Open Game Content might be reproduced in any form without written permission. To learn more about the Open Game
License and the d20 System License, please visit

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo
Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying
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Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for
more information on the compatibility license.

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You
Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except
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Content distributed using this License. The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your accep- Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene,
tance of the terms of this License. with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Con- Hawvermale,Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original
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5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob
Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ
creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Taylor, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of The Dread Codex: Goblins. Copyright 2011, Jason Stoffa.
this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an
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daniel sencabaugh (order #3655898)

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