Chapter 1

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Chapter I


A. Background

One the most interesting of the body of a women is her breasts. Nevertheless,not
all of them have a normal breast. Many ways women do to beutify their breasts. By using
branded bra design as special trarment, by using specific herbal products, this aims having
beautiful breasts.
Unfortunately, treatment of excessive or improper treatment will impact negatively
oh the growth of the breast. Failure gets a beautiful breast, even it is worse than the original
form. Many diseases occur to attack the virgin breast. One of them is breast cancer, that is
the most terrible scourge covering on women, where a number of breast cancer patients
increasing that in Indonesia breast cancer is the second ranks after cervical cancer.
The lack of funcitioning breasts well as several mother cannot breastfeed their
babies normally. This is due to her youth, the mother have bad habits, such as tdrugs,
smoking, and alcoholics. In addition, they still have lack-understanding the use of bra as
sleeping. Actually, bra help to support the breasts avoiding slack, but the long usage will
arise breast cancer, especially underwire bra which is so tight. This cause the pressure on
the breast resulting in no blood flow smoothly. Blood flow is not smooth, which can trigger
breast cancer.
Less in drink mineral warter indeed carry very negative impact to the body, the
impact is not only dehydration or skin dry, but it is also the lack of fluid in the body is able
to trigger the risk of breast cancer. Actual shortage of drinking can cause shrinkage of tissue
in breast. Many breast tissue reduce the appearance factor of breast disease.
Many people consider that consuming meat much will be dangerous to the body.
Indeed, that is true, but no meat at all is also not recommended. Meat is the source animal
protein, the meat also contains collagen fibers to keep skin tissue. So, if you do not eat
meat, the impact of breast cancer may be higher risk because the collagen fibers of the
breast is useful to keep the shape and size of the breast can be reduced.
The increasing number of breast cancer patients are caused by the living-life habits
of society. Increasing include the use of contraceptives, is still the custom of many women,
because the content of the synthetic hormones in brith control pills can increase the risk of
breast cancer.
Smilary, pregnancy delaying is also one of the cause of cancer, especially for
women who choose to become pregnant over the age of 30 years. In addition, the factors
feeding the baby; which is actually quite mandatory for women for the growth of the baby,
but, many women actually dont choose to breastfeed their baby.
Moveover, unhealthy habits of eating schedule which can trigger excess weight
becomes one of the cause of various types of malignancies. Its also, that the high activity
frequency of the work; as profession sometimes makes some women have to extra work,
even they have over time of working. During menopause, women naturally have decreased
in the hormone estrogen which makes to be in stress, libido problems ad finally in
depression. Many women overcome doing by hormone therapy. This includes to cause
breast cancer. Many women attempt to treat and cope within disease progression. Both
medical care and traditional tratments such as herbs or herbal. The use of natural
ingredients such as fruits as an alternative medicine practiced by some people in rural areas
or the low economic person whom cannot afford medical treatment to economic reasons.
One of the fruits used in such treatments namely, the noni fruit. The fruit is considered
highly efficacious medicine for many disease, such as: preventing tumors, cough, flu, colds,
fever, stomachace, pain, ward off attacks free radicals are very harmful to health, heart
disease, increasing stamina, accelerating wound healing process, making the skin soft and
smooth with a scrub, disease arthritis and muscle pain, bacteria from multiplaying in the
body, treating diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Based on many benefits offered by the Morinda citrifolia, the writer is interested
in writing Morinda citrifolia to treat and prevent breast cancer growth.

Rumusan Masalah :

How does the influence of noni to breast cancer?

Tujuan Penelitian :
Knowing the benefits of noni to people affected by breast cancer.

Manfaat Penelitian :

Provide information to the reader about the use of noni as a herbal medicine.

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