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Unit 1: Animals (Day 9/10)

L.OL.03.32 Identify and compare structures in animals used for controlling body
temperature, support, movement, food-getting, and protection (for example: fur,
wings, teeth, scales).
L.OL.03.42 Classify animals on the basis of observable physical characteristics
(backbone, body coverings, limbs).

29* animal cards 9 (at least)
Quiz-Quiz-Trade directions guide
Sticky notes
Animal Adaptation squares worksheet

Time: approximately 35 minutes

1. Begin by reviewing adaptations (students should recall this information from
previous sessions) (5 minutes)
a. Adaptation: a behavior or body part that helps an animal meet its
needs in its environment
b. Examples: migration, hibernation, color, shape, camouflage
i. Migration: the movement of a group of one type of animal from
one region to another and back again
ii. Hibernation: a period when an animal goes into a long, deep
2. Go over Quiz-Quiz-Trade using the directions guide and hold a practice
round to make sure students know what to do (8 minutes)
3. Have paper passers hand out an animal card to each student and begin (15
4. Call the class back together and have animal cards picked up (2 minutes)
5. Have paper passers pass out one sticky note to each student to write one
thing that they learned today, or one thing that they would like to learn
more about and place it on their number on the bulletin board (6 minutes)
6. Conclude for today by passing out the animal adaptations squares that
students can work on individually for a grade (this can be done on day 2 if
time runs out)

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