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In Consultative Status with ECOSOC and Represented at UNESCO and

UNICEF September 2013

Office of IADL President

Jeanne Mirer
113 University Place, 8th Floor
New York, New York 10003
United States

IADL Permanent Representatives to the United Nations

Prof. Lennox Hinds, Permanent Representative New York
Evelyn Drmayer, Permanent Representative Vienna
Micl Savia, Permanent Representative Geneva


of Forces Agreement (SOFA) signed

REPORT ON U.N. between the U.N. and Haiti. The
attorneys requested a response within 60
BAI's Managing Attorney and IADL
UPDATE ON CHOLERA CASE Bureau member Mario Joseph traveled
AGAINST THE UNITED to Washington D.C. to meet with
members of U.S. Congress, USAID and
NATIONS the U.S. Department of State to discuss
the cholera case as a part of a series of
IADL-member the Bureau des Avocats meetings organized by the jury of the
Internationaux (BAI), and its U.S.- prestigious Martin Ennals Award. Mario
affiliate the Institute for Justice & is a finalist for the 2013 award, which
Democracy in Haiti (IJDH), are recognizes individuals who distinguish
continuing the fight for justice for themselves in an exceptional way in the
victims of cholera introduced to Haiti by fight against the human rights violations
reckless waste management by the by courageous and innovative means.
United Nations Stabilization Mission in The winner will be announced in a
Haiti (MINUSTAH). After the U.N. ceremony in Geneva in October.
tersely rejected claims for reparations
submitted by 5,000 victims of cholera as Partners in the movement for a just U.N.
not receivable, BAI and IJDH have response have also continued to organize
been preparing for litigation in U.S. and advocate at the U.N. Representative
court. Maxine Waters (D-CA) organized a U.S.
Congressional letter to the Secretary-
In May 2013, the claimants attorneys General that questioned the U.N.s
submitted a brief to the U.N. Office of refusal to consider the claims and called
Legal Affairs, challenging the legal basis on the organization to accept
for the dismissal and requesting the responsibility.
establishment of a standing claims
commission to hear the claims
independently, as required by the Status

The Haiti Advocacy Working Group and IADL Bureau Member and human
(HAWG), a coalition of NGOs and faith- rights defender Mario Joseph began
based groups devoted to Haiti-U.S. experiencing an increase in threats and
policy, hosted a delegation of harassment once again, including an
community activists from Haiti who illegal attempt by a judge to arrest
gave briefings and held bilateral Michel Andr and a surge in death
meetings with Member States in support threats against Patrice Florvilus, another
for a just U.N. response. On 11 June prominent human rights attorney in
2013, at a HAWG organized event at the Haiti.
U.N. Church Center, Beatrice
Lindstrom, IADL Alternate Previously, in response to the threats
Representative to the U.N. in New York against Haitian lawyers Newton Saint-
and Staff Attorney at IJDH, delivered a Juste and Michel Andr, and fellow
presentation on the cholera case to NGO IADL member and human rights
partners. defender Mario Joseph, IADL organized
a successful petition to the Inter-
On 5 July 2013, the last day before the American Commission for Human
60-day deadline, the U.N. responded to Rights, in the last quarter of 2013. The
the claimants, but provided no further mobilization played a critical role in
explanation for the refusal to receive the securing a subsidence in threats and
claims. The U.N. rejected requests to improved security.
establish a standing claims commission,
submit the claims to mediation, or a ***
meeting to explore amicable solutions.
The U.N. also responded to the
Congressional letter, providing a INDIGENOUS RIGHTS AND
dishonest account of progress made to ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES
combat cholera in Haiti.
BAI and IJDH are now preparing to
represent Haitians and Haitian- FIRST APPEARANCE AT
Americans who have been injured by UNITED NATIONS; CALLS
cholera in a groundbreaking lawsuit in FOR WORLD-WIDE ACTION
New York court. We now have no AGAINST CANADAS
choice but to take the U.N. to court to EXPLOITATION OF TAR-
stop choleras killing and seek justice for
victims and their families, said Brian
Concannon, lead attorney at IJDH. The
cholera victims, the U.S. Congress and IADL Alternate Representative Claire
the taxpayers around the world who fund Gilchrist attended a side event on 14
the U.N. all deserve better. May 2013, sponsored by Idle-No-More,
during the Twelfth Session of the UN
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
HAITIAN LAWYERS 2013. The UNPFII is an advisory body
to the Economic and Social
In recent months, the Haitian lawyers Council (ECOSOC), with a mandate to
Newton Saint-Juste and Michel Andrew,

discuss indigenous issues related to symbolic reenactment of the treaty
economic and social development, formation in the form of a two-week
culture, the environment, education, canoe paddle on the Hudson River,
health and human rights. ending in New York City on 9 August
2013 to participate in the United Nations
Idle-No-More is a world-wide International Day of the Worlds
indigenous-led mass movement which is Indigenous Peoples. More information
drawing attention to the devastating on the events is available at
impact of Canadian tar sands
exploitation on people and the city-two-row-festival-saturday-august-
environment. Representatives of Idle- 10/
No-More explained that the Canadian tar
sands project is currently the largest The Festival was organized by the
carbon-emitter on Earth and is Onondaga Nation, the American Indian
contributing to a rise in cancer and Community House, and the American
tumors for Native people on neighboring Indian Law Alliance. Representatives of
land, as well as death and cancer of the Haudenosaunee Environmental Task
wildlife. Force (HEFT) also attended. HEFT is
the environmental agency of the
Idle-No-More was started by four Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois, League of
women, including three Native women Six Nations, and representatives of Idle
and one non-Native woman, in No More, a world-wide grassroots
December 2012 at a series of teach-ins indigenous-led movement to help build
held in Saskatchewan, Canada. Since its sovereignty and resurgence of
inception, it has sparked a renewal of nationhood, to pressure government and
action to promote sovereignty and industry to protect the environment and
climate action all over the world. to build allies in order to reframe the
nation to nation relationship.
IROQUOIS SIX NATIONS In discussions with Claire, a HEFT
MARK THE 400TH representative explained current
ANNIVERSARY OF challenges to addressing environmental
SOVEREIGNTY TREATY impacts of United States action on
WITH NON-NATIVES Haudenosaunne people. Power plants in
local New York State municipalities re-
route waterways which then deprive
On 10 August 2013, IADL Alternate neighboring Native nations of water, but
Representative Claire Gilchrist attended local municipalities do not address these
the Two Row Wampum Festival in New concerns unless forced to do so by the
York City, to commemorate the 400th United States federal environmental
anniversary of the Two Row Wampum agency, the EPA. Although the HEFT
Treaty. The treaty, dating from 1613, and the EPA now have some
defends sovereignty and promotes constructive relations, pressure from
solidarity between the Haudenosaunee United States citizens in New York could
indigenous people and non-Natives. The create the political will for negotiations
Festival marked the conclusion of a at the local level. For more information

on the HEFT as well as on ally action, Meron pointed out the USs
please see the following websites: reaffirmation of its commitment of; financial rewards for ICTR fugitives under its Rewards for Justice Program
ex.html. in its War Crimes office. The US
representative discussed this same issue,
*** but made no reference to the ICC as a
vehicle for international justice in his
Judge Joensen, ICTR President, reported
that all ICTR trials are completed, and
SECURITY COUNCIL HEARS the completion of the appeals judgment
in one of the last co-defendant cases will
REPORTS ON COMPLETION not be until July 2015.
(RESIDUAL MECHANISM) Joensen referred to the dire problem of
relocation of the acquitted persons:
In June, Judge Theodor Meron, currently there are seven (7) acquitted
President of the International Criminal persons and three (3) who have
Tribunal for the FormerYugoslavia and completed sentences. The ICTR is
of the Mechanism for the International working the SC Informal Working
Criminal Tribunals (MICT or Resdiual Group, chaired by Guatemala, on a re-
Mechanism), reported that appeals at the location plan. The target date for
ICTY will extend beyond December completion of archives work is
2014 and may not be completed until December 2014 and he stressed its aim
mid-2017. to make the Tribunal records accessible.

On 1 July 2013, the Hague Branch of the The Rwandan representative repeated
MICT opened. It opened in Arusha a Rwandas request for the archives,
year earlier, in 2012. The MICT will which has been endorsed by the East
hear appeals against ICTY judgments or African community. He also pointed
sentences for ICTY cases where the out that a) jurisprudence of Tribunal on
Notice of Appeal is filed after 1 July genocide has not prevented genocide
2013. It is also expected that the MICT deniers; b) serious concern about lack of
will hear future contempt allegations, trust between survivors and ICTR
and address the enforcement of (referring to ICTR acquittals of members
sentences, and oversee the monitoring of of Rwandan government); c) concern
cases in national courts, including the about transfers to France; d) role of US
recently transfered case of Munyagashari in tracking of FDLR. He reminded the
to Rwanda. [NOTE: The ICTR Bureau SC that April 2014 is the 20th
passed a resolution opposing the transfer Anniversary of Genocide against Tutsis.
of the Munyagashari case]. There are
two cases currently in French courts, and Minutes are available at
one case (Uwinkindi) in Rwandan courts. under Security Council meetings tab.
The document is S/PV.6977.

PRESENTATION BY is no rule which grants compensation at
PRESIDENT JOENSEN OF the ICTR, and there can be no legal
remedy. But, his own country,
Denmark, has a policy of compensated
CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR those acquitted in criminal cases.
Joensen highlighted the role of the US at
On 12 June, at an event sponsored by the the ICTR: the first draft of the Rules of
African Affairs Committee of the Bar of Procedure and Evidence in 1993 came
the City of New York, ICTR President from the US State Department. For
Joensen discussed some of the years now, the US has been involved
contributions and criticisms of the ICTR, through its Rewards for Justice
which has now completed its work. In program, offering rewards for ICTR
July 2012, the ICTR was replaced by the fugitives.
Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals
(MICT or Residual Mechanism). Alternate Representatives Claire
Joensen has criticized the ICTR for Gilchrist and Beth Lyons attended the
prosecuting only one side of the conflict event.
in Rwanda in 1994, and has pointed out
that this is an obstacle to reconciliation.
While the ICTR has promoted
reconciliation, it has a limited ability to
influence any matters in Rwanda. ACCOUNTABILITY OF
Consistent with his previous biennial SECURITY COMPANIES
reports to the Security Council on the (PMSCs)
Completion Strategy, Joensen stressed
the need to identify countries willing to
The Use Of Private Military and
accept those who have been acquitted.
Security Companies by the United
Less than half of the acquitted persons
Nations was the topic of an event on 31
have been re-located in Europe. The
July 2013, at U.N. Headquarters in New
majority, however, live in safe houses
York, sponsored by the Working Group
with those persons who have completed
on the Use of Mercenaries (WG). This
their sentences, in Arusha, Tanzania,
event was part of the WGs study on the
under the protection of the U.N. One
use of PMSCS by the U.N. bodies
acquitted person, Dr. Andre Ntagerura,
worldwide. The WG will report
has lived in a safe house since 2004!
outcomes of the study to the U.N.
Despite repeated pleas to the Security
General Assembly in 2014.
Council, most countries are not coming
forward to accept these persons.
The WG was established in July 2005 (
When IADL questioned him about
U.N. Commission on Human Rights
compensation for the acquitted person,
Resolution 2005/2). It focuses on the
Joensen noted that only one acquitted
use of mercenaries as a means of
person was granted nominal
violating human rights and impeding the
compensation of $2000 dollars for a
violation of his right to counsel. There

exercise of the rights of peoples to self- operations and are multi-dimensional in
determination. their tasks (which include trainings of
armies, construction of airports, training
The WG succeeded the mandate of the of Prosecutors in Liberia, etc.). The
U.N. Special Rapporteur on the use of need for transparency, an international
mercenaries which had been in existence code of conduct, as well as
since 1987. accountability for wrongful acts
committed by private entities while
The Working Group monitors and under contract with the U.N. was
researches mercenaries and mercenary- emphasized.
related activities in all their forms and
manifestations, including the actions of The event was webcast, and is available
private military and security companies at
(PMSCs). The Working Group also group-on-the-use-of-mercenaries-panel-
develops guidelines; conducts country event-use-of-private-military-and-
visits; receives individual complaints; security-companies-by-the-united-
publishes annual reports, studies, and nations/
articles; and presents proposals to
encourage the further protection of It appears that the issue as to whether
human rights. PMSCS are to be considered
mercenaries is still under study and
Permanent Representative Micol Savia discussion. The 2011 Draft of a possible
called the Bureaus attention to the WG Convention on PMSCS
in July 2012, but the meeting in New (A/HRC/WG.10/1/2) references to prior
York at that time was closed. conventions on mercenaries, but falls
short of defining PMSCs as mercenaries.
Alternate Representative Beth Lyons No doubt, this remains a contentious
attended the event on 31 July 2013. issue.

The panelists included U.N. officials, In 1976, IADLs Permanent

academics, NGO represenatative, and Representative to the UN Lennox Hinsds
experts in private security from South assisted in drafting the Luanda
Africa. They addressed the urgent need Convention on Mercenaries in Luanda,
of the U.N. to set standards on the use of Angola. This Convention formed the
private military and security companies basis for Article 47 of the 1977
(PMSCS). The use of such private Additional Protocol for the 1949 Geneva
contractors by the U.N. and Member Conventions. Article 47 is defines
States is increasing: for example, the mercenaries and clearly states that they
U.S. outsources civilian police functions have no right as combatants or prisoners
at all of its U.N. Missions; PMSCS play of war.
key roles in U.N. peace-keeping

has been the principal administrator and
lawyer in the Plan. They have won
victories such as the reinstatement of
benefits for 28 night shift workers in the
The 12th Session of the Assembly of print shop of the United Nations;
States Parties (ASP) will be held in stopping a U.N. manager from arbitrarily
The Hague, 20-28 November 2013. terminating the contracts of 60 staff
General information is available at members; and obtaining a court order
http://www.icc- requiring U.N. Management to establish fair and non-discriminatory criteria for
entation/12th- eliminating jobs in the U.N. Safety and
session/Pages/default.aspx and Security Service. Future registration
information will be forwarded to the ***


STAFF (Thanks to Lynne Wilson, Seattle NLG
member, for this report}
IADLs knowledge and expertise of the
workings of the U.N. has now been Global awareness of the human right to
expanded to benefit the U.N. staff. peace expanded in late June this year
when Costa Rican lawyer Roberto
In 2011, IADL Permanent Zamora spoke to a large audience at
Representative to the U.N. Lennox Seattle University School of Law. The
Hinds established, through his firm crowd of about 100 consisted not only of
Stevens, Hinds and White, P.C. a pre- lawyers and law students but included a
paid legal services plan for U.N. surprisingly large number of young
employees in New York. The plan peace activists. Zamoras talk was
covers civil and criminal matters as well hosted by the Seattle Chapter of the
as representation of individuals and National Lawyers Guild, the World
classes of individuals in their litigation Peace Through Law Section of the
over terms and conditions of Washington State Bar Association and
employment at the U.N. in New York. El Centro de la Raza, a social justice
These disputes are litigated at the U.N. organization that has advocated for
Dispute Tribunal (UNDT) in New York Seattles minority communities for over
(which also has branches in Geneva and 40 years. Everyone who attended agreed
Nairobi) and the U.N. Appeals Tribunal. that Zamoras excellent two hour
Alternate Representative Claire Gilchrist presentation greatly enhanced their

appreciation of international human Costa Rican Supreme Court challenges
rights law and also provided a glimmer Costa Ricas sending of police officers
of hope for a more peaceful world. for military training to the Western
Hemisphere Institute for Security
Zamoras talk centered on the historical Cooperation (formerly the U.S. Army
background and details of cases he has School of the Americas) in Ft. Benning,
litigated before the Costa Rican Supreme Georgia.
Court and the Inter-American
Commission of Human Rights. Zamora described in detail his
Preliminarily, he emphasized that the precedent-setting victories in 2004, 2008
modern concept of a right to peace and 2010 in which the Costa Rican
means the accomplishment of all other Supreme Court recognized the right to
human rights in the absence of fear, peace under both its constitution and
violence or want rather than simply the international law. In the first of these
absence of war. Although such a right cases (brought by Zamora in 2003 as a
permeates many United Nations law student), the Court in 2004 held
founding documents, Costa Rica is one unconstitutional as a violation of its
of only a few countries with a peace promise of neutrality Costa Ricas
clause in its Constitution. Article 12 of support for the U.S.s invasion of Iraq.
the Costa Rican Constitution arose from In the second, the Court in 2008 held
its history as pacifist country: In 1949, unconstitutional Costa Rican President
Costa Rica abolished its military (except Oscar Arias 2006 Arms Decree under
for self-defense and police forces), which Costa Rica was authorized to
permanently adopting peace as a mine uranium for the manufacture of
guiding principle of our society. It is fuel and nuclear reactors for military
the repeated recent violation of this use. In the third, the Court in 2010
clause by the Costa Rican government annulled a presidential Forbidden
that has inspired Zamora to attempt to Weapons Decree that would have
enforce the right to peace through allowed local police to routinely use
litigation. military weapons such as Uzis, M-16s
and AK-47s. The most important of
Zamoras cases include two recent ones these is the Arms Decree case since in
that are awaiting decision at the IACHR: that case the Costa Rican Supreme Court
one challenges Costa Ricas unanimously and eloquently recognized
participation in weapons trade under the the human right to peace as a positive
Central American Free Trade Agreement international obligation independent of
and the other challenges his its constitution and also held that the
governments repeated granting mining of uranium even for self-
permission to the U.S. military to defense violates the right to a healthy
perform policing duties in Costa environment. Further information about
Ricas huge maritime zone in the Pacific Roberto Zamoras campaign for the right
Ocean, including the deployment of over to peace can be found at
12 thousand U.S. troops, 45 warships,
two aircraft carriers, 180 Blackhawk
helicopters, and ten military attack ***
jets. Another case pending before the

REPORT ON U.N. human rights; extraterritorial
obligations; austerity, macroeconomic
ACTIVITIES IN VIENNA, policies and financial regulations;
by Evelyn Duermayer, IADL binding obligations and regulation of
Permanent Representative in Vienna transnational corporations; food and
nutrition; torture, cruel, and inhuman or
IADL PARTICIPATES IN degrading treatment of punishment;
VIENNA 20+ CONFERENCE, private security and military operators;
human rights defenders; human rights in
25-26 JUNE 2013 the post-21015 sustainable development
agenda; social security; the right to an
IADL Permanent Representative Evelyn
effective remedy for human rights
Duermayer and Alternate Representative
violations; indigenous peoples.
Lilian Hofmeister participated in the
Vienna 20+ Conference for CSOs (civil
One key note speaker was Anamarie de
society organizations) on the occasion of
Nemenzo (the Philippines). She
the 20th Anniversary of the 1993 World
especially referred to the situation of
Conference on Human Rights and its
women in her country and pointed out
Vienna Declaration and Programme of
that the church should come to terms
Action, issued on 25 June 1993.
with womens issues, especially the
accountability mechanisms and the
In 1993, more than 7000 and as many as
access to justice regarding cases of rape
10 000 persons were present in Vienna,
and domestic violence. One
when the Vienna Declaration and
representative of DKA Austria
Programme of Action were adopted (25
(Development Cooperation of the
June 1993). These documents embodied
Catholic Childrens Movement) insisted
the important principle that human rights
that the church is against abortion.
are universal, indivisible, interdependent
and interrelated.
Another key note speaker was Olivier de
Schutter, the UN Special Rapporteur on
Some major outcomes of this event in
the Right to Food. His analysis was clear
1993 included the nomination of High
and very critical. He made four
Commissioner for Human Rights
proposals : 1) international agencies
(adoption at the General Assembly
should influence their governments to
December 1993) and a U.N. special
take human rights into account; 2) strong
rapporteur on violence against women.
accountability mechanisms are needed in
the reduction of inequality; 3) equality
Twenty years later, 140 persons from
between men and women especially in
CSOs held long debates in different
the families and gender stereotypes are
working groups on the achievements and
needed, and the gaps between trade and
blind spots of the past two decades. At
investments and human rights are
times, the objectives of these discussion
growing since 1993; 4) a world court of
were not very clear. However, the
human rights should be created.
Conference produced the Vienna +20
CSO Declaration (attached in the
One highlight was the side event with
Annex). The Declaration covers the
the Minister of Womens Affairs and
primacy of human rights; womens

Citizens Services Gabriele Heinisch- REPORT ON IADLS U.N.
Hosek. The event was full of women,
some men and the atmosphere was ACTIVITIES IN GENEVA
cordial. The presentations were very DURING THE 23rd
general, except those of Rosa Logar and SESSION OF THE HUMAN
Charlotte Bunch. Both insisted on the
fact that women should organize RIGHTS COUNCIL (27 May
themselves and also seek mens - 14 June, 2013)
participation. by Micl Savia, IADL Permanent
Representative in Geneva
The Vienna +20 Declaration was
distributed at the Conference of Experts.
The selected experts were invited by IADL actively participated in the 23rd
Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner session of the Human Rights Council,
for Human Rights and Michael submitting two joint written statements
Spindlegger, the Austrian Minister of (one on the US embargo against Cuba
International and Foreign Affairs as the and the other one on the Israeli legal
Minister. system) and making five oral
interventions (on drones, Turkey,
Invitations were limited to some experts Guantanamo, right to peace and
and observers, such as IADL, which was Palestine). IADL also organized a side-
only permitted to attend the opening and event on femicide and attended different
closing sessions of the Conference. other parallel meetings.

Lilian Hofmeister, the IADLAlternate US embargo against Cuba

Representative at the U.N. in Vienna and
Austrian candidate for CEDAW IADL, together with the Centre Europe
participated as an Expert in the Working Third World (CETIM) and the American
Group 2 on womens issues. The Association of Jurists (AAJ), submitted a
Working Group was chaired by Ms. joint written statement demanding the
Marcia Kran. Hofmeister characterized immediate and unconditional lifting of
the contributions of the group as the illegal embargo that continues to be
modest, and felt that the input was imposed on Cuba by the United States,
limited because it was often repetitious. despite the condemnation of the
overwhelming majority of Member
States of the United Nations General
Assembly. Indeed, during the 21st vote
*** of the General Assembly in 2012, 188 of
193 States declared the necessity to lift
the blockade against Cuba.

Official Cuban sources estimate the

direct economic damage inflicted on
Cuba by the US embargo since it began
(1962) at more then 104 billion dollars.
The normative content of the embargo
especially the extraterritorial nature of

its rules, which means to impose mechanism of special procedures
unilateral US sanctions on the (Special Rapporteur or Working Group)
international community - is a violation with the mandate to investigate the
of the letter and spirit of the United impact of the unilateral, coercive
Nations Charter. The embargo is also a measures affecting the enjoyment of
violation of international humanitarian human rights and to propose measures,
rights and international human rights. It including compensation to the victims,
violates the principle of sovereignty of to put an end to this kind of practice (see
States, upheld by jurisprudence of the annex 1: the statement is available in
International Court of Justice, to freely English, French and Spanish).
choose their political, economic, social
and cultural system. It is also an No justice or remedy for Palestinian
intolerable violation of the right of the victims in the Israeli legal system
Cuban people to self-determination,
given that the embargo deprives them of IADL, the Palestinian Centre for Human
their own means of subsistence and Rights (PCHR) and the Arab
economic and social development. Organization for Human Rights
Furthermore, the embargo directly submitted a joint written statement
contradicts freedom of trade, navigation analysing the difficulties and
and movement of capital, a right that the insurmountable obstacles in pursuing
USA claims everywhere else in the justice for Palestinian victims within the
world. Israeli legal system.

The US embargo against Cuba is illegal, Since the beginning of its occupation of
illegitimate and inhuman. The measures the occupied Palestinian territory, Israel
of constraint listed above constitute an has committed widespread and
undeclared act of war by the US against systematic violations of international
Cuba, the social and economic effects of law, including grave breaches of the
which prevent the full enjoyment of the Geneva Conventions and crimes against
human rights of the Cuban people. They humanity. However over the past few
clearly aim to cause maximum suffering decades the possibility of achieving
and to harm the physical and moral accountability for Israeli international
integrity of an entire population, law violations has decreased
especially the most vulnerable (amongst dramatically.
whom are children and old people). In
this respect, they may constitute a crime Various legislative amendments and
against humanity. judicial decisions have imposed legal
and procedural obstacles, which
For all these reasons, CETIM, IADL and preclude the possibility of effective
AAJ demanded the immediate and investigations, and lead to the denial of
unconditional cessation of this individual victims legitimate right to an
intolerable embargo and, given the effective remedy, as well as the loss of
proliferation of unilateral coercive considerable investments of time and
measures in flagrant violation of money.
international law in force, we urged the
Human Rights Council to create a new

Israel disregards its State duty, under humanitarian law principles of
international law, to investigate and proportionality and distinction.
prosecute alleged violations of Moreover, because of the aversion to
international law, and to make risking lives of human soldiers, States
reparations for breaching or violating that use LARs may more readily deploy
international legal principles. Palestinian LARs than real human soldiers, and
victims are systematically denied the lower the threshold for using lethal
right to an effective judicial remedy. force, thereby violating the principle of
This has led to the development of a last resort.
culture of impunity, in which Israel is
permitted to consistently violate the rule As recognized by the Special
of law without repercussion. While Rapporteur, the use of these robots can
victims of past crimes wait for justice, threaten State sovereignty, creating
the lack of accountability continues to serious international division and
give way to future violations (see annex weakening the rule of international law.
2). Moreover, military technology is easily
transferred into the civilian sphere and
Extra-judicial, summary or arbitrary LARs could thus be used by States to
executions: development and suppress all kinds of social protests and
proliferation of Lethal Autonomous peaceful demonstrations. Finally, serious
Robotics (LARs) concerns arise about legal
accountability. Who could be held
IADL and CETIM made an oral accountable for crimes committed by
intervention during the Interactive these robots? The producer, the
Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on programmer? Indeed the many levels
extra-judicial, summary or arbitrary likely to be involved in decisions about
executions. The report presented by the deployment could result in a potential
Special Rapporteur, Mr. Christof Heyns, accountability gap or vacuum.
focused on Lethal autonomous robotics
(LARs), which are new weapon systems Even though the Special Rapporteur
that can select and engage targets (SR) underlined all these sets of
without any human intervention (see problems, the report he presented is not
annex 3). very good. Indeed, some parts of it look
like an advertisement for clean war.
Currently these weapon system are used The SR arrives to say that at least these
only by the US, the UK and Israel but robots will not torture or rape, unless
the danger of their proliferation is easy they are programmed for that! And, the
to envisage. report concludes with a demand for
national moratoria on these new
IADL, recalling the 3000 victims of the technologies.
US drones war in Pakistan, expressed
serious concerns about the development For these reasons, during its oral
and future proliferation of LARs which, intervention, IADL thanked the Special
omitting human beings in decisions Rapporteur for focusing on this
about whether and when to hit a target, important issue. But IADL also pointed
could doubtful respect the international out that he did not draw the necessary

conclusions from his study: national and at least 23 of them are being
moratoria are not a sufficient solution; violently force-fed. Detainees who are
the development, production and use of refusing food have been stripped of all
LARs must be outright banned under possessions, including a sleeping mat
any circumstances (see annex 4). and soap, and are made to sleep on
concrete floors in freezing solitary cells.
Turkey: freedom of peaceful assembly Detainees have reported being subjected
to sleep deprivation and being dragged
On June 4th, during the General Debate around like animals. Attorney David
on Item 3 of the Agenda (Promotion Remes, who represents two detainees,
and protection of all human rights, civil, reported shocking genital searches
political, economic, social and cultural designed to deter detainees from
rights, including the right to meeting with their lawyers.
development) IADL made an oral
intervention denouncing the harsh IADL agreed with the Inter-American
repression of protests in Turkey and Commission on Human Rights, the U.N.
urging the government of Turkey to Working Group on Arbitrary Detention,
immediately put an end to all forms of the UN Rapporteur on Torture, the U.N.
violence against peaceful demonstrator Rapporteur on Human Rights and
and to promptly investigate all Counter-Terrorism, and the U.N.
allegations of abuse and to ensure Rapporteur on Health, who issued a
accountability for those responsible for statement through the U.N. Office of the
such gross violation of international High Commissioner for Human Rights,
human rights law and standards. saying that the indefinite detention at
Guantanamo constitutes cruel,
As the excessive use of force is inhuman, and degrading treatment.
frequently used by police to disperse
protests in Turkey, IADL called upon IADL also agreed with the statements
the Special Rapporteur on freedom of observation that hunger strikers should
peaceful assembly and of association to be protected from all forms of coercion,
envisage a visit in this country as soon as even more so when this is done through
possible. Finally, IADL urged the force and in some cases through physical
Council to condemn the disproportionate violence . . . Nor is it acceptable to use
use of force against peaceful threats of forced feeding or other types
demonstrators and opponent, regardless of physical or psychological coercion
of where it take place (see annex 5). against individuals who have voluntarily
decided to go on a hunger strike."
Guantanamo: hunger strike
IADL called upon the Human Rights
During the general debate under Item 4 Council to encourage President Obama
(Human rights situations that require to use the waiver provision contained in
the Council's attention), IADL called Section 1028(d) of the 2013 National
the attention of the Council to the dire Defense Authorization Act that allows
situation at Guantanamo, where more transfers of detainees when it is in the
than 100 men have launched a hunger national security interest of the United
strike to protest their conditions of States and to stop blocking the release of
confinement and indefinite detention,

detainees cleared by habeas corpus have the duty to contribute to the
proceedings (see annex 6). maintenance and construction of peace
and that social justice is a key element of
Right to peace peace.

During the general debate that followed Currently an overwhelming majority of

the presentation of the report by the Member States support these ideas and
President of the Working Group on principles at the Human Rights Council,
Right to Peace, IADL made an oral even though a few countries still refuse
intervention strongly supporting the to discuss about human right to peace.
ongoing process toward the codification
of this fundamental right (on this topic, IADL warmly thanked the tireless
see previous U.N. reports). efforts made by different actors to shape
the content of this sacred right and
Peace is the primary goal of the United encouraged all States to constructively
Nations, the same reason of its existence. engage in the process of progressively
Several international declarations and negotiating a U.N. declaration on right to
resolutions recognized the human right peace: recognition and codification of
to peace. The Declaration on the human right to peace must be a priority
Preparation of Societies for Life in Peace (see annex 7).
adopted by the General Assembly in
1978 proclaimed that every nation and With its resolution A/HRC/23/L.21
every human being, regardless of race, (adopted by a vote of 30 in favour, 9
conscience, language or sex, has the against and 8 abstentions)1 the Council
inherent right to life in peace and that decided that the Working Group on
respect for this right is in the common Right to Peace shall hold its second
interest of all humankind and an session for five working days in 2014
indispensable condition of advancement and requested the Chairperson-
of all nations, large and small, in all Rapporteur of the Working Group to
fields. In 1984 the General Assembly conduct informal consultations with
reiterated that the peoples of the world, Governments and relevant stakeholders
have the sacred right to peace and that before the second session of the
the promotion of its implementation Working Group and to prepare a new
constitute a fundamental obligation of text, on the basis of the discussions held
each State.
1 Votes in favour (30): Angola,
Federico Mayor, former Director Argentina, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina
General of UNESCO, made remarkable Faso, Chile, Congo, Costa Rica, Cte d'Ivoire,
Ecuador, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guatemala,
efforts in order to codify the human right Indonesia, Kenya, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia,
to peace. In 1997 he presented to the Maldives, Mauritania, Pakistan, Peru,
UNESCO General Conference the Oslo Philippines, Qatar, Sierra Leone, Thailand,
Declaration which defined peace as a Uganda, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.
human right and a duty. The draft Against (9): Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Germany, Japan, Montenegro, Republic of
recalled that: Every human being, all Korea, Spain, and United States. Abstentions (8):
states and other members of the India, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Poland,
international community and all peoples Republic of Moldova, Romania, and

during the first session of the Working military operations and incursions in the
Group and the intersessional informal Occupied Palestinian Territories by the
consultations to be held. Israeli security forces. Gaza has been
converted into a large open air prison
On this issue IADL collaborated closely and one of the more impoverished
with the Spanish Society for territories in the world. Optimistic U.N.
International Human Rights Law projections foresee the collapse of Gaza
(SSIHRL) and with the Japanese as a viable entity by 2020. Israel's
delegation, in particular with Jun occupation shows no signs of ending and
Sasamoto, who was representing the the interests and well being of the
Japanese Bar Association. civilian population are jeopardized,
perhaps irreversibly.
Human rights situation in Palestine
and other occupied Arab terrotories After 46 years, Israel continues to flout,
with total impunity, international
During the General Debate which humanitarian law. IADL expressed
followed the presentation of the report serious concerns for the failure of High
by the Special Rapporteur on the Contracting Parties to the Geneva
situation of human rights in Palestine, Conventions to uphold the duty set forth
IADL expressed its deepest solidarity in common article 1 to respect and to
and support to Professor Richard Falk ensure respect for the present
for the defamatory attacks he suffered in Conventions in all circumstances and
the fulfillment of his mandate and urged denounced that the impunity granted to
the Human Rights Council to defend its Israel by the international community,
mandate holders from such irresponsible and in particular by some countries,
and dishonest accusations. Indeed, as starts to assume the character of
you can see in the first page of his complicity in war crimes.
report, Prof. Falk has been harshly
attacked by the NGO UN Watch and IADL concluded by urging the
others. (See annex 8) international community to fully
implement the recommendations of the
As usual, the Israeli government did not Special Rapporteur and in particular:
allow the Special Rapporteur to visit the
occupied territories, failing once more to to establish a commission of
cooperate with international inquiry into the situation of
mechanisms. In its statement. IADL Palestinian detained or
suggested that such a non-cooperative imprisoned by Israel with
attitude, together with Israel's persistent particular regard to the situation
violation of international law implicates of children tried by military
the elements provided by Article 6 of the courts and the misuse of
United Nation Charter. administrative detention;
to investigate the activities of
The report by Prof. Falk underlined the business that profit from Israel's
well known devastating effects of settlements.
Israel's prolonged occupation, the illegal
blockade of Gaza and the periodic

IADL also urged the government of IADL SIDE EVENT ON FEMICIDE
1) to end the occupation of On June 5th 2013, IADL organized a side
Palestine; event on Femicide: the strategic role of
NGOs in making States responsible for
2) to lift immediately the illegal the implementation of due diligence
blockade of the Gaza Strip in obligation. Barbara Spinelli,
place since mid-2007, which representing IADL, introduced and
constitutes a form of collective moderated the panel. The speakers were
punishment prohibited under all very well known experts in the field
international humanitarian law; of women rights. The attendance at the
meeting was high and included
3) to dismantle buffer zones and representative of member States. Also
allow Palestinian farmer to take our colleague Lilian Hofmeister,
full advantage of their candidate of Austria for the CEDAW,
agricultural land; was among the public and made an
interesting intervention. Finally, it was a
4) to allow Palestinian people to great success. In the annexes you will
make use of their maritime area find an excellent and exhaustive report
up to 20 miles and to stop all acts of the event prepared by Barbara Spinelli
of aggression against fishermen (see annex 10).
and farmers;

5) to assure travel permits for those

needing urgent medical ***

6) to put an end to the policy of

administrative detention and to
ensure respect of international CORRECTION to the May 2013
law and standards related to the Bulletin Report on Geneva: IADL
treatment of prisoners and in issued two oral statements at the
particular to stop immediately the Human Rights Council in February-
ill-treatment of children March 2013 on Israels refusal to
detainees that, according to submit to its Universal Periodic
UNICEF, are widespread, Review, and the report of the UN-
systematic and institutionalized; mandated International Fact-Finding
Mission which investigated the impact
7) to respect the terms of the of the Israeli settlements on the
ceasefire agreed after the human rights of the Palestinians. The
operation Pillar of Defense and oral statements were drafted and
therefore to stop incursions and presented by Permanent
target assassinations and to allow Representative Micol Savia, and
movement of people and goods supported by PCHR and CETIM.
at all the border crossing (see
annex 9).


If you are interested in a

particular U.N. event, but
cannot personally attend, you
can watch it on WEBTV from
the U.N. You can sign up at to
receive daily/nightly schedules
of events to be webcast.

The IADL U.N. Activities Bulletin is prepared under the direction of the Permanent
Representative to the U.N. in New York, Prof. Lennox S. Hinds. This issue was
edited by Beth Lyons, with assistance from Claire Gilchrist. Reports were contributed
by Evelyn Durmayer, Claire Gilchrist, Beatrice Lindstrom, Beth Lyons, Micol Savia,
Barbara Spinelli and Lynne Wilson. This Bulletin was produced on 31 August 2013.


For U.N. Activities in Vienna: Vienna_20_CSO_Declaration_FINAL-post2.pdf;
Vienna_Declaration_and_Programme_of_Action.html (1993); v20-action-week-
programme.pdf (Vienna+20 Action Week, 24-28 June 2013)

For U.N. Activities in Geneva:

1. Joint written statement on US embargo against Cuba (in English, French and
Spanish). WS_embargo_Cuba_(esp).pdf; 1)_WS_embargo_Cuba_(fr).pdf;

2. Joint written statement: No justice or remedy for Palestinian victims in the Israeli
legal system.

3. Report of the Special Rapporteur on extra-judicial, summary or arbitrary

executions (Lethal autonomous robotics LARs).

4. IADL oral intervention on LARs. IADL_oral_intervention_on_LARs.pdf

5. IADL oral intervention on freedom of peaceful assembly in Turkey.


6. IADL oral intervention on Guantanamo.


7. IADL oral intervention on Right to Peace.


8. Report of the Special Rapporteur, Prof. Richard Falk, on the situation of the
human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories (Gaza)


9. IADL oral intervention on the human rights situation in Palestine (Gaza)

10. Report of the side-event Femicide: the strategic role of NGOs in making States
responsibles for the implementation of due diligence obligation



September 2013
New _ Advisory 3
York Committee on September
Administrative - 13
and Budgetary December
Fall session
. New _ Committee on Conferences, 3-9
York substantive session September
. New UNICEF, Executive Board, second 3-6
York regular session September
. New Executive Board of 9 - 13
York UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, second regular September
. New UN-Women, Executive Board, second 16 - 18
York regular session*** September
. New General Assembly, 68th session 17
York September
. New Commission on Sustainable 20
York Development, twentieth session** September
. New General Assembly, High-level Meeting 23
York of the General Assembly on the September
realization of the Millennium
Development Goals and other
internationally agreed development
goals for persons with disabilities: The
way forward: a disability inclusive
development agenda towards 2015 and
. New First meeting of the High-level political 24
York forum on sustainable development September
under the auspices of the General
. New General Assembly, High-level meeting 26
York of the General Assembly on Nuclear September
. New Eighth Conference (AFC) on 27
York Facilitating the Entry into Force of the September
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban
Treaty (Article XIV)

October &
November 2013
. New General Assembly, 68th session, Fourth Committee 3 October - 14
York November
. New _ General Assembly, High-level Dialogue on 3 - 4 October
York International Migration and Development
. New _ General Assembly, 68th session, First Committee 4 October - 6
York November
. New _ General Assembly, 68th session, Second Committee 7 October - 13
York December
. New _ General Assembly, 68th session, Third Committee 7 October - 27
York November
. New _ General Assembly, 68th session, Sixth Committee 7 October - 15
York November
. New _ Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, 7 October - 22
York 33rd session**** November
. New _ General Assembly, 68th session, Fifth Committee 7 October - 20
York December
. New _ Follow-up to and implementation of the outcome of 7 October
York the 2002 International Conference on Financing for
Development and the 2008 Review Conference: sixth
High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development
. New _ Advisory Committee on the United Nations 8 October
York Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study,
Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International
Law, 48th session

New _ Disarmament 4
York Commission, November
. New _ Investments Committee, 219th meeting 5
York November
. New United Nations Pledging Conference for 11
York Development Activities November
. New UNU, Council, sixtieth session 21 - 22
York November
. New Committee on the Exercise of the 25
York Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian November
People, Special Meeting in Observance
of the International Day of Solidarity
with the Palestinian People**
. New United Nations System Chief 26
York Executives Board for Coordination, November
second regular session**
. New Open Working Group on Sustainable November
York Development Goals, Fifth session**

December 2013
New _ Ad Hoc Committee of the 3
York General Assembly for the December
Announcement of
Voluntary Contributions to
. New York Independent 11 - 13
Audit December
. New York Open December
Group on
Goals, Sixth


September 2013
. Geneva Committee on the Rights of Persons with 2 - 13
Disabilities, tenth session September
. Geneva UNCTAD, Working Party on the Strategic 2 - 4
Framework and the Programme Budget, September
65th session (technical cooperation)
. Geneva Committee on the Protection of the 9 - 13
Rights of All Migrant Workers and September
Members of Their Families, nineteenth
. Geneva Human Rights Council, 24th session 9 - 27
. Geneva Committee on the Rights of the Child, 16
64th session September -
4 October
. Geneva UNCTAD, Trade and Development 16 - 27
Board, 60th session September
. Geneva WIPO, Assemblies of Member States 23
September -
2 October
. Geneva Committee on the Elimination of 25 - 27
Discrimination against Women, Working September
Group on Communications under the
Optional Protocol to the Convention, 27th
. Geneva Committee on the Elimination of 30
Discrimination against Women, 56th September -
session 18 October

. Geneva United Nations Voluntary Fund for 30
Victims of Torture, Board of Trustees, September -
38th session 4 October
. Geneva Working Group on Discrimination Against 30
Women in Law and in Practice, eighth September -
session 4 October
. Geneva UNHCR, Executive Committee, 64th 30
session September -
4 October

October 2013
. Geneva _ States Parties to the Convention against 1 October
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, fourteenth meeting
. Geneva _ Committee on the Rights of the Child, pre- 7 11
sessional working group, 65th session October
. Geneva _ Human Rights Committee, pre-sessional 7 11
Working Group on Communications, 109th October
. Geneva _ Human Rights Council, Intergovernmental 7 18
Working Group on Effective Implementation of October
the Durban Declaration and Programme of
Action, eleventh session
. Geneva _ Human Rights Committee, 109th session 14 October
. Geneva _ ILO, Governing Body and its committees, 319th 17 31
session October
. Geneva _ Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination 21 25
against Women, pre-sessional working group, October
58th session
. Geneva _ Human Rights Council, Working Group on the 21 October
Universal Periodic Review, seventeenth 1
session November
. Geneva _ Committee of Experts on International 21 25
Cooperation in Tax Matters, ninth session October
. Geneva _ United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous 21 25
Populations, Board of Trustees, 26th session October
. st
Geneva _ Committee against Torture, 51 session 28 October
. Geneva _ Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation in the 28 October
Field of Human Rights, Board of Trustees, 39th 1
session November
. Geneva _ Human Rights Council, Working Group on 30 October
Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances, 8
101st session November

November 2013

. Geneva Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural 4 - 29
Rights, 51st session November
. Geneva Committee on Enforced Disappearances, fifth 4 - 15
session November
. Geneva UNCTAD, Intergovernmental Working Group of 5 - 8
Experts on International Standards of November
Accounting and Reporting, thirtieth session
. Geneva Committee against Torture, Subcommittee on 11 - 15
Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman November
or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 21st
. Geneva High Contracting Parties to Protocol V to the 11 - 12
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on November
the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons
Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively
Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
. Geneva Human Rights Council, Working Group on 13 - 22
Arbitrary Detention, 68th session November
. Geneva High Contracting Parties to Amended Protocol 13
II to the Convention on Prohibitions or November
Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional
Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be
Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate
Effects, fifteenth annual conference
. Geneva States parties to the Convention on Prohibitions 14 - 15
or Restrictions on the Use of Certain November
Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed
to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have
Indiscriminate Effects, annual meeting
. Geneva Human Rights Council, working group of 18 - 22
experts on people of African descent, thirteenth November
. Geneva United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on 18 - 22
Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Board of November
Trustees, eighteenth session
. Geneva Security Council, Governing Council of the 19 - 21
United Nations Compensation Commission November
established pursuant to Security Council
resolution 692 (1991), 76th session
. Geneva Human Rights Council, Working Group on the 25 - 29
issue of human rights and transnational November
corporations and other business
enterprises,sixth session
. Geneva Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of 25
Dangerous Goods, 44th session November -
4 December
. Geneva Human Rights Council, Forum on Minority 26 - 27
Issues, sixth session November

December 2013
. Geneva _ Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 2 - 6

pre-sessional working group, 52nd session December
. Geneva _ Human Rights Council, Working Group on the use of 2 - 6
mercenaries as a means of violating human rights December
and impeding the exercise of the right of people to
self-determination, twentieth session
. Geneva _ UNCTAD, Working Party on the Strategic Framework 2 - 4
and the Programme Budget, 66th session December
. Geneva _ States parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of 2 - 6
the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti December
personnel Mines and on Their Destruction, thirteenth
. Geneva _ Human Rights Council, Forum on Business and 3-4
Human Rights December
. Geneva _ Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally 4-6
Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of December
Chemicals, 26th session
. Geneva _ States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of 9 - 13
the Development, Production and Stockpiling of December
Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and
on Their Destruction
. Geneva _ Ad Hoc Committee of the General Assembly for the 10
Announcement of Voluntary Contributions to the December
Programme of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees


September 2013
. Vienna IAEA, Board of 9 - 13 September
. Vienna UNCITRAL, Working 16 - 20 September
Group II (Arbitration
and Conciliation), 59th
. Vienna IAEA, General 16 - 20 September
Conference, 57th
. Vienna UNCITRAL, Working 23 - 27 September
Group I, Twenty-
second session
(Dates to be
. Vienna IAEA, Board of 23 September

October 2013
. Vienna
_ Preparatory Commission for the 7 - 9 October

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
Organization, Working Group A and
informal/expert meetings, 44th session
. Vienna International Narcotics Control Board, 108th 28 October - 15 November
. Vienna Preparatory Commission for the 28 - 30 October
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
Organization, 41st session

. Vienna _ Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention 6-8
against Transnational Organized Crime: Working Group on November
Trafficking in Persons, Fifth session
. Vienna _ Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention 11 - 13
against Transnational Organized Crime: Working Group on the November
Smuggling of Migrants, Second session
. Vienna _ UNCITRAL, Working Group III (Online Dispute Resolution), 18 - 22
28th session (Dates to be confirmed) November
. Vienna _ IAEA, Board of Governors, Technical Assistance and 25 - 27
Cooperation Committee November
. Vienna _ IAEA, Board of Governors 28 - 29

. Vienna UNCITRAL, Working Group VI (Security Interests), 24th session 2-6
(Dates to be confirmed) December
. Vienna UNCITRAL, Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce), 48th 9 - 13
session (Dates to be confirmed) December
. Vienna Panel of External Auditors of the United Nations, the Specialized 9 - 10
Agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, Fifty- December
fourth regular session
. Vienna United Nations Board of Auditors, 43rd special session (1 11
meeting) December
. Vienna Joint Meetings of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 12
reconvened 55th session, and Commission on Crime Prevention December
and Criminal Justice, reconvened 21st session
. Vienna Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, 13
reconvened 22nd session December
. Vienna Commission on Narcotic Drugs, reconvened 56th session 13
. Vienna UNCITRAL, Working Group V (Insolvency Law), 44th session 16 - 20
(Dates to be confirmed) December


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