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Jadyn Browne

Mrs. Buescher
Service Learning
12 December 2017
Best Piece Reflection Form
1. Title of Assignment: Wrac Assignment
2. Date of Assignment: Due December 19, 2016
3. Course in which assignment was completed: Leadership
4. Briefly describe the assignment. What steps did you take in order to complete this assignment? What
resources, software, skills were required to complete this assignment?
This assignment was an essay that required linking real events to changes in ones personality or view of
the world. The assignment was a multi paragraph essay that required using real examples to show how we
as a person have devolved. I was able to complete the assignment using Microsoft word.
Brief Questions
1. Why did you choose this sample as you best piece?
I chose this assignment because I felt that out of all my assignment this is the one I felt the most
accomplished turning in. I felt that I had gained something after completing said assignment.
2. What should the reader expect to find?
The reader should expect to find how my Leadership ability and ideas were affected by the death of a
loved one
3. What impressions do you hope the reader gains about you as a learner after viewing this
I hope the reader is able to tell that not only me but everyone is influenced by the daily things that happen
in life.
4. What did you learn as a result of completing this assignment?
I greatly about learned about how I had developed as a person, and the roles others play in ones life can
give or teach new lessons.

5. How will you use this knowledge/experience in the future?

I will use this knowledge to influence my future decisions and I use it to learn more about myself.

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