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Ecosystems (2013) 16: 894908

DOI: 10.1007/s10021-013-9647-2
2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

Linking Landscape Connectivity and

Ecosystem Service Provision: Current
Knowledge and Research Gaps
Matthew G. E. Mitchell,1* Elena M. Bennett,2 and Andrew Gonzalez3

Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, 21, 111 Lakeshore Road, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue,
Montreal, Quebec H9X 3V9, Canada; 2Department of Natural Resource Sciences and School of Environment,
McGill University, 21, 111 Lakeshore Road, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Montreal, Quebec H9X 3V9, Canada
Department of Biology, McGill University, 1205 Docteur Penfield, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1B1, Canada

Human activities are rapidly changing ecosystems, services literature, including: a lack of multiple ser-
landscapes and ecosystem service provision, yet vice studies, which precludes identification of trade-
there remain significant gaps in our understanding offs between services as connectivity changes; few
of the spatial ecology of ecosystem services. These studies that directly measure organism movement
gaps hinder our ability to manage landscapes effec- and its effects on ecosystem services; and few
tively for multiple ecosystem services. In particular, empirical studies that investigate the importance of
we do not fully understand how changes in land- abiotic flows on service provision. We propose that
scape connectivity affect ecosystem service provi- future research should aim to understand how dif-
sion, despite theory suggesting that connectivity is ferent aspects of connectivity affect ecosystem ser-
important. Here, we perform a semi-quantitative vice provision; which services are most influenced
review of the literature that investigates how land- by connectivity; and how connectivity influences
scape connectivity affects the provision of specific how humans access and benefit from ecosystem
ecosystem services. The vast majority of studies, services. Studies that answer these questions will
including reviews, models, and field studies, suggest advance our understanding of connectivity-ecosys-
that decreased connectivity will have negative tem service provision relationships and allow for
effects on ecosystem service provision. However, better ecosystem and landscape management and
only 15 studies provided empirical evidence of these restoration.
effects. Average effect sizes from these 15 studies
suggest negative effects of connectivity loss on pol- Key words: biodiversity; connectivity; ecosystem
lination and pest regulation. We identify a number management; ecosystem services; fragmentation;
of significant gaps in the connectivity-ecosystem landscape; dispersal.

Received 10 October 2012; accepted 10 January 2013;

published online 15 February 2013
Worldwide, human activities are rapidly changing
Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s10021-013-9647-2) contains supplementary material, land cover and land-use patterns while fragment-
which is available to authorized users. ing habitat (Foley and others 2005). Humans have
Author Contributions: MGEM, EMB, AG: Conceived of or designed fragmented over half of temperate broadleaf and
study; MGEM: performed research; MGEM: analyzed data; MGEM, EMB,
mixed forests and 60 % of large rivers worldwide
AG: contributed new methods or models; MGEM, EMB, AG: wrote the
paper. (MA (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment) 2005).
*Corresponding author; e-mail: These changes to landscape structure affect the

Landscape Connectivity and Ecosystem Services 895

movement of organisms and matter, and in turn We expect connectivity to play a key role in
affect the provision of ecosystem services (MA (Mil- ecosystem service provision because many ecosys-
lennium Ecosystem Assessment) 2005). Although tem services depend on the promotion or restric-
our understanding of the ecological basis of many tion of the movement of organisms and materials
ecosystem services has increased significantly over across landscapes (Figure 1; Lundberg and Moberg
the past decade, much of our knowledge remains 2003). Pollination and pest regulation depend on
rudimentary (Kremen 2005; Nicholson and others the movement of insect pollinators, herbivores, and
2009), preventing the effective management predators from patches of natural habitat to adja-
of landscapes for ecosystem service provision cent agricultural fields (Tscharntke and Brandl
(Tscharntke and others 2005; Daily and others 2004; Kremen and others 2007); water quality and
2009). In particular, ecosystem services are often flood regulation depend on the control of flows of
portrayed as unmoving and site-bound (Tallis and water and nutrients through wetland and riparian
others 2008), ignoring the importance of biotic and ecosystems from neighboring terrestrial and aqua-
abiotic movement for their delivery. The usefulness tic ecosystems (Brauman and others 2007; Barbier
of the ecosystem services concept for ecosystem and and others 2011); seed dispersal relies on the
landscape management depends in part on our movement of animal, aquatic, and air borne vectors
ability to understand the links between landscape (Nathan and others 2008); commercial fisheries
structure, movement of organisms and materials can be influenced by the connectivity of coastal
through this landscape, and the subsequent provi- marine ecosystems (Meynecke and others 2008);
sion of multiple ecosystem services. and recreation is influenced by our ability to move
A variety of ecosystem services depend on the through landscapes (van der Zee 1990). For each
movement of organisms and materials across land- ecosystem service, the patterns and rates of these
scapes (Tscharntke and others 2005; Kremen and important movements and flows are likely a func-
others 2007) and, therefore, are likely influenced by tion of landscape connectivity.
landscape connectivitythe degree to which a land- Here, we gather knowledge about landscapes,
scape facilitates the movement of organisms and biodiversity, ecosystem function, and ecosystem
matter. Moreover, connectivity also influences bio- services to evaluate the hypothesis that landscape
diversity and ecosystem function (Debinski and Holt connectivity has important effects on the provision
2000; Fahrig 2003; Gonzalez and others 2009), of ecosystem services. We break this issue into three
which together are expected to affect ecosystem parts. First, we briefly define landscape connectivity
service provision. Scientists are beginning to recog- and describe the theory that suggests that connec-
nize that landscape composition (how much of each tivity should affect the supply of ecosystem services.
land cover/use that exists) and landscape configuration Second, we review the current landscape connec-
(the spatial pattern of these land cover/use types) tivity-ecosystem services literature and address
affect the provision of ecosystem services (for three main questions: (1) How common are studies
example, Bodin and others 2006; Kremen and others focusing on the links between landscape connec-
2007; Brosi and others 2008; Bianchi and others tivity and ecosystem services? (2) Which ecosystem
2010). However, both of these landscape compo- services and aspects of landscape connectivity are
nents also affect landscape connectivity. Different most studied in this context? (3) How does landscape
ecosystem services are likely to respond either posi- connectivity change usually affect ecosystem service
tively or negatively to landscape connectivity provision? Third, we identify some key gaps and
change, creating and modifying the trade-offs promising paths for future research in this area. Our
and synergies (negative or positive relationships) purpose here is to identify important areas for future
between services as connectivity changes. Empirical research and spur advancement in ecosystem service
tests of how connectivity affects different ecosystem science by providing a semi-quantitative review of
services are needed to accurately model and manage the current literature that links landscape connec-
ecosystem service provision across human-domi- tivity with ecosystem services.
nated landscapes. Modeling initiatives like ARIES
(Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services are developing mod- LINKS BETWEEN LANDSCAPE CONNECTIVITY
els for multiple ecosystem services based on a con- AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
nectivity paradigm. The success of these models Landscape Connectivity
depends on our understanding of how landscape
connectivity affects the provision of multiple eco- Landscape connectivity is the degree to which a
system services. landscape facilitates movement (Taylor and others
896 Matthew G. E. Mitchell and others

Figure 1. Both ecosystem service provision in general (A) and pollination service provision (B), as an example, will be
influenced by landscape connectivity (that is, the degree to which the landscape facilitates movement). Landscape con-
nectivity can have direct effects on ecosystem service provision by influencing the magnitude of movement of organisms
and matter (black arrows), and indirect effects by influencing the biodiversity and ecosystem functions that the landscape
contains (gray arrows). Human activities influence landscape structure by changing land cover and land use (dashed gray

1993). We use the term to include both biotic the functional connectivity of the landscape (Brooks
connectivity (movement of organisms) and abiotic 2003). We place particular emphasis on the distinc-
connectivity (movement of water, nutrients, soil; tion between structural and functional connectivity
Fischer and Lindenmayer 2007), each of which because little is known about the relationship
should influence the provision of different ecosys- between the two for ecosystem service provision.
tem services. Landscape connectivity is altered by
changes in land cover and land use, including Direct Effects of Landscape Connectivity
habitat fragmentationthe transformation of con-
on Ecosystem Services
tiguous areas of habitat into numerous smaller
patches. Fragmentation involves four unified pro- Landscape connectivity can directly affect the
cesses: a reduction in habitat amount, an increase supply of ecosystem services by controlling the
in the number of habitat patches, a decrease in pattern and rate of the biotic and abiotic flows that
habitat patch size, and an increase in patch isola- are important for service provision (Figure 1). At
tion (Fahrig 2003). Each of these components the same time, connectivity can also influence
affects landscape connectivity. Globally, habitat population sizes and rates of resource uptake (Holt
fragmentation is driven by human alteration of 1993; Gonzalez and others 2009), both of which
land cover, primarily to increase agricultural pro- may affect ecosystem service provision. For many
duction, a key ecosystem service (Foley and others ecosystem services, the degree of functional con-
2005). However, the effects of fragmentation and nectivity across the landscape will contribute
changing connectivity on the provision of other strongly to service supply. For example, insect pest
ecosystem services are largely unknown. regulation should increase as the movement of
Landscape connectivity depends not only on insect pest predators across a landscape increases.
landscape structure, including landscape composi- However, the direction of the relationships
tion and landscape configuration, but also on the between connectivity and service provision (that is,
responses of organisms and matter to this structure. negative or positive) will depend on the service in
Landscape composition and configuration define the question; a reduction in connectivity for a disease
structural connectivity of a landscape via its spatial vector will likely increase disease regulation.
structure, whereas the actual movement of organ- The movement of organisms across landscapes
isms or materials in response to this structure defines influences many important regulating services (for
Landscape Connectivity and Ecosystem Services 897

b Figure 2. Changes to landscape biotic and abiotic con-

nectivity have the potential to affect the provision of
many ecosystem services, including A pollination ser-
vices and B water quantity/quality services. A(i) A di-
verse community of pollinators inhabit a forest patch
within an agricultural landscape of pollinator-dependent
crops and are able to move easily through the forest
patch (solid arrowsforest biotic connectivity; width of
arrow denotes strength of connectivity). The pollinators
are also able to move from the forest into the sur-
rounding fields (dashed arrowsforest-field connectivity)
and provide pollination services. A(ii) When the forest
patch is fragmented, pollinator habitat is lost and forest
connectivity may be altered. This could result in a change
in pollinator diversity or abundance (Winfree and others
2009; Potts and others 2010) and potentially change
pollination services to surrounding fields (but see Hadley
and Betts 2012). A(iii) Alternatively, the forest patch can
remain intact, but a change in management of the sur-
rounding fields (for example, application of insecticides
or the loss of hedgerow habitat/corridors) can alter the
ability of pollinators to move through the adjacent fields
and provide pollination services. A(iv) When both forest
and forest-field connectivity are disrupted and pollinator
habitat is lost, there is a more significant change in the
provision of pollination services. B(i) For a hypothetical
freshwater stream system, flows of water and nutrients
within the stream are high (solid arrows), as are flows
from the surrounding landscape (dashed arrows). B(ii)
When a dam is constructed, it disrupts stream connec-
tivity, reducing the provision of water downstream. B(iii)
Restoration of riparian buffers along the stream system
reduces the flow of water and nutrients from surround-
ing areas, increasing water quality regulation but
decreasing water quantity. B(iv) When both types of
connectivity are altered, water quality is improved due to
example, pollination, pest regulation, seed dispersal, reduced inputs of nutrients and pollutants, but water
disease regulation; Kremen and others 2007). For provision downstream decreases.
these services, we expect provision to increase when
the movement of key organisms increases. For
instance, insect pollinators often rely on non-crop services. For insect pest regulation, both the con-
habitat (for example, meadows and forests) for nectivity of non-crop habitat patches and cropland
nesting, and subsequently move into surrounding areas can affect movement and ecosystem service
fields to pollinate crop species (Ricketts and others provision. Increased connectivity of cropland can
2008). The arrangement of non-crop areas with facilitate the movement of crop pests across agricul-
respect to agricultural fields and the ability of poll- tural landscapes and lead to increased population
inators to move within each ecosystem should, sizes and pest pressure (Margosian and others 2009).
therefore, influence the magnitude and distribution Adding non-crop habitat for insect predators to these
of pollination services across the landscape (Figure 2A). landscapes, such as field margin strips, can facilitate
Human activities that alter landscape connectivity, predator movement into nearby fields and lead to
including habitat fragmentation, habitat loss (Potts increased pest regulation services (Tscharntke and
and others 2010), and management (for example, others 2005).
conventional vs. organic farming; Kremen and oth- Provision of another set of services is strongly
ers 2002), can have significant effects on pollinator related to the movement of matter. This includes
movement. Similarly, the ways in which landscape fresh water provision, and the regulation of air
connectivity influences the movement of seed dis- quality, water quality, erosion, and natural haz-
persers, insect pest predators, and disease vectors ards. Here, a decrease in the rate of water flow
should also be important for the provision of these through riparian buffers from upland areas might
898 Matthew G. E. Mitchell and others

increase pollutant filtration and water quality reg- commercial fish stocks can permit stability in the
ulation, but decrease water provision downstream face of environmental change (Hilborn and others
(Figure 2B). Conversely, a decrease of water flow 2003). Maintenance of this diversity in many
from a river to its surrounding riparian buffers cases relies on maintaining landscape connectivity,
might decrease water quality regulation and flood which in turn will affect ecosystem service supply
control, but increase water provision downstream and stability.
(Brauman and others 2007). Thus, the effective Examples of specific connectivity-biodiversity-
management of the landscape for these ecosystem ecosystem service links are known. For example,
services will depend to some degree on manipu- pollination services can be enhanced by a diverse
lating connectivity and the flows of water, nutri- pollinator community (Hoehn and others 2008),
ents, and pollutants. which may depend on high levels of landscape
connectivity (van Geert and others 2010; Holz-
Indirect Effects of Landscape schuh and others 2010). Similarly, regulation of
Connectivity on Ecosystem Services insect pests such as aphids depends on a diversity
of enemy species, each of which depends on the
Landscape connectivity can indirectly affect eco- connectivity of non-crop habitats at different
system service provision by altering the important scales for their persistence in the landscape
biodiversity and ecosystem functions that contrib- (Tscharntke and others 2005). Because the
ute to ecosystem services (Figure 1). Metacom- important species and ecosystem functions for
munity theory predicts that connectivity between different ecosystem services are not well known
habitat patches is crucial to ensure the persistence (Kremen and Ostfeld 2005) it is uncertain if these
of populations and diversity (Leibold and others indirect effects of connectivity on ecosystem ser-
2004). Building on this, the spatial insurance vice provision are common or important. To
hypothesis predicts that moderate levels of con- address the perceived knowledge gaps outlined
nectivity between patches will maintain high levels above, we surveyed the literature to identify cur-
of biodiversity, which in turn will increase the rent knowledge.
stability and mean level of ecosystem functions
across habitat patches (Loreau and others 2003a;
Gonzalez and others 2009). We hypothesize that
the provision of ecosystem services will in part We reviewed all indexed articles published up to
depend on the metacommunity processes that the end of 2011 by searching ISI Web of Science,
mediate biodiversity and ecosystem function. Scopus, Agricola, GeoRef and International Bibliogra-
There is widespread evidence that ecosystem phy of the Social Sciences for articles that contained
services are influenced by biodiversity and the any of the terms ecosystem service*/good*,
ecosystem functions that biodiversity provides ecological service*/good*, and environmental
(Chapin and others 2000; Balvanera and others service*/good*, in combination with any of
2006; Cardinale and others 2012); that the number connectivity, corridor*, or fragmentation in
of species required increases significantly as more the title, abstract, or keywords. We then classified
and more services are considered (Duffy 2009); and papers based on the type and number of ecosystem
that biodiversity provides insurance value to eco- services investigated, type of connectivity investi-
system services across time and space (Hooper and gated, which ecosystems were studied, what con-
others 2005). For example, the number of plant nectivity metrics were used, and the type of paper
species contributing to ecosystem functions (for example, experimental, modeling, review, and
important for ecosystem services increases as more so on). Our goal was to understand where and how
time and locations are considered (Isbell and others connectivity and fragmentation are being incorpo-
2011), whereas forest carbon sequestration over rated into the ecosystem services literature, so we
time is maximized in diverse plantings versus did not limit our review to any specific paper types.
monocultures (Hooper and others 2005). All ser- We also relied on authors to identify that their
vices rely to some degree on biodiversity for their study involved ecosystem services. Therefore, our
provision and some may be especially strongly search likely missed some papers with links to
related (for example, genetic resources, biochem- specific ecosystem services that were not labeled as
icals, and natural medicines). Even food provision such by their authors. It was beyond the scope of
can be influenced by diversity. Crop genetic our study to perform a search for all of the studies
diversity can minimize vulnerability to pests and with data relevant to the effects of changing con-
disease (Zhu and others 2000) and diversity in nectivity for individual ecosystem services.
Landscape Connectivity and Ecosystem Services 899

We initially identified 308 papers from 151 QUANTITATIVE REVIEW OF CURRENT

different sources (scientific journals, conference LITERATURE
proceedings, and books). However, many of
these papers did not explicitly investigate the Effects of Connectivity Change
effects of connectivity or fragmentation on the on Ecosystem Service Provision
provision of a specific ecosystem service. Instead, Most studies observed or predicted negative effects
they studied an ecosystem function, ecosystem of decreased landscape connectivity on ecosystem
property, or the abundance and diversity of service provision (Figure 3A). Across the 69 papers
specific species and would mention that these in our detailed review, ecosystem service provision
elements were important for ecosystem service declined or was predicted to decline with decreased
provision. Yet it was often not obvious which
ecosystem service was being specified or how the
ecosystem function or species abundance linked
to service provision. We, therefore, defined eco-
system services as the conditions and processes
through which ecosystems, directly or indirectly,
provide the benefits people require to sustain
and fulfill human life (Ehrlich and others 1997;
MA (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment) 2005),
to identify a subset of articles that explicitly
investigated the effects of landscape connectivity
on the provision of at least one specific ecosys-
tem service. Using this definition of an ecosystem
service, we identified a subset of 69 papers from
the original 308.
The majority of papers in this subset lacked
quantitative empirical data (that is, were reviews
or modeling papers) and used a wide variety of
methods and designs. Therefore, we could not
perform a formal meta-analysis. Instead, we
evaluated the observed or predicted changes in
ecosystem service provision with landscape
connectivity change across the 69 studies using a
vote-counting methodology similar to Debinski
and Holt (2000). Next, for a smaller set of 15
papers with empirical field data, we calculated
average effect sizes of decreased landscape con-
nectivity on ecosystem service provision using
the log response ratio [LRR: ln(service provision
with low connectivity/service provision with
high connectivity)]. For each of these 15 papers,
ecosystem service provision data were extracted
from digitized graphs using GraphClick (Arizona
Software 2008) for the landscapes or plots at
each end of the connectivity gradient used in Figure 3. A Number of studies showing negative, none/
that study. Across studies, the measurements varied, or positive effects of decreased landscape con-
of connectivity (see below) and the difference nectivity on ecosystem service provision. Some studies
between low and high connectivity landscapes investigated multiple ecosystem services, in these cases
each service measured was counted separately. B Aver-
were inconsistent. Therefore, we calculated LRR
age effect size (LRR) of landscape connectivity decline on
separately for each paper. Many papers used
pollination, seed dispersal, and pest regulation service
multiple variables to quantify service provision provision. Negative values of LRR indicate loss of eco-
(for example, species diversity, abundance, and system service provision as landscape connectivity
ecosystem function); in these cases we averaged decreases. The dashed line indicates no difference between
the LRR across all variables to calculate a single landscapes with high or low connectivity; error bars show
overall LRR value for the study. 95% confidence intervals.
900 Matthew G. E. Mitchell and others

landscape connectivity 74 % of the time. Most of Our review of the theory above suggests that
these papers focused on pollination, where service multiple links should exist between landscape
provision almost always declined with decreased connectivity and ecosystem services; however,
connectivity. Other ecosystem services have not these links have not yet been systematically
been investigated to the same extent, and for many described in the literature.
services we only found one or two studies (for
example, timber, climate regulation, soil erosion, Direct versus Indirect Effects
and aesthetics). of Connectivity
Very few studies contained empirical data with
which to test the effects of decreased connectivity Both direct and indirect effects of connectivity on
on ecosystem service provision. Within the 15 field service provision have been investigated. The
studies with extractable data, both pollination and largest proportion of studies focused solely on
pest regulation had negative mean LRR values, or indirect links (44 %; Figure 4B), namely for polli-
loss of service provision with declining landscape nation, food provision in aquatic ecosystems, and
connectivity (Figure 3B). Seed dispersal had varied pest regulation. This reflects a widespread emphasis
responses in fragmented landscapes. Due to the in the ecosystem services literature on the impor-
small number of papers, only the pollination LRR tance of biodiversity for service provision. How-
was statistically different from zero (one sample ever, a substantial portion also addressed only
t test; pollination: P = 0.01; seed dispersal: P = 0.35; direct links (22 %) or both direct and indirect links
pest regulation: P = 0.07). (30 %). A number of pollination and seed dispersal
studies simultaneously investigated the effects of
distance from forest patches on pollinator or dis-
perser numbers and visitation rates (that is, direct
Types of Ecosystem Service-Connectivity
effects of connectivity) and pollinator or disperser
Studies species diversity (that is, indirect effects). However,
The 69 papers in our subset included reviews, none of these studies quantified the relative
observational field studies, modeling/GIS papers, importance of these different effects of connectivity
and conceptual papers. Most were published within on ecosystem service provision. Identifying the
the last 3 years (61 %), and over 90 % were pub- specific ecosystem services and situations where
lished since 2004. The majority of studies did not direct or indirect effects of connectivity are most
provide empirical evidence that ecosystem service important remains an important knowledge gap.
provision is altered as landscape connectivity
changes. Instead, they were either reviews of eco-
Biotic Versus Abiotic Connectivity
system function-connectivity papers that attempted
to make links with ecosystem service provision Links between biotic connectivity and ecosystem
(27 %; Figure 4A), or were modeling studies that service provision have been much more widely
predicted how ecosystem service provision might studied than for abiotic connectivity (78 % of
change as landscape connectivity declines (19 %). papers vs. 7 %; Figure 4C), especially for regulating
Given the logistical difficulty of manipulating con- services (Figure 5B). Despite the fact that many
nectivity at a landscape scale and measuring eco- regulating services, such as water quantity and
system services, this is not surprising. However, the quality, flood control, and erosion regulation,
small number of empirical studies currently limits depend on the movement of matter through
our ability to understand how changing connec- landscapes, these links have not been well
tivity affects ecosystem service provision. described in the current ecosystem services litera-
We also only found a handful of theory/concept ture. In many cases, water quantity depends on
papers (7 studies) that link connectivity with eco- connectivity within freshwater systems (Steinman
system service provision (Figure 4A), and the and Denning 2005; Brauman and others 2007) and
absence of this link is especially apparent for reg- connectivity between surface and groundwater
ulating services (Figure 5A). As the ecosystem systems (Tomlinson and Boulton 2010); whereas
services framework is relatively new and the con- water quality is, in part, determined by the con-
ceptual links between biodiversity, ecosystem nectivity between pollutant and nutrient sources
function, and ecosystem services have only and the wetland and riparian sinks that filter these
recently been made (for example, Kremen and substances (Gundersen and others 2010; Opper-
Ostfeld 2005; Mace and others 2011; Cardinale and man and others 2010). It may be that many of
others 2012), this gap is not entirely unexpected. these relationships have been explored in other
Landscape Connectivity and Ecosystem Services 901

Figure 4. Number of
studies belonging to each
specified factor level. The
total number of studies in
each graph differs as some
studies met multiple
criteria (for example, a
study could investigate
both a regulating and a
provisioning service).

subject areas, but have not been explicitly labeled Measurements of Connectivity
as ecosystem service studies. Exploring how land-
A large variety of connectivity metrics have been
scape connectivity can affect the movement of
used in the connectivity-ecosystem services litera-
matter and service provision is an important link to
ture. Structural connectivity metrics focused on
make in the ecosystem services literature.
902 Matthew G. E. Mitchell and others

Figure 5. Number of
studies of regulating and
provisioning services A of
different paper types,
B which investigated
biotic versus abiotic
connectivity, and C of
different ecosystem types.
The width of the lines
represents the number of
studies that belong to
each factor level.

spatial patterns (19 %; for example, metrics com- ecosystem function (28 %), or species diversity
bining patch area, isolation and landscape pattern), (24 %; Figure 4E). Although these metrics provide
the area of specific ecosystems in a landscape information about the role of different species in
(13 %), isolation of habitat patches (11 %), and ecosystem service provision, and the importance of
distances between habitat patches (9 %; Fig- biodiversity to specific services, their ability to
ure 4D). This variety of metrics makes it difficult to indicate actual movement across landscapes is
generalize about the effects of structural connec- limited. We found only three studies, all involving
tivity, but this is a general problem with connec- birds and seed dispersal services, which measured
tivity studies (Kindlmann and Burel 2008). actual animal movement across landscapes and
Measures of patch area or distances between pat- linked this to ecosystem service provision.
ches (that is, structural connectivity) are also dif-
ficult to relate to actual movement across a Effects of Connectivity on Multiple
landscape (that is, functional connectivity).
Ecosystem Services
We found that functional connectivity is gener-
ally unmeasured in ecosystem service studies. Most We predicted above that different ecosystem ser-
studies indirectly measured functional connectivity vices would respond in contrasting ways to land-
using proxies such as species abundance (30 %), scape connectivity change, creating trade-offs and
Landscape Connectivity and Ecosystem Services 903

synergies. However, most papers investigated only estuaries, mangroves, and coastal zones) contribute
one ecosystem service (78 %), although a few to an inordinate number of ecosystem services
included two or three services (Figure 4F). Studies (UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
of single ecosystem services are common (Seppelt 2006) and links between terrestrial and freshwater
and others 2011), but prevent the description of or marine systems are also known to be important
trade-offs and synergies as landscape connectivity is for many ecosystems (Barbier and others 2011).
altered. Although none of the studies of multiple Understanding how changes in connectivity
ecosystem services in our review found contrasting between these systems affect multiple services,
effects of decreased connectivity between services, especially changes due to human activities, would
our sample size was small (twelve papers) and be particularly valuable for landscape manage-
included at most three services. How landscape ment.
connectivity simultaneously affects multiple eco- There are also opportunities to investigate how
system services, how biotic versus abiotic connec- landscape connectivity affects the links between
tivity interact to affect different services, and how regulating services and provisioning services within
trade-offs between ecosystem services might both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. In terres-
change as connectivity is altered are not yet clear. trial ecosystems, most studies occurred in agro-
Most connectivity-ecosystem service studies also ecosystems (66 %; Figures 4H, 5C) and reflect the
focused on food provision and pollination (Fig- dominance of pollination and pest regulation ser-
ures 3A, 4G), compounding the issues caused by vice studies. At the same time, food provisioning-
the lack of multiple service studies. Ninety-one connectivity studies in agroecosystems were rare (3
percent of the papers dealt with regulating and studies). In marine ecosystems, food provisioning
provisioning services, almost half (49 %) of the studies were much more common, focusing on fish
regulating service papers focused on pollination, species and mangrove or seagrass connectivity (7
and 80 % of the provisioning service papers studies; Figure 5C). However, we did not find any
focused on food provision. These trends also exist papers that considered marine connectivity and
in the larger overall ecosystem services literature regulating services. In agroecosystems, some of this
(Vihervaara and others 2010). The prevalence of apparent disconnect might stem from pollination
pollination studies is not unexpected; a large service definitions that combine both regulating
amount of research has linked the presence and (that is, pollination of crops) and provisioning ser-
pattern of natural ecosystems with pollination (for vices (that is, crop yield). Yet the implications of
example, Ricketts and others 2008) and complex changes in landscape connectivity for crops not
landscapes with high connectivity often have dependent on animal pollinators are largely
higher levels of pollination (Tscharntke and others unstudied. In marine systems we found a con-
2005). However, it is surprising that links between trasting result, with the majority of studies focused
connectivity and other regulating services, such as on provisioning instead of regulating services.
pest control, seed dispersal, and disease control, However, there exist a large number of regulating
have not been made to the same extent. Links services that help support marine provisioning
between cultural services (for example, aesthetics, services and human well-being (UNEP (United
recreation, spiritual, and education) and connec- Nations Environment Programme) 2006). Effective
tivity have also not been tested, although they ecosystem management depends on identifying the
might not be as strong as those for other types of important regulating services in marine and ter-
services. Effective landscape management requires restrial ecosystems that underlie provisioning ser-
understanding how landscape connectivity affects vices and understanding the relationships between
all ecosystem services and their interactions. these service categories as connectivity changes.

Links Across Ecosystems and Between OPEN QUESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
Overall, our review reveals a widely held view that
Despite a current emphasis in the literature on change in landscape connectivity is likely to have
agroecosystems and pollination (Figures 3A, 4H, important effects on ecosystem service provision;
5C), there are many other combinations of eco- however, supporting empirical data are rare. Flows
systems and services where the movements of of matter and organisms are important for the
organisms and substances are expected to be provision of ecosystem services, but how biotic and
important. Ecosystems found at the boundaries of abiotic landscape connectivity affects the strengths
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (for example, and patterns of these different flows has not
904 Matthew G. E. Mitchell and others

been thoroughly quantified. What evidence exists will advance our understanding of the connectiv-
suggests that decreased landscape connectivity ity-ecosystem service provision relationship and
usually has negative effects on regulating services the importance of this relationship across different
such as pollination, pest control, and food provi- landscapes.
sion. These effects occur through both direct and
indirect pathways, with connectivity affecting both What Aspects of Landscape Connectivity
the movement of organisms and matter, and bio- Most Influence the Provision
diversity and ecosystem function (Figure 1). Most of Ecosystem Services, and How Should
studies of connectivity and ecosystem services focus
they be Measured?
on regulating services, whereas fewer studies have
investigated provisioning or cultural services. There Few studies have developed conceptual or theo-
remain a large number of unexplored questions retical frameworks to link landscape connectivity
with respect to the specific ways that connectivity with the provision of ecosystem services (Bagstad
influences ecosystem service provision. and others 2012). We feel this has two main con-
We propose a set of research questions within sequences. First, as there is little guidance for what
three broad categories that we feel would best types of connectivity might affect ecosystem service
address the uncertainties and gaps highlighted in provision, a wide variety of structural connectivity
our review (Table 1). Answering these questions metrics and proxies for functional connectivity
have been used in the current literature, making it
difficult to compare across studies or accurately
Table 1. Research Questions to Advance Under- assess the effects of biotic or abiotic movement on
standing of the Effects of Landscape Connectivity service provision. Newly developed metrics,
on Ecosystem Service Provision including graph-theoretic measures (Rayfield and
others 2011), might help, but have not been widely
What aspects of landscape connectivity most influence the pro-
vision of ecosystem services, and how should they be mea- used in connectivity-ecosystem service studies.
sured? Second, the possible mechanisms by which
What are the conceptual and theoretical ways that connectivity might affect ecosystem service provi-
connectivity might influence ecosystem service pro- sion, both direct and indirect, have not been
vision? explicitly identified or measured. We predict that
What are the important mechanisms by which con- connectivity can affect ecosystem service provision
nectivity can affect ecosystem services and what not only directly through the movement of
causes their relative importance to change? organisms and matter through a landscape, but also
At what scales does connectivity affect the provision of indirectly by altering levels of biodiversity and
ecosystem services? ecosystem function. However, the relative impor-
How are different ecosystem services influenced by landscape
tance of these mechanisms is currently not known,
What ecosystem service categories or specific ecosystem
and measuring the actual movement of organisms
services are most strongly influenced by landscape or matter across landscapes (that is, functional
connectivity? connectivity) is difficult (Belisle 2005) and is often
How variable are ecosystem service responses to land- not quantified in connectivity-service studies.
scape connectivity change? Conceptual and theoretical frameworks built on
What are the important directional flows for the pro- meta-ecosystem (Loreau and others 2003a, b) and
vision of ecosystem services and how does connec- ecological network theories (for example, Gonzalez
tivity influence these? and others 2011) are needed to develop a deeper
Are there tradeoffs and synergies between different understanding of the link between landscape con-
ecosystem services as landscape connectivity changes? nectivity and ecosystem services. This advance
How does landscape connectivity influence our ability to access
would allow for better empirical tests in the field
and benefit from ecosystem services?
How do patterns of ecosystem service provision and and help identify the types of connectivity (that is,
landscape connectivity influence human activities, biotic vs. abiotic) and spatial scales where connec-
land use, and land management actions? tivity is most likely to affect ecosystem service
How do patterns of human movement influence the provision. For example, changes to connectivity
ecosystem services that society can access and benefit and the provision of services such as pollination,
from? pest regulation, or food from commercial fisheries
Can patterns of ecosystem service provision and human can depend on the scale at which connectivity is
activity be managed and restored by manipulating key altered, both spatially and temporally (Tscharntke
parameters of landscape connectivity? and others 2005; Deza and Anderson 2010). A
Landscape Connectivity and Ecosystem Services 905

theoretical framework could help identify these involve abiotic connectivity and flows of materials
scales and the most effective ways to measure (for example, flood control, water quality regula-
connectivity. Effective management of ecosystem tion, and climate regulation), and cultural services.
services requires this understanding for multiple For a number of these services, the important flows
ecosystem services across multiple spatial scales of matter and organisms may be strongly direc-
within a variety of human-modified landscapes. tional and will involve specific ecosystem types. For
Understanding the relative importance of con- example, insect pest regulation often relies on the
nectivity within and between ecosystems will also movement of insects from native habitat fragments
be important for predicting how land use will affect into adjacent crop fields (Tscharntke and Brandl
ecosystem services, and for designing landscape 2004; Kremen and others 2007) and many
management techniques to maximize multiple hydrology-based services such as water quality
ecosystem services. For instance, quantifying how regulation and flood control depend on the flow of
the regulation of water quality is affected by the water through watersheds and the positioning of
juxtaposition of terrestrial, riparian, and freshwater riparian and wetland ecosystems relative to agri-
systems, versus how species diversity and ecological cultural, urban, and forested lands (Brauman and
structure within each of these ecosystems mediates others 2007). Additionally, food provision from
the flow of water and pollutants. Similarly, man- commercial fisheries can depend on biotic con-
aging watersheds for potable water, navigation, nectivity between mangrove and seagrass nursery
recreation, flood control, waste processing, and habitats and the coral reefs used by adult fish
hydroelectric power requires information about (Meynecke and others 2008; Barbier and others
how various types of connectivity, including up- 2011). Understanding the direction of the most
stream-downstream, floodplain-river, hillslope- important flows of organisms and matter for the
river, and surface water-groundwater connectivity, provision of these services would provide valuable
interact to influence each ecosystem service information for the design, management, and res-
(Steinman and Denning 2005). toration of landscapes.
Different ecosystem services also respond differ-
How are Different Ecosystem Services ently to the variety of drivers and pressures that
affect them, including connectivity. This creates a
Influenced by Landscape Connectivity?
variety of positive and negative ecosystem service
Our understanding of the effects of landscape trade-offs as landscape structure and human land
connectivity on different ecosystem services is use are altered (Bennett and others 2009). For
incomplete, as only a few services have been instance, in the Florida Everglades, during high
investigated to any significant extent. We also have water flow conditions (that is, high hydraulic
little knowledge of the variability in ecosystem connectivity), nutrient runoff and loading in-
service response to connectivity change either creases, water quality decreases, and habitat quality
within or across service categories (for example, is reduced (Steinman and Denning 2005). At the
provisioning, regulating, and cultural). Identifying same time, boat recreation, irrigation, aquifer re-
if specific ecosystem services or categories of ser- charge, and water for human consumption are
vices are strongly influenced by landscape con- improved. These trade-offs may create bundles of
nectivity would be a powerful management tool ecosystem services (Raudsepp-Hearne and others
when provision of specific ecosystem services is the 2010) that act in similar or dissimilar ways as
goal. Additionally, our review only included studies landscape connectivity is changed. Ecosystem ser-
that self-identified as ecosystem service studies. vices can also directly influence each other. For
There remain many opportunities to perform example, increased pollination or pest regulation
comprehensive ecosystem service-specific reviews services can drive increased crop production,
of all studies relevant to the effects of changing whereas erosion control and water purification by
connectivity on service provision. mangroves can enhance commercial fisheries and
Currently, there is evidence that biotic connec- protect navigation corridors against siltation (Bar-
tivity is important for regulating ecosystem services bier and others 2011). Yet, the interactions be-
that rely on mobile organisms (Kremen and others tween connectivity and multiple ecosystem
2007), such as insect pollination, seed dispersal, services are virtually unknown; our review identi-
and pest regulation. However, a large number of fied very few studies that considered more than
other important services have not been investi- one ecosystem service at a time. One of the
gated to the same extent, particularly timber and strengths of the ecosystem services framework for
water provisioning services, regulating services that land management is the ability to consider the
906 Matthew G. E. Mitchell and others

multi-functionality of landscapes. To properly ment of theory to link connectivity and the

understand and manage landscapes for connectiv- expected effects on provision of ecosystem services,
ity with a goal to enhance ecosystem services as well as multi-disciplinary studies to quantify the
requires that we understand the effects of connec- effect of connectivity on multiple ecosystem ser-
tivity on multiple ecosystem services. vices across a variety of landscapes. Incorporating
flows of organisms and matter across landscapes
How Does Landscape Connectivity into ecosystem service assessments necessarily
Influence our Ability to Access involves a substantial increase in the complexity of
and Benefit from Ecosystem Services? theory, models, and understanding. However, the
benefits of this understanding could be significant if
Ecosystem services exist at the point of interaction it provides society with improved tools for the
between ecosystem function and human activity management of landscapes for ecosystem services.
(de Groot and others 2002). Therefore, even with a
constant biophysical supply of an ecosystem ser- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
vice, changes in human activity can alter service
provision. It is likely that the patterns and ease of This work was supported by an NSERC PGS-D
human movement across landscapes influence how scholarship to MGEM and an NSERC Strategic
people experience their environment (that is, cul- Projects Grant to EMB and AG. AG is supported by
tural services), and help determine the flows of all the Canada Research Chair Program. We thank
types of services from ecosystems to society (Bags- G. MacDonald and two anonymous reviewers for
tad and others 2012). For example, increased their comments, which helped improve the paper.
transportation connectivity in the Amazon alters
access to forest resources, fire damage to forests, REFERENCES
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