Summative Test 12 Sains Tahun 5

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CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

Name: ………………………… Class: ……………………… Date: ………………….

Theme 5: Investigating Technology

Instructions: Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the
correct answer.

1 The vibrations of an earthquake are more dangerous to high- rise buildings than low-
rise buildings because…
A a lower structure is more stable.
B a high structure can increase the vibrations of an earthquake.
C higher buildings make rescue work more difficult.
D the stability of building structures is not related to height.

2 What is meant by a stable structure?

A A structure that does not collapse easily
B A structure that can support a heavy load
C A structure that is built with different shapes
D A structure that is big and high

3 Which of the following shapes is the least stable?



4 Which of the following can make a structure more stable?

A Raise the height of the structure
B Reduce its diameter
C Increase its base area
D Construct a spherical roof
CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

5 The diagram below shows three objects of the same height.


Which of the following shows the correct arrangement of the objects in increasing
order of stability?
A X, Y, Z
B Y, X, Z
C Y, Z, X
D Z, X, Y

6 The picture below shows three vehicles.

Which of the following statements are true?

I R is more stable than S.
II R is more stable than T.
III T is more stable than S.
A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III
CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

7 The diagram below shows three models, L, M and N, which have the same shape.


What can be said about the stability of L, M and N if they have the same height?
A L will become the most stable model.
B N will be more stable than M.
C M will be more stable than L.
D M and N will have the same stability.

8 The diagram below shows a model of a structure.

Which of the following is the correct way to make the model stronger?
A Use cylinder-shaped legs.
B Raise the height of the legs.
C Add more legs.
D Reduce the size of the legs.
CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

Answer all the questions.
Instructions: Write your answers in the spaces provided.

1 A group of pupils arranged three models as shown in the diagram below to investigate
the stability of the models.
models of polystyrene


When the cardboard was inclined slowly, the pupils recorded their observations as
i. Model Z toppled over first, followed by model Y.
ii. Model Y toppled over first, followed by model X.

(a) State the aim of this investigation.


(b) Write a hypothesis based on the aim of your investigation stated in (a).


(c) State…
i. what is changed: ________________________________________________

ii. what is observed: ________________________________________________

(d) What conclusion can you draw from this investigation?

CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5

2 The diagram below shows a model that is built by a pupil, using coins.

5 sen coin
10 sen coin
20 sen coin

50 sen coin

(a) What is the basic shape of the model?


(b) What makes the model stable?


(c) Another model is built by the pupil, as shown in the diagram below.

What can you say about the stability of this model?


(d) Give one reason for you opinion in (c).


(e) What conclusion can you draw from this investigation?

CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5


DATE : ______________


Activity Code 5/5/1/1.2/

Learning Area 1 Strength & Stability.
Learning Objective 1.2 Understanding the strength and
stability of a structure.
Learning Outcome 1.2.1 Explain how base area affect the
stability of a structure.

Apparatus : Plastics cup.

Method : Experiments.


1. Blow a plastics cup in upright positions. Observe what will

2. Blow a plastics cup in upside down positions. Observe what will


1. Which structure falls first ?


2. What to :
(a) change : ____________________________________

(b) measure : ___________________________________

(c) kept the same : ______________________________

3. What is the relationship between the base area and the stability of the structure?
CD Question Bank - Workbook Science Year 5



The stability of an object depends on its ___________________

and ___________________________.

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