Research Proposal 4

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Joyner 1

MaeLynn Joyner

Debra Jizi

University Writing

23 October 2017

Research Proposal: Sex Trafficking and Slavery

1. How can we as a country, a government, and a people abolish sex slavery?

2. The purpose of this project is to expand upon my current knowledge of a subject I am a

strong advocate against and to generate ideas for how to end the horrors it creates in our nation

and around the world. I hope that this project will bear some enlightenment into struggles that

are not often spoken about and through it I can get others passionate about ending sex trafficking

and slavery. Through this inquiry I would like to become aware of the scale of the issue

domestically and internationally, what legislation is already in place, what recovery programs

exist, as well as who is most susceptible to the crime and how to minimize their chance of

victimhood. I chose this subject because not many people realize or understand the magnitude to

which slavery still exists today, sex slavery being only one facet. I feel deeply for those affected

by this atrocity and would like to know how to offer relief on both a small and large scale. This

subject affects me so greatly in part because of my strength of kindness. I cannot bear to witness

the pain of others and seek to remedy it, even if it requires sacrifice on my part. It also draws

upon my bravery as I refuse to let anyone be a perpetrator of this violence and will go to all ends

to stop them.
Joyner 2

3. I do not believe that I have any prior prejudice regarding this subject, it is inarguably not

a good thing and that is my prejudice against it. My experience with the topic of sex slavery has

been very minimal and I am excited to learn more. What I already know is that far too many

people are affected by this daily. What I think is that we are not doing enough to end it and that

more resources ought to be allocated. What I believe is that no one deserves this.

Working title) Sex Trafficking in the U.S.

Why have we as a country, a government, and a people not abolished sex slavery?

Sex trafficking in the United States is an oft unspoken evil. This topic came into my realm of

recognition during one of my political science classes; my professor being a money laundering

analyst at a national bank is regularly confronted with fraudulent expenses tied to the activity and

discussed how widely integrated the issue truly is in our nation. Hearing that every day over 20

sex trafficking or sex slavery institutions are closed down in Charlotte alone opened my eyes to

the tragedy happening right under my nose and under all of our rugs. This topic is close to my

heart as I come from Eastern Asia and have traveled the rural areas where these girls come from,

I have befriended potential victims. I am also a former subject of sexual assault and know that no

one should ever experience an event as evil as that.

Surprising facts:

Atlanta alone brings in $290 million a year. (CNN)

Atlanta traffickers can make up to $32,000 a week. (CNN)

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What are North Americas largest hubs?

Who is most susceptible?

Where are these girls from?

Male to female ratio in both victims and abusers.

What legislation exists?

Where does advocacy stand?

Safe house programs.

Does a vicious cycle exist?

Drug abuses involvement.

Deaths associated with the industry.

How do shell companies function?

Why are they so difficult to shut down?

Why can the government not pull websites which explicitly promote or regulate commerce in

illegal fields?

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