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Theories on the Fall of the Roman Empire

For each theory, summarize the ideas presented by each group - in your own words - in one complete sentence. Then, rank the theories from 1-10
with one being the least important cause and ten being the most important cause of the fall based on your conclusions.

Theory One-sentence summary Ranking

Barbarian Invasions The invasion of the barbarians was the deadliest because, they came from all 10
sides of the empire and the roman army was going against each other they
were weak.

Decline in Morals and Crime and violence made rome very unsafe and there was mass prostitution in 8
Values rome as well, roman emperors became infamous for always throwing parties
and becoming ill from drinking too much.

Environmental and New pipes were placed in rome but, there was lead in the pipes the water from 9
Public Health Problems the pipes went throughout the city and people were poisoned and died.

Excessive Military During their time defending the empire from barbarians it drained military 7
Spending spending and n rome couldnt provide money for other vital things like public
housing and maintaining quality roads.

Inferior Technology Rome was too reliant on the labor of animals and humans so they werent 5
improving their technology, as the population grew they werent able to
provide as many goods as they once did.

Inflation The roman economy suffered from an increase in prices which is called 6
inflation, also when the rome stopped conquering new land they saw a
decrease in gold which caused the amount of gold in coins to decrease as well
which also caused the value of the coins to decreased.

Political Corruption In rome there was never a really effective system on how to choose a new 3
emperor, the praetorian guard gained complete authority to choose the new
emperor, and in 186 A.D. the army strangled the new emperor.
Rise in Christianity Romans thought that the Christians were the problem but, actually it was the 4
barbarians they were too distracted by the christians then the barbarians came
and invaded.

Unemployment Farmers couldnt have competed with the slave owners because, slave owners 2
didnt have to pay for workers, and farmers couldnt have sold their crops as
low as slave owners did.

Urban Decay Most romans werent as rich as others and those that couldnt afford rent had 1
to live on the streets the streets were dangerous, and those who could afford
$40 a year lived in the upper apartment hot, dirty, crowded, and dangerous.

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