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Program structure

Program structure for the following programs.

Program code Program title Campus Semester/Trimester intake
3102 Graduate Certificate in International Business Nathan S1 / S2
5311 Master of International Business Nathan S1 / S2
5312 Master of International Business with Honours Nathan S1 / S2

As a result of a restructure within the Griffith Business School, several courses will undergo a code change
from Semester 1/2010 and these new course codes will reflect a change to the teaching element. All enrolled
students will be able to complete their studies as required by the degree requirements and Equivalent course
lists (from 2010) which map these course code changes are now available.

• Graduate Certificate | Masters | Masters with Honours

Students are required to attend courses on the Nathan campus only except where an elective course is not
offered on that campus. Students may then attend the campus where that course is offered pending space
availability and subject to Program Director approval.

Graduate Certificate in International Business

Students must complete 40CP from the following core courses:

Core course list

Year Course code Course CP
1 I 7923IBA International Business Finance 10
1 I 7005IBA International Marketing 10
1 I 7928IBA Cross-Cultural Management 10
1 I,II 7013IBA Politics of the Global Economy (semester 2 offering in 2011 only) 10
1 I,II 7921IBA International Business 10
1 II 7008IBA Global Business Strategy 10
1 II 7009IBA Knowledge Management and Strategy 10
1 II 7004IBA Trade, Investment and Economic Policy in Asia 10

Master of International Business

Students must complete the following 80CP of core courses:

Core course list

Year Course code Course CP
1 I 7923IBA International Business Finance 10
1 I 7005IBA International Marketing 10
1 I 7928IBA Cross-Cultural Management 10
1 I,II 7013IBA Politics of the Global Economy (semester 2 offering in 2011 only) 10
1 I,II 7921IBA International Business 10
1 II 7008IBA Global Business Strategy 10
1 II 7009IBA Knowledge Management and Strategy 10
1 II 7004IBA Trade, Investment and Economic Policy in Asia 10

PLUS 40CP from one the following four options (or combinations as stipulated below):

Option 1

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Students may complete 40CP from the following elective courses:

Elective course list

Course code Course CP
I 7024EHR International HRM 10
I 7014IBA International Environmental Issues and International Organisations 10
I 7003IBA Asian Societies: Tradition, Transition and Conflict 10
I 7015IBA Case Studies in Foreign Policy Decision Making 10
I,II 7111AFE Accounting 10
I,II 7001GBS Research Design and Methods (for Honours students only)* 10
II 7012IBA Democratisation, Business and Governance in Asia 10
II 7924IBA International Negotiation 10
II 7016IBA Religion, Politics and Globalisation 10
II 7010IBA China's Rise: Challenges and Opportunities 10

[*] Students must obtain permission from the Program Director to complete this course as one of their

Option 2

Students may select a minimum of 20CP from the above elective courses plus 20CP from any other GBS
postgraduate program (subject to Program Director approval).

Option 3

Students may be permitted to complete up to 40CP of undergraduate or postgraduate language courses as

electives (subject to Program Director approval).

Option 4

Students may complete up to 40CP of internship courses (subject to meeting the internship criteria) which may
be combined with electives from the above list.

Internship course list

Course code Course CP
7022IBA International Business Internship I 10
7023IBA International Business Internship II 20
7024IBA International Business Internship III 30
7025IBA International Business Internship IV 40


Internships allow students to gain experience in formulating international business strategies. Students will be
able to undertake internships either with domestic or multi-national companies within Australia or overseas
(conditions apply). Since it is expected that many students will be studying part-time, they would have the
opportunity of undertaking an internship with their own firm either domestically or overseas. Prospective
interns will be required to have successfully completed a minimum of 60CP of courses and have a minimum
grade point average of 4.5 across these courses.

Study abroad

Students can also participate in a study abroad option by undertaking up to 40CP of their coursework at
recognised tertiary institutions in various parts of the world - e.g. students would be able to undertake
postgraduate courses at any one of the 27 other universities which are also part of the Pacific Asian

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Consortium for International Business Education and Research (PACIBER). The selected courses must be at
postgraduate level and subject to Program Director approval.

Master of International Business with Honours

Students must successfully complete 120CP for the Master of International Business program.

Students will be considered for entry into the Master of International Business with Honours program upon
application to the Program Director. For entry into the Honours program, students must have successfully
completed a minimum of 40CP (four core courses or equivalent) from the Master of International Business
program and have a minimum grade point average of 5.5 across the best four core courses (40CP)
undertaken. Students must complete 7001GBS [Research Design and Methods] as part of the elective
component to graduate from the Honours program. A suitable dissertation topic and supervisory arrangements
must be negotiated with the Program Director at least four weeks prior to the commencement of the project.
The proposal should be elaborated in a research proposal of not less than 500 words. The final decision
regarding admission to the Honours program is at the discretion of the Program Director.

PLUS 40CP for the following dissertation courses:

Dissertation course list

Sem Course
Year Course CP
NA code
Dissertation -
2 I,II,Summer 7031IBA_P1 10
Unit 1
Dissertation -
2 I,II,Summer 7031IBA_P2 10
Unit 2
Dissertation -
2 I,II,Summer 7031IBA_P3 10
Unit 3
Dissertation -
2 I,II,Summer 7031IBA_P4 10
Unit 4

Last modified: 13-Apr-2010

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