1.1 Special Features of Autocad

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0 CAD & AutoCAD

Commonly, CAD stands for computer Aided Drafting which is used to produce technical drawings using
a computer. Today with the development of computer industry, there are many types of software
developed for computer Aided Drafting. AutoCAD is one of the leading and most popular software used
in the industry.

1.1 Special Features of AutoCAD

• Gives greater accuracy compared to the traditional hand drafting methods
• Automatic Dimensioning with customized tools
• Layer Properties
• Zooming of the Drawing or Part of the Drawing
• Ability to attach textural information

1.2 Recommended Hardware

List below are the hardware requirements for running AutoCAD 2007 on any system.
• Pentium IV (800 MHZ) or higher
• 512 MB RAM
• 1024 X 768 VGA with true color
• Installation 550 MB hard-disk space
• Pointing device (Mouse)
• CD-ROM Drive
• Windows XP Professional / Windows 2000 with SP3 or SP4 / Windows Vista 32bit

1.3 The first look at AutoCAD

Launching AutoCAD is very simple. Double-click the shortcut icon or start the application by clicking

Start » Programs » Autodesk » AutoCAD 2008 » AutoCAD 2008

After a few moments, you could see the AutoCAD 2008 interface as shown in the following figure.

1.4 The Pull-down Menus

The Pull-down menus available on the menu bar offer a quicker way to access the commands and
functions are the heart of AutoCAD 2007.

1.5 Creating a New Drawing

When you start a new drawing, follow the following steps.

File » New from the Pull-down menu or click on the icon on the Standard toolbar.
Then following Select Template dialogue box will appear

1.6 Saving a Drawing

1.6.1 File » Save/Save As

AutoCAD displays the save Drawing As standard file selection dialog box. Then you can select the
exact file saving folder and enter the file name and save the drawing.

1.7 Closing a Drawing

1.7.1 File » Close

AutoCAD closes the current drawing; if there have been no changes since the drawing was last saved.
If you have modified the drawing, AutoCAD prompts you to save or discard the changes. You can close
a file that has been opened in Read-Only mode when you have not made any changes or willing to
discard changes. To save changes to a read-only file, you must use the SAVEAS command.

1.7.2 Close all

Window » Close All

When you invoke this command, a message box is displayed for each unsaved drawing, in which you
can save any changes to the drawing before closing it.

1.7.3 Quit/exit

File » Quit/Exit

Quits AutoCAD if there have been no changes in all opened drawing since the drawings were last
saved. If the drawing has been modified, AutoCAD displays the Drawing modification dialog box to
prompt you to save or discard the changes before quitting.

1.8 Giving Commands

You can give commands in AutoCAD several ways. Following methods are the most frequently used
1. By typing the commands on the Command prompt. This is located below the drawing area.
2. Through Pull-down Menu: you can select the command on Pull-down menu and just click on it
to activate the command.
3. Through the Tool bars

2.0 Basic Geometrical Shapes

2.1 Drawing of Lines

Draw » Line

Line command allows you to create a line where the end points are specified by two-dimensional or
three-dimensional co-ordinates.
Command: _line
Specify first point: Use one of the point fixing methods
Specify next point or [Undo]: Use one of the point fixing methods
Specify next point or [Undo]: Use one of the point fixing methods
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: Use one of the point fixing methods
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: Use one of the points fixing methods or
Press “enter” to terminate the command


You can undo the most recently drawn line segments by entering the key U in specify next point:


Close option joints the very last point with the very first point in the series of line segments that you had
drawn using the line command, thus forming a closed shape.

Coordinate systems in AutoCAD

All drawings are superimposed on an invisible grid, or coordinate system, with horizontal X-axis and a
vertical Y-axis.

Absolute Co-ordinate System (x, y)
To enter an absolute coordinate, specify a point by entering its X and Y values in the format X, Y. The
following sequence of coordinates showing how to draw a triangle using absolute coordinates.

Command: _line
Specify first point: 3, 3 enter
Specify next point or [Undo]: 7, 3 enter
Specify next point or [Undo]: 5, 5 enter
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: c enter

Relative Rectangular Co-ordinate System (@x distance, y distance)

Use relative coordinates when you know the position of a point with respect to the previous point. The
relative rectangular coordinate is represented in the following format.

Command: _line
Specify first point: 2, 2 enter
Specify next point or [Undo]: @ 4, 0 enter
Specify next point or [Undo]: @ 0, 4 enter
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @ -2, 0 enter
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @ 0, -2 enter
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @ -2, 0 enter
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: c enter

NB: Distance is measured +Ve towards right & up and it is measured –Ve towards left & down.

Relative Polar Co-ordinate System (@ distance < angle)

Polar coordinate system uses a distance and an angle with reference to the previous point to locate a
point. Angles measured in anti-clock wise direction. The relative polar coordinate is represented in the
following format:

Command: _line
Specify first point: 2, 3 enter
Specify next point or [Undo]: @ 4< 0 enter
Specify next point or [Undo]: @ 4< 90 enter
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @ 4< 180 enter
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: c enter

2.2 Drawing of Circles

Draw » Circle » [options]

You can create circles in several ways. The default method is to specify a center and radius. AutoCAD
also provides 3 more methods to draw circles which are discussed below.
Command: _circle
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]:
Use one of the points fixing methods or enter an option

Center, Radius / Center, Diameter

This allows drawing a circle based on the center point and radius or diameter. Specify radius of circle or
[Diameter]: Enter radius value or enter D for diameter option.

3 Points

Command: _circle
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 3p
Specify first point on circle: Use one of the points fixing methods
Specify second point on circle: Use one of the points fixing methods
Specify third point on circle: Use one of the points fixing methods

2 Points

Command: _circle
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 2p
Specify first end point of circle's diameter: Use one of the points fixing
Specify second end point of circle's diameter: Use one of the points fixing

Tangent, Tangent, Radius

Command: _circle
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: ttr
Specify point on object for first tangent of circle: select an object
Specify point on object for second tangent of circle: select an object
Specify radius of circle <1.0000>: Enter a value

2.3 Drawing of Rectangles

Draw » Rectangle

Command: _rectang
Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]:
Use one of the points fixing methods
Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: Use one of the
points fixing methods

You can draw rectangles in several methods by invoking options within “[]” brackets. For example
AutoCAD will facilitate to draw chamfered or fillet rectangles.

2.4 Drawing of Arcs

Draw » Arc » [options]

Arc command allows you to create an arc segment. Arcs created by AutoCAD are circular which form a
part of a circle. There are different methods of creating an arc, as illustrated below. The default method
is to specify the circumference with three points.

Command: arc
Specify start point of arc or [Center]: Use one of the points fixing methods
Specify second point of arc or [Center/End]: Use one of the points fixing
Specify end point of arc: Use one of the points fixing methods

You can draw arc by using various methods and the

commands can invoke from menu tool bar as shown in

2.5 Drawing of Ellipse

Draw » Ellipse » [options]

AutoCAD helps drawing a perfect ellipse or elliptical curve using this command. There are two different
ways drawing an ellipse:
1. Define the full length of length of one axis and half length of other axis.
2. Define the center point of the ellipse (the point where to axes intersect with each other) and half
length of other two axes

Command: _ellipse
Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: Use one of the points
fixing methods
Specify other endpoint of axis: Use one of the points fixing methods
Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: Use one of the points fixing

Command: _ellipse
Specify axis endpoint of ellipse or [Arc/Center]: c
Specify center of ellipse: Use one of the points fixing methods
Specify endpoint of axis: Use one of the points fixing methods
Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: Use one of the points fixing

2.6 Drawing of Polygon

Draw » Polygon » [options]

Using Polygon command you can draw geometrical shapes with number of sides varying between and
1024 also it creates a regular polygon.

Command: _polygon
Enter number of sides <4>: Enter a positive integer (3-1024)
Specify center of polygon or [Edge]: Specify a point or enter e
Enter an option [Inscribed in circle/Circumscribed about circle] <I>: Enter
I or C
Specify radius of circle: Specify radius of the imaginary circle

Inscribed in Circle

Specifies the radius of a circle on which all vertices of the polygon lie


Circumscribed about Circle

Specifies the distance from the center of the polygon to the midpoints of the edges of the polygon


When you select Edge option

Defines a polygon by specifying the endpoints of the first edge

Specify first endpoint of edge: Specify a point (1)

Specify second endpoint of edge: Specify a point (2)


3.0 Supportive tools to construction

3.1 Drawing Limits

Format » Drawing Limits

The drawing limits are two-dimensional points in the world coordinate system that represent a lower-left
limit and an upper-right limit. You cannot impose limits on the Z direction.

Command: limits
Reset Model space limits:
Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF] <0.0000, 0.0000>: Use one of the point
fixing methods
Specify upper right corner <12.0000, 9.0000>: Use one of the point fixing

3.2 Units

Format » Units

AutoCAD displays the drawing units dialog box. Then you can select an option according to your

3.3 Drafting Settings

Tools » Drafting Settings

This command provides some of the drawing aids to create the drawing at faster pace. When you
invoke this command AutoCAD displays the Drafting Settings dialog box.

This dialog box contains four tabs but most important one is Object Snap tab for beginners. Object
snaps constrain point specification to exact locations, such as midpoint or an intersection, on existing
objects. Using object snaps, you can locate an exact position on an object without knowing the
coordinate or by drawing construction lines.

3.2 Status Bar

3.2.1 SNAP

SNAP command causes the crosshairs to move in an imaginary grid so that the crosshairs locked on
the intersection of the grid. You can select snap option either clicking SNAP icon on status bar or by
pressing F9 key. The snap spacing can be changed by changing the parameters of the snap option of
Drafting Settings dialog box shown in above. Using the command SNAP also, you can select option.

3.2.2 GRID

GRID command will allow you to display grid over your drawing area specified by the limits. The
spacing can be changed by the “Drafting Settings” dialog box which displays when you right click on
the GRID icon on the status bar. The GRID command can be enabled/disabled by clicking on the
GRID icon or by pressing F7 key

3.2.3 ORTHO

ORTHO command is used with LINE command. It ensures all the lines are constructed orthogonal to
the current snap grid. You can select ORTHO mode either clicking “ORTHO” button on the status bar
or by pressing F8 key.

3.2.4 POLAR

POLAR command allows you to select angle measurements when drawing. The increment angle can
be changed by using “Drafting settings” dialog box. You can select POLAR mode either clicking
“POLAR” button on the status bar or by pressing F10 key

3.2.5 OSNAP

OSNAP command allows you to snap objects at to various points given under “Drafting settings”.
You can select OSNAP mode either clicking “OSNAP” button on the status bar or by pressing F3 key.

4.0 Editing Commands

4.1 Selecting Objects

To activate the editing command first you need to select the object. AutoCAD gives you several
methods to select the objects some of the very important methods explained as follows.
• By pointing – When “Select objects”, is prompted, a small square is appeared on the screen
instead crosshairs. What you have to do is just give a mouse click on which the object to be
selected. Then the object will be selected and appears in dashed lines.

Select A only

• By a Window – If you reply with “W” then you will be asked to give two opposite corners of a
window. Using this method you have to select the window such a way that the object is totally
enclosed by the window.

Select D & E

By a crossing Window – If you reply with “U” then you will be asked to give two opposite corners of a
window. Here, any object which enclosed or touched by the window will be selected.

Select A, C, D, E

• Remove – Suppose you want to remove an object while you are selecting the objects. Then you can
remove that object by simply typing “R” and deselect the object by clicking on it.
• Add – After removing objects, you can return to select object prompt by typing “A”
• Fence – By typing “F” you can specify a fence. All the objects which crossed by the fence will be
selected. The fence is specified by giving points.
• Undo - Deselect the last selected object
• Last – Selects the last object drawn.


Modify » Erase

This allows you to remove the selected objects from the AutoCAD drawing.

Command: _erase
Select objects: Pick an object to delete
Select objects: Pick an object or Enter to terminate the command

4.3 OOPS

This command restores the objects which have been erased by last ERASE command.

Command: oops

4.4 UNDO (cont+z)

This command simply undoes the previously executed command.

4.5 REDO (cont+y)

This command will activate after undo have been performed.

4.6 COPY

Modify » Copy

This command will enable user to create duplicates of the object without changing the original object.
(Without changing the position, dimension, properties, etc)

Command: _copy
Select objects: Select object to copy
Select objects: _
Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>: Specify a base point
Specify second point or <use first point as displacement>: Specify the
Specify second point or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>: Enter

4.7 MOVE

Modify » Move

This command will enable you to move selected objects after you specified the source and destination.

Command: _move
Select objects: Use one of the object selection method
Select objects: Enter
Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>: Use one of the points
fixing method or displacement
Specify second point or <use first point as displacement>: Use one of the
points fixing method or press Enter


Modify » Rotate

In two dimensional drawings, ROTATE command is used to rotate the objects about a specified angle.

Command: _rotate
Current positive angle in UCS: ANGDIR=counterclockwise ANGBASE=0
Select objects: Select the object
Select objects: _
Specify base point: Select a base point
Specify rotation angle or [Copy/Reference] <0>: Enter required angle


Modify » Mirror

At times we need to create objects that are symmetrical about a particular axis. In such cases
MIRROR command comes in handy. Here you can either keep the original object or erase.

Command: _mirror
Select objects: Select the object
Select objects: Enter
Specify first point of mirror line: Use one of the points fixing method
Specify second point of mirror line: Use one of the points fixing method
Erase source objects? [Yes/No] <N>: choose your option or Enter


Modify » Offset

Offset creates a new object at a specified distance from a existing object or through a specified point.
The selected objects such as polygons, which are closed, might be get scaled up or down uniformly.

Command: _offset
Current settings: Erase source=No Layer=Source OFFSETGAPTYPE=0
Specify offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer] <Through>: Specify a
Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>: Pick the object to offset
Specify point on side to offset or [Exit/Multiple/Undo] <Exit>: pick a point
Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] <Exit>: Enter

4.11 BREAK

Modify » Break

This command allows you to remove part of an object or break at a point.

Command: _break
Select object: select the object to be break
Specify second break point or [First point]: f Enter
Specify first break point: Use one of the point fixing methods
Specify second break point: Use one of the point fixing methods

4.12 SCALE

Modify » Scale

Scale command enlarges or reduces the selected objects in the X, Y and Z directions.

Command: _scale
Select objects: Use one of the object selecting method
Select objects: Enter
Specify base point: Use one of the point fixing method
Specify scale factor or [Copy/Reference] <1.0000>: Enter scale factor

4.13 ARRAY

Modify » Array

When you need to make multiply copies of an object ARRAY command comes in handy. After you
invoke the command it displays array dialog box where you can set the number of rows, number of
columns etc. Also it allows you to preview and modify the data set, prior to committing to the array.

Command: array

4.14 TRIM

Modify » Trim

Using this command you can cut and erase objects (straight lines, arcs etc.) across the specified points
on that objects. This is useful when you want to ensure one object touches with the other one.

Command: _trim
Current settings: Projection=UCS, Edge=None
Select cutting edges
Select objects or <select all>: Use one of the object selection method
Select objects: Enter
Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or
[Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/eRase/Undo]: Select the object to be trimmed


Modify » Extend

EXTEND command elongates an object to a boundary. This command facilitates you to extend an
object to a boundary defined by other objects.

Command: _extend
Current settings: Projection=UCS, Edge=None
Select boundary edges
Select objects or <select all>: Use one of the object selection method
Select objects: Enter
Select object to extend or shift-select to trim or
[Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/Undo]: Select object to be extend Enter


Modify » Stretch

Sometimes we encounter the situations where it is required to change the size of an object in one
direction only. In such situations, AutoCAD provides a command called STRETCH which stretches or
compresses the selected objects according to the user’s preference.

Command: _stretch
Select objects to stretch by crossing-window or crossing-polygon...
Select objects: Select objects by any crossing object selection method
Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>: Use one of the points
fixing method
Specify second point or <use first point as displacement>: Use one of the
points fixing method


Modify » Fillet

This command allows you to create rounded edges between two objects. When you invoking the fillet
command you must remember to set the fillet radius by selecting the “Radius” option. Also you have to
decide whether you trim the edges by selecting “Trim” option.

Command: _fillet
Current settings: Mode = TRIM, Radius = 2.0000
Select first object or [Undo/Polyline/Radius/Trim/Multiple]: Select first
Select second object or shift-select to apply corner: Select second object


Modify » Chamfer

This command is used to create bevel corners formed by two non parallel lines.

Command: _chamfer
(TRIM mode) Current chamfer Length = 2.0000, Angle = 60
Select first line or [Undo/Polyline/Distance/Angle/Trim/mEthod/Multiple]:
Select first object
Select second line or shift-select to apply corner: Select second object

4.19 JOIN

Modify » Join

This command helps you to join the individual segments of lines, arcs, elliptical arcs and splines into a
single object.

Joining a line
Command: _join
Select source object: Select the first object (P1)
Select lines to join to source: 1 found
Select lines to join to source: Select the second
object (P2)
1 line joined to source

Joining an arc
Command: _join
Select source object: Select the arc
Select arcs to join to source or [cLose]: L
Arc converted to a circle.


Modify » Explode

This command helps you to breaks a compound object into its component objects.

Command: _explode
Select objects: Select the object to be exploded
Select objects: Enter


Modify » Lengthen

This command can be used to check or change the length of an object.

Select an object or [DElta/Percent/Total/DYnamic]: Select one option inside
the square bracket to change the length

If you select an object without selecting any option AutoCAD show you the current length of that object
or the included angle. To change the length or angle, you must select one of the options.

5.0 Display Control Commands

5.1 Zoom

View » Zoom » [options]

This command enlarges or reduces the view of the drawing. When we are working on a drawing it is
always required to bring the area of our interest to focus on to the screen.

Command: ZOOM
Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or
[All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] <real time>: Enter
an option
Regenerating model.

All: This zooms to display the entire drawing in the current viewport
Center: Zooms to display a window defined by a center point and magnification value or height
Dynamic: Zooms to display the generated portion of the drawing with a view box
Extent: Zoom the current window to largest possible size to fill the screen
Previous: Zooms to display the previous view
Scale: Zooms the display at a specified scale factor
Window: Zooms to display an area specified by two diagonally opposite corner points of a
Window: Zooms to display one or more selected objects as large as possible
Realtime: The cursor changes to a magnifying glass with plus (+) and minus (-) signs

5.2 PAN

View » Pan » Real Time/ Point / Left / Right / Up / Down

This command allows you to move the drawing without changing magnification or dimension

Command: pan
Press ESC or ENTER to exit, or right-click to display shortcut menu.


View » Regen

Regen regenerates the entire drawing and recomputed the screen coordinates for all objects. Regen
command used to make curves smooth after zooming. If the REGENAUTO feature is enabled,
regeneration will be performed automatically.

Before Regeneration After Regeneration

6.0 Create and Manage annotation in AutoCAD

6.1 TEXT

Draw » Text » Single Line Text

Text conveys the meaningful information in your drawing. We use text for title blocks, to label parts of
the drawing, to give specifications, or make annotations. You can format text as

Command: _text
Current text style: "Standard” Text height: 0.2000
Specify start point of text or [Justify/Style]: Use one of the point fixing
methods or enter an option
Specify height <0.2000>: Enter a positive value
Specify rotation angle of text <0>: Enter an angle


Draw » Text » Multiline Text

Text in the form of paragraphs can be effectively generated in AutoCAD with this tool. The user-
specified text boundary determines the width of the paragraph and the justification of text within the
paragraph. Each multiline text object is a single object, regardless of the number of lines it contains.

Command: _mtext Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.2000

Specify first corner: Use one of the point fixing methods
Specify opposite corner or [Height/Justify/Line
Use one of the point fixing methods or enter an option

After you specify the second corner, AutoCAD displays the Multiline Text Editor Dialog box. The
Multiline Text Editor includes a Text formatting toolbar and a shortcut menu.


Format » Text Style

STYLE command is used to create user defined text styles.

AutoCAD provides a default text style called STANDARD. Users can define their own text style by
choosing a font from the listed font files and applying the desired effect such as width factor and
oblique angle.


Draw » Table

The TABLE command opens the insert table dialog box.

7.0 Managing Properties of Objects


Format » Color

AutoCAD displays the select color dialog box

Command: COLOR

You can select any color from the color pallets


Format » Linetype

AutoCAD gives you several number of standard line types, which are saved in a library. Normally a line
type is a repeating pattern of dashes, dots and blank spaces. Using different line types enables you to
show more information for the uses of your drawings. When you invoke the command Line Type
Manager Dialog box will appear and you can load line types by clicking on Load button. Also you can
set each line type current by clicking on Current button of the Line Type Manager Dialog box.

Command: linetype


Format » Lineweight

Generally line weights add width to your object both in your screen and paper when plotting.
Using line weights when you draw objects you can create heavy and thin objects so that you
can easily differentiate between each. When you invoke the command Lineweight Settings
dialog box will appear. Then you can select whichever the line weight you want.

Command: lweight


Format » Layer

One of the very important features of AutoCAD is having the facility of using different layers in
your drawing. It helps to draw more several complex drawings in a single drawing using layer
properties and it highly save the time and also it give proper understanding for users. For
example, you can draw your building structure in several layers, electrical wiring in another
several layers, A/C system in any other layers etc. when you refer the drawing, you can refer
each individually by disabling other relevant layers. There are several properties of layers,
those are explained below.

Name: you can assign a name to each layer to distinguish it from other layers. Name
can be up to 31 characters
Color: You can assign a color to your layer
Line type: This can be defined as the nature of the line assigned to the layer.
Line weight: This gives width to your object
Lock/Unlock: This feature is used to prevent the user from editing objects in the drawing. But
these layers are visible in both screen and plot
On/Off: When a layer is off, it is invisible but it functions for certain functions ZOOM,
PAN, etc. Layers that are off are not plotted.
Freeze/Thaw: This is similar to On/Off and used when you work with view ports. You can off
some layers in some view ports and on those layers in other view ports.

When you invoke the command Layer Properties Manager dialog box will appear. Then you
can create layers according to your preferences.

8.0 Dimensioning

Dimensioning is the process of adding measurement annotation to a drawing. AutoCAD

provides many ways to dimension objects and many ways to format dimensions. Dimensions
show the measurements of objects, the distances or angles between objects, or the distance
of a feature from an origin specify.


Dimension » Linear

Command: _dimlinear
Specify first extension line origin or <select object>: Pick the first
extension line origin or press Enter to pick the object
Specify second extension line origin: Pick the first extension line origin
Specify dimension line location or
[Mtext/Text/Angle/Horizontal/Vertical/Rotated]: Pick the location of
dimension line or enter an option
Dimension text = 7.4050


Dimension » Aligned

Command: _dimaligned
Specify first extension line origin or <select object>: Pick the first
extension line origin or press Enter to pick the object
Specify second extension line origin: Pick the first extension line origin
Specify dimension line location or [Mtext/Text/Angle]: Pick the location of
dimension line or enter an option
Dimension text = 1.4963
To activate the object selection option you have to press enter key.


Dimension » Radius

A radial dimension consists of a radius dimension line with an arrowhead at the arc or circle end.

Command: _dimradius
Select arc or circle: Select the arc or circle which you need to have
Dimension text = 1.0000
Specify dimension line location or [Mtext/Text/Angle]: Pick the location of
dimension line or enter an option


Dimension » Diameter

DIMDIAMETER draws different types of diameter dimensions depending on the size of the circle or arc.


Dimension » Angular

Command: _dimangular
Select arc, circle, line, or <specify vertex>: Select the object or vertex


Dimension » Baseline

DIMBASELINE draws a series of related dimensions measured from the same baseline. AutoCAD
offsets each new dimension line to avoid overlaying the previous dimension line.

Command: _dimbaseline
Specify a second extension line origin or [Undo/Select] <Select>: Pick the
second extension line origin or press Enter
Dimension text = 1.3610


Dimension » Continue

DIMCONTINUE draws a series of related dimensions, such as several shorter dimensions that add up
to the total measurement. Continued dimensioning is also known as chain dimensioning.

Command: _dimcontinue
Specify a second extension line origin or [Undo/Select] <Select>: Pick the
second extension line origin or press Enter
Dimension text = 2.4283


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