Peer Review

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Peer Review: Research Outline/Draft 1

Reviewer: Araceli Rodriguez

Reviewee: Isela Pena

Look at the content of your peers outline/draft. Make marginal comments and a summative comment for the author of the paper
which you are reviewing. Carefully consider the authors implementation of the P.I.E elements in each of their slices. Also
consider how and why they need to be changed. BE CLEAR about what you are saying and why you are saying it.

Keep in mind the following (but also include things you think should be added):
Does each P.I.E element do what it is supposed to in each of the slices?
Does each slice have only one flavor? (is the slice talking about more than one thing?)
Is each slice placed logically within the paper?
Did you understand the content of the slice as it was presented? Tell the author what you did understand and didnt.
Are the slices understandable for an outsider? Explain what the author can do to make it more understandable.
Did you understand the content of the paper as a whole? (Is this an effective research paper? Explain)

Write detailed and helpful comments that will help your peer consider how to better shape their slices to
make a well formed research paper.


1. Extended Response: In an academic voice, discuss the most/least important skill (particular ability or expertise) or idea
(understanding or awareness) that can be gained from this course by an outsider student considering the readings which have
been completed.

You may discuss:

Why one reading is more important than another based on the ideas presented in those readings.
A particular unit within the course.
A critique on a major assignment within the course.
Other (See me for approval)

Format and Requirements

1300-1700 words, 12pt Times New Roman, single spaced, 1 inch margins.
Proper title and MLA header.
Correct comma use and sentence boundary awareness.
Use MLA format (8th edition) for in-text citations.
A works cited page is required.
You must use Detached Impersonal Style for the entire paper.
Quotes may be no longer than 3 lines.

Summative Comments:

PIE #1: What I understand from this section is that Sponsors such as ppl are important because they affect students lives in a
positive way which is why one should always be aware of who their sponsors are.
You mention how sponsors are beneficial for one to have but how exactly are they beneficial? Like what do they do
that affects a student in a positive way.
You mention that being aware of how people in a community make a difference in people's lives because it will make
that person want to become a sponsor as well.
You provide background of what and who sponsors are but you dont mention exactly what they do. Doing so will help
an outsider better understand this section.

PIE #2: What I understood here is that people's backgrounds affect persons literacy and that's important to know
-less access to resources means less access to literacy sponsors

Overall I believe you have the correct information and ideas to back up your thesis. I understood that you are using the
idea of which readings in the unit are more beneficial and important compared to others. I noticed the transition from talking
about how community and background affects student to breaking down specific readings and how they are beneficial. Each PIE
slice focuses on one idea which is good. Just make sure you dont sound repetitive in the explanations section of PIE #1. The
content overall was understandable, which was that readings that provide actual details and skills on how to improve as a writer
are more beneficial compared to the ones that just discuss the background and community impact on a writer.

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