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DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully. Choose the best answer.


1. In a school setting, the school head is the conductor. In what way is the school head,
best like the orchestra conductor?
A. He visits classroom.
B. He is an active participant in staff development.
C. He engages the community to create shared responsibility for students and
the school.
D. He/she leads in developing and pursuing academic goals that the school
needs to achieve.

2. This explores the mindset of learning leaders to take bold steps in altering the school
into a learning organization and creating a school culture and climate conducive to
A. The School Head as Instructional Leader
B. The School Head as a Transformational Leader and Chief Learning Officer
C. The School Head as Chief Executive Officer
D. The School Head as Curriculum Leader

3. This is a behavior associated with transformational leadership that inspires

individuals to feel powerful identification and strong emotion toward the leader.
A. Idealized influence
B. Intellectual stimulation
C. Inspirational Motivation
D. Individualized consideration

4. Which of the listed function/action describes a leader?

A. Emphasize system structures and function
B. Diagnose and influence systems
C.Plan and budget
D. Motivate people

5. The position of a school principal is certainly a demanding one. So many groups

especially teachers have expectations as to what school principals should give or
achieve what are those?
A. public- minded and high-principled
B. a notch higher in expertise and an instructional resource
C. final arbiter in matters of justice and an inspirational model
D. capable of implementing and monitoring departmental policies

6.This principal style concentrates on getting tasks achieved rather than placing
emphasis on personal relations. School heads are prepared to intervene directly with
staff over school matters.
A. Responders
B. Initiators
C. Counselors
D. Managers

7. Coordination with national education officials is one of the tasks of school heads in
which domain does it belong?
A. Instructional supervision
B. School management
C. School communications
D. School community relations
8. This core function of leadership represents the school in the community, developing
capital, tending to public relations, recruiting students, buffering and mediating external
interests, and advocating for the schools interests.
A. External Development Leadership
B. Micropolitical Leadership
C. Cultural Leadership
D. Strategic Leadership

9. The type of authority that can defy the unity of command principle is
A. Line authority
B. Staff authority
C. Functional authority
D. Decentralized authority

10. During one of the visits of SDS in the school, she found out that the teachers work in
isolation. She felt there is a need to end prevailing situation. What function should the
school principal consider?
A. Planning
B. Controlling
C. Organizing
D. Communicating


11. It is the organizational glue that keeps things on tract and facilitates direction and
support for a schools educational program.
A. Transformational Leadership
B. Technology Leadership
C. Instructional Leadership
D. Curriculum Leadership

12. What instructional leadership behavior is describe if school head articulates a vision
of instructional goals and the means for integrating instructional planning and goal
attainment ?
A. effective communicator
B. resource provider
C. instructional resource
D. visible presence

13.Mrs. Badulis assisted Mrs. Aquino in preparing an individualized program (IP) for a
child with special need in his class. Once the IP has been prepared, Mrs. Badulis will
demonstrate to Mrs. Aquino how to implement the IP.What leadership role of school
head is portrayed in this situation?
A. mentoring
B. coaching
C. leading
D. managing

14. This act mandates that a principal spend more time as instructional leader than as
administrative manager.
A. R.A. 7610
B. R.A. 4670
C. R.A. 9155
D.R.A. 7041

15.It is a curriculum implementation which gives teachers absolute power to determine

what they see best to implement in the classroom . This view allows teachers to teach
lessons they believe are appropriate for their classes, and in whichever way they want
to teach such lessons.
A. Authoritarian approach
B. Laissez-faire approach
C. Technical approach
D. Cultural approach

16. According to Renzulli and Reis (2007) this type of enrichment is perhaps most
suitable for gifted and talented students wherein they investigate real problems as
individuals or small groups.
A. Type I Enrichment
B.Type II Enrichment
C.Type III Enrichment
D.Type IV Enrichment

17. An English teacher was asked to substitute for a chemistry teacher who got sick.
When the English teacher took over, she could not teach the subject as effectively as
the chemistry teacher. What unsuccessful curriculum implementation is shown in the
A. technical
B. political
C. cultural
D. social

18.This domain on the effectiveness of curriculum implementation could be measured

through visits, observations, checklists, and interviews.
A. Student Achievements and Student Activities
B. Curriculum Support Materials
C. School Heads Initiative
D. Teacher Activities

19. This refers to the core knowledge and skills that the students need to develop as
part of a standardized learning plan.
A. core curriculum
B. mastery curriculum
C. enrichment curriculum
D. primary curriculum

20. It is a critical phase in the cycle of planning and developing a curriculum because it
provides the actual test for the curriculum.
A. curriculum evaluation
B. curriculum implementation
C. curriculum enrichment
D. curriculum mastery

21. What do we mean by instructional leadership?

a. promoting vision, mission and goals and developing a means to reach them.
b. ensuring quality of instruction, modeling teaching practice, supervising
curriculum, and ensuring quality of teaching resources.
c. overseeing the operations of the school (its budget, schedule, facilities, safety
and security, and transportation).
d. recruiting, hiring, firing, inducting, and mentoring teachers and administrators;
developing leadership capacity and professional development opportunities.

22. As a school head one is likened into a captain of a ship. Similar to a captain of a
ship, he/she must have a clear idea of where the school is going. What is his main
a. His main duty is to craft schools mission and vision.
b. His main duty is to purchase instructional materials for the use of the teachers.
c. His main duty is to motivate and encourage the teachers to their increase
performance and to meet the achievement expectations.
d. His/her main duty is to improve the instruction program that will result to an
increase in the performance of the pupils and to meet the achievement

23. An effective principal is an effective communicator also. Below are the

characteristics of a principal who is an effective communicator EXCEPT one.
a. models commitment to school goals
b. articulates a vision of instructional goals and the means for integrating
instructional planning and goal attainment
c. sets and adheres to clear performance standards for instruction and teacher
d. conducts 2 to 3 meetings in a week with his staff

24. Mrs. Castillo is a school head in Pagsanjan District. She has clear decisive long-
range policies and goals for her school. She works hard to translate goals into actual
practice. She makes decisions in terms of what is best for students, not necessarily the
easiest or what will make teachers happy. She has strong expectations of both students
and teachers. She is always prepared to assume leadership and will make things
happen if they are in the best interest of the school. She implements central and
regional directions or policies to suit the needs of the school. If you were to describe
Mrs. Castillo, her leadership style would be that of
a. An Initiator b. A Manager c. A Responder d. A Pretender

25. Mr. Gananciano provides basic support to his staff. He keeps teachers informed
about decisions and is always sensitive to their needs. He is teacher-centered and
defends them from unreasonable external requests. He does not typically initiate
change but will follow through if given a high priority by others.He is flexible and willing
to make changes at short notice to solve immediate problems. If you were to describe
Mr. Gananciano, his leadership style would be that of
a. An Initiator b. A Manager c. A Responder d. A Pretender

26. Mrs. Almazan, the principal of 2 multigrade schools does not fail to prepare monthly
calendar of activities and schedule of class observations. She conducts regular
classroom observation and guide her teachers well. What domain of responsibility does
she possess best?
a. Instructional supervision c. School management
b. School communications d. School community

27. A school head who sees her role as mainly administrative, allows teachers and
others to lead in decision making, perceives teachers as professional, does not interfere
with teachers instructional role, strives for strong personal relations with staff, makes
decisions in terms of immediate issues, does not consider long-term goals and plans
and flexible and willing to make changes at short notice to solve immediate problems is
more of
a. An Initiator b. A Manager c. A Responder d. A Pretender

28. Which of the following should a school head pay more attention to strengthen
curricular implementation?
a. school management c. instructional supervision
b. school community relation d. school communication

29. Mis-assigned teachers are a source of concern. In this case, and in most cases
where teacher competency needs to be raised, what must the school heads do?
a. the principal is expected to serve as a coach
b. the principal is expected to serve as a mentor
c. the principal is expected to serve as a coach and a mentor
d. the principal is expected to serve as an adviser

30. Effective school management is observed or measured in many ways. Some of the
indicators of good management in schools are stated below EXCEPT:
a. Instructional supplies are ordered and arrived on time
b. Teachers come to school on time; rarely been absent and receive effective
c. School facilities are in good repair with the help of the stakeholders in
improving it
d. PTA are involved in academic teaching

31. Below are the standards for good instructional leadership that a school head must
implement EXCEPT one:
I. lead school in a way that places student and adult learning at the center
II. set high expectation and standards for the academic and social development
of all students and the performance of the adults
III. demand content and instruction that ensure student achievement as agreed-
on academic standards
IV. allow the stakeholders to participate in the academic activities of the school
V. use multiple sources of data as diagnostic tools to assess, identify, and apply
instructional improvement
a. I, II, III, and IV c. I, III, IV and V
b. II, III, IV and V d. I, II, III and V

32. An effective instructional leader is a visible presence who:

I. visit classrooms, attends departmental or grade-level meetings
II. accessible to discuss matters dealing with instruction
III. checks the attendance of the pupils
IV. an active participant in staff development
a. I, II and III b. I, II and IV c. II, III and IV d. I, III and IV

33. The school head sets expectations for continual improvement of instructional
programs and actively engages in staff development and encourages teachers the use
of different instructional strategies, he is said to be:
a. a resource provider c. an instructional resource
b. an effective communicator d. a visible presence

34. Which of the following are the characteristics of effective instructional leadership?
I. The principal conceptualizes the AIP and all school projects, implements and
make reports
II. The principal is seldom seen at the office; he/she is walking about
III. An annual instructional program is being implemented and monitored
periodically by a committee chaired by the principal
IV. Regular meetings with staff are held to address problems encountered during
program implementation
V. There is active documentation of instructional practice and materials that
teachers consider worthy of adoption.
a. I, II, III, and IV c. I, III, IV and V
b. II, III, IV and V d. I, II, III and V

35 . The Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education Project is the most vital reform
for the countrys basic education and school system as a whole. MTBMLE is mandated
by DepEd Order No. 74, s. 2009, entitled Institutionalizing Mother Tongue-Based
Multilingual Education. How many minutes will a Grade I teacher teach Mother
a. 60 minutes c. 40 minutes
b. 50 minutes d. 30 minutes

36. Mother Tongue is taught as a separate Learning Area in as stipulated

in DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2013.
a. Kindergarten and Grade I c. Grade 2 and 3
b. Grade 1 and 2 d. Grade 3 and 4

37. Filipino, as a Learning Area, is first introduced in Grade 1 during the

/grading period.
a. first quarter c. third quarter
b. second quarter d. fourth quarter

38. K to 12 Assessment shall be done at four levels namely, knowledge, process/skills,

understanding and products/performances. Process/skills and understanding shall be
weighted as:
a. 25% and 30% respectively c. 15% and 25% respectively
b. 15% and 30% respectively d. 30% and 25% respectively

39. How many percentage is given to knowledge and products/performances in K to 12

a. 25% and 30% respectively c. 15% and 25% respectively
b. 15% and 30% respectively d. 30% and 25% respectively

40. Promotion and retention of students shall be by subject. If by the end of the school
year, the students are still at the Beginning level, they shall be required to:
a. take the subject in the succeeding school year
b. respect the subject in the current school year
c. take summer classes
d. enroll the same subject before he/she graduated


41. The PTA President of a certain school had already served for two years and still
expecting to be elected on the same position for the third time. He was familiar with the
various DepEd Orders but still not convinced. What important provision is stipulated in
the new DepEd Order with regards to PTA tenure of office?
A. one year B.
two years C.
three years D.
four years

42. A Grade VI pupil had experienced bullying from his classmates which sometimes
caused physical harm. What disciplinary action could the principal impose to remedy
the situation?
A. Suspension for three days
B. Suspension for five days
C. Suspension for one week
D. Suspension for one month

43. A teacher has an Ostrich Complex. She has the habit of handling problems by
avoiding them or pretending that they do not exist.
A. Collecting
B. Denial
C. Perfectionism
D. Procrastination

44. A parent has complained that her daughter was abused. What does child abuse
A. Act by deeds or words which deposes, degrades the worth and dignity of the
child as a human being
B. Protection given to the child against maltreatment of other people
C. Inability to perform the role of special parental authority upon any child
D. Provisions of the childs basic needs for survival

45. A male teacher always leaved his class to eat his lunch at the canteen. Oftentimes,
he left his class with lots of activities/exercises to keep them busy. What will you do as a
A. Allow him to eat even during class hours
B. Observe his class to prevent him from leaving
C. Send him a memo prohibiting him from doing so
D. Remind him of his accountability if accidents happen while he is out for lunch

46. As a school principal, you take the lead in promoting the welfare of the community.
You believed that the school and the community should work together for the attainment
of its goal. What kind of activities should a principal undertake to make this work?
A. community directed activities
B. national directed activities
C professional-directed activities
D. school directed activities

47. As the school head went around, he heard a parent denouncing what aboy had
done to her son. She was so furious while scolding the boy in front of the class. What
will be your action on this scenario?
A. Invite parent in the office and talk about the issue
B. Let the boybe criticized by the angry parent
C. Elevate the case to the higher authority
D. Refer the case to the barangay

48. A newly appointed Grade III teacher hadaproblem pupil, who has been doing a lot of
mischief in class. His parents were informed but opted to come to school. If you were
the school head what suggestion will you give your teacher to remedy the situation?
A. administer varied test
B. conduct home visitation
D. bring the issue to the higher authority
C. refer the case to the guidance counselor

49. The teacher-adviser and the pupils had formed an organization. Why do you they
need to seek the approval of the school head regarding this matter?
A. information dissemination
B. ensure pupils health and safety
C. avoid duplication of other organizations
D. organization will abide to the schools policies

50. Participation of pupils in extra-curricular activities is encouraged in schools. All

interested pupils were allowed to join in any club/organization they wanted. How should
membership be ascertained?
A. compulsory
B. purposively
C. regularly
D. voluntary
51. Where shall governance of basic education begin?
a. National
b. Regional
c. Division
d. District
e. School

52. Where shall be the policy and principle for the governance of basic education
translated into programs, projects and services to fit local needs?
a. Regions
b. Divisions
c. Schools
d. Learning Centers
e. All of the above
53. Who shall the State encourage to improve the quality of basic education?
a. Church
b. Parents
c. Community
d. Private Stakeholders
e. Local initiatives
54. What is the principle of shared governance?
a. Shared governance means there is the existence of participative leadership
b. Shared governance is a principle which recognizes that every unit in the
education bureaucracy has a particular role, task and responsibilities.
c. Shared governance involves all the school stakeholders in all aspects of
school operation
d. Shared governance is the expansion of school heads influence to the
e. Shared governance simply means sharing of power, responsibilities and
55. What shall be observed in the decision making process at appropriate levels?
a. The process of democratic consultation
b. Open communication
c. Stakeholders participation
d. School heads prerogative
e. Pupil/Student welfare
56. What shall be established to ensure coordination and open communication of the
central office with the regional, division and school levels?
a. Open line communication
b. Point person
c. Coordination system
d. Feedback mechanism
57. What shall be operationalized in the performance of functions and responsibilities at
all levels?
a. Role and functions
b. Accountability and transparency
c. Jurisdiction
d. Term of reference
e. Scope of management
58. What shall be strengthened to facilitate the flow of information and expand linkages
with other government agencies, local government units, non - governmental
organization for effective governance?
a. Communication channels of field offices
b. Personnel designation
c. Coordinating unit
d. School heads capability
e. Appointing authority
59. What is the Department of Education vested with for ensuring access to promoting
equity and improving the quality of basic education?
a. Integrity, accountability and professionalism
b. Authority, accountability and responsibility
c. Honesty, integrity and liberty
d. Equality, transparency and equity
e. Morality, equity and accountability
60. What are the structural components of the department?
a. Central and field offices
b. Regional offices
c. Division offices
d. District offices
e. Schools


61. It is an issuance of appointment to a person who has been previously appointed to a

position in the career service and who has, through no delinquency or misconduct,
been separated from or to one who has been exonerated of the administrative charges
unless the decision exonerating him/her specifies restoration to his/her previous
A. Renewal
B. Promotion
C. Reemployment
D. Reinstatement

62. It is punishable for any public official and employee to receive, and for private
persons to give, gifts on any occasion, including Christmas, when such gift is given by
reason of the formers official position, whether the giving is for a past favor or in
expectation of receiving a favor or better treatment in the future from the said official or
employee in the discharge of official functions.
A. B.P. 232
B. E.O. 292
C. P.D. 46
D. P.D.749

63. A teacher with a handicap is applying for a teaching position. She requires a
wheelchair to go to class but her qualifications are impressive. Describe how a leader
would respond, in contrast to a manager?
A. The teachers performance must be observed first before the final hiring.
B.Proper consultation with the appointing authority must be sought on matters of
C. They will find a way for differentially-abled faculty to be admitted to school if
qualified. The teacher maybe assigned to a classroom that is more accessible.
D. The teacher will not be accepted since she is physically incapable. The
students might not feel comfortable having teacher with defects.

64. This is a mode of separation wherein officers and employees who are either
habitually absent or have unsatisfactory or poor performance or have shown to be
physically and mentally unfit to perform their duties.
A. Resignation
B. Dropping from the Rolls
C. Dismissal
D. Job Rotation

65. Which of the special leave privileges are granted to officials and employees except
to teachers?
A. maternity leave
B. terminal leave
C. wedding/anniversary leave
D. study leave

66. This case exists when there is a sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief
that an administrative offense has been committed and that the respondent is probably
guilty thereof and should be made subject of a formal charge.
A. administrative disciplinary
B. motion for consideration
C. executive clemency
D. prima facie

67. This is known as the Philippine Professionalization of Teachers Act of 1994, which
provides that no person shall practice or offer to to practice the teaching profession in
the Philippines without a valid certificate of registration and a valid professional license
from the professional Regulation Commission.
A. R.A. 7836
B. R.A. 7041
C. R.A. 6758
D. R.A. 5447

68. In the school, teachers formed cliques (senior teachers and junior teachers) and
started to fight each other over petty issues. Describe how a leader would respond, in
contrast to a manager.
A. They will find a way for the two groups to come to an agreement through a
meeting or dialogue.
B. Let them talk issues about themselves, anyway its not part of the teaching
learning process.
C. Approach the school guidance counselor to mediate on issues.
D. Instruct them to stop talking about ones issue.

69. What is the minimum number of days allowed to be monetized by officials and
employees in the career and non-career service whether permanent, temporary, casual
or coterminous?
A. 5 days
B. 10 days
C. 15 days
D. 20 days

70. The Division Selection Committee shall composed of :

A. ASDS, Five (5) EPS, Pres. of PESPA, Pres. of Teachers Association
B. ASDS, Four (4) EPS, Pres. of PESPA, Pres. of Teachers Association
C. ASDS, Three (3) EPS, Pres. of PESPA, Pres. of Teachers Association
D. ASDS, Two (2) EPS, Pres. of PESPA, Pres. of Teachers Association

71. What is the policy of empowering school heads?

a. Instructional, administrative and management authority
b. Supervisory, administrative and disciplinary
c. Personnel, operation and financial authority
d. Selection, appointment and hiring
e. Selection, hiring and firing of personnel

72. What shall the School head form for the delivery of quality programs, projects and
a. Team of school teachers
b. Group of parents
c. Committee of school stakeholders
d. Community partners
e. Pupils/Students organization

73. Who shall handle the school's administrative, fiscal and auxiliary services?
a. Supreme pupil/student government
b. Parents-Teachers Association
c. Non-teaching staff
d. Teachers association
e. Community stakeholders

74. Shall the qualifications, salary grade, status of employment and welfare and benefits
of school heads for public elementary be different from secondary and integrated
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes and No
d. Yes or No
e. Uncertain

75. As the school leader, the principal also serve as the disciplining authority for
administrative actions against teaching and nonteaching personnel in the public school?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes and No
d. Yes or No
e. Uncertain

76. Who is empowered to transfer a public school teacher from one school to another
a. Secretary of the department
b. Regional Director
c. Superintendent
d. District Supervisor
e. School principal

77. On the DepEds color coding scheme for teachers allocation, color black means
a. No nationally funded teachers
b. 80:1 student/pupil teacher ratio
c. 50:1 greater student/pupil teacher ratio
d. 40:1 student/pupil teacher ratio
e. 25:1 student/pupil teacher ratio

78. What is the basic policy in the grant of vacation service credits?
a. It should be given only for work beyond regular functions
b. Beyond regular work hours/days where payment of honorarium is not
c. For situations wherein extra ordinary work is demanded from teachers
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

79. For what are vacation service credits used?

a. To offset absences of teachers
b. For monetization
c. For plus factor of teachers performance
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
80. To what activities may service credits be granted?
a. services rendered during calamity and rehabilitation when schools are used
as evacuations centers;
b. services rendered in connection with early opening of the school year:
c. services rendered in connection with the conduct of remedial classes during
the summer or Christmas vacation or outside of regular schooldays;
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

81. Supposing the complaint for dishonesty was filed against the public school principal,
would the answer in the above mentioned problem be the same?
a. yes
b. No
c. Yes and No
d. Yes or No
e. Uncertain

82. Dr. Ardee, the Regional Director of Region XYZ issued an Order directing
Superintendent S or hislher representative to conduct a fact-finding investigation on the
complaint of the PTA. On the basis of the said Order, Superintendent S in turn issues
an Order directing Mr. A the Administrative Officer to conduct a fact-finding investigation
on the said complaint, is the order of Superintendent S proper?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes and No
d. Yes or No
e. Uncertain

83. When shall the designated investigator(s) commence the fact-finding investigation?
a. within five (5) days from receipt of the appointment of an officer(s)
b. within three (3) days from receipt of the appointment of an officer(s)
c. immediately from receipt of the appointment of an officer(s)
d. within ten (10) days from receipt of the appointment of an officer(s)
e. within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the appointment of an officer(s)

84. The Division Superintendent of Laguna issues a Formal Charge against a teacher of
a public secondary school in Laguna for disgraceful and immoral conduct, is the Formal
Charge valid?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes and No
d. Yes or No
e. Uncertain

85. Supposing the Secretary of Education issues a Formal Charge against a public
school teacher for disgraceful and immoral conduct. Is the formal charge valid?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes and No
d. Yes or No
e. Uncertain

86. Mr. Right, Principal 1 of Cee National High School submitted his promotional papers
to the Division Promotional Board for screening and evaluation for possible promotion to
the next higher position. However, the Promotional Board rejected his application due to
pending case filed against him at the Regional Office. Is the rejection by the promotional
board valid?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes and No
d. Yes or No
e. Uncertain

87. Are PTA officers and members of the Board of Directors allowed to collect salaries,
honoraria, emoluments or other forms of compensation?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes and No
d. Yes or No
e. Uncertain

88. Do PTAs have the right to disburse or charge any fees as service fees or
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes and No
d. Yes or No
e. Uncertain

89. Do PTAs or any of its officers or members of the Board of Directors have authority
to undertake investigation or disciplinary actions involving students or teachers?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes and No
d. Yes or No
e. Uncertain

90. Is it possible to cancel the recognition of any PTA?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes and No
d. Yes or No
e. Uncertain

E. Parent Involvement and Building Communities

91. What do you call a school maintenance program that engages all education
stakeholders, to contribute their time, effort, and resources in ensuring that public
school facilities are set in time for the school opening?
a. Brigada Eskwela c. Bayanihan
b. School Improvement Plan d. Adopt-a- School Program

92. A school is facing financial problem. There is not enough financial support coming
in from the government. How would you response as school head?
a. School heads are not limited by policies.
b. A School head would innovate and try to think of new ways to
raise funds for the school.
c. a and b
d. none of the above
93. A teacher with an eye disability is applying for a teaching position. She has to wear
sunglasses everyday, and of course during teaching session. How would you respond
as principal?
a. Acknowledge diversity and see beauty in difference.
b. Find a way for a differently-abled faculty to be admitted to school
if qualified. Assigned the teacher to a classroom that is more
c. letter a only
d. letters a and b

94. You are planning to organize Parents Teachers Association in the school you are
handling. In order to have a well organized PTA which is based on DepEd policies and
Regulations. What DepEd Order would you use as guide in organizing PTA?
a. DepEd Order No. 51, s. 2009 c. DepEd Order No. 52, s. 2009
d. DepEd Order No. 53, s. 2008 d. DepEd Order No. 54, s. 2009

95. When shall the Homeroom PTA be organized?

a. Within 12 days from the start of school year.
b. Within 13 days from the start of school year.
c. Within 14 days from the start of school year.
d. Within 15 days from the start of school year

96. When shall the Board of Directors be elected?

a. Within 15 days from the start of school year.
b. Within 20 days from the start of school year.
c. Within 25 days from the start of school year.
d. Within 30 days from the start of school year

97. How many members the Board of Directors should have?

a. 10 members c. 20 members
b. 15 members d. 30 members

98. Which of the task/s of a principal below would help to build a learning community?
a. Having communication with school board members
b. Having relations with the members of PTA.
c. Providing positive public relations with the local communities.
d. All of the above

99. A PTA is authorized to collect voluntary contributions from parents/guardian

members once it has been duly recognized and given a Certificate of Recognition by the
school head. This is called .
a. Privileges of recognized PTAs
b. Right of recognized PTAs
c. Function of recognized PTAs
d, None of the above

100. The DepEd may allow the PTA to construct a building or structure within the
school premises for its office, provided however that .
a. The PTA shall donate such building or structure and other
permanent fixtures to the school.
b. The PTA shall pay rental to the space they use for the
construction of building as its office.
c. The PTA shall buy the space they use for the construction of its
office building.
d. All of the above
101. Membership in a PTA is limited to parents, or in their absence for instance, who is
then responsible enough to look after the welfare of duly enrolled student?
a. School Guidance
b. School Administrator
c. Guardian
d. Academic Teacher

102. Prohibited activities by the PTA to its client either directly or indirectly?
a. Operating canteen school supplies store
b. Concessionaire inside the school
c. Collect salaries, honorarium
d. All of the above

103. A duly recognized PTA shall have the following privileges EXCEPT one
a. The use of any available space within the school premises as its office or
b. Representation in the school governing council
c. Authorization to undertake fund-raising activities to support the schools
academic programs
d. Operating a canteen / school supplies store

104. The administration of the affairs of the Parent Teacher Association ( PTA) is
vested upon the Board of Directors and Officers in accordance with its Constitution and
By-Laws. Which are true in the composition of PTA?
1.The School Head shall serve as adviser
2.The Board of directors shall be composed of more than 15 members
3.A teacher can only hold the position of secretary
4.Parent members shall comprise 1/3 and teachers member 2/3 of the Board of
a. 1 and 2 c. 1 and 3
b. 2 and 3 d. 1 and 4

105. The Department of Education encourages and supports the organization of PTAs
to ensure the welfare of students. Committees are created to handle specific activities
of the organization. What committees are stipulated in DepEd Order 67, s. 2009?
Choose at least two from lists.
1. Election , Audit, Grievance, Programs / Projects
2. Finance, linkage, condemnation, grievance
3. External and Community Affairs, Finance, Ways / Means
4. Audit, Travel, Election, Infrastructure

a. 1, 2 b. 2, 3 c. 1, 3 d. 3, 4

106. The PTA president of a school who had already served for 2 years was still
expecting that he would be elected to the same position for the third time. He was
familiar with DEpEd Order no. 23, s. 2003. However, DepEd Order No. 54 s. 2009 and
clarified by DepEd Order No. 67 s. 2009 has superseded DepEd Order issued in 2003.
What important provision is stipulated in the new DepEd Order as regards tenure of
office of PTA officers?
a. Indefinite
b. Infinite
c. One year but not exceeding two consecutive terms
d. One year but can exceed for consecutive years

107. PTA of San Antonio Elementary School decided and agreed to collect P50 as PTA
voluntary contribution for the School Year. Mrs. Gomez has three children enrolled in
the said school. How much will she pay for the contribution? Why?
a. P150 because each child should pay P50.00.
b. P100 because she will get P50 discount for having 3 children enrolled in the
c. P50 because the contribution is on per parent-basis regardless of the number
of their children in school.
d. She can pay any amount she wanted.

108. The following are privileges of recognized PTA except_ .

a. Collect voluntary contribution
b. Use any available space within the school premises as its head quarter or
c. Representation in the School Governing Council
d. Involve in academic and administrative management of the school

109. Mrs. Rico is a grade IV teacher in Juan Dela Cruz Elementary School and at the
same time, she has a son whos enrolled in Grade V class in the said school. Is she
allowed to hold a treasurer position in the PTA?
a. No, because a teacher-member cannot hold any position except as a member
of the Board of Director or as a secretary.
b. Yes, because she is a parent of a pupil enrolled in the school.
c. Yes, because everybody has the right to be elected in any position in the
d. Maybe, because shes a teacher and a parent at the same time.

110. When shall the Homeroom PTA be organized?

a. 45 days from the start of the school year
b. 30 days from the start of the school year
c. 15 days from the start of the school year
d. 10 days from the start of the school year

111. Which of the following is not an indicator External Community Partnership?

a. Coaches deputized staff as needed on managing performance
b. Conducts dialogues and meetings with multi-stakeholders in crafting
programs and projects
c. Participates actively in community affairs
d. Promotes the image of the school through school summit

112. What is the composition of the General Assembly?

1. Parents of the enrolled students of the school
2. Board of Directors and officers of the PTA
3. Barangay Officials
4. School Head
5. Homeroom Adviser
6. Subject-Teacher
7. Non Teaching Personnel
a. 1 to 5 only c. all of the above except 3
b. 4 to 7 only d. None of the above

113. PTA/ PTCA membership is open to interested citizens of the community provided
that he/she is the legal guardian of the school children. What could be the proof to be
shown if he/she is not the real parent?
a. Authenticated Birth Certificate of the child
b. Affidavit of Guardianship from legal counsel
c. Legal Adoption
d. Nothing
114. A recognition that the best learning outcomes for all members of the school
community are attained when all members of the community are working
a. Community relations c. Learners advancement
b. Stakeholders participation d. School-family affair

115. It refers to any activity that helps achieve the general welfare and the betterment of
life of the members of the community, or enhancement of its facilities especially those
devoted to improving health, education, safely, recreation and morale of the citizenry
a. Public safely
b. Law enforcement service
c. Community service
d. Community orientation

116. What is expected of you as a school head in terms of parental involvement and
building communities are concerned?
a. Establish linkages with the community.
b. Demonstrate mastery of the subject matter.
c. Perform ones roles with excellence and maintain the dignity of the
teaching profession.
d. Improve teaching performance based on feedback.

117. One of the statements below is true. Which is it?

a. The teaching and learning that takes place in school is not influenced by the
location of the community.
b. The location of the community does not affect teaching and learning.
c. The teaching and learning that takes place in the school is affected by the
community where it is situated.
d. School performance cannot be linked with the community.

118. As specified in the NCBTS for school heads, which of the following is NOT an
indicator in parental involvement and building communities?
a. Conducts dialogue, fora, training for teachers, learners and parents on the
welfare and improvement of learner performance.
b. Promotes the image of school through school summit
c. Involves external stakeholders in developing plans.
d. Hold a position in barangay as secretary.

119. Which of the following CANNOT be considered as community assets?

a. material resources
b. peoples attitude
c. gambling dens
d. social assets

120. How can a school head establish linkages with the community?
a. Keep abreast with recent development in education.
b. Interpret and use assessment results.
c. Deliver accurate content knowledge.
d. Participate in community related activities.

121. The following are the benefits of adopting a school except_ .

a. Obtain tax incentives
b. Strengthened corporate image
c. Good will within the school community
d. Additional personal expenses

122. Republic Act 8525 is also known as .

a. Adopt-A-School Program
b. Early Registration Program
c. Governance for Basic Education
d. Government Procurement Act

123. Dr. Roxas wants to adopt MLQES but the district supervisor rejected his choice
and insisted to adopt AMES because he knew that the latter school needs more support
than the previous one. Is the district supervisor right in insisting his choice school to be
adopted by a private individual? Why or why not?
1. Yes, because the district supervisor knows which school really needs
2. No, because the adopting private entity has the prerogative of identifying the
school of its choice.
3. Yes, because the district supervisor is the most influential person in the
4. No, because district supervisor can only provide the adopting entity a list of
priority schools and their identified needs if the private entity has no particular
school in mind.
a. 1 and 3 c. 1 only
b. 2 and 4 d. 2 only

124. Schools can be adopted by an individual, group, another school, company,

foundation or organization. Who shall facilitate the linkage between the adopting
individual and the target school?
a. Adopt-A-School Secretariat c. District Supervisor
b. Barangay Chairman d. Schools Division

125. If Adopting individual donated computers, laptops, television sets, DVDs, what
packages of Adopt-A-School Program did he choose?
a. Technology Supports
b. Learning Supports
c. Direct Assistance
d. Assistive Learning Device For Students With Special Needs

126. Mrs. Cruz adopted Sta. Clara Elementary School. She signed a Memorandum of
Agreement. She provided the school a Health and Nutrition Packages. As a sign of
gratitude, her name was emblazoned beneath the name of the school she adopted.
Was it correct?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. Neither A nor B

127. What is the aim of Brigida Eskwela?

a. Make schools ready for the students and teachers
b. Engage the participation of community stakeholders in education, and
c. Revive the bayanihan spirit
d. All of the above

128. Which of the following activities ensure the presence of prominent stakeholders in
Brigada Eskwela?
1. Presentation of Accomplishment
2. Awarding of Certificates of Recognition to Partners/Donors
3. Symbolic Turn-over and Acceptance of Outputs/Donations from
4. Forging of Pledge of Commitment by Partners and by Schools
a. 1 and 2 only c. 1, 2 and 3
b. 3 and 4 only d. 1 , 2, 3, and 4

129. Before the start of the opening of classes, the school should be ready to
accommodate children of school age and ensure that efficient delivery of basic services
to all entrants could be provided. Brigada Eskwela is held where parents assist the
school in this endeavour. If you were the principal, what would you prefer to be given to
the school?
a. Contribution of cash by the local government
b. Contribution of cash by the teachers
c. Contribution of cash by the parents
d. Contribution parents through donation of materials

130. Which of the following are the schools external stakeholders?

1. Teachers 5. Alumni
2. Parents 6. Retired Teachers
3. LGUs 7. Pupils
a. 1, 2, and 7 c. 3, 4, 5 and 6
b. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 d. All of the above

F. School Management and Daily Operations

131. In compliance with the DepEd policies, who shall be tasked to ensure adherence
to standards on quality handling and serving of food in the school canteen?
a. DepEd monitoring team c. EPS In-Charge in EPP
b.DepEd Grievance Committee d. Schools Canteen Managers

132. Which of the following is one of the measures that will be instituted if there are
foods in the canteen that are supplied on consignment basis?
a. There should be a written agreement between the concessionaire
and school head.
b. The school head/canteen teacher may not require a health
certificate for the food handlers
c. There is no need of inspection of the consigned foods before
serving them at the canteen since the supplier has medical
d. Business permit is not required for the supplier.

133. In prioritizing problems, problems may be prioritized using the techniques known
as SUG Test. What SUG stands for?
a. Seriousness, Urgency, Gravity
b. Seriousness, Urgency, Goal
c. Seriousness, Urgency, Grow
d. Sentiment, Urgency, Gravity

134. In the decision making process of a school head, there are five (5) steps in the
action cycle. Arrange the steps below in order.
a. Recognize and define the problem or issue
b. Analyze the difficulties in the existing situation.
c. Initiate the plan of action
d. Develop a plan or strategy for action
e. Establish criteria for problem resolution
a. (a-b-c-d-e) c. (a-b-e-d-c)
b. (a-d-e-b-c) d. (e-d-c-b-a)
135. This word comes from the Latin root word, com, which means together and
fligere which means to strike. What do you call this?
a. confusion c. courage
b. conflict d. comrade

136. This is applied to situations which are perceived at involving an immediate threat
of unacceptable adverse consequences and a term generally applied to critical
situation, a turning point characterized by a sense of urgency.
a. Crisis c. Difficulty
b. Problem d. Conflict

137. What will be the teaching hours of a teacher engaged in actual classroom
a. 5 hours c. 7 hours
b. 6 hours d. 8 hours

138. Is it true that the school may organize special education to cater to the special
needs of the children?
a. yes c. no
b. maybe d. never

139. DepEd personnel or students where Saturday is their church day should not be
required to attend seminars, examinations or special classes.
a. right c. both
b. wrong d. undecided

140. In terms of suspension of classes, this memorandum provides basis among

concerned agency to execute prompt decision to ensure safety to the general public.
a. DepEd Memorandum No. 05, s. 2006
b. DepEd Memorandum No. 06, s. 2006
c. DepEd Memorandum No. 07, s. 2006
d. DepEd Memorandum No. 08, s. 2006

141. What psychological injury is considered as child abuse?

a. One that harms a child's psychological or intellectual functions. This may be
exhibited by severe anxiety, withdrawal or outward aggressive behavior or a
combination of said behaviors.
b. One that harms a child's psychological or intellectual functions. This may be
exhibited by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal or outward aggressive
behavior or a combination of said behaviors.
c. One that harms a child's psychological or intellectual functions. This may be
exhibited by severe depression, withdrawal or outward aggressive behavior or a
combination of said behaviors.
d. One that harms a child's physical functions. This may be exhibited by severe
anxiety, depression, withdrawal or outward aggressive behavior or a combination
of said behaviors.

142. Is discipline administered by a parent or legal guardian on a child considered

a. Yes, if it is reasonably administered and moderate in degree and does not cause
physical or psychological injury.
b. No, if it is reasonably administered and moderate in degree and does cause
physical or psychological injury.
c. No, if it is reasonably administered and moderate in degree and does not cause
physical or psychological injury.
d. No, if it is reasonably administered and moderate in degree and does cause
slight physical or psychological injury.
143. The law defines bullying as any severe or repeated use by one or more students of
a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any
combination thereof, directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing
or placing the latter in ; creating a hostile environment at
school for the other students.
a. Senseless fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property
b. Biased fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property
c. Invalid fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property
d. Reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his property

144. What are the benefits an adopting private entity can avail of under the Adopt- a-
School Program?
Active involvement in the Program can be mutually beneficial to both parties
concerned. While DepEd gets its schools improved, adopting private entity in
return, may obtain .
I. Tax incentives
II. Strengthened corporate image
III. Goodwill within the school community.
a. I , II and III
b. I and III
c. I and II
d. I only

145. What are the requirements needed by the Revenue District Office of the Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR) in considering the application of the private entity for tax
I. Duly notarized /approved Agreement
II. Duly notarized Deed of Donation
III. Deed of Acceptance
IV. Official receipts showing the actual value of the donation, and
V. Certificate of title and tax declaration (if the donation is in the form of real
a. I and II
b. I, II, III and IV
c. I, II, III and V
d. I II, IV and V

146. In recognition of the goodwill that private sector partners provide to the Philippines
public education system, they can avail of up to % tax incentives for their
contributions through the Adopt-A-School Program (ASP).
a. 50
b. 100
c. 150
d. 200

147. The result of School Improvement Planning is a School Improvement Plan (SIP).
An SIP is:
I. A process by which members of the school-community conduct a
thorough evaluation of their schools educational programming in the
previous school years and develop a written school plan
II. A road map that establishes the changes that the school needs in order to
improve student achievement and that shows how and when these
changes will be made
III. A three-year education development plan that embodies the vision and
mission of the school. It contains the profile of the school and the
community, problems and needs, goals, objectives, standards and targets,
implementation plan, monitoring and evaluation plan, communication and
advocacy plan, documentation and reporting to stakeholders and
signatories. It is translated into an Annual Implementation Plan. The SIP
serves as the major basis of the Division Education Development Plan
IV. A comprehensive overview of major priorities to which the school will
commit its resources including activities which are supportive of the
national program of DepED and best/effective practices to be sustained.
V. A document which embodies what a school wants to achieve and the
manner with which to achieve it ensuring that the school maintains its
present strengths towards an enhanced learning environment for students.
VI. An instrument by which the community can hold a certain school
accountable for student performance.
a. I, II, III, IV, V and VI
b. II, III, IV, V and VI
c. I, II, III, IV, and V
d. II, III, IV and VI

148. The formulation of the School Improvement Plan is a continuous process. Arrange
the nine (9) steps of SIP accordingly.
I. Writing the SIP
II. Collecting, organizing and analyzing school data
III. Formulating work and financial plan and AIP
IV. Organizing for implementation
V. Developing the schools monitoring and evaluation plan and structure
VI. Communicating the plan
VII. Orientation on implementation start up
VIII. Identifying core values and formulating vision and mission
IX. Determining school goals and objectives

149. How will you prioritize problems, though not all are equally important nor is there a
need for them to be solved at the same time, there is a need to prioritize the school
problems using what criteria?
I. Relevance
II. Urgency
III. Growth potential
IV. Cost
a. I, II and IV
b. I, II and III
c. I, III and IV
d. I, II, III and IV

150. The following are the suggested roles/functions of the School Finance Team in
organizing the implementation of the SIP, except;
I. Makes recommendations to SH regarding School Financial Plan in relation
to the budget requirements of the SIP/AIP
II. Prepares resource generation plan which will involve the stakeholders
III. Manages allocation of resources for operational and developmental
activities which are reflected in the SIP
IV. Prepares an INSET Plan and submits to SH for comments and approval
V. Prepares annual procurement plan approved by the school head
VI. Prepares financial reports
VII. Tracks the utilization of funds and reports to SH
a. I, II and VII
b. II and VI
c. IV only
d. V only

151. The intentional, illegal use of the funds of another person for ones owns use or
other unauthorized purpose be by a public official, a trustee of a trust, an executor or
administrator of a dead person's estate or by any person with a responsibility to care for
and protect another's assets is a punishable offense known as .
a. technical malversation of funds
b. juggling of funds
c. re-alignment of funds
d. misappropriation of funds

152. Government funds are appropriated for specific purposes. If a school head used
the budget allotted for training of teachers for the purpose of procurement of textbooks.
What offense does she/he commit?
a. technical malversation of funds
b. juggling of funds
c. re-alignment of funds
d. misappropriation of funds

153. DepEd Order No. 3 series of 2013 specifies the ruling applies to the appointment
or assignment of teachers in all public elementary and secondary schools and other
learning centers under DepEd. In filling up vacant positions, priority shall be given to
bona fide residents of the barangay, municipality, city or province where the school is
located, in no particular order, the order specified. Bona fide residents refer
a. to a qualified applicant who is, prior to appointment, a resident for a period of at
least six months of a particular barangay, municipality, city or province where the
school is.
b. to a qualified applicant who is, prior to appointment, a resident for a period of at
least five months of a particular barangay or province where the school is.
c. to a qualified applicant who is, prior to appointment, a resident for a period of at
least four months of a particular municipality, city or province where the school is.
d. to a qualified applicant who is, prior to appointment, a resident for a period of at
least three months of a particular province.

154. Based on the school calendar issued by the Department of Education (DepEd),
elementary and high schools have to fulfill a minimum of days contact time with
students for each school year or contact days per quarter.
a. 220 and 55
b. 200 and 50
c. 180 and 45
d. 160 and 40

155. All school canteens are required to secure the following permits/clearances, what
are those?
I. Permit to operate from the office of the mayor
II. Sanitation Clearance/Permit from the health department
III. Health permit of canteen personnel/staff from the city/municipal health
IV. Authority from the school head/principal to operate and manage the
school canteen (for teachers cooperatives only)
a. I, II, III and IV
b. II, III and IV
c. I, III and IV
d. I, II and III

156. Canteens book of accounts and statement of sales and disbursements shall be
maintained for recording daily transactions related to the operations of the canteen.
Receipts and other similar documents shall be kept to support sales, purchases and
disbursements made available for examination and inspection at any appropriate time
by the .
a. PTA treasurer and faculty treasurer
b. PTA treasurer and school level auditing committee
c. School level auditing committee and PTA treasurer
d. School level auditing committee and COA representative based in the division

157. The net income derived from the operation of the canteen shall be utilized for, but
not limited to the following:
Supplementary feeding program for undernourished 35%
School clinic fund 5%
Faculty and student development fund
H.E. instructional fund 10%
School operations fund
Revolving capital 10%
TOTAL 100%

a. Faculty and student development fund - 5%

School operation fund 35%
b. Faculty and student development fund - 10%
School operation fund 30%
c. Faculty and student development fund - 15%
School operation fund 25%
d. Faculty and student development fund - 20%
School operation fund 20%

158. The following acts are considered detrimental and prejudicial to the welfare of the
pupils/students, teachers and the school in general that may be committed by the
school or teachers cooperative shall be a ground for the termination of the operation of
the school canteen, except;
a. depositing the proceeds of the canteen in the account that is in trust for the
b. sub-leasing the whole or part of the canteen premises
c. selling of cigarettes and/or intoxicating beverages
d. failure and/or neglect to submit financial reports

159. Amount of money set aside for small expenditures, maintained under an imp rest
system. The total amount of expenditures properly supported by documents plus the
remaining cash balance shall be equal to the amount of the fund. It is a cash fund,
withdrawn from the general cash account and made available for small purchases of
supplies, taxi fares or staff meals, etc.
a. Cash on Hand
b. Petty Cash
c. Cash in Bank
d. Revolving Fund

160. Select the aims of SBM assessment on the list.

I. Determine the level of the SBM practices of the school
II. Provide the school a sound basis on which to establish its plan of action
III. Improve the SBM support systems through interventions that the school and
IV. Administrative levels of the Department may introduce
V. Determine the effectiveness of SBM practices in the delivery of basic
education services.
a. V and IV
b. V, IV, and III
c. V, IV, III and II
d. V, IV, III, II and I

G. Personal Integrity and Interpersonal Sensitivity

161. A bus driver angrily demands that a disruptive student get off the bus
immediately and at a place that is not the student's regular stop. The
child calls home, the parent calls you and demands assistance in
getting the child home. Are you responsible?
a. Yes c. Maybe
b. No d. I dont know

162. A Private Lending Institution went to your school and offer help for your teachers in
term of financial assistance. They encourage yu to sign for a separate MOA. What
would you do?
a. Accept the offer and sign the MOA
b. Refrain from accepting the offer and do not sign the MOA.
c. Accept the offer but do not sign the MOA
d. Refrain from accepting the offer and sign the MOA

163. Which of the following is correct as Code of ethics for a Principal?

a. The principal should encourage and nurture professional growth of
all co-workers by appropriate methods of recognition.
b. The principal should encourage professional growth of
all co-workers by appropriate methods of recognition.
c. The principal should nurture professional growth of
teachers by appropriate methods of recognition.
d. The principal should encourage and nurture professional growth of
all co-workers by appropriate methods of recognition.

164. Section 5 of the Code of Ethics for Principals, it states that The principal should be
of the dangers of undue political interference in education.
a. vigilant c. updated
b. aware d. informed

165. Mrs. Romero is a principal of Rodriguez Elementary School, one of her teachers
always comes to school late and with incomplete lesson plans inspite of many
reminders. Due to her anger, she allowed a teacher-applicant to apply for a position of
that teacher. Are you in favor of what Mrs. Romeros action?
a. No c. Maybe
b. Yes d. Undecided

166. Ms. Gomez is observing a class, during observation, she found out that her
teacher has no any prepared visual aid for the session. She got angry and scolded her
teacher infront of the students. If you were Ms. Gomez, what would you do?
a. I will do what Mrs. Gomez did.
b. I will ignore what Ive seen and continue my observation.
c. I will continue my observation and after the class, Ill talk with her and give
my comments and suggestions.
d. I will not give her any comments and Ill observe her again the next day.

167. In your school, teachers formed cliques (senior teachers and junior teachers) and
started to fight each other over petty issues. How would you respond as principal?
a. Find a way for the two groups to come to an agreement through a meeting
or dialogue.
b. Have a dialogue with each group at a time and proceed to your judgment
based on your analysis or results of investigation.
c. Let the situation passed away and wait the time they reconciled.

168. A school head has the ability to influence others through qualities such as
personal , expertise, command of language, and the creation of mutual respect
all of which require strong interpersonal skills.
a. aura c. elan
b. charisma d. machismo

169. Interpersonal sensitivity includes the ability to and manage the

emotions, motivations, and behaviors of oneself and others during social interactions or
in a social-interactive context.
a. feel c. suss
b. read d. view

170. Those who have interpersonal sensitivity are able to manage their behavior during
social interactions and align their goals to the goals of others
during activities.
a. cohesive c. collocational
b. collaborative d. concessive

171. Personal Integrity is a strongly held sense of commitment to openness, honesty,

inclusiveness and high standards in oneself. Therefore a person with integrity stands for
what is right and acts as a to his or her peers.
a. leader c. role model
b. consultant d. counselor

172. Which of the six traits of good managers/ leaders show ethical values and strictly
abide by expecting others to also do the same. You request and value audits,
appraisals and evaluation as processes that help your school improve and share the
results with the stakeholders.
a. Good relationship
b. Integrity and transparency
c. Trust and empowerment
d. Continuous improvement

173. Can conduct of teachers conform with the code of ethics?

a. Yes c. Maybe
b. No d. Case to case basis

174. Integrity is one of the positive traits for an effective and good leader. Personal
integrity represents an honest, reliable and trustworthy person. Why integrity is very
important to leadership?
a. Integrity speaks by itself and it reflects on all your actions and decisions as a
b. Integrity is based on the leadership style.
c. Integrity in an organization attracts people in the community
d. Integrity reflects the performance of the school

175. A leader has the ability to influence others through qualities such as personal
, expertise, command of language, and the creation of mutual respect all
of which require strong interpersonal skills.
a. aura b. charisma c. elan d. machismo
176. What professional value refers to acceptance of responsibility to fulfill obligation or
a. Duty c. accountability
b. responsibility d. role

177. In transformational leadership, this models high values as an example and

includes communication of inspiring vision.
a. intellectual simulation
b. idealized influence
c. individualized consideration
d. inspirational motivation

178. The principal should be the earliest to arrive in school, If you are late for work
every day and feel guilty about creating excuses for this behavior, this may be an
opportunity to develop greater personal integrity. Which of the following is the best way
for you to do?
a. Identify aspects of your behavior that require change.
b. Apply for a vacation leave
c. Transfer to other school
d. Reflect on your interactions with others in the workplace

179. The temptation to act dishonestly at work can be enticing. How many times have
you used the internet and company time to check posts on Facebook or Twitter? Used
the phone, fax, or photocopier for personal use? This situation is .
a. Completely true
b. Mostly true
c. Somewhat true/false
d. Completely false

180. When you and a co-worker are talking and the co-worker starts talking bad about
another co-worker, what should you do?
a. you act on what your co-worker tells you
b. you should not go along with what she/he is saying because more than likely
it is different than how you feel
c. You should always go with what you feel, because in the end no one else can
be you.
d. Be consistent of your actions, values, methods, measures, principles,
expectations, and outcomes

181. A principal is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by
acting with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner. How can you apply this principle
if you are a principal?
a. Demonstrates values, beliefs and attitudes that inspire others to higher levels
of performance.
b. Collaborates with service providers and other decision-makers to improve
teaching and learning
c. Promotes and supports a structure for family and community involvement in
the educational system
d. Manages fiscal and physical resources responsibly, efficiently and effectively

181. It is a professional value entails answering for what one has been called upon?
a. responsibility c. role
b. accountability d. duty
182. Distinct role relationships characterize the social exchanges of schooling: teachers
with students, teachers with other teachers, teachers with parents, and all groups with
the school principal.
a. Group norms c. regional culture
b. Relational trust d. partnering

183. Perceptions about personal integrity also shape individuals' discernment that trust
exists. Although conflicts frequently arise among competing individual interests within a
school community, asides from the commitment to the education, what must be
remained as the primary concern of the school staff?
a. Welfare of the teacher c. welfare of the school children
b. Welfare of the principal d. a, b, and c

184. A teacher has a right and duty to determine the academic marks and the
promotions of learners in the subject or grades he handles, provided that such
determination shall be in accordance with generally accepted procedures of evaluation
and measurement.
A. Code of Ethics for Teachers Article VIII sec. 1
B. Code of Ethics for Teachers Article V sec. 1
C. Code of Ethics for Teachers Article III sec. 1
D. Code of Ethics for Teachers Article X sec. 1

185. What image does an organization reflects? Lots of beautiful images have been
created by teachers, parents and pupils under the leadership of their principal. But with
just a slight turn of events, the images have changed. Nothing is stable or constant in
this school.
a. The organization is like a business enterprise
b. The organization is like a globe
c. The organization is like a kaleidoscope
d. The organization is like a bow and arrow

186. Confidence that a responsibility or obligation will be met.

a. Trust b. respect c. honesty d. industry

187. Duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral
values as well as technical and professional competence.
a. Code of Ethics for Teachers
b. Preamble, Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
c. 1987 Constitution Article XIV
d. R.A. 9155

188. A teacher shall place premium upon self-respect and self-discipline as the
principle of personal behavior in all relationships with others and in all situations.
a. Code of Ethics, Article XI, Section 2
b. Code of Ethics, Article XI, Section 3
c. Code of Ethics, Article IX, Section 2
d. Code of Ethics, Article X, Section 2
189. McGregors behavioral managers tend to be controlled- oriented,
distrustful and as a result, authoritarian in management style.
a. Theory X c. Herzbergs Theory of Motivation
b. Theory Y d. Maslow behavioral research

190. In contrast, McGregor identified a second perspective that reverses

these assumptions on human nature.. In this, managers view subordinates optimistically
as individual who wants the challenge of work, prefer self- control and are capable of
responsible, practice participative, democratic management.
a. Theory X c. Herzbergs Theory of Motivation
b. Theory Y d. Maslow behavioral research

191. refers to Japanese management practices of consensus decision

making, quality circles, and employee participation to enhance productivity.
a. Theory X c. Theory Z
b.Theory Y d. Japanese Type J

192. In Druckers Five Basic Operations in the Work of the Manager, a manager
motivates and communicate, which of the statements below comprised it?
1. It should not be abused to control or dominate people
2. Integrity is of much greater importance than analytical ability
3. It demands the most economical use of scarce resources
4. It classifies works
a. 1 and 3 c. 4
b. 1 and 2 d. 2

193. Sergiovanni (2001) proposed a new theory of school leadership that focuses on
the school as a principal. described well what it means to be a principal.
They minister by highlighting and protecting the values of the school.
a. Curriculum leadership c. Instructional leadership
b. Servant leadership d. Technology leadership

194. A good corporate governance requires the possession and application of the
Seven Cs of Leadership. This C anchored on the values of integrity, honesty, honor,
a. Character c. Competence
b. Compassion d. Commitment

195. Maxwell identified twenty one (21) indispensable qualities of a leader. Character
denotes .
a. It separates doers from dreamers.
b. Be a piece of the rock
c. If you built it, they will come
d. You wont leave home without it.

196. The Science coordinator tells Ms. Dela Cruz, the principal, that a Science teacher
is habitually late to work. How can the coordinator and Ms. Dela Cruz best address the
a. Put a copy of his DTR on his table with highlighted portion
b. Send a reprimanding email to the teacher
c. Tell the coordinator to deal with the issue
d. Meet with the teacher to ascertain the reason for tardiness and generate
solutions to eliminate the problem.

197. Mr Lawrence, a veteran teacher, approaches Ms.Reyes regarding a stalement in

his department. Several teachers wish to use collaborative and standardized
assessment, yet he feels that individual teacher should be able to assess students
based on their individual need. What can Ms. Reyes do to best help resolve the
a. Tell Mr. Lawrence that majority rules and he should do as the other teachers
b. Ask the department coordinators to address the issues
c. Listen to both sides of the argument and come to a collaborative decision or
compromise regarding assessments
d. Tell the other teachers to follow Mr. Lawrences directive.
198. Over the past years, the principal of an elementary school with a diverse
socioeconomic population has introduced a new Character Counts program.
According to the competencies, this initiative measures which responsibility of a
a. Developing and implementing plans for using technology and
information system
b. Implementing strategies to ensure the development of collegial
relationships c. Applying skills for building and managing conflicts
d. Promoting awareness of learning differences, multicultural awareness,
gender sensitivity and ethnic appreciation

199. Which is false statement about

a. Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral
b. The state of being whole, entire, or
undiminished. c. A sound, unimpaired, or perfect
d. None of the above

200. The following are several reasons why integrity is so important EXCEPT one
a. When we have integrity, we gain the trust of our leaders, our colleagues and
our team.
b. We're dependable, and, when we hold ourselves accountable for our actions,
we become role models for others to follow.
c. People who live and work with integrity are more likely to be considered
for promotions.
d. Integrity makes you the famous public servant.

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