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1. (Who - Whom) did you call?
2. (Who - Whom) answered your letter?
3. (Who - Whom) will help with this project?
4. Consumer Reports cites manufacturers from (who whom) we
can expect quality Products.
5. Mariah Carey is the singer (who - whom) Tony likes best.


1. Mr. Holtz and (he, him) ran the fair.

2. (They, Them) and their father went fishing.
3. My friend and (I, me) are planning a camping trip.
4. (She, her) and (he, him) were delegates to the convention.
5. The Walters and (we, us) go to the shore each summer.
6. (Who, Whom), along with Bridget, will work on this committee?


1. When the plans for the new community center are completed,
call Mr. Faldez and (I, me).
2. The supermarket manager gave discount coupons to Olga
and (she, her).
3. When they question you about the accident, tell Paul and (they,
them) the truth.
4. Will you be speaking to Hiroko and (he'him)?
5. The MacDonalds sent regards to Joanna and (we, us).

1. Deirdre is a better planner than (I, me).

2. I saw better than (she, her).
3. You don't feel as sorry as (he, him).
4. The Ortegas are better swimmers than (we, us).
5. Their neighbors don't argue as often as (they, them).


1. My boss is (she, her).

2. The winner of the contest was (he, him).
3. (Who, Whom) seems most likely to get the promotion?
4. The culprits were (they, them).
5. The person who called you was (I, me).
6. If there is a couple who enjoys dancing, it is (we, us).


1. Seth is very proud of (him, his) karate.

2. I don't like (you, your) calling me at the office.
3. The professor was glad to hear about (me, my) writing a story.
4. We wondered (who's, whose) contribution to medicine was
5. I don't like (them, their) refusing to take BHA and BHT out
of foods.

1. From(who,whom) did you learn that myth about not eating

before swimming?
2. Many secrets have passed between you and (he, him).
3. The personnel director gave notices to John and (they, them).
4. Everyone, except (she, her), plans to take the test.
5. The host and his friends divided the four bottles of beer
among (they, them).


1. Everyone must decide for (himself, themselves).

2. Each of the painters worked (his, their) best.
3. They each performed to the best of (his, their) ability.
4. All of the members brought (his, their) spouses.


Directions: Each of the following sentences has an error in pronoun

usage. For each question, choose the one best answer.

1. He and his brother strenuously object to me smoking.

What correction should be made to this sentence?
(1) change He to Him
(2) insert he after brother
(3) insert they after brother
(4) change me to my
(5) insert cigarettes after smoking
2. The man who you called is out and his assistant insists that he will
not return again today.

What correction should be made to this sentence?

(1) change who to whom

(2) change who to which
(3) replace who with that
(4) replace his assistant with the man's assistant
(5) remove that

3. If you are wondering who it was who called you earlier in the
week, it was him.
What correction should be made to this sentence?

(1) change you are to you're

(2) change wondering who to wondering whom
(3) change who called to whom called
(4) change earlier to early on
(5) change him to he

4. Although he plays pool better than I do, I play chess better

than him.
What correction should be made to this sentence?

(1) replace I do with me

(2) remove do
(3) insert do before play
(4) change than to then
(5) change him to he

5. Don wanted us-Denny and I-to help him build garage.

What correction should be made to this sentence?

(1) insert he after Don

(2) change us to we
(3) change I to me
(4) remove him
(5) replace his with their


Items 1 and 2 refer to the following paragraph.

(1) Greg, Liz, and me went to the Mets game last night. (2) They
sat their in the stands while I got hot dogs. (3) I missed Mike Piazza's
home run. (4) We will go to another game this season, and they will get
the hot dogs.

1. Sentence 1: Greg, Liz, and me went to the Mets game last

Which of the following is the best way to write the underlined
portion of this sentence? If you think the original is the best
way, choose option (1).
(1) Greg, Liz, and me
(2) Me, Greg, and Liz
(3) Me and Greg and Liz
(4) Greg, Liz, and myself
(5) Greg, Liz, and I

2. Sentence 2: They sat their in the stands while I got hot dogs.
What correction should be made to this sentence?

(1) change They to Them

(2) replace They with Greg and Liz
(3) change the spelling of their to there
(4) change the spelling of their to they're
(5) no correction is necessary

Items 3 and 4 refer to the following paragraph.

(1) I was very pleased with the Askews for thinking of me when
they decided to expand there company. (2) I had worked with them on
several projects last year. (3) Me and them always worked well
together. (4) I feel that I can contribute to their team.

3. Sentence 1: I was very pleased with the Askews for thinking

of me when they decided to expand there company.
Which of the following is the best way to write the underlined
portion of this sentence? If you think the original is the best
way, choose option (1).

(1) of me when they decided to expand there company

(2) of myself when the Askews they decided to expand there
(3) of me when the Askews they decided to expand the company.
(4) of me when they decided to expand their company.
(5) of me when they decided to expand they're company.

4. Sentence 3: Me and them always worked well together.

Which of the following is the best way to write the underlined
portion of this sentence? If you think the original is the best
way, choose option 1.

(1) Me and them

(2) Me and the Askews
(3) The Askews and me
(4) I and the Askews
(5) The Askews and I

Items 5 and 6 refer to the following paragraph.

(1) Virginia and him always watch the soap opera. (2) They tape it
during the day and watch it at night. (3) Whom does what to who in
each day's story is very important. (4) If no one sets the VCR, Sue and
he get very upset. (5) I don't understand them.
5. Sentence 1: Virginia and him always watch the soap opera.

(1) Virginia and him

(2) Virginia and he
(3) Him and Virginia
(4) Her and him
(5) She and him

6. Sentence 3: Whom does what to who in each day's story is

very important.

Which of the following is the best way to write the underlined

portion of this sentence? If you think the original is the best
way, choose option (1).

(1) Whom does what to who

(2) Whom does what to whom
(3) Who does what to whom
(4) Who does what to who
(5) Whom does what to anyone

Directions: Select the incorrect sentence for each group and rewrite it
correctly .

1. (1) Them and us go bowling each Wednesday.

(2) Please write to the folks and me while you're away.
(3) The friendliest person on the street is he.
(4) I did not give the information about the adverse effects of
food additives to him.
(5) No error

2. (1) Who told you that oil drilling equipment does not cause
(2) Collin is funnier than me.
(3) For whom did you buy that impractical gift?
(4) The person responsible for creating the painting is she.
(5 ) No error

3. (1) In the bright light, Theresa and I could see their faces
(2) Either she or I am working late.
(3) A package just arrived, and it is marked for either him or her.
(4) The person who gave the lecture did not speak well.
(5) No error
4. (1) Since they went to couples' counseling, Simon fights more
fairly than she.
(2)In 1954,Roberto and me saw Stan Musial hit five home runs in
one game.
(3) Arthur and he claim to have seen several UFOs
(4) At whose request do I make this change?
(5) No error

5. (1) Whos going to pay for education if all funding legislation

(2) Please call Henry and I as soon as you know the election
(3) Do you really approve of his playing football?
(4) Arlene will always be younger than I.
(5) No error

6. (1) Who called?

(2) After you've repaired the sink, give the tools to Victor and
(3) Randy and me will carry the steel beam.
(4) In case you didn't know, the new mayor is he.
(5) No error

7. (1) We hope the new police commissioner will be as friendly as

(2) The Jensens and they organize a block party each year to
raise money for the Fresh Air Fund.
(3) Who do you think will run the new department?
(4) Give responsible jobs to Kate and her because they have had
the most experience.
(5) No error

8. (1) Daniel and I exchange information with them about the new
computer technology.
(2) I have always worked harder than he.
(3) If you don't do the job, who will?
(4) He really shouldn't have objected to me leaving since my work
had been finished.
(5) No error

9. (1) I was very pleased with them for thinking of me when they
decided to expand their company.
(2) If it is his turn, then allow him to take it.
(3) Davis has always been more punctual than us.
(4) The Boss is one of those musicians who are full of surprises.
(5) No error

10. (1) Give me your word that you and he will comply with our
(2) Jean and I completed the forms and left them at the main
(3) If I can find you and her, I will give you his instructions.
(4) According to a survey among writers, one of the finest
English authors was Charles Dickens.
(5) No error

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