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Case summary The case consists of a dilemma facing Joan Macey the Market Manager at Rohm & Haas regarding the 3 Ps, pricing, place, promotion of a product (Kathon MWx) that meets the requirements of customers (with reservoir capacity < 1000), of a Biocide that removes smell, dermatitis symptoms. Also Kathon MWKX provides higher value vis-a-vis competitors due to life- extension of fluids (2-5 weeks), resulting in significant savings to the end users. No competitor product offers these characteristics and only ‘ Tris Nitro Sump Saver’ along with Kathon MW are compatible with tanks of 25-100 gallon capacity. It has managed sales of only $12000 against a target of $0.2 million in a market with potential sales of $20 million. Kathon 886 MW, is doing well with number of plants to which it can cater being only 325 as compared to 150,000 smaller plants that would require the new offering Kathon MW. Recommendations It is recommended that more marketing effort and resources to be utilized to promote Kathon MW in the following ways: Pricing: A minimum price of $ 5.68/gallon needs to be charged, so that formulators get higher margins on Kathon MWX, a maintenance product which due to its fluid-life-extension properties will cannibalize fluid sales. Distribution Channel: The present distribution channel should be used, as a new one will be costly and adversely affect Kathon 886 MW as well. The formulators and the sales force need to be educated about the benefits of the product. Promotion: Advertising should focus on the benefits in terms of cost-savings of the metal concentrate, disposal costs, and reduction in rancidity, dermatitis, cost benefit analysis of household disinfectants and maintenance biocides. Product demonstrations with free samples can be provided. A follow-up survey for customers using free samples and a call back system needs to be developed.

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