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Name _____________________________________________ date_________

Class_______________ time: 40 minutes
A. Write past simple and past participle of these verbs 24 points _____

base form past tense past participle base form past tense past participle
be meet
begin see
bring sleep
catch take
choose understand
grow write

B. Past Simple or Present Perfect 16 points_______

1. A: Irena _______________ (break) her arm.

B: Oh, no! When_______ it ______________? (happen)
A: Last week. She ___________ a tree while she was riding her bike. (hit)
2. I ______________ that magazine in the newsagents yesterday, but I _________________ it.
(notice; read)
3. My aunt is a film star. She _____________________ in 4 films so far. (play)
4. I ______________dad a tie for his last birthday, but he _______________ it so he _______________
it back to the shop. ( give; not like; take)
5. Can I go to the concert? I _______________ my homework, I ______________ my room and I
_____________ out the rubbish. See, Im such a good kid! (do; clean; put)
6. When grandpa was a kid he ______________ to school by bus he _______________ all the way.
( not go; walk)
7. Tim _________________his mobile phone and he ____________________ it. (lose; not find)

C. Answer the questions: 6 points_______

1.What are the benefits of the development of the new technology?

2.What has Janine started and why?

3.Where did Mr.Grant buy the dvd player?

Now, check your friends work

TOTAL: 46 POINTS / YOUR POINTS _____________________

46 40 - 5 EXCELLENT
39 33 - 4 VERY GOOD
32 26 - 3 GOOD
25 19 - 2 OK
18 0 - 1 TRY HARDER


Name _____________________________________________ date_________
Class_______________ time: 40 minutes
A. Write past simple and past participle of these verbs 24 points _____

base form past tense past participle base form past tense past participle
buy leave
cut run
drive speak
drink steal
go teach
keep win

B. Past Simple or Present Perfect 16 points_______

1. A: ________________________ Steve that video? (watch)

B: Yes, he ___________yesterday, but he _____________, he _______________ it was boring
(watch; not like; think)
2. Oh, I hope well win the match! We ______________ so hard, we ____________________
thousands of exercises and we ______________ a lot of money on jerseys. (work; do; spend)
3. Cathy _________________ her umbrella with her when she left home but now she thinks she
___________ somewhere. (take; lose)
4. Our neighbor are worried because their cat __________________home. It _______________ last
Friday. ( not come; disappear)
5. A:________________________ your homework? (write)
B: Yes, but I ______________________ my History project. (not finish)
6. She ______________ an accident when she __________in Scotland last year. (have; be)
7. Look! There is so much food left. Nobody _________________anything. (eat)

C. Answer the queations 6 points_____

1.What has technology done to the Earth?

2.What has Janine achieved with her project?

3.Give instructions how can we turn on a new dvd player?

Now, check your friends work

TOTAL: 46 POINTS / YOUR POINTS ____________________
46 40 - 5 EXCELLENT
39 33 4 VERY GOOD
32 26 - 3 GOOD
25 19 - 2 OK
18 0 - 1 TRY HARDER

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