H.T. Madondo Final Attachment Report

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1.0 ACKNOWLEGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................3

2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................4
3.0 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................5
3.1 HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF THE MINE ................................................................................7
3.2 COMPANY PROFILE ..........................................................................................................................8
3.3 ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE ..............................................................................................9
4.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS ................................................................................................................. 10
5.0 GEOLOGY OF THE MINE .............................................................................................................. 11
5.1 GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION .................................................................................................... 11
5.2 REGIONAL GEOLOGY SETTING ............................................................................................. 11
5.3 LOCAL GEOLOGY ........................................................................................................................... 14
5.4 OREBODY MINERALISATION MODEL................................................................................ 15
5.5 MINING METHOD ............................................................................................................................ 16
6.0 INDUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 17
7.0 ATTACHMENT ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................ 20
7.1 DIAMOND DRILLING .................................................................................................................. 20
7.1.1 Purpose of drilling.................................................................................................................... 21
7.1.2 Kempe U3-9B main parts and their functions: ........................................................... 21
7.1.3 Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 22
7.1.4 Core Handling ........................................................................................................................... 25
7.1.5 House keeping ............................................................................................................................ 25
7.1.6 Core transportation and layering...................................................................................... 25
7.1.7 Drilling Efficiencies ................................................................................................................. 25
7.1.8 Drilling results ........................................................................................................................... 25
7.1.9 Observations and recommendations made: ............................................................... 26
7.2 SAMPLING.......................................................................................................................................... 26
7.2.1 General purpose of sampling .............................................................................................. 27
7.2.2 Types of sampling ............................................................................................................. 27
7.2.3 Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 27
7.2.4 GRAB SAMPLING METHOD ................................................................................. 28
7.2.5 CHANNEL SAMPLING METHOD ..................................................................... 31
7.2.6 HAND CHIPPING METHOD ................................................................................... 33
7.2.7 Sample transportation and submission to assay laboratory .................................. 33
7.2.8 Observations and recommendations f or sampling: ............................... 33
7.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE & QUALITY CONTROL.................................................................... 34
7.3.1 Description of process or activity ................................................................................. 34

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7.4 DATA CAPTURING AND DATA VALIDATION............................................................. 37
7.5 MAPPING............................................................................................................................................. 37
7.5.1 UNDERGROUND MAPPING ................................................................................... 37 Equipment Used: ...................................................................................................................... 38 Procedure..................................................................................................................................... 38 Observations for underground mapping at 27level and 28 level:........................ 38
7.5.2 SURFACE MAPPING ........................................................................................................... 40 Observations made during surface mapping: .............................................................. 42
7.6 CORE LOGGING .................................................................................................................................. 42
7.6.1 Equipment used for core logging .................................................................................. 42
7.6.2 Description of activity stages ............................................................................................... 42
7.6.3 Core Sampling .......................................................................................................................... 45
7.6.4 Procedure for core sampling:.......................................................................................... 46
7.6.5 Observations and recommendations for core logging and sampling:................ 46
7.7 GRADE CONTROL ......................................................................................................................... 46
7.7.1 Waste Monitoring .................................................................................................................... 47
7.7.2 Stope And Development Ends Monitoring .................................................................... 47
7.7.3 Drawpoints Inspection And Control ................................................................................ 49
7.7.4 Blending Theory And Practice ........................................................................................... 50
7.7.5 Ground Control And Support System ............................................................................ 51
8.0 DEPARTMENTAL VISITS............................................................................................................... 53
8.1 SURVEYDEPARTMENT.............................................................................................................. 53
8.1.1 Description of activities ..................................................................................................... 53
8.1.2 Draughting And Interpretation Of Plans................................................................... 55
8.1.3 Ventilation ................................................................................................................................... 55
8.1.4 Observations and recommendations: .............................................................................. 56
8.2 ASSAY DEPARTMENT ..................................................................................................................... 56
8.2.1 Activities covered by the Student ................................................................................. 57
8.2.2 Observations and recommendations: ........................................................................ 65
9.0 ATTENDANCE IN PLANNING MEETINGS .......................................................................... 65
10.0 CONCLUSION, CHALLENGES AND LESSONS LEARNT ............................................ 67
11.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 68
11.1 RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE COMPANY .................................................................. 68
11.2 RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE UNIVERSITY ............................................................. 68
12.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 69
13.0 APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................... 70

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First and foremost I would like to give thanks to the Lord God Almighty who by His grace brought
me this far, gave me hope and courage in pursuing knowledge.
Secondly, I would like to thank my parents for the support; the University of Zimbabwe
Department of Geology for facilitating the industrial attachment to be part of the requirements to
complete the BSc Honours Degree in Geology and all the Geology Department staff members for
their support. In addition to that, I would also want to express my gratitude to my industrial
attachment Academic supervisor, Miss S. Ncube for her academic advice and guidance.
Thirdly, I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Bulawayo Mining Company-How mine
for offering me the opportunity to work and learn at their firm during the course of my attachment.
I also want to extend my sincere gratitude to the management team of How Mine for putting their
resources to my discretion during the period of my attachment at the Mine.
Fourthly, I would like to give special thanks to the Technical Service Department specifically the
Technical Service Manager, Mr C. Dube, the Resident Geologist, Mr B. Muchimwe, the Senior
Geologist Mr R. Muzulu, the Section Geologist Mr G. Sibanda and the geotechnitians Mr T. Gola
and Miss C.R. Tayero for their support and contributions to the compilation of this report through
their positive comments and constructive criticism. I would also like to thank How mine Geology
team and supervisors I worked with both on surface and underground on daily basis and all other
departments for their different contributions during my stay at How Mine and for facilitating my
attachment program. Your assistance is greatly appreciated - God bless you all.

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This section gives a brief overview of aspects covered in this report. This report gives an account
of the activities covered by Hilary Tavonga Madondo, the University of Zimbabwe Geology
student (from here referred to as the Student) during the industrial attachment undertaken at
Bulawayo Mining Company- How mine (from here referred to as the Company). An industrial
attachment is a pre-requisite course for third year Geology students at the University of Zimbabwe
in partial fulfillment of the requirements of BSc Honours Degree in Geology. Bulawayo Mining
Company-How mine is located in Matebeleland-South province, about 30 kilometers southeast of
Bulawayo town in southern Zimbabwe which specializes in gold mining and processing. This
report was compiled by the Student and all materials used to compile this report were acquired
legally from How mine officials and approved by the industrial attachment supervisor, Mr G.
Sibanda (Section Geologist) for academic use only. Any unauthorized use, reproduction,
distribution and publishing is prohibited or otherwise permission may be sought from the author
and/or directly from How mine.
This report provides a full account of the activities covered by the Student at the mine during the
attachment period highlighting the following key areas:
A summary of induction process which involve introduction to different departments, their
roles, regulations at the mine and how the departments work hand in hand.
An introduction to How mine regional geology, local geology, mode of mineralization and
the mining method used to extract the ore.
A summary of different day to day activities, including the purpose, equipments,
procedures, observations and recommendations for each and every activity.
A brief account of the departmental visits done by the student to further understand
application of geology in the mining industry.
The conclusion and lessons learnt during attachment period.
The challenges faced and recommendations brought forward by the student to both the
University and to BMC-How mine so as to continuously improve the Geology industrial
attachment program.

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Metallon Corporation limited is one of the leading gold producer, developer and explorer in
Southern Africa. The Portfolio of mineral assets in Zimbabwe comprises of five mining properties
and two exploration properties located within a significant land package (954.43km2).The mining
properties comprises of five separate underground gold mines: How, Shamva, Arcturus, Redwing
and Mazowe which are serviced by their own dedicated processing facilities and accompanying
infrastructures. The mines are located in different Achaean greenstone belts on the Zimbabwean
craton as shown on Fig 1 below:

Bulawayo greenstone

Figure 1: Metallon mineral assets in Zimbabwe (Source: Metallon website).

Exploration activities at the mining assets are focused on extending existing orebodies and
identifying new orebodies both at existing and undeveloped sites. There is an exploration property
at Motapa which is the subject of active and ongoing exploration and some other exploration
targets shown with yellow dots on Figure 1 above. There is also significant exploration potential
at all the mining operations, most of which are the subject of active and ongoing exploration.
Arcturus is currently under care and maintenance due to poor performance and lack of funding for
exploration, development and mining activities at the mine; which is the main reason it was not
included on the current corporate structure below:

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Metallon Corporate Structure

Figure 1.1: Corporate Structure (Source: Metallon website).

The student was attached at Bulawayo Mining Company-How mine for the period of his industrial
attachment. Bulawayo Mining Company (BMC) owns How Mine which is Metallon's flagship low
cost, mining operation. It is one of the largest gold producers in Zimbabwe, producing ~150kgs of
gold per month. The student covered different activities through the following stages in mining:
1. Exploration
This includes the process of finding the ore. At How mine exploration is done underground and on
surface. The student managed to familiarize with both Brownfields exploration which is the
search for additional deposits where there was once a mining activity. An example of such is the
Three Castle area about 7km South of How mine where there is evidence of old workings. This is
done to expand a mineral resource that has already been found and developed on the property of an
existing mine. Greenfields exploration, also known as the Preliminary or grassroots exploration
involves looking for a deposit in an area where the mineral or metal has not yet been found before.
2. Mine planning and design
This involved attendance in departmental planning meetings and section meetings which are done
at least once a week. This helped the student in gaining managerial experience such as decision
making of stope slyping, development ends monitoring & control and production targets planning
done at the mine. This includes planning for exploration projects and for continuous improvement
of the system around the mine to ensure efficiency and accuracy is met, hence more profit.
3. Development and production
The student engaged into the day to day development and production activities at How mine which
includes in-house drilling for evaluation, stope slyping, familiarizing on production which includes
tramming of ore from active draw points, sampling and mapping activities.

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4. Monitoring and control
This involved engagement into different day to day monitoring activities both on surface and
underground. This includes different sampling techniques to ensure that mining is done within
orebody limits; draw point sampling for production tracking purposes; stopes, drawpoints and
development ends inspection and control. QAQC analysis; use of Maptek Vulcan program &
AutoCAD and grade control spreadsheets was also done to ensure grade is monitored on a daily
basis. Inspections underground were carried out to ensure mining layouts are being adhered to and
also for ground control and support systems.
5. Report writing
Different reports were compiled after each and every activity, weekly reports and monthly reports
of activities covered and also used for assessment of attachment progress at the mine. The student
gained more skills through this process of report writing which include how to identify/observe
loop holes within the system and coming up with recommendations that will be used to
continuously improve the system. Some of these recommendations were also used for further
exploration. This final attachment report was also compiled by the Student using the skills and
jargon gained during attachment through this report writing exercise.
J. Howe pegged the How Mine claims as a virgin discovery in July 1941. In August 1941, the
claims were transferred to the Halo Syndicate, which changed the name to Halo Co. Ltd in October
1943. Two quarries had been established by July 1944 with the southern quarry down to a depth of
30m and the mill had a 19-stamp battery.
During the period 1950-51, the mine was put on option to Goldfields Development Co. Ltd.
Frobisher Ltd. had an option on the mine in the period 1952-53. In the same period, a diamond-
drilling program totaling 2,020m was undertaken. This indicated potential for a large tonnage
operation with an average grade of 4.9g/t Au. The option was abandoned in 1953 effectively
ceasing all the milling operations. Ballarat Mines (Pvt) Ltd took over the mine in June 1954 and
sank the main shaft between the two open pits.
The property was taken over by LONRHO in 1973, first under the name of Rhodesian Gemstones
(Pvt) Ltd. then Attica Mines (Pvt) Ltd. and eventually Independence Mining (Pvt) Ltd. in 1986.
Since 1970, the mine has operated continuously and is one of the largest gold producers in
Matabeleland region. In October 2002, LONMIN (Lonrho) relinquished ownership of
Independence Gold Mining (Pvt) Ltd. to Metallon Corporation, then a South African based mining
and finance company.

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To be a world class precious metals mining company with a footprint across Africa.
The above statement is the inspirational position that the organization wishes to attain in the long
run. Metallon urges all its mines to adhere and align to this vision so as to globally recognized
precious metals mining company with traceable achievements in Africa in socially responsible
Mission statement
To become a major precious metals producer in Africa and create real value for all our stake
holders through the expansion and optimization of current operations and an ambitious
exploration and acquisition strategy
In the bid to reach its vision, Metallon realizes that it needs to have a determination or purpose of
the organizations being. Thus it sets to produce more at the best quality and use up to full capacity
the available resources yet expanding its operations through exploration and acquisition. This is
being done by creating a real value for all the organizations stakeholders.
Core Values
Effective Communication.
Honesty and integrity.
Sustainable Development.
The above are principles that the company has set to live and uphold to govern its internal and
external conduct. All in the bid of creating a corporate culture that clearly spell what Metallon
stands for as an organization. The above discussed Vision, Mission and Values, is the backbone of
Metallon and is expected to be realized by all the five mines, therefore all mines have done
likewise so as to identify with the organization, thus Bulawayo Mining Company-How mines
vision is to Create a golden Future thus be:
The safest mine in the country.
Users of the best practice and available technology.
Providers of attractive working conditions and competitive benefits.
A global leader in low costs of production in an environmentally responsible way.

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Operational statement
To conduct all the mining processing and service operations in a safe efficient, cost effective
and environmental acceptable manner
Training and technical services support and plays an important part in realizing stated goals.
The company shall develop and maintain high standards for all aspects of mining and
processing operations and aim to continuously improve on them.
To achieve the company objective of producing gold at a profitable, safe and environmentally
friendly atmosphere, How Mine is serviced by seven different but inter-dependent departments,
each headed by a Departmental Manager and a Security department headed by the Chief security
officer. The departmental managers reports to the General Manager at the mine who will report to
the Chief Operation Manager at the Head Office in Harare. The following Organogram
summarizes the hierarchy of the all the organization structures at How mine.

Figure 1.2: How Mine Organogram

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To better understand the material presented herein, some of the more common geological and
mining terms used in this report are defined in the following paragraph:
Sub-level: System of horizontal underground workings used within stopping areas where they are
required for ore production.
Crosscut(x/c): Horizontal underground excavations at an angle to orebody strike.
Drawpoint (D/p): Excavation where the ore can be loaded/removed located beneath the stopping
Stope: Underground excavation made by removing ore from surrounding rock.
Pillar: a mass of ore or waste that is left unmined or not excavated for the sole purpose of ground
Raise: a vertical or inclined opening driven upwards from a level below or a level above.
PPE: Personal Protective Equipment.
Sampling: is the correct extraction of a small representative from a larger amount.
Drive (Dr): excavation which is parallel to strike of orebody.
Dr N: Drive North.
Pay limit: the value of ore for which if mine operation continues, revenue realized will be equal to
expenditure incurred. There is no gain or loss. At How mine pay-limit is 2.67g/t.
Development is the opening driven horizontal for the purpose for the purpose of either
exploitation or exploration.
Payable ore is the ore of the value at least equal to that value determined as the relevant pay limit.
Ore reserve is an estimate of tonnage and specific mineral content of payable ore adequately
exposed by the mining operations at the date of computation.
Cut-off Grade: is the lowest ore purity that can be exploited/extracted economically.(Annels
Assay plan - the plan showing the proposed site where the new structure is to be erected.
Claims plan: the plan showing the mining lease area and any other additional claims.
Draughting film: the drawing paper in a plastic-like format on which survey plans are drawn.
Month end measuring: it is where by an accurate measurement of all work done in the previous
month is made and reported on.
SG : Specific Gravity.

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How Mine is situated about 35km southeast of the city of Bulawayo in Matabeleland South
Province, in the Bulawayo Mining District of Zimbabwe (grid reference 853540). The location is
at an altitude of about 1,250m above sea level. The mine is linked with the city of Bulawayo by a
narrow tarred road that branches from Old Esigodini road and serviced by the Joshua Mqabuko
International Airport (Bulawayo International Airport). Disused gravel roads and foot path connect
the mine with the local communities and commercial farming areas. The area covered by the lease
was surveyed and declared to be 2 587 hectares shown below:

Figure 2.0: How mine lease area along How shear zone (Source: How mine in-house document)
How mine is situated in the Umzingwane Formation of the Bulawayo Greenstone belt. This
formation occupies the area in the broad centre of an almost triangular greenstone belt that tapers
to the southeast and links with the Filabusi greenstone belt to the east.
The lithological units characteristic of the Umzingwane Formation include clastic metasediments,
fine-grained tuffaceous rocks, banded shale and siltstones, ferruginous cherts (BIF), rhyodacites
and andesitic lavas. This assemblage has been subjected to metamorphism of lower greenschist
facies and high grade deformation up to amphibolite facies and in places up to granulite facies.
High grade deformation is found associated with the lower greenstones and also localized at
contacts with intrusions and within shear zones.

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The setting of the volcaniclastic sediments is thought to be a rift-type basin, possibly fault
bounded. Part of the deformation in the Upper Greenstones affecting the Umzingwane Formation
was due to the intrusion of diapiric granites like the Esigodini granite to the east and the Matopo
granite to the west. The effect of this deformation phase was significant shortening, thrusting and
Rocks within the Umzingwane Formation are strongly deformed with shortening in the northeast-
southwest direction, parallel to direction of compression force of higher magnitude and extension
along a northwest-southeast axis perpendicular to compression. The How and Umzingwane shears
are oriented in this direction. The regional geology map of the Bulawayo Greenstone belt is shown
in Figure 5 below.



Figure 2.1: Regional geology (Source: How mine in-house document).

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All of the formations in the map above are constitutes in the Bulawayan Supergroup and are
subdivided into Upper Greenstones and Lower Greenstones. This forms the following
stratigraphic column:
Table: 1.0 Stratigraphy of the Bulawayo greenstone belt (Garson, 1991)
UPPER GREENSTONES TORNBRIDGE Mafic- ultramafic volcanic
(Shamvaian-sediments UMZINGWANE Clastic metasediments, BIFs, shale,
dominated) felsites
(calci-alkaline dominated) KESINGTON (East) meta-andesitic lavas and flow-
(Basaltic and komatitic UMGANIN Mafic metavolcanic rocks
dorminated) WESTARCE Clastic & calcareous metasediments
with minor BIFs
LOWER GREENSTONES LONSDALE Calc-alkaline metavolcanics
VREIGEVEIGHT Mafic- ultramafic metavolcanics,
BIF and calc-silicate rocks
Tornbridge formation: consists of extrusive metabasalts, basal metakomatiites and associated
with sills and dykes of metadolerite and metagabbro, some of which are intrusive into the
underlying Umzingwane formation. The contacts between the two formations are not well exposed
and those recognizable are strongly tectonized making it difficult to establish the stratigraphical
Umzingwane formation: consists of the ferruginous cherts (BIF), rhyodacites clastic
metasediments, fine-coarse grained tuffaceous rocks, banded shale , siltstones, andesitic lavas and
some dolerite dykes in places noted underground but are barren (not mineralised). .
Avalon formation: comprises of a 3-km wide largely rhyodacitic dome and is also with associated
andesitic and rhyodacitic breccias. This formation is made up of Calc-alkaline metavolcanics.

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Kensington formation: mainly comprises of meta-andesitic lavas and flow-breccias.
Sauerdale formation: consists of a suite of metamorphosed ultramfiic and mafic rocks ranging in
composition from peridotitic or pyroxenite or komatite to magnesia-rich basalt and theoleitic
Umganin formation: mainly comprises of metabasalts and intercalated high-magnesia metabasalts
with both rock types commonly pillowed.
Westarce formation: Clastic and calcareous metasediments with minor BIFs.
Lonsdale: consist of calc-alkaline metavolcanics.
Vreigeviht Formation- mainly comprises of stripped amphibolitic gneisses consisting of highly
deformed volcanic pyroclastic and subordinate mixed pyroclastic-epiclastic rocks with altered
mafic volcanic rocks.
How mine is located in the Umzingwane formation of the Bulawayo greenstone belt. The mapping
of the local area established the following sequence from southwest to northeast: Talc chlorite
schist, laminated black shale, silicate facies BIF, tuffaceous units and siltstone (see Fig 2.2).

Figure 2.2: Local geology (Source: How mine in-house document)

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Several ore zones occur as an en echelon array of parallel and steeply plunging linear shoots and
these shoots are confined within an extensional right-stepping, northerly trending strike-slip
duplex. Faulting has followed preferred lithological contacts. Mineralization is dominated by a
pyrite-gold association and occurs as disseminations. Alteration is widespread and dominated by
carbonation, silicification, and propylitic alteration. In the north area of the mine, ore zones are
developed within the fault-bounded tuff unit (e.g., the north 180 ore zone) and in the south the ore
zones are parallel to the Hanging-wall fault-shear zone and transgress major lithologic contacts.
The occurrence of felsic porphyry intrusions and mafic dykes in the quarries is also expressed in
exposures underground. The disposition of the quarries show that the ore channel locally
transgresses lithological boundaries and is therefore not strictly strata-bound. There are no big
mines in the immediate environs of How Mine though several small, narrow reef old workings do
exist especially within the mining lease area. All the old workings are currently inactive but are
targets for off-mine exploration.
The outline expressed by the quarries provides a hint of structural controls that are believed to be
responsible for the localisation of the mineralisation at How Mine. The main control is believed to
be an extensional duplex whose long axis is along the direction of extension. Previous models
suggesting that the ore was stratabound within felsites and syngenetic are now disregarded because
of the transgressive nature of mineralisation. The felsites are in fact, propylitised tuffs. Prominent
shears are evident on hangingwall and footwall contacts of the ore channel and these represent the
principal shears of the duplex system. Orebodies are elliptical in plan, strike north-south and dip
steeply around 800 to the west, with a steep northerly plunge. The major orebodies are the 300N,
180N, 400N and 10S, which have a combined strike length of about 500m.
A waste or low-grade parting separates the 300N and 180N zones and this becomes narrower at
depth and from below 20 Level is 5 to 10m wide (see Appendix for How mine long section). Where
this occurs the two orebodies were combined into a single entity for resource evaluation purposes
between 20 level and 24 level with a maximum width of 55m. Between 24 level and 26 level, the
waste parting between the 300N and 180N was left intact. This is as a result of the
recommendations by the Rock Mechanics consultant in mid 2012 and resource evaluation was
done accordingly. However, between 26 level and 28 level the 300N and 180N orebodies merged
and currently are being mined as one orebody. In general the orebody width is not always constant.
Current information generated from deep drilling indicates the orebodies gradually taper in width
with depth and becomes shallower deep around 60.

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The deposit shows significant hydrothermal alteration that is frequently associated with sulphide
mineralisation. Strong carbonation, silicification and in extreme cases propylitisation occur
together with sulphides. Pyrite is the dominant sulphide (90%), with much less chalcopyrite and
occasional pyrrhotite present. Chalcocite and arsenopyrite have also been reported. Ore
microscopy has shown that gold is associated with a late generation of pyrite and chalcocite. The
site of the gold mineralisation is either in fractures within the sulphides or on sulphide grain
surfaces. The ore was formed by hydrothermal solutions migrating along structurally controlled
channels predominantly caused by an extensional thrust duplex with its long axis parallel to the
direction of extension.
The current underground exploration drilling between 26 and 28 level has identified another
orebody namely 400N situated to the north of 300N. Another orebody, 350N was discovered
between the 300N and the 400N on strike. During evaluation drilling other two small orebodies
were discovered namely the 320N and 330N located also between the 300N and 400N but found
on the far western side.
Information at hand shows that 400N and 350N have the same geological characteristics as the
other known orebodies. However, current evaluation work focuses on establishing the orebodies
down dip extension below 26 level. This discovery was thought to serve as a strong confirmation
of the extensional duplex theory. The mineralised zones at How Mine have sharp grade boundaries
that in most cases can be defined with confidence.
However current mapping at 28 level 10m carried out by the Student, R. Muzulu (Senior
Geologist) and Mr G. Sibanda (Student supervisor and also Section Geologist) established
presence of some positive flower structures (faults) which are evidence of transpression which
occur at strike slip fault zones making it more complicated to establish a proper orebody model.
The method employed is sub-level open stoping because of the structurally competent steeply
dipping orebody (about 80) . It involves parallel long-hole drilling and draw point loading. Ore
from stoping operations breaks into a common slot, which develops into a stope on retreat. Main
levels are about 35m vertically apart whilst sub-levels are developed at 10m vertical intervals and
intersect with the slot raises.

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Figure 2.3: Underground long section showing mining method following orebodies.
This was covered prior to arrival at the mine; it involves general introductions to all departments
so as to get a brief know how of what How mine is mining, processes involved in each and every
department, the main roles of these departments and the standards that guides all activities being
done. The following departments were covered during induction:
a) Security Department
The security department has the ultimate responsibility of safe guarding the mines assets and
property. The Chief Security Officer heads the department. Security personnel are deployed to
critical and strategic points within the mine premises. The roles of this department includes:
development, maintenance, implementation of the mines security policies, vetting of new
employees, issuance of staff ID cards and investigation of acts of misconduct which have criminal
b) SHEQ Department
It deals with Safety, Health, Environment and Quality control, guided by three international
1. OHSAS 18001: deals with Occupational Health Safety Assessment Specification. It covers
identification of hazards, risks to human life and controls. Activity procedures must always be
followed (no short cuts) to ensure no injury at work and no health compromise to all the workers.

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2. ISO 14001: is an international standard for environmental management. Three significant
parameters of the environment were identified at how mine which include land degradation, air
and water pollution management. It also includes waste disposal management, spillages and re-use
for waste reduction as a solution to pollution.
3. ISO 9001: deals with quality management which is the fitness for use with satisfaction of the
end user in this case the product managed its quality being gold and the end user being the buyer
on the market. It also ensures a systematic and reliable approach so as to prevent stakeholders
dissatisfaction, occupational injuries, ill health and pollution as this result in increase in loses.
c) Human Resources Department
The Human Resources Manager is the head of this department. The department is responsible for
ensuring that the mine has an adequate (qualitatively and quantitatively), motivated and disciplined
workforce at any given time. Functions of the department include recruitment and selection,
training and development, industrial relations, performance management and compensation. The
department is also responsible for employees health and welfare. The other sections in the
department are:
Clinic provision of primary health services to employees and their dependents
Community Services responsible for housing and welfare services
LDV Country Club a social and recreational facility for senior staff.
d) Finance Department
The administration department is headed by the Finance Manager and is responsible for all
financial accounting and cost management functions of the Mine. The department has six sections
of which the student was inducted which include: Main Accounts (which consolidates all financial
transactions); Stores (stock control of all inputs and raw materials the mine acquires from external
sources); Buying (sources the raw materials from suppliers); Creditors (liaises with suppliers and
monitors account status); Time Office (process junior employee salaries, time sheets and overtime
claims for payroll purposes) and I.T departments (which does procurement; installation and
maintenance of information and communication technology).
e) Technical Service Department
The department is headed by the Technical Services Manager and the sections are under this
department include Geology, Survey and Assay headed by the Resident Geologist, Chief Surveyor
and Chief Assayer respectively.
Geology- It oversees the direction of mining activities by exploring, analyzing samples and then
advising the mining department on which areas to direct their efforts in the extraction of ore.

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It also determines and assesses ore extracted daily, ore sent to the plant, grade control and
estimating the life the mine.
Survey- Generates accurate information of surface and underground workings through surveying;
develops and updates working plans and is also responsible for draughting.
Assay- Samples are received from geology for assessment and grade determination. Samples are
initially dried of all moisture in a drying room before being crushed and pulverized into finer
particles. Samples undergo a rigorous process until the amount of gold in each sample can be
measured and recorded. These statistics are sent back to geology then mining to advise on mining
f) Metallurgical Department
The metallurgy department is headed by the Metallurgical Manager and oversees the reduction of
ore to gold through the following processes.
Crushing- Ore is trammed from the North Shaft to the plant where it undergoes through primary
crushing (jaw crusher), secondary crushing and tertiary crushing (barmac crusher).
Grinding- Ore is fed into the mill together with steel balls and water, the mill is run at 80% the
critical speed.
Thickening- Cyclone overflow is de-watered in the thickeners and the underflow from the
thickener is pumped to the CIP plant. In the first CIP tank, cyanide and oxygen are added into the
leach pulp whilst in the last tank activated carbon is added and allowed to flow with the pulp.
Elution- The loaded carbon is then transferred to the elution column where the carbon is stripped
of gold. The gold is brought to solution and elctrowinned.
Smelting- Gold from the cathodes from electro winning is collected and smelting is done in a
Stages of ore processing flow diagram

Figure 3.0: Processing of ore to gold bullion (Sourced from How mine in-house document).

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The department is headed by the Underground Manager and is responsible for the extraction of ore
from underground. Mining Method is sub-level open stoping (shown above). The roles include
mine planning and designing, development, production drilling at stopes done by enlarging slot
Headed by the Engineering Manager, this is a service department which consists of four main
sections i.e. mechanical engineering (underground and surface), electrical engineering, planned
maintenance and the transport section. The major objective of the department being to ensure that
user department has functional machinery and equipment through repairs and servicing.
Diamond drilling is used as an exploration and evaluation tool both underground and on surface.
Exploration drilling at How mine is done by a Contractor (currently stopped) where as evaluation
drilling is done by the How mine drilling team using a pressure powered U3-9B drilling machines.
The student covered evaluation drilling only because the construction of the exploration drilling
chamber is still under construction at 28 Level to explore orebodies below 28 level. Evaluation
drilling holes at How mine are oriented East-West at ~ 0 degrees to intersect the orebody across
the N-S strike and is done in 2m x3m cubbies. The drilled holes are at an interval of 15m as shown
in figure below.

Figure 4.0: Evaluation drill holes interval, location and orientation relative to orebody strike

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Drilling was covered between 26 level and 28 level production areas. Drilling is done in cubbies
where there is enough space to rig the machine and at 15m intervals in most cases unless or
otherwise decision is made to drill certain holes in a specific direction for the desired result/output.
Evaluation drilling is done as a form of infill drilling for gaining more information about our
orebodies to that gained through exploration drilling. Exploration holes are too spaced due to the
drilling being too expensive thus in-house drilling is done using the Kempe U3-9B. The following
drilling types are involved in evaluation drilling explained further in this report:
(I) Conventional Diamond Drilling
(ii) Continuous Coring
7.1.1 Purpose of drilling
The following are the main objectives of diamond drilling at How mine:
Ore reserve estimation and evaluation.
Mineral exploration and development.
Delineating orebody geometry and directing mining.
Obtaining geologic information at depth such as rock types, faults, lithologies and extend
of deformation.
Mine planning and design.
Geotechnical behavior of orebodies.
7.1.2 Kempe U3-9B main parts and their functions:

Jack Bar
Main Body

Feed Screw

Figure 4.1: The student drilling underground using a Kempe U3-9B.

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Table 2.0 Kempe U3-9B main parts and their functions
CHUCK Consist of a chuck head with jaws that grip the rods and align them at the
centre into the hole and a feed screw with the rotary motion drives the rods and
bit to bore the rock.
AQ RODS These are 1,5m cylindrical pipes that are used to drive the bit and to recover
JACK BAR Vertical support to mount the machine and has a jack bar extension which can
be connected for places with lager heights
WATER BOX Consists of a water inlet which supplies water travelling outside the rod to cool
the crown and drill bit. The gaskets restrict backflow of water
SILENCER It is used for reducing the effect of noise produced by the machine during
REAMER SHELL Maintains the diameter of the hole and stabilizing the crown.
LUBRICATOR 5l tank of oil used to lubricate and cool the rotary blades in the machine
FEED SCREW It makes rods advance and move through the feed inside the rock with the
rotary motion as the bit bore the rock.
ROD PULLER Used for pulling drill rods from, or re-inserting drill rods into drill hole.

7.1.3 Procedure
The procedure applies to the standards for site set up, drilling, core recovery, quality of diamond
drill core recovered, laying out of core and core boxes transportation in accordance to How Mine
A: Planning
Office planning- This serves as a crucial first step as diamond drilling is costly and
unplanned errors may lead to loss both financially and physically. This involve deciding
where to carry out the drilling for exploration and evaluation, drawing the sketches to show
what it should intersect and general overview of the expected results.
Physical planning- The machine is transported to the site along with drill rods. The driller
must confirm with the miner of the section that proper re-entry has been done and
completed. Also inspect the area to be drilled and be satisfied that the area is indeed safe to
work in. The driller and the assistants must put proper PPE. The driller must also make sure
they brought all the spanners and tools.

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B: Safety procedure before drilling
(I) Pre-task risk assessment
The first step is to carry out a pre-task risk assessment. This stage of procedure consists of
identification of hazards at the site, the risks and the controls or measures to be taken.
(ii) Safety Considerations on Rigging and transporting the machine.
Before any rigging can be carried out there should be enough working place in the cubbies (2m x
3m); ensure a proper pre-task risk assessment has been done and there should be adequate labour
of at least 3 or 4 people and at least 6 people are needed to transport the machine from one level to
another. The standard for transporting and equipment involve use of hemp ropes on ladders for
C: Rigging the machine
This involved the setting up of the drilling machine in correct position and orientation to the hole
to be drilled. This included the following steps:
Ensure that Hole ID is clearly marked on face of excavation and align the machine parallel
to the marked direction drawn on the roof and face.
Ensure the distance between the chuck head and the face to be not more than 1.3m to avoid
failure of rods at coupling points.
Place a timber on the ground for positioning and rigging of the jack bar and another timber
on top of the bar for safe gripping when the machine vibrates during drilling.
The jack screws are tightened and the bar is checked before the machine and rod puller is
mounted. The jack bar extension was used to counteract the height at 28L10 Dr N/ Hole
number 33 which was greater than the length of the jack bar.
Tighten the machine clamp, securely to the jack bar to avoid slipping of the machine body
and to counteract for excessive machine vibration.
Water and compressed air hoses were connected to pipes and safety chains or slings were
mounted on pressure connections to eliminate the risk of the hose bursting.
A check list was completed which involved checking machine oil levels, confirming if all
connections have been properly done such as the compressed air hoses, if they are securely
mounted to the machine with safety chains, water pressure, and the present condition of the
machine during start of the shift amongst others (see Appendix).
From the lubricator to the machine the length of the hose must be 3m to allow enough oil to
reach the machine at the right time. The oil cools the machine, lubricates the coupling keys
in the motor and the moving parts in the housing.

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D: Drilling and operation of the machine
Drilling involves two main methods which are conventional drilling done during collaring of the
hole and continuous drilling.
I. Conventional drilling (Collaring)
The process involve starting of the hole using starting core barrel which is ~0,8m and NX bit
connected to the core barrel. A hole is collared to a depth of ~ 30-45 cm. Core is retrieved during
collaring from the core barrel. A water swivel/ hose is inserted at the back of the rod, and water
flow in through the inner part of the rod then cools the NX black impregnated crown and flow out
through the outer part of the core barrel during collaring. There is no use of the water box and the
standing steel pipe but these are placed into the hole after a desired depth of the hole has been
II. Continuous drilling
A standing steel pipe and water box set are inserted. Water enters into the water box through to the
standing steel pipe into the hole. The water flows outside the rod and is used to cool the AXT 28Z
crown used during continuous drilling and also pushes the core to the back of the rod which is then
recovered (see Appendix). Continuous coring is done without the removal of rods.
Diamond drilling generally involves the following steps:
The Rod line is passed through the feed screw, water box and the standing steel pipe to the
point where the hole ended during collaring.
The water box is then screwed to ensure that no water is lost by backflow during drilling.
The water hose is connected to the water box.
The machine is started at a low gear and engaging to higher ones if situations warrants.
The speed of movement is controlled by gears 1 to 4. Gear 1 and 2 are used on competent
rocks whereas 3 and 4 are used on softer rocks.
When changing gears; stop the machine, loosen the chuck head, hold the hand wheel
tightly and change to the gear required.
While drilling commences the core is pushed out of the rod by water inside the rods and
collected at end of the rod line if there is enough water pressure.
Ensure that there is enough water for cooling the bit and in hole equipment; removal of
sludge and core. Sludge causes core blocking and difficulty in drilling.
Pulling the rods was done using a rod puller and a wrench spanner is used for uncoupling
the rods.

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7.1.4 Core Handling
As the drilling assistant I was always on the lookout each time the machine was running. Core was
retrieved as soon as it comes out and all core retrieved was arranged in book reading fashion and
the core box placed in closest/next cubby during drilling activity. At the end of shift a core block
was placed indicating Hole ID, advances, hole depth, recoveries and a daily return form was then
completed and submitted to the supervisor before the start of next shift which include amount of
oil used, check list results, with reasons for delay ( if any).
7.1.5 House keeping
This involved keeping the surrounding working place/site clean and free from pollution during
drilling activity. A trench was opened at each site to ensure no accumulation of water during
drilling at the drilling site. As part of housekeeping, all rods were greased and laid on top of H
frames after the shift. Other drilling accessories and tools were neatly stored at one point, away
from walkways especially in the next cubby after the shift.
7.1.6 Core transportation and layering
At the end of shift, core was transported carried in core boxes and only core boxes that were full
were transported to the core shed. Transportation of the core from underground to the core shed
was done efficiently without mixing up or losing any of the core in transit. Core was laid in the
correct order in the core trays at the core yard and end of holes (EOH) were indicated correctly on
blocks or core.
7.1.7 Drilling Efficiencies
During drilling and after drilling, care was taken to ensure that actual drilling was only done by
competent drillers so that the core is of highest quality. Core boxes were empted and cleaned
before use to avoid mixing and contamination. Correct arrangement of core in trays as well as
recording correct measurements in terms of depth, core recovery, core loss or gain on core block
was done to ensure high efficiency of drilling. Any breakdown, worn out of crowns and rods were
reported by the drillers to the Supervisor. The reasons for any delays were also noted for
continuous improvement of the drilling process.
7.1.8 Drilling results
The results of all shifts are recorded in the following manner showing the date, location, end, start,
advance, any reasons for delay (if advance is less than 4m) and oil used:

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Table 1: Format of drilling shift results reported to the Section Geologist by the Student:
Date Hole ID End(m) Start(m) Advance(m) Recovery(m) Reasons for delay Oil
15-02-17 28L10\33Dr N 1,15 0,00 1,00 0,50 Rigging &collaring 1
16-02-17 28L10\33Dr N 8,15 4,15 4,00 3,00 Hard rock encountered 3
21-02-17 27L\23Dr S 22,85 18,70 4,15 4,00 low water pressure 3
07-03-17 28L20\14Dr N - - - - Transporting &re-entry -
7.1.9 Observations and recommendations made:
Diamond drilling is a critical stage in upgrading inferred, measured and indicated mineral
resources to proved and probable mineral reserves. I recommend frequent machine maintenance
to increase efficiency, thus minimum delays.
Spare parts such as wrench spanners, rod pullers and core boxes needs to be replaced as wrench
spanners are now worn out (causing machine operators to lend each other); rod pullers are no
longer clamping (substituted by pulling rods using wrench spanners which is time consuming
and not safe) and core boxes are worn out (increasing chances of core mixing). Immediate
action need to be considered to address the above as it affects production negatively.
I also recommend that low water pressure causing delay during drilling and burning crowns due
to poor cooling to be solved by replacing main feeder pipes with water pipes of lager diameter
or creating separate shifts between drillers and jackhammer operators to reduce pressure from
too many machines drawing water from one main feeder water pipe.

Sampling is a process whereby a portion of representative material (sample) is extracted from a
larger amount for analysis. At How mine three different sampling techniques are used. The portion
is referred to as the sample and has to be directly representative of the whole part of where it has
been extracted from. The main objectives of sampling are for grade control and production
tracking purposes. The following points are two general and main reasons for sampling:
a) For long term planning of the mine, directing mining to be done within the orebody limits
and for calculation of ore reserves.
b) For day to day assessment of the ore being sent to the mill for mineral processing.
Sample details are documented in sampling and assay report-files and plotted on level assay plans,
which form the basis for the Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves estimation process.

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7.2.1 General purpose of sampling
Grade control
Ore reserve estimation and evaluation.
Mineral exploration and development.
Directing mining to mine within orebody limits
Mine planning.
7.2.2 Types of sampling
The student collected the following sample types which are used at How Mine for grade control
and evaluation purposes which include:
Channel samples taken on the roof of the drive or sidewall of a cross-cut.
Hand chipping samples taken at stopes
Grab samples are mainly taken from active draw-points and/or at stock piles
The student covered draw point sampling at 26 level and 28level whereas channel sampling and
hand chipping was done for development ends between 26 level and 28 level. Grab sampling was
done at the North shaft stock pile.
7.2.3 Procedure
The procedure applies to the standards for site set up, sampling preparation and stages followed
during sampling, recording of sampling results, sketching of sampled areas or face and
transportation of samples to assay laboratory in accordance to How Mine standards.
A: Planning
Office planning- This served as a crucial first step to ensure all development ends, stopes,
roofs, active draw points and stock piles are sampled in time. This involves deciding where
to carry out the sampling for all the three shifts at the mine and the distribution of work
Physical planning- This included confirming with the miner of the section that proper re-
entry has been done and completed. The gang leader and the co-samplers ensured that
proper PPE required which include a hard hat, ear plugs, safety goggles, overall, gumboots,
PVC gloves, cap lamp belt, lap lamp, oil suit, safety chains and respirators needed with
respect to the type of sampling being done was put on.
B: Sampling preparation procedure
Each sampling method must begin with a safety talk and a pre-task risk assessment, ensuring
availability of all necessary equipment for the work to be carried out and cleaning equipment to
avoid sample contamination

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C: Equipment used for sampling

Carrier bag Carrier bag

50m tape measure

Hammer & chisel

Sampling trough

Clean sample bags

Paint and brush

Figure 5.0: Equipments used for channel and chip sampling

Grab sampling: Sampling pan, Sampling bucket, Gloves, Pencil, Notebook, Sample bags,
clean canvas and a Sample ticket book.
Channel sampling: Chisel, Tape measure, Sampling pan, Diamond Saw Cutter, Sample
ticket book, Sample bags, Chalk, Goggles, Gloves, Pencil and Notebook.
Chip sampling: Chisel, Sampling pan, Wire brush, Gloves, Goggles, Tape measure,
Chalk, Sample bags and a Sample ticket book.


There are two types of grab sampling which include:

i. Draw point sampling

Draw point sampling was carried out by the student at 26 level and 28 level active draw-points.
The results were used for grade control and production tracking purposes during tramming. These
samples were taken to give an indication and provide a record of the quality of ore sent to the

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Active Drawpoints

Figure 5.1: 26 level and 28 level active drawpoints

Required PPE include: Overall, gumboots, PVC Gloves, dust respirator, ear plugs and goggles.
Draw point sampling procedure
Carrying out a pre-task risk assessment.
Cleaning sampling equipments i.e. buckets, sample bags and sampling trough to avoid
Sampling buckets were placed away from the trammed draw point and closed to avoid
flying rocks from entering during secondary blasting.
A sample was collected from at least three points including centre of each Granby car as
shown below:

Figure 5.2: The student picking samples from each granby car during drawpoint sampling

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During sampling, the student and the draw-point sampler visually inspected the ore that
was being trammed for sulphide mineralization, any diluting material to determine whether
it is high grade or low grade and noted the estimations in the note book.
After every load or few loads water the ore at the draw-point, visually inspect it and took
note of observations.
Coning and Quartering was carried out; the bulk sample collected throughout the shift
was placed in a bag and thoroughly mixed.
After mixing, the sample was divided into four even quarters, then two opposite sides of
the quarters were discarded and the other two were remixed, quartered again until we
remained with a suitable sample size.

Figure 5.3: Coning and Quartering

The remaining sample was then put in a clean sample bag with a ticket.
The percentage of boulders versus fines in the Granby car was recorded and an average
estimate of the total percentage boulders that was trammed per shift was recorded on the
daily return sheet together with the total number of Granby cars trammed per shift.
Estimate the grade of the trammed percentage of boulders to that of fines highlighting
whether they are high grade or low grade.
A submission form was completed, then samples were transported and submitted to Assay

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ii. Stock pile sampling
This is also a type of grab sampling method where samples are picked representing the whole
stock pile. The student covered stock pile sampling on surface at the North Shaft stock pile. It
involves the following stages:
A pre-task risk assessment was carried out.
Ensure that all sample bags are clean to avoid contamination.
Ensure that all report sheet forms and equipment is available.
A stockpile sketch (Refer to Appendix) is drawn and samples are collected to cover the
whole stock pile at 2m intervals.
Samples were collected and put in a clean sample bag
Sample tickets were put in each sample bags and the sample ticket numbers were plotted on
the sketch diagram.
The sketch diagram was checked for any mistakes or omissions, completely labeled
indicating the North and samples were counted to suit the number of samples on the sketch
Submission forms were completed and samples were transported and submitted to Assay


The groove is the one referred to as the channel

Figure 5.4: Underground channel sampling (Roof) using a diamond saw cutter

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This method is done on the roofs of drives and haulages and at the side walls of crosscuts. It is
done for all development ends and stopes (where slyping is in progress) soon after the exposure of
the rock to avoid increase in contamination from dust. Channel samples are used in the reserve and
resource evaluation process.
Required PPE include: Hardhat, ear plugs, goggles, overall, PVC gloves, Cap lamp belt,
carrier bags, respirator, and safety chain
Channel sampling procedure using a diamond saw cutter
Sampling was done in all drives and cross cuts (X/C). On X/C samples were collected on both side
walls at 1m interval irrespective of geological boundaries .On all drives channel spacing of 4m
consecutive sample section which are parallel. Sampling interval of 1m irrespective of lithology on
each section for all channel samplings methods (see Appendix sampling sketch diagrams). The
sampling stages included:
Ensuring re-entry has been properly done and completed before entering the area to be
Diamond saw cutter operator to compile the machine checklist.
Blowing the compressed air hose to remove obstacles and secured it properly with clamps.
The same was done for water hose and we examined the face and made sure it was clean by
washing down using running water and wire brush.
Marked the sample channel (in drives perpendicular to direction and in cross cuts parallel
Using a channel cutter cut a two parallel cuts along edge of markings. The grove should be
on 20mm wide and 30mm deep.
Used a chisel to extract a sample and clean the sampling pan between samples.
Assigned ticket number to each sample and mark the sample interval and ID on sampled
A sketch of the sampled face area was drawn(refer to appendix).
Secure sample and put in a carrier bags.

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This sampling involves hand chipping method done at stopes. Face to be sampled must always be
cleaned before sampling and equipment to be cleaned after every sample collection. Stope-bench
samples were taken using chisel and hammer method as shown below and at a maximum sample
length of 1m:

Figure 5.5: Hand chipping at 28 level Haulage South

The samples were also taken at stopes where slyping is carried out to determine if slyping being
done within orebody limits. The sketches of the sampled stopes were plotted, using survey pegs as
reference points and labeled correctly showing all the stope measurements taken, sample numbers
at 1m interval and the final copies are stored in files for reference (see Appendix)
7.2.7 Sample transportation and submission to assay laboratory
Sample submission forms were filled and samples were packed into a secured sample bag to avoid
sample loss and mixing. The samples were then transported from the site to the surface and then
submitted to Assay laboratory.
7.2.8 Observations and recommendations for sampling:
Sampling for crosscuts and drives can also be done using hand chipping method in cases where the
diamond saw-cutter blades are worn out. Chipping produces a poor quality sample, thus I
recommend that How mine must keep spare parts in stock at all times. Too much recycling of
sample bags is being practiced which may be major source of contamination, thus the Mine must
avoid it by buying sample bags as frequent as possible.

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It is done for every activity done at How mine to ensure that quality and efficiency is achieved.
This was done through monitoring activities to ensure workers follow procedures without doing
any shortcuts to ensure efficient results. Quality Assurance (QA) refers to all planned, systematic,
administrative and procedural activities implemented so that requirements and goals or standards
of every process are met in this case the process being sampling. Quality Assurance ensures fitness
for use is obtained. Quality Control is the operational technique and activity used to fulfill/ satisfy
requirements for quality. It is the use of established procedures to achieve standards of
measurement for the three principal parameters of quality: accuracy, precision and contamination.
Accuracy: the degree to which the assayed result approximates the actual or standard or
true value. A very small error limit range is accepted because the true value is not known.
Precision: the measure of the closeness or repeatability of a certain set of values. It is
about the standard deviation of error of the assay result.
Contamination: involves introduction of any substance to a geological sample that is not
in the original composition of ore. This is assessed through the use of blank samples with
presence of ore already known to be below detection limit.
For diamond drilling QAQC is done to test for the efficiency of the machines in terms of meeting
budgeted meters for the month and also for oil consumption of the machine which is expected to
be 0,5litres per meter so that the target per month is met at a standard planned cost. For sampling
QAQC is done at How mine through the use of:
a) Standard sample: A quality assurance sample whose parameters are satisfied by a
recognised laboratory. At How mine these are prepared at Museka Laboratory.
b) Duplicate sample: A quality assurance sample send for assaying at the sample lab.
c) Blank sample: A quality assurance sample lacking parameters of interest. At How mine
there is no accredited blank sample thus we use a sample tested and produced less than 1g/t
known as How course.
7.3.1 Description of process or activity
This includes course blank samples that were used in every batch of the drawpoints samples per
every shift. At least five control pulp samples were submitted to the laboratory on a daily basis on
the order of geologists for spot checking of laboratory efficiency. Duplicate samples were used to
measure consistence (check precision), where as blank and standard samples were used to measure
precision and accuracy respectively. The five control pulp samples will be consisting of at least
one standard and/or blank which must not exceed 50g.

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a. Standard sample analysis
The standard samples at How mine are certified by S. Museka lab Consultancy Services and are
grouped into three different standard grade ranges: high grade (15.24 g/t), medium grade (8.55
g/t) and low grade (3.32 g/t) for exploration samples and for evaluation samples we were using:
high grade (8.16g/t), medium grade (6.23g/t) and low grade (5,61g/t). The ranges of grades are
known thus standards gives us an error limit on which decision can be made to either accept or
reject the results. The values are not constant, thus can change depending with the standards
prepared by the lab relative to the grade of ore sent.
A maximum of 3 standard samples are included per every 15 samples in order to measure the
accuracy of the analysis. The samples are in form of pulps and are sent to Assay as part of the
sample sequence.

Figure 6.0: CRM Analysis graph

Certified Reference Material (CRM) sample graphs are drawn to show expected grade values
against assayed samples. Using the Standard Deviation (SD) an analysis of the standard is
classified as pass if it plots between +2 SD and -2 SD of the certified mean. An analysis is
classified as a warning if it plots between +2 SD and +3SD or between 2SD and -3SD. An
analysis is classified as failure if it plots above +3SD and below -3SD and the whole sample
batch has to be re-assayed. In general the region between the upper limit and lower limit is known
as the acceptable range (10% range), thus the whole batch of samples is regarded as passed if
90% of the samples plot in the 10% acceptable range. They are regarded as failure if more than
10% plots above and/or below the upper and lower limits respectively.

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b. Duplicate Analysis.
Duplicates analysis at How mine was done using a sample from the same source which must have
been collected at the same shift to check for precision. This is done by thoroughly mixing and
splitting the same sample into 4 samples which are send to Assay and is currently done on daily
basis because our grade is not uniform due to dilutions from blocks that collapsed at 24 level
during pillar reclamation. The assumption will be to get the same value for both the original
sample and duplicate sample. The results are used to calculate field precision and analytical error.
If the two values (original versus duplicate) are close to each other, it shows high precision and
degree of accuracy. The diagram below shows that there is high precision and accuracy shown by
the fact that the original value is very close to the duplicate. The following diagram shows an
analysis carried out by the student for the month of February 2017.

Duplicate Chart Comments

79% of all the duplicates used were in the 90%
range of precision.
92% of the duplicates between 3 4.2 g/t
(range of
ROM grade) were in the 90% range.
The student attended the monthly QAQC
meeting between the Assay lab, Geology and
Metallurgy which was held in an effort to
improve on sample repeatability to enhance
the quality of all assays done by the laboratory.

Figure 6.1: Duplicate chart analysis for February 2017

c. Blanks
There is no accredited blank sample at How mine thus we use a sample known as How coarse. It
is a sample which was once assayed and produced less than 1.0 g/t, thus it is usually used for draw
point samples. The batch is considered as failed if the How coarse produces a grade higher that

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a) Data capture
All capturing of assay results from sampling was done on master plans, into Vulcan database and
some in form of reports and presentation. This was done after a quality assurance has been done.
The student engaged in the capturing of data on plans where the grade between 0 2.67g/t is
represented in green/black/blue ink and anything above 3g/t was recorded using red ink,
representing high grade zones. Data stored on Vulcan data was stored in CSV format. Different
techniques were used to store data on Vulcan onto the Vulcan Computer which include digitizing
(on screen and on table), ASII import, import from other systems (DXF) and direct capture on data
sheets. Daily activity report from various activities and log sheets was also stored in different
activities files.
b) Data validation
Data validation was achieved through physical checking and correcting of all input data to ensure
completeness and integrity of the captured data elements. Transcription errors are also checked,
identified and corrected through direct comparison of the captured data with the data sources. The
Vulcan program was also used to correct errors such as location and elevation by inspecting,
verifying and correcting of positions.
Two types of mapping practice was covered by the student which include: Underground mapping
done between 27 level and 28 level (see appendix) and Surface mapping done at Three Castle.
Underground mapping is the recording of geological features exposed in underground excavations.
This information is then used to determine geological, structural the controls, behavior of
orebodies and also used in assessing ground conditions and stability. At How mine this
information is recorded in the field notebooks and scaled graph paper and then transferred onto a
geological plan at a scale of 1:200. Purpose of underground mapping
At How mine, mapping is done for the following purposes:
Produce geological and structural maps.
As an evaluation and exploration tool.
Help to come up with a model for orebody.
For grade control (monitoring that mining is within orebody limits).
For planning.

Page | 37 Equipment Used:
Clip board, pencil, clearly labeled and marked base plan, 50m & 5m tape measures, rubber,
compass, geological hammer, Clinorule. Procedure
The procedure followed for mapping includes:
Check with the miner or official responsible for the section if the area is safe.
Carried out the pre-task risk assessment.
Ensured that all the equipment needed were present including Level or sub-level base map.
Identify the target area and carry out reconnaissance survey to appreciate the overall view
of the geology of the area before mapping begins. Label the direction, scale and name of
level on the base map.
Mark base map with survey pegs and known features in the sub level.
Use 2 adjacent survey pegs ,as reference points, lay the 50m tape measure between the 2
pegs and measure and record the following:
Using survey pegs as reference points lay the 50m tape measure along the drive/area we
were mapping.
The following components were checked, measured and recorded during mapping as we
proceed along the drive above the height of 1m on face:
o Changes in lithologies was noted and recorded.
o Lithological contacts and types (whether gradational or sharp or lit par lit or structural
o Mineralization, joint scale, joint infill and fractures.
o Orientations of lithological contacts and structures.
All measurements to be taken from at least 1m from floor of excavation.
Transfer all measurements and observation on geological plan. Observations for underground mapping at 27level and 28 level:
A: Description of Sulphide Mineralization in the field
At How mine, gold is found in association with sulphides such as Pyrite (90% of gold associated
with pyrite), Chalcopyrite, Pyrrhotite and minor in Arsenopyrite; hence sulphides indicates the
presence of gold.
They are classified into three classes which include:
Strongly mineralized rock: consist of fine grained disseminated sulphides (pyrite). Mainly
the rock type associated is an altered crystal tuff.

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A weakly mineralized rock: consists of course to medium grained sulphides which are
sparsely distributed. Mostly associated with rocks named crystal tuff and agglomerate tuff.
Poorly mineralized rocks: consist of very coarse grained sulphides which are widely
distributed. Sometimes the pyrites will be invisible to negligible. Rocks associated can be
agglomerate tuff, massive tuff and mafic dyke.
B: Description of contacts of altered zones and mineralized zones
Contacts are mainly identified on the roof of drives and cubbies for evaluation purposes
and help the geologist to direct development.
Contacts can be sharp which shows an immediate change or a clear cut of an
altered/mineralized rock from a non-mineralized rock.
Contacts can also be gradational changing which shows gradual changing zone from high
concentration of pyrites to low and finally to invisible.
A contact on the field should have strike (direction), dip and dip direction which is
recorded using a Brinton compass.
C: Description of lithological contacts
Can be gradational which shows a gradual change from one rock to another.
Sharp contacts include rapid change from one lithology to a different one.
At How mine this is used to classify or helps to identify the orebodies for example 400N
orebody is dominated by mafic tuff associated with Pyrite sulphides where as 320 N
orebody is dominated by Buff (grey) tuff or Agglomerate tuff associated mostly with
Pyrrhotite which gives very high grade underground. This helps in directing mining
especially decision making of areas where to put more efforts and for blending.
D: Description of joints and joint infill
Joint set 1- orientated NE-SW.
Joint set 2- oriented NW-SE.
Joint set 3- almost parallel to the N-S strike or along the major faults.
Random joints- horizontal joints
Joint infill at How mine is as a result of carbonation and/or silicification alterations.
The orientations were also put on the sketch.

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Table 3 shows how mine geo cording
Table 1.1
Shading Rock type Geo-cording
v v v v v Mafic dyke MDK
v v v v v
Mafic schist SCM
+ + + + + Grainte /diorite /granodiorite GRN / DIO
+ + + + +
o o o o o Aglomaratic tuff AGM
o o o o o
- - - - - - Black shale BSH
- - - - -
- .- .- .- Siltstone STN
.- .- ..- .

C C C C Chert CHT
Tuff (crystal & lithic or fine CTF /LTF
to medium grained)
Qtz Quartz porphyry QPO
. . . . . . . Sulphide mineralisation (pyrite,
. . . . . . . chalcopyrite&
Fault/joint- strike & dip and
dip direction


This generally serves as an initial stage to locate and delineate mineral resources on surface. This
was done around the Three Castle area and the following mapping guides were used during
Vegetation cover: This follows the fact that certain vegetation is associated with certain rock
type. Black shale low lying areas were associated with thorny bushes known locally as the Mserula
trees (Malawian name). This made it very easy to identify the contact between the areas with
black shale and other areas with other rock types as a clear demarcation was noticed through
disappearance of the Mserula thorny bushes as we move into other rock types.
Outcrops: rocks outcropping (see fig 7 below) noticed and a detail description was done in the
field notebook, GPS coordinates were recorded and orientations (where applicable) were recorded.

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Old workings: Three Castle is an area where mining was once done, thus many old workings were
used as reference pointers. This included the old shafts and lease area pegs which indicated the
proposed zones that are mineralized.
Soil change: This was mostly used as Black shale areas are associated with black soils and the
BIF areas have brown to reddish brown soil due to oxidation.
Beacons: Few beacons were identified on the base map and area. These were used also as
reference points especially when recording the data on the base map.
The map was drawn to a scale of 1:1500 and an area of 8km2 was covered (see Appendix).

Figure 7.0: Photograph showing a BIF outcrop at the hill top at Three Castle
The BIF outcrops are deeply weathered and oxidized but few bands of magnetite and chert are still

Fig A Fig B

Gabalozi River downstream direction

Figure 7.1: A- show the student carryout mapping equipments used.

B- Photograph taken along Gabalozi River near Three Castle.

Page | 41 Observations made during surface mapping:
The general regional strike is NW-SE similar to that of How mine. The rocks encountered during
making include the BIFs capping the stratigraphy and found at hill tops; black shale found in low
lying areas much exposed along Gabalozi river and metamorphosed to slate and schist as you
move closed to the dolerite dyke. Both the BIF and dolerite dyke have the same strike and are
parallel to each other (see Appendix).
Core logging is the systematic recording and measuring of as much information as required to
determine the geological and geotechnical information of the drilled core. These include lithology
(rock types), mineralogy, potential geological history, structures and alteration zones. It is
considered as the primary method of determining grade and size of a potential mineral deposit. The
information is recorded on a diamond drilling log sheet (refer to Appendix).
7.6.1 Equipment used for core logging
Log sheets or note book, Hammer, ticket book, Sample bags, sample submission forms,
clipboard, tape measure, brush, marker, pen and Hydrochloric acid.
7.6.2 Description of activity stages

(correct order & fit well)


(lithology, mineralisation)

(joints, infill, faults etc)

(at 1m interval into clean
sample bags)

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1. Core integrity- confirm that individual core runs are packed in correct order (book reading
pattern) and that core fit is achieved between runs and between successive core boxes.
2. Core recovery- the sum of measurable core recovered over one drill run length obtained from
the driller using the rod line measurements.
Recovery (%) = core recovered length (m)/Drill run length (m) x 100
Core loss or poor core recovery may be indicative of a weak zone (possible presence of a fault),
highly fractured zone (occurrence of open joints), and hence potentially poor geotechnical
conditions, which may be essential for determining rock mass properties.
NB: Currently at How mine there is no Rock Mass Rating being done due to unavailability of the
Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) value of rocks at the mine. The condition is worsened by the
fact that using world standards UCS values of rocks will be biased as many rocks are just
generalized to be tuffs i.e Geotechnical logging is just done and approximate the ground control
3. Meter Marking
Meter marks are applied to the core taking note of fracturing, grinding and bottom breaks. These
are used for references during core logging and core sampling to measure the depth of occurrence
of the feature being described.
This is done by starting with the first box with the start of hole and measure one meter intervals
starting from the where the hole begins including the starting core barrel. Mark with permanent
marker as shown below:

Figure 8: Student geologist putting 1m marks before core logging and core sampling.

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4. Geotechnical Logging
Geotechnical logging records information such as fractures, joints, veins, joint infill and joint
alterations and faults. It also includes fracture frequency, fracture condition whether the planes are
smooth or rough; description of joint infill (usually carbonated or silicified); rating and number of
fracture sets, hardness rated from very hard to soft, weathering rated from fresh to highly
weathered. The main purpose is to determine the rock stability of the drilled area. It also involves
Rock Mass Rating, the Q system for ground control purposes and coming up with an appropriate
ground control method. Currently at How mine it is not doing it due to the absence of uniaxial
compressive strength of the rocks. However ground control used is passive, taking advantage of
the rocks that is very competent but support is recommended whenever it is needed. The
information obtained is then used for mine design, mining method determination and support
5. Geological Logging
Geological logging involves identification of lithological changes with depth, noting and defining
contacts between rocks, alterations and identifying mineralised zones. Borehole details are
recorded on core log sheets during logging which includes hole. ID, location/elevation (x, y, z),
orientation and then geological description of core which includes the following:
a) Colour
- Leucocratic for light coloured rocks e.g. Crystal Tuff, Buff (grey) Tuff and rhyodacites.
- Mesocratic for medium coloured e.g. Dacite, granodiorite.
- Melanocratic for dark coloured rocks e.g. Mafic Tuff and Black Shale.
b) Grain size
-Aphanitic for fine grained.
- Phaneritic for coarse grained.
- Propylitic for rock with matrix and phenocrysts e.g. agglomeratic tuff
c) Alterations
Alterations usually observed are carbonation, chloritization, epidotisation and silicification.
Carbonation (calcite infill) and silicification (quartz infills) are usually confused as they alter
the core in a similar way and both occurs as stringers so hydrochloric acid is used to
differentiate the two as calcite reacts with HCL and quartz does not. Hardness of the two
minerals can also be used to differentiate the two as calcite has a hardness of 2 (scratched by
finger nail) and quarts a hardness of 5 and cannot be scratched by finger nail.

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Epidotisation is also partially confused with chloritization due to the greenish color resultant
of alteration but use of protolith mineralogy helps to differentiate between the two.
d) Structures-faults and joints (joint fill, joint type).
e) Lithology- different lithologies and contacts should be noted and the depth at which they
f) Mineralization- Degree of mineralization is determined by the visibility of sulphides. At
How Mine mineralization is dominated by a pyrite-gold association (90%) and they may
occur as disseminations, minor stringers or massive or banded and some aggregated or
also in planes. Other sulphides like chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite can be observed in the
core run. Sulphides can also be found as fine grained or coarse grained.
g) Contacts- different types of contacts are recorded and the depth at which they occur.
These are found as gradational, structural or sharp contacts.
NB: The geological cording used during core logging is the same as that used above for mapping.
6. Specific Gravity
At How mine we use a volumetric analysis method for calculation of specific gravity. Specific
gravity is measured as the weight of a rock compared to change in volume of water displaced by a
rock. The core samples are weighed using a digital scale and recorded on a diamond drill record of
specific gravity.
This is done by using a piece of core not less than 10cm is taken from every 1m of the core run.
The core is put in a beaker with water of known volume and displacement (final volume minus
initial volume) is calculated and recorded. Different rock types give different specific gravities due
to different masses of the minerals that compose the rock. To get specific gravity the following
formula is used:
S.G = mass/displacement
At How Mine specific gravity is also used to calculate tonnage of ore broken underground. This is
done by using the following:
Tonnage = Volume S.G
7.6.3 Core Sampling
Core sampling is the final step of core logging where the 1m core samples are put in clean sample
bags and submitted to Assay Lab for grade determination. This is an activity done with respect to
depth which will lead to orebody delineation (size and geometry), determination of the payability
levels of an ore-body (assay values) and results assisting in resource and reserve estimation. Core
sampling is done soon after logging.

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A new method is being implemented where sampling is also done at meter interval with respect to
lithology so as to accurately determine the lithologies hosting the mineralisation. At How mine
core sampling is done differently depending on the purpose of core:
i. For exploration core is split into equal halves where one sample is sent to the Assay and
another is kept for future reference.
ii. For evaluation the whole length (1m interval) is sent for assaying.
7.6.4 Procedure for core sampling:
Core is broken at 1m interval
Core pieces are placed in labeled sample bags with the sample I.D (tickets) inside.
The sample bags are packed neatly in a wheelbarrow.
Sample submission form is filled in and samples are taken to the assay lab
7.6.5 Observations and recommendations for core logging and sampling:
Core splitting is done only for exploration core at How mine, thus they must practice core
photography especially for evaluation core since it is not splitted so that it can be used for future
reference. The student also observed that geotechnical logging at How mine is more biased to
generalizing structure than doing the Rock Mass Rating (used to aid for ground control) due to the
uniaxial compressive strength not known (this is because of too much generalization of rock type
leading to many just be classified as Tuffs). I recommend the mine to ensure RMR is practiced to
reduce any possibility of a collapse event to occur such as the 24Level collapses of 2016 currently
affecting grade at 26 level drawpoints.


Grade control is a geological parameter used as a tool to assign broken/blasted material
underground according to payability limits at a particular period of time. Grade control at How
mine currently focuses on 26 Level to 28 Level activities which are the current mine production
areas. The main role of a geologist in grade control is to make sure the grade stays above the cut-
off grade on budget for that month at all times by reducing ore dilution and controlling tramming
of ore.
Blasted rocks must be moved to corresponding destinations for example waste to waste-pass and
ore to ore-pass to reduce dilution. According to Annels (1991)cut-off grade is the lowest ore purity
that can be exploited economically. The grade of the ore is not uniform especially at 26 Level due
to dilution from the blocks that collapsed; different ore sources have different grades, so the grade
must be controlled as part of the mining process.

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Currently grade control is very critical because grade is mostly affected by accumulation of ore
from end of last year collapse of pillars above 26 Level, thus affecting mostly 26L draw points.
Grade control also involves the mapping, sampling of stopes and development faces (stopes and
ends inspection), draw point sampling (including visual assessment), dilution and blending. It also
include daily updating of grade control sheet, daily production sheet and accumulation analysis
done to compare the behavior of different grade control curves of different ore sources. Grade
control main activities are explained below:
7.7.1 Waste Monitoring
Waste is defined as all rocks that have a grade below cut-off (2.67g/t) at How mine. Waste
monitoring was done to ensure there is no mixing of ore during tramming to reduce dilution effect.
This also involved the student being able to distinguish between ore and waste. At How mine it is
simple to distinguish by checking for sulphide mineralisation (it is directly proportional to grade).
Monitoring of drawpoints being trammed, documenting the material being pulled and noting the
number of tones pulled. Problems of mixing ore and waste were reported as soon as identified. A
checklist was completed after every shift which bears the number of boxes emptied during the
shift, number of cocopans pulled of waste and ore with their respective destinations.
7.7.2 Stope And Development Ends Monitoring
a) Stope inspection and control
A stope is an underground excavation from which ore is being, extracted from. The stope
monitoring was done for active stope where mining is still in progress. Active stopes are currently
located between 26 and 28 level. Mining of stopes is directed by stoping layouts which are
generated using information obtained from profile drilling, channel sampling and evaluation
drilling. Due to the spacing of exploration drilling holes and 15 meter interval evaluation drilling
intervals of holes used to develop a block from Measured resource to Proved resource. A constant
monitoring is required to ensure mining is progressing within orebody limits, thus stopes
inspection and control is done. This is mainly because nature is not systematic, thus within the 15
meter interval of evaluation drilling a lot of changes can happen that can cause variation between
the stoping layout and what is on the actual ground. This calls for a need of constant checking and
monitoring during the mining of stopes. Layouts are generated using information from diamond
drilling, sampling, projections of the ore-bodies, cross and longitudinal sections. The orebody
profile drilling projections are done during exploration from the level below or above to get the
overview of the orebody.

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After every stope visit done, the results were then compared to that of sampling results done at
stopes to check the efficiency of the visit and to confidently conclude whether mining is still
within orebody limits. The main purpose is to ensure that there is no over/under mining being
Stope off set measurements taken:
The width (measurement/ off-sets) of the stope face and distance of stope face from the last survey
peg are taken. A visual observation is made for sulphide mineralisation to check whether mining is
still within the orebody. At How mine this is easy because mineralisation is associated with
sulphides such as pyrite, chalcopyrite and pyrhotite and are found disseminated or aggregated or
massive or banded and/or as stringers. The inspection of sulphides helps to recommend either
increasing stope slyping meters if there is undermining or stopping any continuation if there is
undermining. Over mining at stopes during slyping and different stopping problems are
encountered which includes orebody orientation change which affects the angle of repose at
conning stage leading to difficulty in slyping and stope benching.
Geotechnical stope monitoring is also done to check if ground stability is good/ bad to ensure
proper support systems are implemented with avoid any collapses. The student did geotechnical
monitoring at the 27 level stope. This was done by taking note of the joint sets, joint alterations,
faults and their orientations for ground control/ stability purposes. At stopes the student also
engaged into checking whether the long hole drilling machines are rigged in correct orientations
and with proper support.
b) Development ends inspection and control
Development ends are the operations involved in preparing a block for ore extraction; this includes
drives, crosscuts and raises. Current development ends are all located from 26 level to 28 level.
Stopes and developments are directed by mining development layouts which are developed by the
survey and geology departments. Layouts are generated using information from diamond drilling,
sampling, projections of the ore-bodies, cross and longitudinal sections. The orebody profile
drilling projections are done during exploration from the level below or above to get the general
overview of the orebody. The layouts are done using these much spaced drilling results; hence the
need for continuous monitoring of development ends to ensure that no over/under mining will be
done. Inspection of development ends is also used as a grade control method by ensuring mining is
done within orebody limits.

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Lay the 50m tape on survey pegs for reference.
Measure the distance from the last survey peg to the face of the development.
Offsets are taken also on either side of the tape at 90 to the centre line at 1m intervals and
record the reading.
A sketch was made for the offsets.
Heights and widths are taken over the distance the drive had advanced.
The offsets will be used to draw the correct developments on plans.
Results are used to update the plans and to calculate the tonnage of the rock blasted.
c) Mining width and Dilution
Because of the wide mineralised zones at How mine, there is no need to define the mining
width. The most important factor to control during stopes and development ends monitoring is
dilution. Dilution is any additional material to the ore that is below cut-off which has an effect
of lowering the grade if not monitored and controlled. Tonnage dilution factors of 5.3% for 26
level and 8% for 28 level at a grade of 3.0 g/t is applied. The grade 1.4 g/t was derived from
averaging assay values within the 0,5m offset outside the orebody limits. Diluted and
undiluted tonnages are derived using Vulcan software. The 0.5m offset is an assumed mining
over-break beyond the defined orebody boundaries (planned dilution). If dilution is planned it
is factored into the plans and grade calculations (refer to appendix for grade control sheet).
Unplanned dilution is due to collapse of low grade blocks and poor monitoring to ensure
miners are adhering to mining layouts.
7.7.3 Drawpoints Inspection And Control
The ore that is extracted from stopes is then received into the drawpoints below the stoping areas.
Different drawpoints receives ore from different ore sources, thus drawpoints have ore of different
grades. The grade of the ore from a certain stope may be diluted due to over mining or collapse of
low grade blocks such as the scenario that is happening for drawpoints 1 and 1A at 26 level which
are being affected much as a result of dilution from the collapse of pillars above 26 level during
pillar reclamation. The ore is further monitored and controlled through drawpoints sampling and
also through drawpoints inspection and control. The inspection and control was done for Draw
points at 28 level and 26 level active draw points. At How mine, gold mineralisation is associated
with sulphides, hence visual inspection of sulphides was done at the drawpoints and estimates of
the grade of boulders and fines were recorded as either low or medium or high grade, taking note
of any diluting material was also done through visual inspection of ore.

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The results of these inspections were then compared with the drawpoints sampling results for
efficiency and decision making. In cases where the grade of one drawpoints was low and
compared to the other, blending was done.
7.7.4 Blending Theory And Practice
Blending is one of the main activities of grade control used at How mine to ensure that ore being
fed to the mill is of economic grade and that large fluctuations in grade are minimized by blending
ores from different draw points. This involves mixing of ore from different ore sources, one with
high grade and the other with low grade ore to produce ore with average grade above cut-off. The
grade is not uniform as a result of that different development areas have blocks with different
grades thus there is need to blend the ore to enable mining of lower grade ore at an economic
value. Blending simply ensures that mining of low grade ore is made possible at the expense of
high grade ore at an economic value, thus increasing the Life Of Mine (LOM). The grade at the
same drawpoint also varies from one shift/ day to another (refer to Appendix- Copy of Grade
control sheet).
At How mine the daily production target is to produce 1200tonnes at ~4.9 g/t, thus proper blending
must be done in correct tonnage proportions so as to produce required tonnage at an acceptable
grade. The blending analysis was done by the student during blending of ore for 26 level active

26 Level Draw Points 1 & 1A Trends (Blending)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
26L 9N D/P 1A 2 2 3 3 1 4 5 1 3 5 5 5 4 0 1 1 8 2 9 5 5 1 6 8 3 1 3 7 3 2 2
26L 9N D/P 1 7. 4. 7. 3. 1. 3. 3. 2. 0. 2. 2. 4. 3. 1. 3. 3. 3. 4. 1. 1. 3. 4. 5. 5. 3. 2. 3. 3. 5. 1. 1.
Cut off 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.

Figure 10: Daily Accumulation Trends for the month of February

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The above shows that the grade of D/p 1 is lower than that of D/p 1A throughout the month of
February 2017 daily shifts at cut-off of 3g/t. This analysis led to a decision that out of the 40 cars
by 3 tons of ore required to be pulled from the two draw point for morning shift, more cars (25
cars) are supposed to be pulled from D/p 1A with high grade where as the remainder 15 cars to be
pulled from D/p 1 so as to meet the required tonnage at an acceptable grade.
7.7.5 Ground Control And Support System
Ground control and support systems ensures stability of the ground during all mining activities,
thus reduces the chances of collapses that can be a serious cause of dilution hence used also as part
of grade control. This involves inspection of the ground conditions in all production areas, shafts,
waiting stations, stopes, development ends and haulages. If any poor ground conditions were
identified, ground control was done through recommending good support system.
a) Ground control
Ground control is also referred to as rock mechanics and is one of the major responsibilities of a
geologist at a mine. This is done to ensure the ground stability is attained for every main level,
sub-level, production areas, raises, ore passes and shafts so as to ensure that extraction of ore will
commence without any collapses that can affect production. Geotechnical stope monitoring is also
done for ground control purposes and it focuses on the ground stability of the stope itself and any
support requirements. During stope monitoring as the geologists with the miners of the section, we
ensured that the stope face will remain 5m away from the slyping face.
Ground control sheet is filled with information such as stope height, stope width, degree of
jointing, number of joint sets present, joint spacing, joint roughness, joint orientations and joint
conditions which are used for monitoring ground conditions. The Q system is done for the
calculation of the stability of large excavations (>5m) but it cannot be used to evaluate the stability
of single blocks and wedges. The stability of a single block is less independent of the parameters in
the Q-formula and unstable single blocks may still exist despite of a high Q-value, hence the RMR
system is supposed to be used but at How mine it is not currently done because of the absence of
the Uniaxial Compressive Strengths of the rocks. However as a way of ground control and
appropriate way of support was estimated and used.
b) Support systems
How mine rocks are very competent, thus we use a passive support system which involves leaving
out different types of pillars not mined so as to be the ones supporting the roof/ hangingwall
overburden. However in weak zones, artificial support systems are employed such as for
supporting of single blocks which is done using shortcreted rock bolts and/or grouting.

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In areas where the ground is too weak due to joints/fault zone matpacks (stacking of timber)for
supporting the roof/ hanging wall and skipping the ring section of holes and do fan drilling (holes
drilled at 3m interval instead of 1.5m interval) if poor ground is part of the floor/ footwall. At 27
level a major fault zone identified was supported using a double mesh wire.
There are four different types of mine pillars that are known to exist at How Mine(refer to
Appendix- Copy of support system diagram) which includes the following:
1. Crown Pillars: are horizontal pillars left to support the upper haulage levels and are also
known as an ore pillars. They are usually a size equivalent to the orebody width and they
are left at the top of an open stope to support the hangingwall and prevent any subsidence
of the ground.
2. Regional pillars: are vertical and columnar regions of low grade that are left out to act as
support pillars. They increase the stability of the ground for both level below and above
3. Rib Pillars: are vertical pillars left between stopes at the same level. At How Mine, rib
pillars are usually 10m wide and are found at 50m intervals above 26 level and 75m apart
below 26 level taking advantage of the narrowing of orebody below 26 level.
4. Sill Pillars: are pillars left to support the lower haulage level. Usually the width of

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The student visited the Survey and Assay section which are under the Technical Service
department. The Survey section was to ensure that the student will understand and gain knowledge
of development stage of the mine, how development progress measurements are recorded and
draughting of plans and layouts used for mining. The other objective was also to learn how to use
Assay plans to delineate orebodies and interpretation of the plans. Assay department visit was
mainly focused on enabling the student to understand the ore definition determination, methods
and stages involved and the errors that can affect efficiency and accuracy as well as how to prevent
The survey section is under Technical service department. It is responsible for plan preparation,
layouts, directing mining by use of survey pegs and lines and measurements. They also ensure that
the plans and layouts produced are being adhered to. Survey section also ensures that accurate
underground and surface plans are produced for mining operations, guidance and control
timorously. It provides technical information in the form of mining layouts and surface plans on a
day to day basis. It also ensures that all development and stoping activities of the mine are
measured accurately in order to determine weekly/monthly achievements. For the purposes of pre-
planning and long term planning, the Survey department also ensures that all development ends
and stopes are up to date so that the management can be able to make feasible decisions during
planning. Month end measurements were done to monitor and control mining operations so as to
give informed decisions to senior management by physically taking measurements. The survey
section also checks and signs all survey data plans for control and compliance to mining
8.1.1 Description of activities
1. Month End Measurement
Month end measurement is a survey process used:
To quantify the amount of work done which has been done during the month.
This is when the potential development and production areas are identified.
For reconciliation of mining statistics i.e. how much was extracted from the mine.
Each section development and production figures can easily be estimated by using these
results compiled as a draft.

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Month-end measurement is done so as to measure developments and stopings, to calculate tonnage
of ore from the underground and to calculate the advance of development ends. A list of ends is
received from the mining department, and these are then allocated to surveyors and contact with
miners is made before proceeding underground for the miners to escort the survey crew and make
sure that the ends are accessible and safe.
The instruments used are:
Field book, Pencil, 30m & 50m tape measure, Clinorule, Bobs & bob tapes
Procedure for drives: The main tape is aligned through reference peg to the face of drive and
measure and record the distance. The distance of the cubbies from the start is measured first.
Heights and widths are then measured. The results are used to calculate total tonnage mined out.
Procedure for stopes: A 30m tape is aligned through two pegs to the stope face. Offsets are then
taken on either side of the tape at 90 to the main tape at 2m intervals and the readings are booked.
Two or more different heights are then taken in order to come up with average height. The offsets
are to be used to draw the current developments on plans and to calculate the tonnages of ore
mined out.
2. Installation of pegs
Equipment used: Theodolite T1,Tripod,5m and 100m Steel tape, Field book and bobs.
This generally involves 2 types of pegs to be installed:
a) Installation of Line Pegs
Line pegs are used to control and direct mining. Activity took place at 27L10m; 28 Level Haulage
South and at 28L10-320N Dr North. The line pegs are at least 15m away from each other. The
instrument used to install these pegs is known as a Theodolite. The first step is to install a Front
Line Peg (FLP) which is used to align pegs during installation. The Theodolite is set on a tripod
support bar accurately vertical. The peg position is determined and it is installed using hammer and
chisel. Checking is then done to ensure there are no errors of distance and angles. The errors must
not exceed 30 seconds for angles and must not exceed 0,001m for distance.
b) Installation of Side Grades
Grade pegs are pegs installed on side walls to central either the inclination or declination of any
excavation such as that of drives, crosscuts, haulages, ramps etc. These demarcate the orebody
boundaries and are also used in directing mining. Side wall grade pegs are installed in pairs, each
pair having the same elevation and set opposite one another so that the line joining them is at right
angles with the direction of the tunnel.

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8.1.2 Draughting And Interpretation Of Plans
This enabled the student to know how the measurements taken underground for developments are
then plotted on plan and layouts and how they are interpreted for geological and mining purposes.
This also included how Assay data is plotted on plan and how it is used to delineate orebodies.
This was done on a draughting film and use of rotrin pen. Set squares, scale ruler, straight edges
should be available.
Coordinates and offsets must be clearly summarized and labeled before starting to draught.
Drawing of plans, long sections was also well understood and this improved in getting the pictorial
view of various mined areas. Plans were drawn at a scale of 1:200, cross sections were drawn
looking East cutting across the orebody strike where as long sections were drawn looking North
(along orebody strike).
Plotting of information
Using a sharp pencil for plotting pegs, the work was plotted on the relevant plans and sections as
soon as the calculations were completed. All survey information to be neatly stenciled on plans
and sections using standard stencils .Assay results were hand written. All main pegs to have their
number and elevation and all offsets to be plotted on standard mine plans. All stopped areas to be
indicated by bold broken lines with dates of updating. Where there is some doubt of the accuracy
of a survey, the draughting should be done in pencil until such a time it is confirmed then it is
inked. Plotting also involve updating of plans in AutoCAD and how to delineate orebodies.
Interpretation serves as the most critical aspect of any decision making done by the geologist. All
sampling or assay results are used to delineate orebodies, hence direction mining. The results are
further processed by the geologists in Vulcan system for 3-D model. This will then be used to
calculate tonnage, average grade and orientations of blocks.
8.1.3 Ventilation
The student managed also to hang around with the Ventilation Officers of How mine. The main
objective was to conduct ventilation measurements and investigate if the mine was complying with
the company standards and legal requirements. Ventilation is the continuous supply of fresh air.
How mine uses mechanical ventilation system to supply fresh air to all parts of the mine, since
natural ventilation is normally inadequate and unreliable.
There is use of large up-casting/exhaust fans (45Kw) which empty polluted air from the mine
system. Down casting of air is natural through the shafts but is supported by Auxiliary fans which
pulls the air and directs it to the mining environments. The pulling of air by auxiliary fans is what
creates the negative pressure system, thus enabling more down casting of air.

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The polluted air out-casted contains pollutants such as gases, dust and heat. Kestrel 4000
instrument is used to measure ventilation readings at How mine such as the temperatures,
humidity, volume and velocity of air both being down casted and being out-casted to ensure that
there is a balance and low leakages within the system. The air underground is further directed to
different sublevel, haulages and drives by us of pipes referred to as ventilation columns. The air
circulation is also aided by raises that are excavated from one main level to another.
8.1.4 Observations and recommendations:
Activities done by Survey are very critical for both long term and short term mine planning, thus
the department must ensure that they update all ends and stopes in time. This will also help in
directing mining to commence within orebody limits at all times. The Mine must implement
ventilation recommendations that are always being brought forward as the development areas have
poor ventilation leading to accumulation of gases, dust and abnormal temperatures thus
compromising safety and health of workers.
The student spent two weeks time at Assay laboratory gaining lots of skills on grade control and
recovery by fire assaying, quantitative and qualitative analysis. Assay is the chemical analysis of a
mineral or ore sample to ascertain its content of precious minerals such as gold (Elcarno, 1973). In
grade controlling assay results are mainly used in calculating daily grade, calculating reserves and
profitability. The samples are received for Geology department and some from the Metallurgy
department. The assay results helps the miner, geologist and the surveyor to know about their
reserves and help guide grade control, whilst the metallurgist needs to know the fines and value of
the raw materials and products. At How mine we use fire assaying which is an analytical method
that is used to determine the quality and quantity of gold contained in a small unit and comprises
of the following stages which were covered by the student during the period of training at Assay
a) Sample receiving and drying.
b) Crushing and pulverizing.
c) Weighing, flux making and fluxing of samples.
d) Sample fusion and Cupellation.
e) Sample parting.
f) AA finish.
g) Gravimetric analysis
h) Data analysis and Capture.

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8.2.1 Activities covered by the Student
a) Sample Receiving and Drying
At How mine Assay department receives samples from the Geology and Metallurgy departments.
These are received and documented at the sample receiving bay. They can be in form of core from
drilling, grade control samples, plant samples, bullion samples and pulps. Drying is the removal of
moisture in the sample to obtain a constant dry mass of the sample, it also prevents sticking up of
rocks to the jaws during crushing and pulverizing as it can lead to contamination. Drying is done
for at least 30 minutes at the oven temperature of 105- 110 degrees. The following are the drying
ovens used at How mine Assay laboratory:

Figure 11.0: How mine drying ovens

b) Crushing And Pulverizing
At How mine, crushing and pulverizing are methods that are used for particle size reduction and in
order to free the gold contained in the ore. This particle reduction process also helps to increase
surface area thus speeding up the rate of chemical reaction during fusion. The main objective is to
liberate gold from gangue. A sample goes through crushing before being pulverized.

Fig A Boyd Fig B


Jaw crusher

Figure 11.1: A-How mine crushers. B- Student carrying out sample splitting.

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1. Crushing: The mine Assay lab has two types of crushers namely Boyd and Jaw crushers
(shown above). A jaw crusher is used to crush huge massive samples (up to 7mm),
whereas a Boyd is used to crush smaller or normally sized samples (less than 3mm). The
resultants of crushing process are then pulverized. If the sample is above required mass, it
is splitted using a sample splitter (see fig B above) to obtain a mass between 250g to 1kg.
A splitter used to reduce the mass of a sample before pulverizing consists of a rectangular
hopper supported on a stand. The base of the hopper is divided into an even number of
adjacent chutes which slant in opposite directions. The sample dropping down the chutes
divides, so that half of the sample falls into a receiving dish on the one side and the other half
is into a reject chute on the opposite side
The main reasons for crushing a sample are for:
Feed preparation for the pulverizer.
Maximum size reduction.
To enhance equal splitting of samples.
2. Pulverizing This is then used to further reduce particle size from less than 3mm to less
than 75microns. A vertical spindle pulverizer is use to grind rock samples. The efficiency
of the pulverizer is tested using a universal test sieve where more than 80% of the sample
pulp must pass through 75um. The main objectives of pulverizing are to:
reduce particle size
liberate the gold from the gangue
increase surface area hence speeding up rate of reaction (fusion and cupellation)
Facilitate the addition of chemical reagents (flux).

Figure 11.2: How mine vertical spindle pulverizers

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c) Weighing, flux making and fluxing of samples
The student covered all the three aspects. A flux is generally a mixture of compounds that are
added to the pulverized sample, which helps in extracting the gold and separate it from gangue
material in a fusion furnace. The fluxes are made in bulk. There are 2 types of flux, there is general
flux and concentrate flux. Concentrate flux is used for high value samples and general is for
medium to low grade samples.

Fire Fire Fire 3

1 2

Fire 4 Fire 5 Fire


Figure 11.3: A- Weighing Balance. B- Coppering standard for fire identification.

The following are the proportions used to make bulk flux and functions of flux components :
Composition of General flux:
Litharge (PbO): 25%- provides lead (heavy mass) which collect the gold. It is also
a strong basic flux reagent; reacts with metallic oxides and silica to form a slag.
Soda Ash (Na2CO3): 35.7%-A powerful basic flux reagent that is usually the
principal component of fire assay flux. It reacts with silicates to form a slag.
Borax (Na2B4O7): 28.6% -An acidic flux that lowers the fusing point of all slag.
Silica (SiO2): 7.1% -An acidic flux reagent which forms viscous slag if added in
excess. Small amounts are present in the flux to prevent attack on the fire assay
crucibles when assaying samples deficient in silica.
Mealie Meal (C): 3.6%-A source of carbon used to reduce the litharge to lead.
Composition of Concentrate flux:
Litharge (18kg)
Soda ash (3,6kg)
Silica (1,8kg)

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Fluxing Procedure
Before taking an analytical sample, homogenizing of a sample is of great importance, this will
ensure thorough mixing of the sample before splitting it. The second step is weighing of right
proportions of flux to right proportion of the sample pulp depending with the type of the sample
for example:
For roof channel samples and diamond drilling core samples we weigh and flux 1
x50g per sample.
For all other geology sample we do 1 x 25g.
For mill feeds, 3 x 50g per sample.
CIL, 2 x 50g per sample.
Over & under flow and ROM, 1 x 50g per sample,
Carbon samples, 1 x 1g.
During the fluxing operation the sample pulp is thoroughly mixed with the flux using the paper
rolling method. The mixture is then transferred into a clean crucible; add iron nails for the
desulphating high sulphide containing ores. Add 2ml/3 drops of silver nitrate, the inquartation
silver is added so as to provide a collection medium for the gold. Coppering is then done for fire
identification using How Mine Assay coppering method. All the fires are named from left to right
and blanks are put to indicate the fire. Standards of known values and blanks are inserted to test the
efficiency of the process and guides to eliminate contamination which can affect the results cause
either over/under declaring of grade (misleading result).
NB: blank, standards, mill feed standards and residue standard are included in assay fires with the
aim of determining the accuracy and precision of the fire assay.
d) Sample Fusion and Cupellation
The objective of the gold assay fusion is to concentrate and collect the gold particles of the ore into
a lead button and to remove the gangue of the ore in the form of a slag by fusion with suitable
reagents of fluxes. Fusion of samples is normally done through the use of a furnace known as the
fusion furnace shown below:

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Crucibles on stand after being


Figure 11.4: Sample off-loading after fusion from furnace 1 & 2

Fusion Operation
1. Load crucibles in the fusion furnace at 1000-1100 degrees Celcius.
2. Allow fusion to take place for 35 - 45minutes.
3. Check for complete fusion (supervisor in attendance)
4. It is important to maintain order. The samples must be offloaded in the order in which
they were put into the furnace. Remove crucibles from furnace and pour into conical
cast iron moulds and allow cooling.
5. Detach lead button from slag and hammer it to cube for easy handling and to remove
the adhering slag which might cause pitting or cracking of the cupel resulting in the
breakup of gold (Au) and silver (Ag) prill
6. The hammered lead buttons are placed into small cupels in a tray ready for
cupellation in accordance to their order and fire assay numbers.
The main objective of cupellation is to remove the lead from the lead button using a small shallow
porous cupel made of bone ash, Portland cement magnesia or any other refractory non-corrosive
material. The cupel must have a higher melting point and be resistant to attack by litharge and also
it must be able to absorb its own mass of lead without cracking. The cupel has higher affinity for
lead and its pores only allow partitioning of lead. This is done in a muffle furnace. Three muffle
furnaces (shown below) are used at the lab and cupellation occurs between 900 to 1000oC for 35-

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Cupels are preheated before loading lead buttons so as to remove organic matter, moisture and
carbon dioxide. Cupels must attain temperature of furnace before being charging to avoid
sputtering and loss of sample.

Figure 11.5: Student feeding in cupels for pre-heating during cupellation.

Cupellation Procedure
1. Preheat the cupels to match the temperature of the muffle furnace (1000C), to avoid
spattering and hence loss of sample. Cupels are preheated to drive away moisture and
organic matter.
2. Load the lead button into the respective cupels.
3. The button melts and the fluid fill the cupel, as the temperature increases the lead is
absorbed by the cupels. When all the lead has been absorbed, the complete cupellation is
achieved a bead of Au and Ag remains.
4. The cupels are then removed and arranged according to their fire ready for parting.
e) Sample Parting
The separation of silver (Ag) from gold (Au) alloys by acid dissolution of silver (Ag) is known as
parting. Silver is readily soluble in hot nitric acid and in hot concentrate sulphuric acid. Gold does
not dissolve in these acids. There are 2 types of parting done, one for gravimetric finish and the
other for AA finish.
Parting for Gravimetric finish
This is done using the 1:2 parting acid. This is generally used for high value samples such as
drawpoints, CIL and mill feeds.

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1. Check for fire integrity then flatten the bead on an anvil using a hammer to increase the
surface area of the chemical reaction.
2. Place the flattened bead into porcelain crucibles, arranged in order of the fire received
from cupellation.
3. Add parting acid of the ratio 1:2 which is 1 part of nitric acid as to 2 parts of distilled
water respectively and place on a hot plate (90-95 Degrees Celsius). Allow the reaction to
continue until the prill becomes a black sponge on the bottom of the porcelain crucible.
4. Remove the silver nitrate solution by decanting into a jar leaving the black sponge
(residue). Use ammonia solution to wash the gold prill so as to remove chlorides and
repeat with distilled water to ensure all residues has been removed (to reduce
5. The parting crucibles are placed on a hot plate and allowed to dry before putting them in
an Annealing furnace.
6. Annealing is then the final step, you place the parting cups in the furnace for a few
minutes at 600-800 Degrees Celsius, this helps the prill attain its gold colour and remove
NB: This will be ready to be measured on the assay balance by gravimetric method.

Parting for Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AA Finish)

At How Mine assay lab, AAS finish is used to analyze low value samples such as trails, diamond
drilled core samples and solution samples from the plant. This is because the machine is so
sensitive and is able to read low values, which are indicated as trace by the gravimetric finish
Procedure used:
1. Flatten prill with hammer to increase reaction surface area.
2. Add parting acid 1:1 to dissolve the silver. Place on hot plate.
3. Add 5ml of Aqua Regia to dissolve the gold. Dissolution is complete when solution
becomes clear and silver chloride settles at the bottom of the flask.
4. Add distilled water up to the flask mark.
NB: The sample will be ready for AAS Finish.

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f) AAS Finish
Atomic absorption spectroscopy is a spectro analytical procedure for the quantitative and
qualitative determination of chemical elements using the absorption of light by free atoms in the
gaseous state
The sample is dissolved in Aqua Regia and then aspirated in an acetylene flame. A beam of light at
a wavelength matching that of gold is passed through the flame. The gold in the sample absorbs
the light proportionately depending on the concentration of the element in the solution. The
absorption is compared to standard solutions to determine gold concentration in the sample.
Standards are checked before beginning a new sample batch (programme) to check precision and
blanks are checked after every 5 samples to check for contamination. The gold grade is obtained
via the computer.
AAS Finish procedure used:
1. Open the Spectra AA program on the computer and select the worksheet needed e.g
Acacia High.
2. Calibrate the machine program by use of standards of known absorbencies and
concentrations for example for drilled core samples we use 5, 10 and 20 parts per
million. Distilled water is used as a blank.
3. Measure each and every sample and record the value in g/t, taking into consideration
the Factor derived from how the solution has been prepared for example for 25g to
50mls the multiplying factor will be one.
4. Solution samples that are above 40ppm will be detected as over the range, thus they
are first diluted taking 10ml: 100ml of sample to distilled water respectively. This
will dilute the sample by 10 times, thus the concentration obtained is multiplied by a
factor 10 to get the actual value.
g) Gravimetric Finish
Mass measurement is a fundamental aspect of quantitative analysis. The precision of mass
measurement is a function of the quality of the balance, the environment and the skills of the
operator. A Sartorius micro balance is being used to weigh the gold (Au) prills. It has an internal
calibration system. After the annealing process the prills are taken to the final weighing room.
Before weighing there is need for calibrating the micro balance and calibrating is done by first
removing the pan from the balance and pressing the F1 function. In general a good balance must
have a high standard of precision, stability and sensitivity. When weighing samples in duplicate, a
deviation of 5% on the mass is acceptable. Anything beyond this the samples are repeated.

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The values attained from the micro balance are in milligrams and they are converted to g/t using
the following equation:
Weighed value X 1000/weight of sample taken = g/t.
Results are then recorded against the particular sample bearing their fire number and finally these
results are reported to their responsible sender.
The following are the standards used to calibrate the machine, are divided into:
Low standards
Upper limit= 0,42 mean= 0.38 lower limit= 0.34
High standards
Upper limit= 5.82 mean= 5.29 lower limit= 4.76
NB: The efficiency of the micro balance is determined by the value that will be within the standard
acceptable range.
8.2.2 Observations and recommendations:
More accuracy and efficiency is required, thus all the procedures of activities and measurements
must be displayed on the wall where the measurements are carried out to avoid errors and
shortcuts. Any value of error either under/over estimating can lead to bias and misdirect all targets
due to directing efforts to an uneconomic area. I recommend regular refresher training programs to
be carried out to ensure standards and quality is met.


The student attended meetings such as the pre-planning and the main meeting at How mine which
enabled him to grow in terms of decision making, short and long term planning, learning how to
distribute resources and work force, and how to continuously improve the system in terms of how
activities are being done and communication channels required to be followed.
This is when the potential development and production areas are identified. Each section
development and production figures are compiled as draft. The compiled figures were
compared with the budget to ensure alignment with the long term planning. The challenges
encountered in the previous month were discussed in these meetings. Proactive solutions to
the discussed challenges were formulated. The meetings were chaired by the Mine Captain
and the following were attending: Mine Captains, Miners, Surveyors, Geologists and
SHEQ Officer.

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Main Planning:
This includes planning for the oncoming month which was carried out during the third
week of the preceding month. The meetings were chaired by the General Manager or
Technical services manager. It was attended by Underground Manager, Mine captains,
Surveyors, Geologists, Overseer Miners and SHEQ Officer. Engineering, Finance,
Procurement, Head office Technical Services may attend or be invited to attend depending
on the prevailing and pertinent issues.
The planning meetings always start with a brief review of the previous months performance in
terms of:
- Actual performance against plans
- Main obstacles encountered
- Contingency measures put in place
- Overall compliance levels to the plans
All foreseeable obstacles to the plan were debated and necessary contingency measures proactively
formulated. These planning meetings were a great eye opener to the student as I learnt a lot of
leadership skills required, how to make life time decisions in a short period of time and
enforcement and implementation of plans.

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In conclusion, the attachment period at Bulawayo Mining Company-How mine was a time well
spent. It was a great eye opener as it equipped the student with different skills and application of
geology theory into practice in the industry. A lot of skills were gained which includes research
skills, good working relations, ability to judge and taking decisions and a lot of technical and
managerial skills. These were through partaking in different day to day technical and monitoring
activities done on daily basis. I also benefited a lot of computer literacy skills such as data
capturing, analysis, manipulation and interpretations. This also served as a great deal for the
student to fully understand his role as a geologist at the mine in each and every stage of mining.
Attendance in planning meetings enlightened the student in decision making and planning for both
short term and long term plans.
A lot of challenges were faced by the student beginning of the attachment period due to no
accommodation being provided by the company as well as transport from the mine. This lead to
the student travelling more than 40km from home to the mine which involved the student having to
catch private cars in town every morning at 6:00am. This was very laborious, tiresome and was
also a serious financial constrain to the student. Poor ventilation which leads to abnormal
temperatures in sublevels and poor air circulation was also a challenge faced by the student until
he adapted to such working conditions. Much of the attachment period was completed without any
challenges as the student ended up getting a cheaper place to rent closer to the mine.
In all manner of speaking and inspite of all the challenges faced; I managed to sail through them.
As a result I learnt how to deal with situations at any time. As How mine is a community of people
of different social classes, I also learnt how to relate with people of different cultures, beliefs and
traditions. However through many skills possessed by the student, the skills learnt at the company,
background knowledge learnt from school and from experience at the company; the company also
benefited a lot as the student successfully carried out responsibilities, monitoring activities with
good communication skills and expertise which resulted in quality and efficiency of services being

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Ensure that enough PPE is in stock at Stores department at all times and for all
Improve on implementation of operational procedures by the SHEQ department through
follow ups and running refresher training programs.
Ensure that they test rock uniaxial compressive strengths of various rocks around the
mine to allow Rock Mass Ratting to be done as this can cause future problems in dealing
with ground stability issues and recommendation of support systems.
Increase training of students on various managerial skills and involvement in decision
The Assay department must stop recycling of crucibles for diamond drilling samples as
these are critical for orebody delineation and directing mining, hence any contamination
will lead to over/under declaring of grade. This will lead to misdirecting efforts.
The UZ Geology Department to continue building strong relations with the mine to
ensure that the company will put UZ students on priority for attachment at the Mine.
The Faculty to increase industrial attachment assessment/ visits for Geology department
to at least three visits (initial- mid- final) as this will increase interaction and guidance to
the student by their Academic Supervisors.
The University to reduce fees paid during attachment by making students paying only
attachment fees rather than also paying for the services they wont be using such as
internet and library facilities during attachment.

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1. Annels, A.E.1991. Mineral Deposit Evaluation: A Practical Approach. United States:
2. Campbell S.D.G and Pitfield P.E, 1994.Structural Controls of Gold Mineralization in the
Zimbabwe Craton Exploration Guidelines, Zimbabwe Geological Survey, Bulletin No.
3. Garson, M.S., 1995: The geology of the Bulawayo Greenstone Belt and the surrounding
granitic terrain. Zimbabwe Geological Survey Bulletin.
4. Gribble P. and du Toit A. (2000). How Mine Deep Drilling Project Resource Estimate
For Phase II Of The Drilling Project. MAPTEK KRJA Systems, Unpublished Report.
5. How Mine Operation Procedures-in-house documents.
6. How mine, 2017. Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Statements, Bulawayo
Zimbabwe: How Mine.
7. Metallon Corporate structure. Retrieved 26 April 2017, from Metallon Corporation
Website: http://metcorp.co.uk.

Page | 69
Copy of Diamond drilling water circulation sketch.
Copy of Diamond drilling daily return sheet.
Copy of diamond drilling log sheet.
Copy of Channel sampling sketches:
o For cross cuts.
o For roofs.
Copy of Hand chipping sampling sketch at stope.
Copy of North shaft stock pile sampling sketch.
Copy of Grade control sheet.
Copy of 27 Level Underground mapping (scale 1:200).
Copy of Three Castle digitized map (scale 1:1500).
How mine Support Systems (Long section).

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