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PPK 1 juli 2014 (yang gaada di 2013)


- PRODUCT SPECIFICATION: MARKET.... ( Urea Prill vs Urea Granule )
The selection ofprocess equipment is influenced by what market needs. Example:
urea prill vs urea granule.
Prilled urea is smaller in size. It is soft and often cakes due to its hygroscopic nature.
Because it is soft, it gets damaged rather rapidly and one can feel it tending to become
into fine dust. Urea prilled is mostly used for food and industrial crop segment.
Granular urea are bigger in size and also much harder. To reduce the product from
becoming into large clumps, and reduce hygroscopicity, granulation is done. Granule
urea is more suitable for plantation segment, also for food crop.
Specifications for Prilled Urea 46%N Specifications for Granular Urea 46%N
Nitrogen: 46% min. Nitrogen: 46% min.
Moisture: 0.3% max. Moisture: 0.5% max.
Biuret: 1% max. Biuret: 1.4 % max.
Granulation: 1 - 4 mm 90-94 % min. Granulation: 2 - 4 mm 90-94 % min.
Melting Point: 132 Degrees Celsius Melting Point: 132 Degrees Celsius
Colour: Pure White Prilled Colour: Standard White or Pure White
Radiation: Non - Radioactive Radiation: Non - Radioactive
Free Ammonia: 160pxt ppm max. Free Ammonia: 160pxt ppm max.
Prilled,Free Flowing, Treated against Free Flowing, Treated against caking,
caking, 100% free from harmful 100% free from harmful substances

Process and Equipment:

In prilling technique, the concentrated urea melt is
fed to a perforated rotating bucket/shower-type
spray head located at the top of the prilling tower.
The bucket is rotated at high speed and sprays urea
melt in the form of droplets. Liquid droplets are
solidified and cooled on free fall through the tower
against a forced or natural up-draft of ambient air.
The product is removed from the tower base to a
conveyor belt. Cooling to ambient temperature and
screening may be used before the product is
transferred to storage [11].
In granulation technique, a rotating high-velocity air
stream is
established in the central agglomeration
tube. Particles are picked up at the base of
the tube and accelerated by the air stream.
The particles come into contact with the
fluid droplets produced from the spray
nozzle at the base of the tube. The relative
velocity of particles, air and fluid droplets
are high so wetting is efficient and drying
begins almost immediately. During
granulation, urea melt is sprayed onto the
circulating recycled prills (or seed particles)
while air passes through the granulator and solidifies the melt deposited on the seed
material. In some cases, urea melt is conditioned prior to spraying. This can enhance
the storage and handling characteristics of the granular urea.

- SAFETY CONSIDERATION & HANDLING: MARKET .... (liquid gas vs pressurized gas )
Is the selection of process tools that weigh the security of the process, for example in gas
storage? In designing it should also be considered which is safer, whether in the form of
liquefied gas or pressurized gas. This storage also uses the appropriate operating
conditions in order to avoid accidents on the process equipment.
Liquefaction Gas
Gases are usually stored under high pressure, often in liquid form. Liquefied gases take up
very much less volume than in the gaseous state. The decrease in volume also decreases
the size of the storage vessel. Different gases need different pressures in order to
condense them at atmospheric pressure. It is often necessary to use refrigeration
together with pressure to change a gas to liquid. In addition to liquefaction decreasing the
gaseous volume, liquids are also easier to transfer from place to place. A stored liquefied
gas will remain as liquid at a specific temperature. For example, liquid Propane at 100 F
has a vapour pressure of 190 psia. This vapour pressure changes with temperature
change. In winter when ambient temperature is low, the storage pressure of liquid
Propane will be lower.

Pressured Gas
Pressured gas is used to be storage in compressed gas cylinders. With inappropriate
handling it may cause injuries caused by asphyxiation, fire, explosion, high pressure. Store
cylinders upright with valve outlet seals and valve protection caps in place. Store cylinders
in a dry, cool, wellventilated, secure area protected from the weather and away from
combustible materials.

- EFFLUENT SPECIFICATIONS: SET BY GOVERNMENT... (cyclone separator vs water

scrubber )
The equipment selection is based on the specification of waste which should fulfil the
rules that Government set. As example, cyclone separator without water scrubber: where
the dust out of the process maximally 6% so it needs a cyclone with 80-90% efficiency.
The water scrubber is need to absorb the residu of precipitation.

Cyclone Separator
Cyclone separators or simply cyclones are separation devices that use the principle
of inertia to remove particulate matter from flue gases. Cyclone separators are part of a
group of air pollution control devices known as precleaners as they are generally used to
roughly remove larger pieces of particulate matter. This prevents more fine filtration
methods from having to deal with large, more abrasive particles later one. As well, several
cyclone separators can operate in parallel, and when this is set up the system is known as
a multicyclone. It is important to note that cyclones can vary drastically in their size. The
size of the cyclone depends largely on how much flue gas must be filtered, and thus larger
operations tend to need larger cyclones. For example, several different models of one
cyclone type can exist, and the sizes can range from a relatively small 1.2-1.5 meters tall
(about 4-5 feet) to around 9 meters or about 30 feet (which is about as tall as a three story

Water Scrubber
A water-scrubber consists of a gas flow and a biological engine. In the water-scrubber the
components to remove from the gas flow are absorbed in the water. In the biological
engine the absorbed pollution in the water is further decomposed biologically. The
purified water is recycled to the scrubber where it absorbs pollution. Biologically
degradable hydrocarbons are converted into the water-scrubber into H2O and CO2. The
non degradable hydrocarbons remain in the water. Components such as H2S and NH3 are
converted into respectively sulfate and nitrate.
The advantages of water-scrubber are:
Biodegradation of components; no VOC as rest products
At easily degradable components also high concentrations are treat
High concentrations to souring sulphur -, nitrogen - and chlorine components can
be removed by the possibility of pH control
Large quantity of water makes it possible to improve caught maximum/minimum
emission levels then at a biofilter and a biotricklingfilter
The disadvantages are:
Preference for stable degas flow to composition and tax; at changes the efficiency
will diminish.
Especially suitable for good soluble components
Components must be biologically degradable
Production of a silt which must be removed
The water must be treated further

(fixed bed vs fluidized bed )
How the conversion and another factors of chemical reaction will influence the selection
use of reactor.
A fixed bed reactor is a kind of reactor were you have a catalyst in the shape of beads or
pellets that is normally constrained by an upper and lower plate. Its very similar to
a Fluidized bed reactor, except by the fact that your catalyst isnt actually fluidized. In
theory it will ocupy a smaller area to perform the same action as the Fluidized bed reactor,
but in practice it has been show to perform slightly worse than a reactor with the same
ammount of catalyst. A packed bed reactor is a reactor that has a matrix of material whose
function is to mix different products, enabling the reaction due to a higher surface are.
They are very common in distillation processes. Packed bed can be made of random or
structured substract, but the objective is always to promote a better contact between the

vs stripping vs distillasi lengkap )
separator selection based on physical equilibrium. The distillation is the separation of the
two homogeneous mixtures of liquids and separated by the different boiling points of
each component. Stripping to separate the gas and liquid mixture by contacting both

Flash drum only has 1 column. Flash
evaporation is one of the simplest separation
processes. A liquid stream containing several
components is partially vaporised in a flash
drum at a certain pressure and temperature.
This results in two phases: a vapor phase,
enriched in the more volatile components, and
a liquid phase, enriched in the less volatile
components. The fluid is pressurized and
heated and is then passed through a throttling
valve or nozzle into the flash drum. Because of
the large drop in pressure, part of the fluid
vaporizes. The vapor is taken off overhead, while the liquid drains to the bottom of the
drum, where it is withdrawn. The system is called flash distillation because the
vaporization is extremely rapid after the feed enters the drum. Because of the intimate
contact between liquid and vapor, the system in the flash chamber is very close to an
equilibrium stage.

Stripping has only bottom section. Stripping is a
physical separation process where one or more
components are removed from a liquid stream by a
vapor stream. The vapor phase enters in the bottom of
the column and exits out of the top. Inside of the
column are trays or plates. These trays force the liquid
to flow back and forth horizontally while the vapor
bubbles up through holes in the trays. The purpose of
these trays is to increase the amount of contact area between the liquid and vapor phases.
Complete distillation
Distillation is a type of top and bottom separation. Distillation is the process
of separating the components or substances from a liquid mixture by
selective evaporation and condensation. Distillation may result in essentially
complete separation (nearly pure components), or it may be a partial
separation that increases the concentration of selected components
of the mixture. In either case the process exploits differences in
the volatility of the mixture's components.

- AZEOTROP COMPOSITION... (distillasi ulang vs additive distillation)

Azeotropic composition on each component. The azeotrope point is a condition where
the vapor and liquid compositions are the same so that they cannot be separated by
ordinary distillation.
Example: bio gasoline can be made by ethanol but it must be highly pure, but its azeotrope
point is 0.96 so use another separation process, Additive distillation where there is
another component beside water and ethanol, or per vaporization: distillation +
membrane separation

- PHASE & TEMP PRESS CONDITIONS.... ( pencairan gas vs pressurized gas )

The condition of reaction include the phase, temperature, and pressure may affect the
process reaction. (see above)

- LIMITATION ON EQUIPMENT DESIGN.... ( cyclone separator vs water scrubber )

Equipment selection is based on the needs. As examples, separation of dust from the
air can use cyclone separator or scrubber it depends on the size and characteristic of
separated-dust. (See above)

4. memakai bahan baku air laut atau sungai?

Desalinasi air laut biasanya dilakukan dengan Filtrasi secara Reverse Osmosis - RO,
menggunakan membrane tidak berpori yang berfungsi menahan molekul-ion terlarut
sehingga untuk operasionalnya diperlukan tekanan yang tinggi ( diatas 10 atm ). Contoh :
proses desalinasi air laut. Selain filtrasi secara RO, dapat juga dilakukan dengan vaporasi dan
kondensasi. Air laut tersedia dalam kuantitas yang besar dan cocok untuk pabrik degan
kapasitas yang besar pula.
Kelebihan: sangat efektif dapat menghilangkan segala jenis kontaminan karena membrannya
sangat kecil, tidak memerlukan banyak perawatan namun kelemahannya adalah aliran airnya
sangat kecil, membutuhkan banyak waktu, dan membutuhkan biaya yang lebih mahal

- Pengolahan air sungai

Pengolahan air sungai menjadi air bersih lebih sederhana daripada desalinisasi air laut.
Dimana hanya melalui proses screening, lalu sedimentasi, penghilangan padatan terlarut
atau TSS (Total Suspended Solid) lalu di sterilisasi / disinfection setelah itu baru dapat
didistribusikan. Namun, kapasitas air sungai juga tidak sebanyak air laut. Jadi jika
kebutuhan air diambil dari sungai, lama kelamaan sungai akan menjadi surut yang
menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan dan kebutuhan air di pabrik tidak terpenuhi.
Kontaminan yang tedapat pada air sungai lebih banyak daripada air laut
Dilihat dari kelebihan dan kelemahan kedua sumber tersebut, maka disarankan agar
pabrik tersebut menggunakan air laut dikarenakan air laut memiliki kuantitas yang sangat
besar dan pengolahannya juga terbilang lebih efekti dari pada pengolahan air sungai.
Namun dibutuhkan biaya yang cukup besar apa bila menggunakan air laut dikarenaka
pengolahannya yang tebrilang mahal.

5. penggunaan thermal fluid untuk pendingin reaktor sekaligus pemanas WHB?

Waste Heat Boiler: can be used to make use of high temperature process stream or
a high temperature reactor system to generate low-medium pressure steam. WHB is
necessary for exothermic reactor because the increasing temperature and pressure
so the heat of reaction increases too. Ex: To make use of a high temperature reactor
which cooled by circulation of a thermal fluid and waste Heat Boiler usage to generate
low pressure steam. In some type of chemical plant, some heating or cooling process
could not use steam or water because of two main reasons: contamination effect and
water-steam properties. Contamination effect: water or steam could have
contaminated the process materials if occur a leakage problem in the equipment.
Water-steam properties: normal boiling point of water only 100 oC ; and if vaporize ,
the pressure would increase at faster rate than temperature. Therefore, Thermal
Fluid could be used as substitute for water or steam. Example of thermal fluid is:
DOWTERM A, E, Fused Salt, Mineral Oil.




EXO high
temp WATER
P-1 P-2




EXO high



P-11 P-3

- Penggunaan chilled water untuk pendingin condenser

Chiller merupakan salah satu jenis refrigeration. pada evaporator dan kondensor terjadi
pertukaran kalor. Lalu air sebagai refrigerant sekunder mengambil kalor dari bahan yang
sedang didinginkan ke evaporator. Air ini akan mengalami perubahan suhu jika menyerap
kalor dan membebaskannya ke evaporator. komponen chiller ada:
a. Kompresor : fungsinya untuk mengsirkulasi refrigerant dalam system chiller,
menghisap uap refrigerant yg keluar evaporator dan menaikan tekanan uap
refrigerant agar titik embunnya naik di atas temperature medium pendingin
b. Kondensor : memindahkan panas dari system refrigerasi ke media pendingin
yang digunakan, kemudian panas akan diserap oleh media pendingin
c. Expander: menurunkan tekanan refrigerant, mengontrol refrigerant yg masuk
ke evaporstor
d. Evaporator: komponen yang merupakan tempat refrigerant menguap untuk
menyerap panas dari udara, air.
Cara kerja: refrigerant dalam kompresor dikompresikan kemudian dialirkan ke kondensor.
Refrigerant yang mengalir ke kondensor mempunyai tekanan dan temperature yang
tinggi. Di kondensor refrigerant didinginkan oleh udara luar disekitar kondensor sehingga
terjadi perubahan fase dari uap menjadi cair. Kemudian refrigerant mengalir menuju pipa
kapiler dan terjadi penurunan tekanan. Setelah keluar dari pipa kapiler, refrigerant masuk
ke evaporator. Di dalam evaporator refrigerant menguap hal ini disebabkan karena terjadi
penurunan tekanan yang mengakibatkan TD refrigerant lebih rendah sehingga refrigerant
menguap. Dalam evaporator terjadi perubahan fase refrigerant dari air menjadi uap. Pada
evaporator terjadi perpindahan kalor yg bersuhu rendah, dimana air didinginkan oleh
refigeran kemudian refrigerant dalam bentuk uap dialirkan ke kompresor lagi.
Indirect system :
Chilled water : air didinginkan oleh sistem refrigerasi (jadi tidak langsung), sehingga
suhunya bisa mencapai 8 oc (murni), bisa juga sampai 0 oc bila dicampur dengan senyawa
glikol, misalnya gliserin hingga 50 %.
Direct system : to cool process stream directly by using refrigeration system. Ex.
Propane refrigeration system; freon refrigeration system; ammonia refrigeration system;
mcr system. Direct system can be used until far below 0 oC (cryogenic process ).

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