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1) It was the __________________() of durian season.

Therefore ________________________(

) decided to (make a visit / pay a visit) to our grandfathers durian orchard.

2) We __________________() to the orchard (late / early) in the morning. The weather was _______()

and I started to think about all the __________________() durians I can eat.

3) __________________(), we reached the orchard. I can (smelled / smell) the sweet ________() of

durians from far away.

4) (My / Our ) grandfather welcomed us with _________________________. After a little ____________(

), he invited us to go (collecting / collected) durians with him.

5) I was very __________________() as this was my first __________________() in (collect /

collecting) durians. I saw __________________() durians (hanged / hanging) on the trees.

6) My grandfather __________________() us to be extra careful as we would be hit by (fallen / falling)

durians. Therefore, we had to be alert _____________________________().

7) __________________(Tanpa membuang masa), my brother and I quickly helped our grandfather_________

_____________________(). We picked up the durians and put them in a big _________() basket.

8) (In less time / In no time ), we had gathered ____________() 50 durians. We were

____________________() but happy.

9) After (collected / collecting) the durians, we ___________(carry) the basket to a _____________().

Over there, my brother and I opened up the durians and ______________() on the ________().

10) The ________() of the durians (were / was ) very soft and delicious. We could not (held / hold)

ourselves back and had ate / eaten 10 durians.

11) Once we were (full / filled), we (thanked to / thanked) our grandfather and __________________()


12) It was a __________________ experience for me and I hoped to come here again.

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