Sept Tabloid 2010

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SEPTEMBER 2010 Issue 09

Isaiah 45:3 "I will

give you the treasures
of darkness, riches
stored in secret places
so that you may know
that I am the LORD,
your God (NIV).

10210 Webb Chapel Road, Dallas, Texas 75229
Isaiah 45:3 "I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in
secret places so that you may know that I am the LORD, your God

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Life can be so irritating. More often than not, it is the little things that
annoy us the most. The lost set of keys. The misplaced cell phone. The
ice-maker that refuses to do its job on a hot summer day. The empty tea
pitcher stuck back in the refrigerator. But then there are times when people
are the problem. They show up uninvited or call when we are running out
the door, already late for an appointment that we really don't have time to
keep. Been there?

I am convinced that these tiny irritations are a tool in the hand of a loving
Father who uses them as "heavenly sandpaper" to rub off some of our
rough edges. I am constantly amazed at the profound truths God has
tucked into the simple things of life, pearls for example. Pearls are formed
when a piece of grit, sand or shell is trapped inside an oyster. The oyster
protects itself from irritation by secreting a nacreous liquid that surrounds
the irritant until it eventually becomes a pearl. In other words, what begins
as an annoying irritant eventually becomes a valuable treasure.

The same is true in life. Looking back, I can honestly say that the greatest
treasures in my life have been discovered during the darkest times of my
life. A friend of mine once told me about his experience. A battle with
clinical depression in his life stripped away years of fear and doubt,
leaving him with a new identity in Christ and a ministry which he never
thought possible. The inability to have biological children made it possible
to adopt their son and daughter, giving the couple a gift beyond measure.
And he went on to explain how over the years, weaknesses have given way
to strengths and failures have led to successes and how God has used it all
for His glory and their good.

In God's economy, a mess is the perfect setting for a miracle. A sliver of

hope and a seed of victory are buried at the center of every problem. God
has gone before you. He has already been where you are going and in
every trial or difficult moment of life, God has buried a treasure. When the
tough times come, just look for the pearls.

God bless you.

George Joseph Achen

Schedule of Sunday Worship Services
Readers and Readings Offertory Peace
5th Sept: Ordinary 13

Theme: Christian Vocation

Daniel Thomas
1st Lesson Jer.18:1-11 Lisamma Jacob Prince &
& Mary Daniel
Psalm 139:1-6 Derin Merly Daniel Betty Cherian
2nd Lesson Philem.1-21 Tessymol Kurien
Gospel Luke 14:25-33

12th Sept : Ordinary 14

Theme: Seeking Shepherd

1st Lesson Jer.4:11-28 Reshmi Abraham Mannil &
Kurien & Mercy
Psalm 14 Chloe Matthew Amy Mathew
2nd Lesson I Tim.1:12-17 Roshni Jacob
Gospel Luke 15:1-10

19th Sept : Ordinary 15 Environment Sun-


Theme: Protection of God’s creation Jijumon &

1st Lesson: Gen.8:15-22 Alice Mannil Binu Thomas &
Shaini George Annie Abraham
Psalm 33:1-12 Premson Kurien
2nd Lesson: Rom.8:18-25 Richardson Mathew
Gospel : Matt.6:25-32

26th Sept : Ordinary 16

Theme: Eucharist
1st Lesson : Ex.16:11-21 Shauna Mathew Bony Wiiliams Seena Mathew
Psalm: 105:37-45 Lisha Jacob & Trifeena James &
Tina Thomas
2nd Lesson: 1 Cort.10:1-17 Kevin Varughese
Gospel: John 6:51-58
1st Sunday - Church Committee Meeting at 12.30 PM
3rd Sunday - Bible Quiz from 12.00 - 12.30 PM
Regular 4th Sunday - Women’s Fellowship Bible Study
at 12.30 PM
Every Sunday 12.30 - 1.30 PM Sunday School
Every Friday 7.30 -9.00 PM Youth Fellowship Bible Study

25th Sept. Sat.Day - 4PM - 6PM Malayalam Class

25th Sept. Sat.Day 6 PM - 8.30 PM Choir Practice
HAPPY Anniversary

2-Sep Derin Merly Daniel

3-Sep Lisamma Jacob 12-Sep Thomas & Susan Varghese
17-Sep Binu Thomas & Shaini George
4-Sep Reshmi Abraham
5-Sep Roshni Joseph
11-Sep Susamma James
12-Sep Varkey John (Sabu)
14-Sep Jinnie Ann Abraham Prayer Meetings
17-Sep P.C.Eapen
18-Sep Sally Mathew 4th Shelby Thomas
21-Sep Samuel Joseph 11th James Thomas
21-Sep Sarama Thomas 18th Binu Thomas
22-Sep Jabin A George
24-Sep Richardson Mathew Story of Four Candles
27-Sep Aleyamma Kurien
28-Sep Seena Susan Mathew
30-Sep Rebeca Richardson
Are You still burning? You are
Supposed to stay lit till the end.
Four candles were slowly burning in a room. The ambiance was so soft that one could
almost hear them talking. I am peace said first candle. The world is full of anger and
fighting. Nobody can keep me lit. Then the flame of Peace went out.

I am faith said the second candle. I am no longer indispensable. It doesn’t make sense
that I stay lit another moment. Just then a breeze softly blew faith’s flame.

I am love said the third candle. People don’t understand my importance so they simply
put me aside. They even forget to love those who are nearest to them and waiting no lon-
ger Love’s flame went out.

Suddenly a child entered the room and saw the three unlit candles. “Why are you not
burning? You are supposed to stay lit till the end?” Saying this the child began to cry.

Then fourth candle answered. “Don’t be afraid. I am Hope. While I am still burning we
can relight the other candles. With shinning eyes the child took the candle of hope and lit
the other candles. With hope each one of us can live with peace faith and love.

Let us ask God who is our light and salvation and hope to come into our heart,forgive all
our wrongs, take away all our bitterness and give us His Light in us. Let us be instru-
ments of His love and cause His Light to shine and to lit the candles that has blown off.
This issue is sponsored by

Binu Thomas, Shaini George,

Nevin and Kevin

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