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The Ever-Changing Nature

of Materiality and the Meaning 2

of Materials in Architecture
and Construction

2.1 Introduction While Lucretius theory in respect to our con-

It seems hard to believe that there can be found temporary scientic knowledge might appear a bit
among things anything of solid body. For the banal it does highlight a number of aspects, which
thunderbolt of heaven passes through walled we nowadays seem to try avoiding by all means.
houses, as do shouts and cries; iron grows white Lucretius addresses decay, ephemerality, and time
hot in the ame, and stones seethe in erce re and
leap asunder; then too the hardness of gold is as elementary and natural properties of all that is.
relaxed and softened by heat, and the ice of brass To him nothing that we can perceive is eternal and
yields beneath the ame and melts; warmth and solid, but will change its properties eventually,
piercing cold ooze through silver, since when we either through direct influences, like force or
have held cups duly in our hands we have felt both
alike, when the dewy moisture of water was temperature, or indirect environmental impact. In
poured in from above. So true is it that in things todays highly technologized environment we
there is seen to be nothing solid. however tend to treat such aspects like atrocities.
Titus Lucretius Carus, On the Nature of Things, 59 We identify good and healthy with clean and
BC, p. 43 spotless and not only want our devices to remain
immaculate but also our bodies, environment, and
For the Roman philosopher, Lucretius every-
social appearance. Especially in architecture the
thing in the world is comprised of either matter or
introduction of biomimicry, bioinspiration, or
void. All that is tangible, that can be perceived
even living biology, often argued for as a return to
with human senses has to exist and is therefore of
nature, a redemption for our egocentric ecological
material character. Since nothing can be created
barbarism, tends to become a strange contradic-
out of nothing, as he blasphemously observes in
tion when considering our repulsion to just the
his De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things),
slightest sign of life on our buildings, like the
all matter has to be made up from elementary
stains of patina or the growth of moss and mold.
bodies, too small to be observed by the human
This observation, whose further exploration in
eye. Albeit these bodies are in themselves solid
its cultural and social complexity would go
and indivisible, the matter they form is in constant
beyond the scope and context of this chapter,
flux, a permanent cycle of becoming and decay.
gets however even more interesting when dealing
Matter to Lucretius is thus a dynamic entity that
with materials of which time and transformation
continuously changes and behaves throughout
are inherent properties: Information materials, as
space and time, dissolving and reemerging from
dened in the previous chapter. Professor at MIT
the fundamental particles it emerges from (Carus
Architecture and founding Principal of Kennedy
and Bailey 1921, pp. 32, 45).

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 25

M. Kretzer, Information Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-35150-6_2
26 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

& Violich Architecture Ltd., Sheila Kennedy of available materials but also in the fact that
suggests that the notion of such a vibrant mate- there are thousand different possibilities in one
riality implies a shift in architectural theory from material alone, he believes that materials can
static material properties to dynamic material assume a poetic quality in the context of an
behaviors (Kennedy 2011, p. 118). architectural object, although only if the architect
But obviously the ideological concept of is able to generate a meaningful situation for
dynamic matter, constantly behaving and trans- them. Zumthors ultimate goal is the creation of
forming, goes far beyond functional and tech- emotional space, free from symbolism and pre-
nological aspects and actually questions the very mature meaning (Fig. 2.1). He considers form as
core of architecture, its stasis. Considering the secondary and instead focuses for as long as
application and purpose of information materials possible on use, structure, and materials, which to
in the context of adaptive architecture thus has to him are essential for the creation of atmosphere,
reach further than understanding the practical the sublime quality of architecture to move,
aspects of materials but has to delve into the touch, and affect (Zumthor 2006, pp. 11, 25).
meaning of substance and materiality in a much
more abstract and theoretical sense.
To Lucretius, who was not an architect but a
poet and philosopher, this is quite clear: without
materials nothing would exist, especially no
architecture, or as Jonathan Hill puts it in his book
Immaterial Architecture: Bound to each other,
the architectural and the material are considered
inseparable (Hill 2006, p. 2). The role and
importance of materiality thus includes much
more than structural properties but equally informs
a persons experience of a building through its
aesthetic, visual, and haptic qualities as well as its Fig. 2.1 The facade of Peter Zumthors Kunsthaus
Bregenz consists of etched glass panels diffusing the
associated social, cultural, and historical meaning. incident light and redirecting it to the ceilings in the
Both constructive and ornamental elements rep- exhibition areas (Kretzer 2015)
resent fundamental parts of a larger assembly,
whether obviously appealing or on a more sub-
liminal level. Applying the right materials there- Zumthors approach reminds strongly of Louis
fore represents a truly demanding task and requires Kahns philosophy, which describes architecture
not only knowledge and experience on the various [as] the thoughtful making of spaces, [] the
material properties, but also sensitivity and intu- creating of spaces that evoke a feeling of appro-
ition in anticipating their meaning and value over priate use. Kahn believes that architecture should
time; a combination, which paired with a clear express spirituality, which he feels was missing in
understanding and interpretation of the term ap- many of the modernist buildings of his time. In
propriate, might essentially distinguish good from order to accentuate building from pursuing purely
bad architecture. formal or utilitarian aspects toward the creation of
The Swiss architect Peter Zumthor describes meaningful spaces he urges to reveal its construc-
good architectural design as sensuous (Zumthor tion and materiality through a careful consideration
et al. 2006, p. 2). Sense emerges, he writes, of their interdependence in relation to the respec-
when I succeed in bringing out the specic tive task and location. By dening materials as
meanings of certain materials in my buildings, spent light he highlights the importance of a
meanings that can only be perceived in just this materials inherent visual and tactile qualities,
way in this one building. Despite his realization which, if understood appropriately, will then reveal
that materiality is innite, not only in the amount the suitable construction and form:
2.1 Introduction 27

If you think of Brick, you say to Brick, What do largely chronological cross section throughout
you want, Brick? And Brick says to you, I like an the evolution of architecture with a particular
Arch. And if you say to Brick, Look, arches are focus on theoretical treatises and the way mate-
expensive, and I can use a concrete lintel over you.
rials are approached and perceived within the
What do you think of that, Brick? Brick says, I like
an Arch. And its important, you see, that you respective contexts. The work tries not to clas-
honor the material that you use (Kahn 2003, p. 270). sify, simplify, or value certain materials but
instead wants to reveal possibilities and posi-
Just as Kahn feels a lack of spirituality, Frank tions. It does not aim for completeness nor does
Lloyd Wright (Fig. 2.2) misses the necessary it try to propose or oppress a certain genealogy
respect toward materiality. Referring to the na- through its sequential order.1
ture of materials he demands their proper use
and contends that every material has its own
signicance, potential, and limitations: 2.1.1 Structure of the Present
Each different material required a different han- Chapter
dling, and each different handling as well as the
material itself had new possibilities of use peculiar The present chapter is divided into two main
to the nature of each. Appropriate designs for one
parts as graphically displayed in Fig. 2.3. The
material would not be at all appropriate for any
other material (Wright 1936, p. 184). rst treats the topics Natural Materials, Indus-
trial Materials, and Synthetic Materials, while
the second addresses the areas Digital Materials
and Information Materials.
The topic Natural Materials commences from
an analysis of the writings of the Roman architect
Vitruvius, the rst architect to have left written
records of his eld. It is followed by the Gothic
period, which is described through the drawings
and sketches published in the early thirteenth
century by Villard de Honnecourt. This evaluation
is superseded by the Renaissance writings of Leon
Battista Alberti and Giorgio Vasari. Addressing
Fig. 2.2 The curved exterior of Frank Lloyd Wrights
Guggenheim Museum was built using gun-placed con- the founder of the Baroque style Gian Lorenzo
crete, which is sprayed into formwork instead of being Bernini, the section leaps into the era of Enlight-
poured (Kretzer 2009) enment, with a particular focus on Claude Perrault,
Marc-Antoine Laugier, and Jacques-Francois
While the above positions bear obvious sim- Blondel. It is concluded with a look at the
ilarities they also make clear that just as the designs of Nicholas Ledoux, one of the earliest
denition of architecture varies from architect to advocates of French Neoclassical architecture.
architect, the attitude toward materiality does, Part two, Industrial Materials, focuses mostly
too. What a material is and what it means is thus on the effects of the Industrial Revolution on
tightly tied to subjectivity and personality and
cannot satisfyingly be described in an objective 1
kos Moravnszky argues in his anthology Architektur-
or rational manner. Since architectural history is
theorie im 20. Jahrhundert that a chronological history
vast and rich, providing countless examples and of architectural theory impedes a critical and vivid
solutions, Peter Zumthor asserts that much can discussion between varying positions, which are not only
be learned from the ways materials have been spatially but also timewise distinct. Hanno-Walter Kruft
on the other hand contends that a sequential order allows
used in the past, both ideologically and practi-
for the maintenance of a historical continuum, which has
cally (Zumthor 2006, p. 22). Following his narrative advantages and provides stability and ease of
advice, the present chapter depicts a brief, orientation.
28 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

Fig. 2.3 Overview of literature that has been reviewed, information materials, which can be sorted according to
separated into the ve parts natural materials, industrial two main areas (Kretzer 2015)
materials, synthetic materials, digital materials, and

both architectural building and thinking. High- the introduction of new types of polymers that
lighting a number of outstanding material promised to dene a new domestic lifestyle. The
developments, such as steel, glass, and reinforced works of Buckminster Fuller and Frederick
concrete it unfolds the works of Kiesler are explained and the Monsanto House of
Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand, Gottfried Semper, the Future is described as one of the most pub-
and Joseph Paxton and their effects on the pro- licly promoted experiments into a new type of
fession of the architect and the structures that plastic dwelling. The part is concluded with a
were designed accordingly. It is concluded with number of positions emerging during the 1960s
the writings of Le Corbusier who marks the and 1970s and a shift in social thinking that
transition to the next episode. marked the end of the plastic euphoria.
The following section, Synthetic Materials, The part Digital Materials begins with the
explores advancements in organic chemistry, writings of Greg Lynn, Michael Speaks, and
which during the mid-twentieth century lead to Bernard Cache on computer-aided design and
2.1 Introduction 29

manufacturing at the turn of the twenty-rst Vitruvius treatise De Architectura Libri

century. It continues with an investigation into Decem (The Ten Books on Architecture), which
the meaning of digital materiality, referring to the marks the to date oldest architectural discourse
writings of Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler. and only surviving record on classical architec-
Building upon Ludger Hovestadts discussion on ture was most likely written between 27 and 23
the relationship between advancements in archi- BC (Kruft, p. 447). The comprehensive work is
tectural production and the history of biology the divided into ten consecutive volumes, each
section carries on with the development of dealing with a certain aspect of Roman building
computer-aided manufacturing technologies and and construction. While the rst volume intro-
is concluded with Neil Gershenfelds take on the duces the functions of architecture and the
future of digital fabrication. After highlighting a scope of the art as well as an architects ideal
few path breaking projects that employed digital training and what the qualities of an architect
fabrication technologies at a building scale it should be, the second volume is solely dedi-
concludes with different positions on the benets cated to the use of the building materials which
and downsides of digital design, digital fabrica- nature provides, which are brick, sand, lime,
tion, and essentially digital materials. pozzolana, stone, and timber. In order to explain
The last section, Information Materials, why these are the only relevant materials for
commences from different scientic approaches Roman building and to convey how to apply
toward the creation of programmable matter, in them successfully, Vitruvius elaborates on the
the form of ne-grained particles that can in origin of the building art, how it was fostered,
unison assemble into larger functional elements. and how it made progress, step by step, until it
The part then turns toward the area of smart reached its present perfection (Vitruvius Pollio
materials, describing their history, evolution, and 1914, pp. 35, 41).
varying terminologies in detail based on a num- De Architectura begins with the assumption
ber of related reports and surveys. It highlights that it was the discovery of re that gave rise to
their theoretical and practical usage in the area of the coming together of men, an accidental
architecture and construction and describes a intervention of nature, which lead to earliest
number of realized architectural works. The social systems, collaborative exchange, and
section is concluded with more abstract and essentially the requirement for shelter. Vitruvius
theoretical views on the abilities of information describes the ability of humans to converse and
materials and their related production teach one another, which distinguishes them
techniques. from the rest of living creatures, as the essential
key toward improving and progressing structures
and methods. He argues further that the earliest
2.2 Natural Materials human dwellings were either entirely of natural
origin, such as caves or holes, or based on the
Although it would next be in order to explain the
proper proportions and symmetry of temples and imitation of procedures found in the animal and
public buildings, as well as of private houses, I plant kingdom, such as copying the nest building
thought best to postpone this until after I had techniques of swallows.
treated the practical merits of the materials out of Disregarding the role of man in the creation of
which, when they are brought together, buildings
are constructed with due regard to the proper kind shelter he describes two basic models as the
of material for each part, and until I had shown of archetypes of human construction, both emerging
what natural elements those materials are com- as logical consequences from the direct use of the
posed. But before beginning to explain their respective materials. The rst one, as depicted in
natural properties, I will prex the motives which
originally gave rise to buildings and the develop- the French translation of Vitruvius by Claude
ment of inventions in this eld. Perrault from 1673 (Fig. 2.4 Left), is explained
Vitruvius Pollio (1486) On Architecture, pp. 3536
as a kind of tower, constructed by placing woo-
den beams, alternatingly and perpendicular on
30 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

top of each other. It has a pyramidal roof and

the interstices, which are left on account of the
thickness of the building material, are stopped up
with chips and mud. The second model, which
originated in areas where timber was scarce, is
pictured in Fig. 2.4 Right as a pyramidal roof of
logs fastened together, and [covered] with reeds
and brushwood.

Fig. 2.5 The Greek Temple of Segesta, Sicily is thought

to have been built in the 420s BC. It follows a Doric order
and has six by fourteen columns on a base measuring 21
by 56 m, on a platform three steps high (Kretzer 2015)

2.2.1 The Influence of Vitruvian

Thought on Current New
Materialism Positions

Vitruvius is however not only impressed by the

clarity and elegance of Greek building but also
deeply moved by their thinking and philosophy.
Referring to Thales, Heraclitus, Democritus, and
Fig. 2.4 Left Graphical depiction of the primitive house the school of Pythagoras he asserts, similar to his
of the Colchians; Right Drawing of the primitive house of contemporary Lucretius, that there is no kind of
the Phrygians (both from Les Dix livres darchitecture de material, no body, and no thing that can be
Vitruve, Claude Perrault, 2nd ed., Paris 1684)
produced or conceived of, which is not made up
of elementary particles, which are water, re,
Vitruvius descriptions are less funded in real earth, and air. Since these elements cannot be
archaeological ndings than in personal observa- dissolved, cut, or harmed, they must be eternal
tions he made among the building techniques of and retain innite solidity. From this he assumes
various foreign tribes of his time. From these that every material has some inherent natural
studies he concludes that the evolution of archi- characteristics that determine the possible struc-
tecture is a logical consequence from the resources tures it allows for and thus the forms that are
that are available in nature as well as the progress possible to realize. The Greek temple hence is to
man made by becoming daily more expert in him not only the peak of architectural evolution
building. Describing the advent of the craft of but also presents a logical incarnation of natu-
carpentry as the turning point, when humans pas- ralness and material usage and thus must be seen
sed from a rude and barbarous mode of life to civ- as a direct descendant of the earliest human form
ilization and renement, he explains that together of shelter (Vitruvius Pollio 1914, pp. 41, 109).
with the multiplication of the arts they gave up huts Similar theories and conclusion have resur-
and began to build houses with foundations, having faced multiple times throughout history and gain
brick or stone walls, and roofs of timber and tiles. considerable attention among current New
Further intellectual development leads to the Materialism positions. The philosopher Manuel
understanding and use of symmetry, a focus on De Landa describes New Materialism as based
style and luxury, and nally culminated in the on the idea that matter has morphogenetic
Greek temple (Fig. 2.5), which to Vitruvius marks capacities of its own and does not need to be
the unsurpassed archetype of architectural pro- commanded into generating form (Dolphijn and
ciency (Vitruvius Pollio 1914, pp. 3840). van der Tuin 2012, p. 43).
2.2 Natural Materials 31

We may now be in a position to think about the heterogeneous materiality as a function of envi-
origin of form and structure [] as something that ronmental performance which thus becomes an
may come from within the materials, a form that integral part of the form-generation process.
we tease out of those materials as we allow them to
In a similar but more structurally determined
have their say in the structures we create (DeLanda
2004, p. 21). way demands Achim Menges an interrelated
understanding of form, material, and structure
Rather than considering form or design as based on computational techniques to analyze
pure thought, imposed upon homogenized material capacities, geometrical restrictions,
materiality he suggests the opposite, to treat manufacturing processes, and assembly logic:
materials as active participants in the genesis of
In contrast to the integral processes of material
form, indicating the existence of a heteroge- formation in nature, architecture as a material
neous materiality with variable properties practice is still predominantly based on design
(DeLanda 2001, p. 132). Relating this concept to approaches that struggle to fully explore the
certain principles that can be observed in nature materials richness of performative capacity and
resourcefulness for design (Menges 2012, p. 17).
he contends that architectural form nding could
benet strongly from considering the combina- Criticizing contemporary CAD tools that
torial productivity of natural forms such as, for foster a hierarchical relationship between form
example, the interplay of bones bearing loads in and material, basically treating materiality as a
compression and muscles bearing them in ten- passive entity to manifest geometry, he proposes
sion (Braham et al. 2007, p. 391). Neri Oxman, a design in which a materials inherent charac-
who heads the Mediated Matter Group at MITs teristics are utilized as morphogenetic drivers
Media Lab, builds her research upon a similar for form generation. Through understanding a
argumentation: materials microstructure in relation to its exter-
As in Nature, when creation begins with matter, nal appearance as a continuously transforming
morphogenesis, or the generation of form, is a entity and by applying computation to navigate
process engendered by the physical forces of within this environment he recommends an
Nature. [] Material behavior in Nature appears
exploratory design process of unfolding
to be a prerequisite for the emergence of form, and
yet in design, shape eternally comes rst (Oxman material-specic gestalt and related performative
2010a, b, pp. 7071). capacity (Menges 2012, p. 36).
Both Menges and Oxman share strong afni-
As an alternative she proposes material based ties in proposing computational form-nding
design computation, emphasizing a nonhierar- concepts paired with an understanding of mate-
chical association between form, structure, and rials as heterogeneous entities to oppose the
material (Oxman 2010a, b, p. 72). Oxman predominant preference of form over materiality
believes that natural forms, which [are] directly in current architectural design. Menges analyzes
informed by the materials from which they are natural phenomena, such as the tissue of bones or
made, are more efcient and less wasteful than insect shells, as well as the microstructures of
any of mankinds own material strategies and are existing materials, and then adapts the observed
thus inherently sustainable (Oxman 2010a, b, biological principles in junction with
pp. 8081). She adds that even though novel material-specic criteria for the creation of
design and fabrication techniques allow for experimental pavilions. Oxman argues to follow
increased variety and complexity, they only natural growth principles and in many of her
support the usage of materials with homogeneous projects utilizes 3D printing or other additive
properties, an approach that she considers as fabrication techniques to build up new materi-
outdated in respect to the extremely diverse als based on such observations.
context of our time. In accordance to biological Returning to Vitruvius it is interesting to
principles she alternatively aims to facilitate the observe that his elucidation, which originates
variation of material properties through a from an anthropogenic technological point of
32 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

view, by explaining the primordial substances mostly stone and brick. In comparison to Gothic
that make up all materials, is commenced with a architecture, which followed in the twelfth cen-
chapter on brickthe rst man-made composite, tury, Romanesque buildings were simplistic and
while retaining the notion that it is a natural reduced. Gothic architecture originated in France
material. To him naturalness thus refers to a and spread with surprising speed across most of
shared quality inherent in all things in existence, Europe. The term Gothic was however only
including articially produced materials and introduced much later by the Italian painter and
structures. Taking this notion as point of depar- architect Giorgio Vasari in his book Le Vite de
ture he arrives at yet another synthetic material to pi eccellenti pittori, scultori, e architettori da
which he dedicates even more attention, poz- Cimabue insino a tempi nostri (Lives of the
zolana concrete: Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Archi-
There is also a kind of powder from natural causes tects, from Cimabue to Our Times), published in
produces astonishing results. [] This substance, 1550, as a clear distinction from Renaissance
when mixed with lime and rubble, not only lends architecture. Vasari describes the period as being
strength to buildings of other kinds, but even when monstrous and barbarous, and lacking every-
piers of it are constructed in the sea, they set hard
under water (Vitruvius Pollio, pp. 4647). thing that can be called order associating it with
the Gothic tribes who fought the Roman Empire
The powder Vitruvius addresses is basically from the fth to eighth century and destroyed the
sandy volcanic ash, originally discovered at purity of the Roman style (Vasari et al. 1960,
Pozzuoli, a region around Mount Vesuvius in p. 83). Quite the contrary the Gothic style was
Italy. Mixed with lime it results in hydraulic based on sophisticated structural systems and
cement that can be used to create a strong mortar came from the invention of a much lighter and
that even solidies under water. The discovery of dened type of masonry vault, which in com-
concrete enabled arches, domes, and vaults to be parison to the massive Roman vaults, consisted
erected without the constraints of masonry and of an intricate network of arches, or ribs, that
allowed Roman architecture to achieve a sub- span the space. Little information on Gothic
stantial leap in construction. The Pantheon, building and design has survived to date, partly
which was built from 118 to 126 AD, holds a because paper was not yet invented and the
hemispherical concrete dome that spans the cir- expensive parchment was only used in excep-
cular interior of over 44 m. Its building technique tional cases (Ackerman 1997, p. 42). Of partic-
and material were so advanced that it remained ular importance is thus a set of architectural
the largest single building span until the nine- drawings and sketches published in the early
teenth century. thirteenth century by the French artist Villard de
Honnecourt (Fig. 2.6). To Honnecourt the
stylistic core of Gothic architecture are the linear
2.2.2 The Growing Detachment articulating members, both animating the surface
of Form from Materiality and describing the structure (Kidson et al. 1990,
p. 136). While the plan of Gothic churches is
With the fall of the Roman Empire, Western similar to the Romanesque plan, the interior is
European architecture experienced a serious much higher and completely surrounded with
regression and a return to mostly wooden mate- colored windows allowing light to triumph over
rials that lasted for several hundred years. substance. But especially on the outside the dif-
Between the sixth and tenth century Romanesque ference to the earlier periods can be felt, with
architecture appeared, which aimed for a repro- Gothic exteriors being extremely complex,
duction of Roman vaulted styles. The buildings, detailed, and ornamented, including carved g-
which had clearly dened, often symmetrical, ures, mystical rainspouts, called gargoyles, and
forms were meant to express wealth and power often a huge round rose window above the large
and were thus made from heavy materials, entrance.
2.2 Natural Materials 33

Fig. 2.6 Left Reims Cathedral, buttress elevation and (both from Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt, Villard
nave section; Middle Reims Cathedral, interior of choir; de Honnecourt 122035)
Right Reims Cathedral, exterior and interior elevation

The Gothic style dominated much of Euro- Appearing to be both a tribute and a challenge to
pean building, especially cathedrals and chur- the preceding masterpiece the major difference
ches, until the sixteenth century, except for lies in the fact that while Vitruvius mainly
Italy. Italian architects, such as Vasari, rejected describes how things are built in the past and
the structural basis of Gothic building and present, Alberti sets out to propose how archi-
instead sought to revive the spatial magnicence tecture should be done in the future. Alberti
of the Roman era. While Gothic builders cre- agrees upon Vitruvius claim that in order to
ated light-lled interior space through complex construct a successful building one should []
vaulting, Renaissance architects aimed for copy the ingenuity of nature, yet his notion of
symmetry through mathematical proportions. imitation is fundamentally different from the
Blaming the Goths for ruining the ancient ancient understanding. Whereas Vitruvius
style and culture Vasari demands to protect believes in some kind of underlying God-given
every country from such ideas and style of order, to Alberti copying nature means to dis-
buildings which are such deformities in cover and understand natural principles and then,
comparison with the beauty of our buildings through a certain intellectual abstraction, apply
(Vasari et al., p. 83). these rules to works of artistic production. This
A similar, yet not as polemic, position can be means that materials, despite their varying qual-
found in Leon Battista Albertis De re Aedica- ities, each suited differently well for particular
toria (On the Art of Building), published in 1452 purposes, become subordinate to design and take
during the beginning of the Italian Renaissance. the role of transforming abstract ideas into
Albertis work is the rst book on architecture physical artifacts.
since Vitruvius and just as De Architectura Libri To Alberti architecture is hence purely intel-
Decem is split into ten volumes addressing the lectual work, performed by the architect and
various aspects of architectural building. preceding the actual construction of the building,
34 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

which is possible without any recourse to the Church the new style was based on earlier
material (Alberti 1988, pp. x, 7, 86). In the Roman and Renaissance forms but differed in an
prologue of De re Aedicatoria Alberti writes: unprecedented intensity in terms of mass, color,
Before I go any farther, however, I should explain shadow, and light. Often credited for creating the
exactly whom I mean by an architect; for it is no Baroque style and also being the last Renaissance
carpenter that I would have you compare to the architect, in terms of having equal abilities in
greatest exponents of other disciplines: the car- painting, sculpture, and architecture, is Gian
penter is but an instrument in the hands of the
architect. Him I consider the architect, who by sure Lorenzo Bernini (Boucher 1998, pp. 134142).
and wonderful reason and method, knows both Bernini was in 1665 invited by Louis XIV of
how to devise through his own mind and energy, France, le Roi-Soleil, to nish work on the
and to realize by construction, whatever can be Louvre in Paris. However, due to growing
most beautifully tted out for the noble needs of
man, by the movement of weights and the joining misunderstanding and disagreement between the
and massing of bodies. To do this he must have an artist and the royal court, he returned to Rome
understanding of knowledge of all the highest and only 4 months later and Claude Perrault was
most noble disciplines. This then is the architect instead commissioned for the execution of the
(Alberti 1988, p. 3).
work. Perraults design had only little that could
In terms of building materials Alberti is be called Baroque but was an expression of his
basically content with Vitruvius, describing own understanding of beauty and proportion,
lime, sand, stone, timber; and likewise iron, which he concluded from a careful analysis of
bronze, lead, glass, and so on (Alberti 1988, classical architectural treatises.
p. 38). What is surprising however is the fact that In the Ordonnance des Cinq Espces de
neither Alberti, Palladio, Vasari, nor any other Colonnes selon la Mthode des Anciens
Renaissance writer dedicates any particular sig- (Ordonnance for the Five Kinds of Columns after
nicance to pozzolana concrete, the material the Method of the Ancients), written in 1683
which Vitruvius describes so extensively.2 Perrault argues:
Siegfried Giedion suggests that concrete disap- All those who have written about architecture
peared as Gothic architecture continued to pare contradict one another, with the result that in the
down the size of its structural members to ruins of ancient buildings and among the great
achieve pure skeletal forms, for concrete had number of architects who have dealt with the
proportions of the orders, one can nd agreement
been associated with the massive Roman wall neither between any two buildings nor between
(Giedion 1971, p. 260). Yet the reason why the any two authors, since none has followed the same
material did not reemerge during the Renaissance rules (Perrault 1993, p. 48).
period, which aimed to both demarcate itself
From this variance he reasons that beauty is less
from the Gothic style and return to classical
attached to proportions and thus an objective
Roman building, remains unclear.
quality of buildings, as has been assumed earlier,
but more related to subjective interpretation of the
2.2.3 The Domination of Human viewer and as such dependent on custom, time,
Intellect Over Natural taste, and fashion. As society evolves this per-
Materiality ception changes, which explains why the propor-
tions and styles of columns have changed
The Renaissance period was superseded by the accordingly. Perrault neglects that architecture
Baroque era, which began in the late sixteenth should be an imitation of nature, since he nds no
century. Strongly promoted by the Catholic connection in neither the proportions of the human
body to the column, nor in its resemblance to a tree
Vitruvius chapter on pozzolana concrete counts 840 trunk. In that sense he is the rst to break the
words while his descriptions of brick (650 words), sand classical understanding that the Greek temple is a
(350 words), lime (430 words), and stone (680 words) are direct descendant from the primitive hut. Yet
much briefer.
2.2 Natural Materials 35

Perrault believes that while certain aspects of architecture, directing the attention of a young
beauty arise in the eye of the beholder and are thus child toward a simplistic structure consisting of
constructed reality, other, more general, qualities four trees that are holding a triangular roof. In
can be measured empirically and evaluated sci- contrast to the earlier Perrault, the naturally
entically. The beauty of the Pantheon, for grown temple becomes in Laugiers view not
example, is to him not a result of the proportion of only the genesis but also the embodiment of all
that temples wall thickness to its interior void, as architecture, representing an immediate imitation
most architects claim, since these are unper- of natural processes:
ceivable qualities. Rather it is based on beauty, The little rustic cabin that I have just described, is the
which he calls of convincing reasons [] whose model upon which all the magnicences of archi-
presence in works is bound to please everyone. tecture have been imagined, it is in coming near in
Perraults lucid position made him one of the early the execution of the simplicity of this rst model,
that we avoid all essential defects, that we lay hold
proponents of the Enlightenment, an intellectual on true perfection (Laugier 1977, pp. 1112).
movement, which aimed to break out of tradition
and instead follow reason and scientic thought Obviously Laugiers model is, even less than
(Perrault 1993, pp. 4950). Vitruvius description, not based on archaeolog-
Another highly popular writer of the ical facts but rather a deliberate theoretical
Enlightenment was Marc-Antoine Laugier who position elevating the Greek temple as the true
in 1753 published his Essay sur lArchitecture and only origin of building and the model after
(An Essay on Architecture), arguing for a reform which new work should be created. Through this
of architecture built upon the notion of the highly polemic demand he criticizes the formal
primitive hut, a vivid idealization of Vitruvius excesses of the earlier Baroque and Rococo era
theory. The frontispiece (Fig. 2.7) of the second and proclaims the return to the fundamental
edition depicts a female personication of principles of architecture. While Laugiers hut is
strongly built upon the idea of natural and divine
proportion, found in Vitruvius writings, it differs
in the relationship of man and nature and the role
materials play in connecting the two. With
Vitruvius not attributing much credit to man as
the creator of form but rather arguing that form
and structure emerge from immanent material
qualities, Laugiers position is that, albeit form
should be based on natural principles, it is man
who induces the transformation and thus marks
the dominant force (Braham 1980, pp. 4849).
Laugiers Essay had vast and immediate
influence on many thinkers of his time and also
informed the writing of Jacques-Francois Blon-
del, who in a very didactic manner proposes in
his Cours dArchitecture ou Trait de Ia Deco-
ration, Distribution & Construction des Bti-
ments (Course of Architecture), published in
1771, a rational approach toward architecture and
building. Just as Perrault, Blondel believes that
good architecture is simply a manner of taste,
Fig. 2.7 An idealized version of the primitive hut, something that cannot be determined, yet there
envisioned by Laugier as the epitome and model for
architecture (Frontispiece of Marc-Antoine Laugier: Essai
are rules, which can lead to harmony between a
sur lArchitecture 2nd ed., Charles Eisen 1755) buildings function, appearance, and structure
36 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

(Evers and Thoenes 2003, p. 296). Blondels is the house of the forestry guard (Fig. 2.8), a
work is a demand for order and the development spherical building without windows, completely
of a true style, which marks the entry of the deprived from any functionality or materiality,
modern concept of style into architectural the- and only focusing on its pure form and symbolic
ory, as Hanno-Walter Kruft observes (Kruft character.
1994, pp. 148149).
One of Blondels students was
Claude-Nicolas Ledoux who became one of the
earliest advocates of French Neoclassical archi-
tecture, a style in which classical forms, derived
from Vitruvian principles and especially the
work of Palladio, were assembled more for their
dramatic effect than to create orderly arrange-
ments. Strongly demarcating himself from other
architects of his time, Ledoux thinks that archi-
tecture needs to propose a better future for
society and has to emerge from the imagination Fig. 2.8 Ledouxs spherical and windowless House of
of the architect and not rationality and consent the forestry guard in chteau de Mauperthuis was a
(Prez-Gmez 2005, p. 46). deliberately geometrical concept to contrast architecture
of the time (Claude-Nicolas Ledoux 1789)
His Treatise LArchitecture Considre sous le
Rapport de lArt, des Moeurs et de la Legislation
(Architecture in its Relations to Art, Customs and
Legislation) was published in 1804 and aims to 2.3 Industrial Materials
establish a generalized architectural system, Forms and proportions may be divided into three
including all the various tasks of an architect, thus categories: those that spring from the nature of
reinterpreting his role within a visionary social materials, and from the uses of the things they
structure. In this system of social coexistence, the serve to build; those that custom in a sense made
necessary to us, such as the forms and proportions
architect becomes an educator, with equal politi- of the buildings of antiquity; and nally, those
cal, moral, and religious responsibilities. Simi- simpler and more denite forms and proportions
larly radical are his architectural designs, which that earn our preference through the ease with
are massive symbolic monuments, like cubes, which we apprehend them. Of these, only those in
the rst category are essential; but they are not so
spheres, and cylinders, representing strong sim- rmly dened by the nature of things that we
plications of classical building types. In his cannot add to them or subtract from them, so that
project for the salt-producing town of Chaux in there is no reason not to combine them with those
the French Jura, of which the major part was built of the second class, derived from ancient buildings.
Since these vary considerably [] one is at liberty
between 1774 and 1779, he realized not only to select the simplest, [] the best suited to satisfy
some very modern ideas about industrial pro- both the eye and the mind.
duction, but also designed a series of geometrical Durand (1831a, b, Prcis des Leons dArchitec-
monuments that visually express the activities its ture, pp. 108109)
tenants are involved in. The hoop makers were
thus to live in houses shaped like wheels, the A major turning point, not only in architecture
Pacifre, the peacemaker, in a building shielded but essentially every aspect of life, occurred
by fasces that symbolize unity, and the house of during the second half of the eighteenth century,
the river inspector should have the river running with the emergence of the Industrial Revolution,
right through it (Evers and Thoenes, p. 320). The rst in Great Britain and then, within a few dec-
most popular of his designs, albeit never realized, ades, in Western Europe and the United States.
2.3 Industrial Materials 37

Fig. 2.9 Proposal for buildings based on simple rectangular shapes, divided vertically and horizontally (Durand
1831a, b)

One notable architect, who was born into the vast should, in a very Vitruvian manner, be durable,
technological transition of automated manufac- neat, and comfortable, and, in order to keep costs
turing and the mass production of new materials, down, symmetrical, regular, and simple (Durand
was the French, Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand. In 1831a, b, pp. v, 3). According to Durand, mate-
1831 a collection of his lectures at the cole rials appropriate for building are split into three
Polytechnique in Paris was published, the Prcis categories: Materials that are hard, difcult to
des Leons dArchitecture donnes lcole process, and thus expensive, suitable only for
Royale Polytechnique (Precis of the Lectures on buildings of great importance whose public status
Architecture). The comprehensive work was ini- justies their usage. Materials that are softer and
tially intended as a primer or construction manual easier to treat, good for private houses with a
for his students but soon became one of the most smaller budget. And materials whose main pur-
influential textbooks of his time: a new grammar pose is to connect the ones from the previous
for architecture. Strongly motivated by the classes, like iron, copper, lead, but also gypsum,
unprecedented possibilities that emerged from the cement, or sand.
growing Industrialization, Durand was one of the Durand distances himself from both the clas-
rst architects to clearly dene function, in terms sical assumption that order and proportion are
of human value, technical performance, and derived from the human body, and the belief in a
economy, as the key aspect of architectural primitive hut as the archetype for building. As
design. He argues that since building is the most such he neglects the imitation of nature as a
expensive of all arts, yet the sole that is in con- design guide and reasons that decoration and
stant use and thus provides the greatest benets, it ornamentation are temporal matters of taste and,
38 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

since utterly expensive and not increasing the arise from setting up dynamic, innite chains of
functionality of a structure, unnecessary and interdependencies go beyond architectural rele-
useless. He believes that architecture can be vance but are useful for the organization and
described by certain fundamental principles that articulation of social complexity (Schumacher
are found in any building, regardless of its epoch 2011, pp. 349, 354).
or style. These elements, once identied, can Concluding from this assumption and reas-
then be reassembled according to generic meth- sured in the observation that parametric princi-
ods to create new architecture independent from ples are becoming omnipresent in contemporary
stylistic considerations, efcient both economi- architectural design, he proposes a new label for
cally and in terms of design and functionality. By the current period: Parametricism, which
graphically portraying various building types and according to him could become the rst epochal
abstracting their form into simple geometric style after Modernism.
shapes, he develops a codied scientic method The contemporary style - Parametricism - takes off
and explicit didactic system that is intended to be with the concept that every form in architecture is
applicable without knowing or considering the susceptible to the formulation in terms of contin-
works of the past (Fig. 2.9). uously varying parameters. [] Each urban or
architectural system is continuously differentiated
and functions are scripted that correlate the
different differentiations. In this way, deep reso-
2.3.1 Durands Grammars in Relation nances are established within the overall compo-
to Schumachers sition, and the sense of overall organic integration
is intensied (Schumacher 2011, pp. 295297).
The architecture critic Peter Buchanan admits
Durands objective of creating a systematic that Parametricism might produce novel and
approach for architectural design bears striking temporarily interesting forms but diminishes its
similarities to contemporary advocates of com- importance to become a successor to Modernism:
putational methods. Patrik Schumacher, Director The style can neither adequately frame nor address
at Zaha Hadid Architects, describes Durand as public space, with facades whose composition and
the rst to introduce a diagrammatic process elements allow us to identify and relate to them.
within architecture. Durands simple system of Nor do parametric buildings relate to each other
(beyond establishing supercial formal contigui-
combining basic, standardized elements like ties), nor to other architecture (Buchanan 2011).
walls and columns according to certain rules of
alignment, regularity, and symmetry lead to an To Buchanan the potential of parametric
unprecedented variety of possible results, from modeling is less than the generation of sculptural
which the rest of the design (including all the form but to bring a wide range of increased
familiar classical detail) followed automatically. efciencies, in terms of structure, energy, con-
Schumacher compares Durands programmatic structional assembly, shaping of flows of people,
approach with the compositional processes air, and so on. Buchanan describes Parametri-
emerging during Modernism, which became the cism as a form of hypermodernity, pushing the
true moment of the ordinary diagram. Reason- limits of modernity but not overcoming them.
ing further, as an evolution from the ordinary, Instead he demands a transmodern theory,
metric diagram he proposes the extraordinary, which should address global challenges while
parametric diagram, which according to him rst utilizing a shift toward a sustainable society.
appears during the mid-nineties in the use of Whether or not the value of both Durands
animation software. Schumacher asserts that method of composition as well as current
parametric modeling allows to link any approaches in parametric design is in their ability
parameter/property of any object with arbitrary to create new formal explorations or rather in
parameters/properties of any or all other objects their use for functional applications, it is inter-
within the model. To him the possibilities that esting to observe that we are currently
2.3 Industrial Materials 39

experiencing a similar frustration with the status den Technischen und Tektonischen Knsten
quo as did the thinkers of the nineteenth century. (Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts, Or,
Practical Aesthetics), he explains his theory of
style as searching for the components of form,
2.3.2 The Intellectual Emancipation which are not formal in themselves but rather
of Form from Materiality idea, force, means, and matter (Semper 1878,
p. viii). From these components he believes that
Just as Durand, Gottfried Semper shares the form and architecture will be able to create
opinion that their era is lacking architectural style meaning, transferring purpose through one
and like many of his contemporaries he is inter- material to the other, a transformation that he
ested in discovering fundamental architectural calls Stoffwechsel. Semper, who is quite aware
principles to formulate new ideas. Yet Semper of the scientic progress of his time in other
criticizes Durands schematic pragmatism and disciplines, borrows the term from biology,
also does not believe that an answer can be found where it means metabolism, describing the
by demanding a return to the origins of archi- life-sustaining chemical transformations and
tecture, especially not in a Vitruvian sense. To exchange of matter within the cells of living
Semper the similarities between the Greek tem- organisms. But it can also be understood as
ple, as the paragon of style, and early wood phase change, referring to the transitions
constructions are purely formal and not enough between solid, liquid, and gaseous states of
to claim a certain genealogy. In return he matter. What Semper means to emphasize how-
develops his own theory on the origins, pub- ever is that primordial human requirements will
lished in his 1850 book Die Vier Elemente der always remain the same and so will the func-
Baukunst (The Four Elements of Architecture), tionality and purpose of their physical manifes-
which describes four basic human motifs or tations, even though their form and materiality
necessities. To him the rst and moral element evolves and changes over time. This emancipa-
of architecture is the replace, the hearth, which tion of form from a particular material allows
comes from a necessity for warmth and the Semper to highlight that the symbolic function of
heating up of nutrition. Around the central re architecture, transferring purpose through one
the other three elements are formed, the roof, the material to another, is as imperative as its mate-
enclosure, and the terrace, in order to protect it rial structure since it creates stability on a cultural
from the remaining and hostile natural elements, level (Muecke 2005, p. 30).
wind, water, and earth. Semper claims that all Sempers theory marks a decisive moment in
technical prociencies of humanity can be architectural thinking. In the past architectural
derived and they originate from these basic ele- form had often been justied by tracing its evo-
ments. Thus the hearth lead to ceramic and lution back to primitive archetypes that were
metallic manufactures, carpentry origins from the based on natural principles, representing pro-
roof, masonry from the terrace, and weaving and portion and order. Similarly, materials were
textile work through the enclosure (Semper 1851, described as having inherent properties, which if
pp. 5556). Sempers elements are hence not discovered determine their correct usage. Others
materially or formally graspable but must be however argued that architecture is largely a
understood as desires or ideas forming from formal practice, beauty and proportion a matter
basic needs out of which architecture emerges, in of individual taste, and that materials can be
contrast to the Vitruvian notion of imitation. categorized and simply applied to fulll partic-
While the elements might be found in nature, the ular demands. Semper does not take any of these
architect creates articial works; hence he does positions. He asserts that materiality and spiri-
not imitate but rather translates. In the prole- tuality are closely linked, but does not value one
gomena to his in 1878 published work Der Stil in over the other since to him the creative idea is at
40 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

the core of architectural design. Form is thus not

a xed entity but rather a continuously changing
and becoming conguration (Semper 1878,
pp. viii, xv).

2.3.3 Technological and Material

Advancement During
the Industrial Revolution
Fig. 2.10 Joseph Paxtons Crystal Palace in London was
While Sempers Stoffwechseltheorie resulted in a entirely covered in transparent glass plates (Queen
Victoria opening the 1851 Universal Exhibition, at the
certain dematerialization in architectural think- Crystal Palace in London, Thomas Abel Prior 1851)
ing, untying form, function, and materiality,
actual progress in construction and the develop-
ment of new fabrication and material processes treat it as a work of real architecture and, a bit
lead to a dematerialization of architecture in its sarcastically, argued that, since the qualities of
physicality. iron are its thinness, its ideal would be an in-
In 1851 the Great Exhibition took place in visible architecture (Semper 1878, p. 251).
Londons Hyde Park, showcasing the latest Only a few years after the Great Exhibition, in
technological developments of the Industrial 1855, Henry Bessemer patented a process to
Revolution. The structure to house the exposition purify liquid pig iron, enabling the mass pro-
was the Crystal Palace (Fig. 2.10), a ground- duction of steel, and by this solved various
breaking, modular, glass and iron building, technical issues that so far weakened the material
designed by the English gardener, Joseph Pax- and prevented it from becoming architecturally
ton. The Crystal Palace can be regarded as the relevant.
rst physical outcome of Durands systematical Based on the development of Portland cement
thinking, even though he did not see iron as an in 1824, whose thermal expansion properties are
architectural material but solely to connect or almost identical to those of iron and steel, rein-
decorate others. The glazed structure, which was forced concrete emerged in 1867, when the
564 m long, 124 m wide, and 39 m high, was French gardener Joseph Monier experimented
completely build from standardized parts, which with adding iron mesh into concrete flowerpots.
enabled an extremely efcient erection within a Monier quickly improved his artisan process and
very short span of time. But despite the structure used it to create water tanks, bridges, and even
being revolutionary in its promotion of homo- beams and columns. During the 1870s Thaddeus
geneous elements for ease of construction, and its Hyatt performed numerous empirical tests on
application of new industrial materials like sheet reinforced concrete beams and developed the
glass in combination with wrought and cast iron, basic groundwork for its further usage (Ballard
its direct impact on architecture and architects of Bell and Rand 2006, p. 53). However, it was not
the time was comparably little. until 1887 that Mathias Koenen demonstrated
Even Gottfried Semper, who just after the how to calculate the necessary reinforcement and
exhibition ended, wrote a short but essential provide a scientic basis for the placing of the
review on its potential effects for architecture steel bars (Forty 2012, p. 18).
remained fairly reserved. To him the structure The superior strength of steel essentially
was little more than a very versatile glass- enabled the steel frame structure toward the end
covered vacuum that suits everything one would of the nineteenth century. Together with the
like to bring into it (Semper 1852, p. 71). While introduction of another technological break-
praising its importance for the technical through, the Otis safety elevator, the rst
advancement of glazed open spaces he did not high-rise buildings appeared. The ten-story
2.3 Industrial Materials 41

Home Insurance Building in Chicago, build in facade of glass (Corbusier 1964, pp. 53, 81).
1885, was the rst tall building that utilized the Laying these towers in a dense but generous grid he
basic principles of skeleton steel frame con- made radical proposals for vast urban redevelop-
struction and its load-bearing opportunities ments, such as his Ville Voisin, a concept city for
(Leslie 2013, p. 46). In 1931, the 102-story-high Paris with low residential blocks divided by large
Empire State Building in New York was nished areas of greenery and parks. Both in its function
as a steel frame structure and remained the tallest and form, Le Corbusiers Cartesian skyscraper
building for nearly 40 years. Almost as impres- stands exemplary for his thinking of the house as a
sive as the immense height of the building was machine for living in (Corbusier 1986, p. 95).
the speed and execution of its construction, This blunt but crucial analogy is intended to
which Rem Koolhaas describes as a form of highlight the necessity for more efcient, mod-
automatic architecture. Rising almost a story per ern, and human-focused environments, and sug-
day, the building seemed to generate itself, gests adapting processes from engineering and
feeding on the never-ending stream of materials industrial design to overcome formal ideals. By
that arrive with split-second regularity this architects, he believes, will be able to create
(Koolhaas 1994, pp. 139141). novel forms that respond to specic needs,
without having to claim a relation to earlier
architectural styles, since to Le Corbusier style is
2.3.4 Functionality Takes Precedence unnecessary, and although sometimes pleasing,
Over Aesthetics and Form solely decorative (Corbusier 1986, p. 25).
The core of Le Corbusiers ideals are summed
Notwithstanding the mechanic automation of up in his manifesto Five Points Towards a New
processes and timely execution of tasks, Le Architecture and can be found in many of his
Corbusier, who visited New York for the rst buildings (Fig. 2.11). First, the structure should
time in 1935, was not very affected, by neither be lifted from the ground, resting upon slender
the Empire State Building nor the American reinforced concrete columns, the supports.
skyscraper in general, which he provocatively Second, the building should contain a roof
deemed as being too small. To him the Amer- garden, which protects the concrete roof against
ican skyscraper was purely decorative, a plume changing temperatures, creates a luxury outdoor
rising from the face of the city. Instead he space, and makes up for the green area consumed
proposed the so-called Cartesian skyscraper, a by the structure. The support system, providing
modern and rationally designed tower based on a the structural foundation of the building, allows
biaxial cruciform plan. the free design of the ground plan, meaning
that the space can be congured into rooms
The Cartesian skyscraper is a miracle in the
urbanization of the cities of machine civilization. without the need for supporting walls. The fourth
It makes possible extraordinary concentrations [] point concerns the horizontal window, which
while taking up only 8 to 12 per cent of the provides unrestricted views of the surrounding
ground, 92 to 88 per cent being restored, usable, and lights the rooms more efciently than with
available for the circulation of pedestrians and
cars! These immense free areas, this whole ward in vertical windows of the same surface area. The
the business section, will become a park. The glass fth point addresses the free design of the
skyscrapers will rise up like crystals, clean and facade, independent from the location or
transparent in the midst of the foliage of the trees arrangement of interior rooms. Le Corbusiers
(Corbusier 1964, p. 83).
ve points meant a radical departure from the
Representing a function of capacity the past and can as such be considered a direct and
monolithic building should be made from a steel critical response to Vitruvius Ten Books on
skeleton structure, without walls and enclosed in a Architecture (Corbusier 1970, pp. 99101).
42 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

alternative to steel for the production of light-

weight weaponry. During the 1920s, in the post
WWI era, the North American economy expan-
ded massively and boosted further industrial
research which lead to the invention of new types
of plastics at a regular basis, including Nylon,
Teflon, PVC, or Vinyl. In 1933 Eric Fawcett and
Reginald Gibson accidentally discovered poly-
ethylene (PE), which continues to be the most
produced and highest selling plastic in the world
today (Ballard Bell and Rand, p. 220).
Richard Buckminster Fuller was one of the rst
Fig. 2.11 The roof level of Le Corbusiers Cit Radieuse to propose plastics in his mobile and eco-friendly
in Marseille (19471952), with the childrens paddling scenarios, like the Dymaxion House (1927), the
pool, atelier, and ventilation stack, exhibits a number of his Wichita House (1945), or the iconic Montreal
ve points toward a new architecture (Kretzer 2014)
Biosphere for the Expo 1967 (Fig. 2.12).
In respect to physical resources, until recently man
had assumed that he could produce his buildings,
2.4 Synthetic Materials machinery, and other products only out of the
known materials. [] But now in the aerospace
The business of Architecture is to establish emo- technology man has developed his metaphysical
tional relationships by means of raw materials. capabilities to so advanced a degree that he is
Architecture goes beyond utilitarian needs. evolving utterly unique materials on order.
Architecture is a plastic thing. Those new materials satisfy the prespecied phys-
The spirit of order, a unity of intention. ical behavior characteristics which transcend those
The sense of relationships; architecture deals with of any substance previously known to exist
quantities. anywhere in the universe. Here we witness mind
Passion can create drama out of inert stone. over matter and humanitys escape from the
Corbusier (1986, Towards a New Architecture, limitations of his exclusive identity only with
p. 151) some sovereignized circumscribed geographical
locality (Buckminster-Fuller 1969, p. 32).
Le Corbusiers use of the term plastic in the
above quote is meant to highlight crucial poetic
and sensual qualities of architecture as opposing
to solely focusing on utility and construction.
Instead of trying to nd inspiration in classical
and natural forms, he suggests looking forward,
to learn from adjacent disciplines and draw from
the qualities of machines (Banham 1980, p. 223).
Condemning architecture as the only profession
in which progress is not considered necessary
he promotes the use of composite and synthetic
compounds and demands an architecture that
reaches beyond purely utilitarian needs but Fig. 2.12 Buckminster Fullers Montreal Biosphere was
instead embraces technological evolution and originally enclosed with acrylic cells and incorporated a
dynamic shading system to control its internal tempera-
new materials (Corbusier, pp. 109, 215, 229). ture (Kretzer 2009)
The rst entirely articial material Bakelite
plastic was invented in 1907 by Leo Baekeland. Another remarkable pioneer during these times
Its astounding properties quickly lead to its was the Austrian-American architect, Frederick
intense use by the United States military as an Kiesler, who already in 1925 formulated a series of
2.4 Synthetic Materials 43

architectural demands as an opposition to the housing, research into petroleum chemistry seri-
mostly functionalist architecture of his time. He ously caught re, and various types of plastic
demanded: were brought into commercial application. In the
nal chapter of their book Plastics, published in
1. Transformation of the surrounding area of 1941, the British chemists Victor Yarsley and
space into cities.
Edward Couzens, vividly anticipate an Utopian
2. Liberation from the ground, abolition of the
static axis. vision of the Plastic Age that was to follow:
3. No walls, no foundations. This Plastic Man will come into a world of colour
4. A system of spans (tension) in free space. and bright shining surfaces, where childish hands
5. Creation of new kinds of living, and, through nd nothing to break, no sharp edges or corners to
them, the demands which will remould cut or graze, no crevices to harbour dirt or germs,
society (Kiesler 1925, pp. 141ff). because, being child, his parents will see to it that
he is surrounded on every side by this tough, safe,
Kieslers ve points became the theoretical clean material which human thought has created.
foundation for his Endless House project, a The walls of his nursery, all the articles of his bath
and certain other necessitates of his small life, all
speculative study that aimed to create a spatial his toys, his cot [] all will be plastic. [] As he
symbiosis between man, nature, and technology grows he cleans his teeth and brushes his hair with
(Bogner and Noever 2001, p. 11). To him space plastic brushes, clothes himself with in plastic
and time were continuous and elastic and should clothes [] The windows of his school [], like
those of his house are of moulded plastic, light and
thus be interwoven and mutually dependent. easy to open never requiring any paint (Yarsley
Moreover, architecture should be capable to and Couzens 1941, p. 149).
provide ideal solutions to the varying social
demands and uses of its occupants. As a physical The rst practical architectural experiments
manifestation of his ideas he designed the Space focused on the development of prefabricated
House in 1933 for the New Yorker Company elements to create mass-produced shelter. But it
Modernage Furniture, which was supposed to be was not until the early 1950s, when a new gen-
cast entirely in plastics to create a fluid transition eration of plastics appeared, that architects star-
between floors, walls, columns, and ceilings. ted to really develop ideas that did justice to the
Kiesler believed that his ideas were very materials various properties. At a 1954 confer-
influential on architects of his time, like Le Cor- ence on the use of plastics in building Robert K.
busier or Mies van der Rohe, yet his projects were Mueller from the Monsanto Chemical Company
received rather dismissively (Borden and Rendell compares the impact of new technologies and
2000, p. 62). This however only strengthened his materials on the reduction of costs in automobile
desire to break out of the ordinariness, especially construction and predicts dramatic advances in
the International Style, and propose ever more building methods and materials:
radical and futuristic visions. But even though he The trend towards prefabricated building structures
continued to develop his ideas in constant and structural elements presents an unusual oppor-
tunity for plastic materials. Plastics are capable of
response to technological and social trends, the
revising the architectural index of our time. We
Space House remains the only building he ever predict that plastics engineering will play a signif-
realized, a fact which in 1960 lead Philip Johnson icant role in a new American style of building
to call him the greatest nonbuilding architect of architecture because of inherent features of plastic
materials and their adaptability in any type of
our time (Johnson 1960, p. 70).
design (Mueller 1955, p. 127).

The visionary thinking of the company, back

2.4.1 The Age of Plastics then a major global producer of plastics, was
manifested in a collaborative project with Disney
After the Second World War, due to a lack of Imagineering and the MIT from 1953 to 1956,
conventional building materials and a shortage in the Monsanto House of the Future. The almost
44 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

5-m wide building, with its four square rooms which was to consist of flexible room modules
cantilevering outward from a central core, was without specic functions that could be dynam-
made entirely from glass ber-reinforced plastic ically inserted into load-bearing infrastructures
(GFRP) shells and showcased a vision of the year (Jeska 2008, p. 12). Friedman explains:
1986. The center of the structure housed the The two techniques I proposed were aimed to
kitchen and two bathrooms, while the living liberate the building from the groundwork. The
room, family room, master bedroom, and two elements were the span-over blocks, supported
small bedrooms occupied the wings. According by stair towers which were about 60 meters away
from each other and the raft blocks, boxes placed
to a press release from the Monsanto Chemical on the ground which rested on beams. []
Company in 1960, the influence of the experi- I express this philosophy accepting the unpre-
ment on the building industry was remarkable: dictability of human behavior, of the inhabitants,
also accepting the illusion of planning, the erratic
All told, 23 per cent of the plastics made in this character of each persons story. I assume that in
country now go into construction, compared with every domain, the process is important and a nal
15 per cent the year before Monsantos experi- result which can be determined with absolute
mental house was built. The pace being what it is, certainty does not exist (Friedman 2006,
the Plastics Home of the Future may soon be pp. 1415).
just one of many plastics homes of the present
(Weiss 2010). The formation of the group and its visionary
and radical philosophy were characteristic for the
Although Monsantos vision of plastic homes
period of the early 1960s. Driven by a euphoric
did not quite come true as they imagined, the
decision to abandon traditional practice, a fasci-
usage of polymers in building construction has
nation for space travel, and a strong belief in
continuously risen, making it the second largest
technological progress and the usage of uncom-
consumer of plastics today, just after packaging
mon materials, numerous artistic collectives like
(Fernandez 2006, p. 161). Ironically, it was
Archigram (1960), E.A.T. (1967), Haus Rucker
precisely the houses futuristic and style-
Co. (1967), Coop Himmelb(l)au (1968), or
dependent use of technologies and materials
AntFarm (1968) formed around the globe and
that lead to its abolition only 10 years after its
developed architectural concepts based on
opening. While the high-tech interior simply
mobility, individualism, and self-expression. For
became standard and out of fashion, the use of
them architecture had to go beyond the creation
ber-reinforced polyester for the shell structure
of isolated structures and tend toward environ-
failed as a building material because it con-
mentally and organically funded design (Scott
versely was too durable and resistant for a time
2008, p. 62). They relied on a future of abundant
that valued temporality and progress.
resources and developed visionary urban sce-
narios and large spatial experiments that tried to
escape from the limits of established norms but
2.4.2 Utopian Visions for a Better
wanted to generate a more flexible and inde-
pendent living (Sadler 2005, p. 95).
Plastic turned into a term that stood for far
In 1958, motivated by the results of the 1956
more than simply a material. It became epony-
CIAM congress held in Dubrovnic, which
mous for a complete era, a time and people that
addressed issues of mobility, flexibility, growth,
were elastic and dynamic but also slick and
and communication, a group of young architects
clean, just as Andy Warhol famously noted:
around Yona Friedman, founded the Groupe
dtudes dArchitecture Mobile (GEAM). Cen- I love Los Angeles, and I love Hollywood. Theyre
beautiful. Everybodys plastic, but I love plastic.
tered on the understanding that people should be I want to be plastic (Lavin 2014, p. 15).
actively engaged in the process of constant
sociological and technological change, the group The World Expo 1970 in Osaka with its theme
proposed the so-called architecture mobile, Progress and Harmony for Mankind marks to
2.4 Synthetic Materials 45

date the climax of plastic architectural explo- particular the writings of Alberti, while expres-
ration and experimentation. Showcasing pneu- sively demarcating themselves from the previous
matic structures, media pavilions, and stretched Baroque and Rococo era. The Renaissance per-
skin systems it represented a cheerful and opti- iod in turn is clearly dened by a rediscovery of
mistic vision of the materials outstanding prop- the work and philosophy of the Roman time, as
erties and possible structural manifestations. is the Romanesque, and tries to express its dif-
Despite the public success of these case studies ference to the earlier Gothic buildings. At the
and experiments, the rst real plastic buildings same time the intricate and decorative architec-
on the market however turned out to be the exact ture of the Gothic era can be associated with the
opposite, creating anonymous, inhuman, and ornamental Baroque, Rococo, and the later
impersonal environments, with no room for Romanticism. When displaying this observation
individuality and self-expression. In junction graphically it can be depicted as an ascending
with the oil crisis in 1973 this sudden realization curve Fig. 2.13, divided into two distinctive
meant the abrupt end of the plastics euphoria sides. The left part of the diagram displays the
demanding a return to natural and more human styles that aim for structural forms and functional
materials (Jeska 2008, p. 22). spaces, the right side is more playful in the
addition of ornament and decoration. As styles
progress they often try to demarcate themselves
2.5 Intermediate Summary from the directly previous period while relating
and Conclusion to the one before. The graph also displays that
the time span of how long it takes for the
Architecture is generally a rather slow and con- respective styles to be superseded by a more
servative discipline. New material innovations modern approach gets continuously shorter.
thus often take much longer until they lead to While Roman architecture lasted for almost
substantial changes and advancements. Steel, for 650 years, the Gothic style was deprecated after
example, was in the beginning only used in works 350 years, Neoclassicism after 200 years, and
of engineering, such as bridges or towers, before Modernism already after 60 years.
it turned architecturally relevant due to its amal- Lbeit this is clearly a hypothetical assumption,
gamation with concrete. Plastics on the other it can be exemplied further through one par-
hand were treated as a highly imperative struc- ticular material: concrete. During Roman times
tural material but in the end had a much more concrete was used pragmatically as a structural
subliminal influence and are today mostly found material, but remained mostly hidden behind
in technical appliances and infrastructures. The more appreciated materials, such as brick or
impact of a material on building is thus not only marble. While concrete disappeared after 500
related to technological advancements but equally AD, sandstone took its place, which during the
to various associative qualities, differing accord- Gothic era was treated sculpturally and during
ing to culture, society, fashion, and time (Ashby the Renaissance rather reductive and restrained.
et al. 2009, p. 46). Obviously, none of the The use of cement slowly returned in the mid
above-described periods can simply be reduced to seventeenth century, this time largely in the form
the small number of positions that are portrayed, of decorative stucco during the Baroque. With
neither can these opinions be fully grasped in the Industrialization reinforced concrete emerged
brevity of the present discourse, yet there appear and again its structural qualities prevailed. Le
to be underlying, recurring patterns driving, and Corbusier emphasized the plasticity and mal-
strengthening the various stages. leability of concrete, yet used it in a very clear
Architects of the Enlightenment, such as and formal manner. The same applies for the
Perrault, Laugier, or Ledoux, for example, relate spatial explorations in plastics during the 1950s
strongly to thinking during the Renaissance, in and 1960s.
46 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

printing are applied to create intricate, uncanny

computational forms and geometries.

2.6 Digital Materials

Digital machines and productive technologies in
general allow for the production of an industrial
continuum. From the mold we move toward
modulation. We no longer apply a preset form on
inert matter, but layout the parameters of a surface
of variable curvature. A milling machine that is
commanded numerically does not regulate itself
according to the build of the machine; it rather
describes the variable curvature of a surface of
possibility. The image-machine organization is
reversed: the design of the object is no longer
subordinated to mechanical geometry; it is the
machine that is directly integrated into the tech-
nology of a synthesized image.
Cache (1995 Earth Moves: the Furnishing of
Territories, pp. 9697)
Fig. 2.13 Graphical depiction of alternating architectural
styles in form of an ascending curve with arrows showing As described in the previous chapters, every
various relations (Kretzer 2015) new technological development has not only
affected the creation and design of architecture
but equally architectural thinking and theory.
Very recently, we are experiencing a new Around the turn of the twenty-rst century the
sculptural approach toward the same material, growing prominence of computer-aided design
enabled by novel manufacturing techniques and tools paired with influences from computer
more sophisticated and powerful computer graphics and especially motion and cinematic
hardware and software. One very prominent animation lead to a number of critical investi-
example is the study Digital Grotesque gations into their greater relevance in relation to
(Fig. 2.14) by Michael Hansmeyer and Benjamin future architectural explorations. In the AD
Dillenburger at the Chair for CAAD, ETH Zur- Architectural Design issue Folding in Architec-
ich, where complex algorithmic processes in ture, edited by Greg Lynn and rst published in
combination with cutting edge 3D sandstone 1993, Lynn argues that architects during the
preceding two decades had been largely focusing
on the creation of heterogeneous, fragmented
and conflicting formal systems resulting from a
logic which tends to identify the potential con-
tradictions between dissimilar elements.
Emerging as a reactionary response to this formal
dispute he addresses a second tendency that aims
at recovering unied architectural languages
either through historical reference (Neoclassi-
cism or Neomodernism) or by nding local
consistencies (Regionalism). Yet Lynn contends:
Fig. 2.14 The 3D printed space Digital Grotesque explores Neither the reactionary call for unity nor the
the current limits of computational design- and fabrication avant-garde dismantling of it through the identi-
technologies (Hansmeyer and Dillenburger 2014) cation of internal contradictions seems adequate as
2.6 Digital Materials 47

a model for contemporary architecture and urban- Thus new forms of architecture will not emerge as
ism (Lynn 1993, p. 24). a result of the effects achieved by ever more pliant,
uid, complex, and heterogeneous shapes or
As a more appropriate alternative he proposes architectural forms, but rather with the develop-
a post-contradictory work based on smooth ment of more pliant, complex, and heterogeneous
transformations that allow the incorporation of forms of architectural practice-with architectural
practices supple enough to be formed by what is
variety within an incessant but heterogeneous outside or external to them, yet resilient enough to
whole. Referring to Deleuzes understanding of retain their coherence as architecture (Speaks
smoothness as continuous development of 1995, pp. xv, xvi).
form Lynn reasons that through smoothness and
Bernard Cache has according to Speaks suc-
pliancy architecture can address complexity
ceeded in developing a conversion from theory
through flexibility, which will allow the inte-
toward practice, by employing the fold as a
gration of unrelated elements within a new
method to reconsider the relationship of the
continuous mixture. Mentioning both the Gehry
interior with the exterior world through images.
House (1991) and Peter Eisenmans Wexner
Cache has early on been strongly engaged in
Center (1989) he implies that despite their clear
what he calls Computer-Assisted Conception and
deconstructivist appearance they express a cer-
Fabrication (CFAO) systems. He identies two
tain softening toward curvilinear deformations
main types of CFAO usage in the industry,
that foster a more fluid logic of connectivity
mainly in the areas of mechanical engineering
rather than emphasizing contradiction and con-
and automobile or aeronautical applications,
flict. From this observation he argues for the
which albeit they have increased the produc-
development of an architecture that bends and
tivity of the idea they so far do not offer any
folds locations, materials, and programs rather
fundamental advances over the work done by
than breaking and disrupting them, to create fluid
hand. Growing from this he imagines
and dynamic systems that maintain both the
second-generation systems where objects are not
individual characteristics of each element and
any more designed but calculated, allowing the
remain open for future additions (Lynn 1993,
creation of complex forms that would be difcult
pp. 2428).
or impossible to draw in a traditional manner.
In Bernard Caches Earth Moves, Michael
More interestingly however he asserts that such
Speaks builds upon Lynns argumentation but
systems might incept a nonstandard mode of
wonders whether a shift from deconstructivist
production where objects from the same series
forms toward folded forms is enough in order to
can vary in size and shape by simply modifying
be called new and important or if it does simply
certain fabrication parameters on the fly. Since
repeat what already exists. Contending that
neither the function of an object nor its materi-
Deleuzes work is much more comprehensive ality are any longer linked to a particular form
than what Lynn emphasizes, Speaks bemoans
but can vary continuously, the digital represen-
that by simply picking certain theoretical or
tation takes precedence over the object. The
philosophical ideas and translating them into primary depiction of an object is hence not
architectural shapes, architecture becomes
anymore its image but a model of simulation, of
applied philosophy, and necessarily gives up all
numerical manipulation, resulting in a kind of
claims to singularity and creativity. To Speaks digital materiality (Cache 1995, pp. 8898).
the real value of the Deleuzian concept of the
fold lies in the shaping of the form of practices The shape of this new objectivity prolongs surfaces
of resonance, whether screens or membranes, that
(including techniques and logics), rather than the restore the materiality of the numerical processes.
shaping of individual architectural forms. In that Data of this sort can then create an image on a
sense he demands a more abstract understanding cathodic screen, but it can also create a sound on
and translation of the Deleuzian notion: an acoustic membrane or, better still, produce a
surface of variable curvature (Cache 1995, p. 97).
48 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler at ETH exact same time lie the roots of computation and
Zurich build upon this notion and use the term digital fabrication (Hovestadt 2009, p. 19).
digital materiality to describe materials that are
increasingly being enhanced with information
technological characteristics: 2.6.1 The Emergence of Digital
Digital materiality evolves through the interplay Design and Fabrication
between digital and material processes in design Techniques
and construction. The synthesis of two seemingly
distinct worlds - the digital and the material - In 1949 the United States Air Force assigned
generates new, self-evident realities. Data and
material, programming and construction are inter- John Parsons to develop an economical, auto-
woven. This synthesis is enabled by the techniques mated method for the manufacture of helicopter
of digital fabrication, which allows the architect to rotor blades. Parsons teamed up with the
control the manufacturing process through design Servomechanisms Laboratory at MIT, who back
data. Material is thus enriched by information;
material becomes informed (Gramazio and Koh- then was on the global forefront of mechanical
ler 2008, p. 7). computing and feedback systems, and together
they created the computer-controlled
In contrast to materials that only exist in Card-a-Matic Milling Machine for three-axis
digital or virtual form, such as textures for 3D contour milling. Although the machine required
renderings or computer software that simulates relatively long in preparation and could only
material properties for evaluation or visualiza- perform a limited set of operations that were fed
tion, the present meaning of physical digital from punch card tapes, it represented a revolution
materials is thus directly tied to the emergence in automated manufacturing. The machine
and evolution of digital design and fabrication reduced workforce, downtime, and waste mate-
techniques. rial while increasing productivity, precision, and
In Beyond the Grid, Ludger Hovestadt com- especially versatility through the use of a single
pares the development of architectural manufac- tool. However, the industry was hard to convince
ture to the history of biology: While during the of the machines potential and remained unwill-
seventeenth century nature was described in ing to provide the necessary funding for further
rather broad terms and with the help of patterns, industrial development (Caneparo 2013, p. 55).
the invention of the microscope allowed the During the 1960s computing became much
study of individual cells and thus not only more publicly prominent and a new generation of
facilitated the decomposition of biological forms cyberneticists began actively speculating about
but also their schematic reconstruction. A similar architectural design and its similarities to cyber-
leap happened in the architectural world during netic systems (Spiller 2008, p. 10). In 1963 Ivan
the eighteenth century when production became Sutherland released Sketchpad (Fig. 2.15), a
a necessary condition for architecture in contrast pioneering attempt for humancomputer inter-
to the slow and laborious building techniques of action, often credited as the very rst
the previous times. A little later, during Indus- computer-aided design (CAD) tool. Sutherland
trialization, the standardization of building ele- himself describes Sketchpad as a system that, by
ments paired with new technological processes eliminating statements (except for legends) in
made possible unprecedented architectural favor of line drawings, opens up a new area of
explorations as exemplied in the previous manmachine communication, which in the past
chapters. has been slowed down by the need to reduce all
In biology another crucial breakthrough communication to written statements that can be
occurred with the discovery of DNA in the typed. The tool ran on a Lincoln TX-2 com-
1950s. Since then the internal code of cells can puter, a highly advanced machine at the time, and
be revealed and in a very moderate way be incorporated a light pen that was used to directly
recombined and reassembled. Around almost the draw lines and other geometrical shapes onto a
2.6 Digital Materials 49

development of subtractive fabrication processes

such as milling or cutting, additive manufactur-
ing, today best known as 3D printing, came on
the market in the 1980s, and was rapidly pro-
moted by the emergence of numerous companies
that pushed its development (Gershenfeld 2012,
p. 45). Around the same time industrial robots
became more prominent and sophisticated in the
range of movements and actions they could
perform. Due to their great versatility since the
end effectors, attached and controlled by these
arms, are as diverse as the materials they can
Fig. 2.15 Ivan Sutherland using Sketchpad with a light process much of todays research into digital
pen to directly draw geometrical shapes onto the computer fabrication focuses on the potential of robotic
(scanned by Kerry Rodden from original photograph by
arms (Beorkrem 2013, p. 10).
Ivan Sutherland 1963)
Neil Gershenfeld, head of MITs Center for
Bits and Atoms, argues that the cumulative
small connected cathode ray tube. Additional emergence and evolution of these fabrication
knobs and buttons allowed the further manipu- technologies will inevitably result in a new
lation of the content in real time and an adjacent digital revolution, empowering people to
plotter was used to print the created diagrams. design and produce tangible objects on demand,
Sutherland saw the advantages of his inven- wherever and whenever they need them.
tion especially in the creation of drawings where Drawing analogies to the history of computing he
motion, analysis, high accuracy, or repetition predicts that through the continuous increase in
were essential, yet he conceded that it is only performance and versatility of, for example,
worthwhile to make drawings on the computer if desktop 3D printers and the open access to their
you get something more out of the drawing than blueprints, tool owners can not only use but also
just a drawing (Sutherland 2003, pp. 17, 99, reproduce and alter them, just as the early per-
110). sonal computer allowed people to create their
Graphical CAD systems were further own software. Encouraged by the success of Fab
improved in the 1970s and became suitable tools Labs he believes that the power of these tech-
for designers and architects for the creation of nologies lies in their largely unregulated but well
geometric representations. Simultaneously, connected nature, thus their real strength is not
numerical control (NC) systems were enhanced technical; it is social. Gershenfeld suggests that
to add visual descriptions of the work piece and the ultimate abilities of what he calls assem-
process. The new software was called computer- blers, the future descendants of 3D printers, will
aided manufacturing (CAM) and the immediate be to create complete functional systems in a
connection to CAD helped that it was quickly single process without the creation of any waste
adopted by various industries for the creation of or trash (Gershenfeld 2012, pp. 43, 52, 57).
complex products like ships or automobiles.
While in the beginning the technology remained
only viable for projects with large turnovers and 2.6.2 New Instruments
as such big companies, continuous increase in for the Architectural
computing power and the concomitant reduction Design Practice
in costs eventually lead to the propagation of
CAD/CAM technologies and CNC fabrication in Despite the obvious advantages of digital tech-
the areas of industrial design and manufacturing nologies for design and manufacture and despite
(Corser 2010, p. 13). In parallel to the the fact that code already represents the base and
50 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

framework for any kind of planning, communi-

cation, nancing, infrastructure, and construc-
tion, as Hovestadt observes, the building industry
has to date been fairly slow and repellent in
adapting (Hovestadt 2009, p. 19). This is due
certainly to the fact that it mostly deals with
one-off projects and relatively small prot mar-
gins, however the reason might also be rooted in
an outdated understanding of architectural design
and production based on tradition and crafts-
manship. Referring to William Mitchel, Branko Fig. 2.16 Sydney Opera House by the Danish architect
Jrn Utzon behind Harbour Bridge, Sydney, realized from
Kolarevic, Professor at the University of Calgary, 1956 to 1973 (Kretzer 2005)
states that while in the past architects drew what
they could build, and built what they could draw
work was still based on manual labor, the project
we have now reached a state where the con-
would not have been realizable without the
structibility of a design, enabled through digital
application of computers to solve and simplify
production processes, becomes directly linked to
the complex geometry. The Sydney Opera House
the limits of computation. Due to this:
thus marks a building utilizing and progressing
The question is no longer whether a particular form technologies way ahead of its time.
is buildable, but what new instruments of practice
are needed to take advantage of the opportunities One of the rst architectural projects that was
opened up by the digital models of production developed and also produced largely digital is the
(Kolarevic 2003, pp. 3133). Great Fish Sculpture by Frank Ghery at the
entrance to the Vila Olimpica in Barcelona,
Fabio Gramazio and Mathias Kohler add that
Spain, built in 1992 (Fig. 2.17). The structure,
in order to make the full spectrum of digital
which is 55 m long and 35 m high, is made of
technologies in architecture accessible [] they
interwoven steel strips that are connected to an
have to be considered conceptually in design
open steel framework. Since back then no
from the very beginning. Hence they argue for
architectural computer software existed that
research and practice-based approaches that go
would allow for both the design and the pro-
beyond investigating the potential of technolo-
duction of the intricate form, the architects leaned
gies but focus on integrating them in an early
toward the aerospace industry and found a
design phase in order to nally overcome the still
prevalent separation of design and making and
introduce new meaning and substance into the
profession (Sheil and Glynn 2011, pp. 2, 6).
An early pioneering application in using
computer-aided design and engineering for
architectural fabrication can be witnessed in the
Sydney Opera House, designed by the Danish
architect Jorn Utzon and realized from 1956 to
1973 (Fig. 2.16). Digital modeling was applied
for both structural analyses as well as the detailed
layout of building assemblies and inventory
documentation. Additional computer-generated
information was used for factory production and Fig. 2.17 Frank Gherys Great Fish Sculpture at the
plotted templates were created for on-site cutting entrance to Villa Olimpica, Barcelona, built in 1992
of large glass panels. While the majority of the (Kretzer 2016)
2.6 Digital Materials 51

solution in the program CATIA. In what original design intent, depending on the com-
Kolarevic calls a radical departure from the plexity of transfer from one area to the other.
normative practices of the profession, the tool However through the integration of digital tech-
was used for the design, structural analysis, nologies the exchange of information between
fabrication, and as on-site construction guide design and fabrication is no longer a slow chain
(Kolarevic 2003, p. 31). of vulnerable links, but a rapid flow of data,
The realization that complex surfaces and where design and making can be a simultaneous
geometries consisting of multiple unique pieces process, redening the role of architects into
can be manufactured in a digitally controlled way hybrid disciplinarians (Sheil and Glynn 2011,
without signicantly increasing the cost of fab- p. 156). Hovestadt describes a similar phe-
rication in comparison to mass production moti- nomenon when referring to the digital chain:
vated Ghery and Partners to establish Ghery The digital chain represents the general formula-
Technologies in 2002. The company since then tion of the building process, its reference process,
develops and promotes Digital Project, a version including all of its abstract building blocks. Form
of CATIA, tailored to the specic demands of and its design become a variable that - freed from
the dependency on function - can now focus on
multifaceted architectural projects including the their essence, that is, representation (Hovestadt
preparation of fabrication data. The work of 2009, p. 133).
Frank Ghery is thus not only revolutionary in its
architectural complexity and appearance but Yet, while new algorithmically computed
according to Lisa Iwamoto, founding partner of forms are continuously emerging and while
Iwamoto Scott in San Francisco, also in digitally controlled tools become increasingly
expanding the role of the architect to include accessible, materials still have fairly little design
oversight of the building and construction- influencing effects and are often shifted to the
management process, much as it was in the age end of the process where they undergo solidi-
of the master builder (Iwamoto 2009, p. 6). cation within production. As a result contempo-
rary architects often think of materials as
immaterial components, which can be chosen
2.6.3 The Digital Chain: From Design from a design palette and, similar to the use of
to Production textures in 3D renderings, applied as visual and
compositional architectural elements. This trend
Today, digital design and fabrication technolo- of categorizing and sorting materials into sets of
gies have inltrated almost every architectural quantiable qualities becomes evermore obvious
school on various levels and many of the larger in the large amount of material databases,
architectural ofces have established their own libraries, and catalogs that appear in print, online,
specialized computation units and in-house fab- and physically in every larger city.
rication and prototyping facilities, slowly arriv- Criticizing the impoverished notion of form
ing at what Kolarevic calls a digital continuum generation, which refers to various digitally dri-
from design to production (Kolarevic 2003, ven processes resulting in shapes that remain
p. 7). Bob Sheil, Director of The Bartlett School detached from material and construction logics,
of Architecture, consents and describes a para- Achim Menges and Michael Hensel demand a
digm shift arising from the direct engagement more holistic understanding of form, material,
with digital technologies, which empower the structure, and behavior (Hensel and Menges
architect to become involved in areas that he has 2008, pp. 5556). According to Mette Ramsgard
formerly been excluded from. Sheil reasons that Thomsen, head of CITA (Centre for Information
in the past the making of buildings was inher- Technology and Architecture) at the Royal
ently dependent on the successful communica- Danish Academy of Fine Arts, this will
tion between the various involved disciplines, strengthen the reemergence of good building
often resulting in negotiated translation of the culture and help to overcome the loss of
52 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

uniqueness and shift toward the general and The term information materials aims at
mass-produced, which came from the industri- describing a type of newly emerging materials
alization of construction processes (Ayres et al. which share certain commonalities that distin-
2012, p. 8). guish them from the traditional notion of
However, there are two things that tend to be materiality.
neglected. First, for computer-controlled machi-
nes to analyze and apprehend the particular First, information materials have the inherent
materials they are treating they would need to be capability to contain and harvest (digital)
equipped with some sort of feedback and evalu- information and transform it into physical
ation systems. Second, they would have to be representation. Thus they are dynamic and
able to learn and respond to observed material can change their state over time in a con-
variances by improvising and adjusting their trolled way and in response to external
fabrication strategy. Until this is achieved they influences.
will always require super-standardized and Second, information materials are based on
homogeneous materials, since albeit the executed information technology. They are articially
steps may differ the operational principle remains created on a symbolic level by the combina-
the same. So while the complexity of possible tion of formerly distinct elements into func-
material handling increases with the versatility of tional assemblies using digital technologies.
the tool, the homogeneity of the material has to As such they are not built upon anything that
be raised accordingly, leading to a certain can be found in nature but are sole products
dematerialization of material-specic character- of human intellect (Bhlmann and Hovestadt
istics, especially when dealing with nonsynthetic 2013, p. 11).
substances. The decisive properties of wood, for
example, like its ber orientation, texture, vary- The new term information materials, as a
ing density, strength, and color are hardly toler- distinction from other names, such as pro-
able for automated manufacture and thus have grammable matter or smart materials, which will
largely been eliminated by the creation of various be discussed in the following, wants to establish
wood composite materials such as chipboard, a general awareness of these phenomena and
medium-density berboard (MDF), or oriented develop a linguistic prociency among the
strand board (OSB) (Schindler 2009, architecture and design community. The concept
pp. 173179, 207). What this all amounts to is thus aims at proposing and mediating a new way
that digital fabrication techniques may promote of thinking, liberated from a materialistic and
the departure from the industrialization of con- mechanistic point of view, and instead focusing
struction processes but at the same time require on materiability, the empowering ability to create
the increased homogenization of material synthetic materials with performative abilities.
2.7.1 Programmable Matter
2.7 Information Materials Programmable matter generally refers to matter
The mechanical brain does not secrete thought as or materials that are capable of changing their
the liver does bile, as the earlier materialists physical properties, such as shape, density, con-
claimed, nor does it put it out in the form of
energy, as the muscle puts out its activity. ductivity, opacity, etc., in a controlled and direct
Information is information, not matter or energy. way. The term was introduced by Tommaso
No materialism which does not admit this can Toffoli and Norman Margolus, describing the
survive at the present day. concept of a three-dimensional network of
Wiener (1961, Cybernetics, p. 132) ne-grained functional substrates. These minute
2.7 Information Materials 53

elements are able to interact with each other and Programmable matter will allow us to take a
through varying their formation, arrangement, or (big) step beyond virtual reality, to synthetic
individual properties, produce a dynamic, new reality, an environment in which all the objects
in a users environment (including the ones
kind of synthetic material. More precisely, Tof-
inserted by the computer) are physically realized
foli and Margolus dene four essential key (Goldstein and Mowry 2004).
aspects of what they understand as pro-
grammable matter: The possibilities that such an environment
would open up are nearly innite, and even
though the concept still sounds more like some-
(i) It can be assembled into lumps of arbitrary thing from a science ction movie, researchers in
size (the limits being given by economics
the domain are convinced that it is only a ques-
rather than technology).
tion of time and persistence until it becomes
(ii) It can be dynamically recongured into any physical reality (Guin 2012).
uniform, polynomially interconnected, ne
grained computing network. While both Goldstein and Mowry as well as
Toffoli and Margolus imagine to build up some
(iii) It can be interactively driven, in the sense
that its dynamical evolution can be started, sort of universal material from a multitude of
interrupted, and resumed at any moment in minute controllable elements another approach
response to the occurrence of specied toward information materials involves the cre-
internal or external events. ation of multifunctional materials with specic
(iv) It is totally accessible to real-time observa- dynamic properties, also referred to as smart
tion, analysis, and modication (Toffoli and materials. Although these materials certainly lack
Margolus 1991, p. 266).
the versatility of the former approach, they offer
What they essentially aim for is the creation of various advantages including the departure from
individual articial computing nodes at a scale mechanics and engineering toward the areas of
small enough in order to accumulate and materials science, chemistry, and biology and as
self-assemble into any kind of materiality. such a much softer domain of research.
Building upon this work, Seth Goldstein and
Todd Mowry initiated the Claytronics project at
Carnegie Mellon University, researching the 2.7.2 The Soft Kinetics of Smart
production of nanoscale computers and robots, Materials
referred to as claytronic atoms, or catoms that
can form tangible three-dimensional objects that The director of MITs Self-Assembly Lab, Sky-
users can interact with. Each catom is in its lar Tibbits, investigates in what he calls 4D
preliminary design a unit with a CPU, a network printing, which entails multimaterial prints with
device, a single-pixel display, one or more sen- the capability to transform over time, or a cus-
sors, a means of locomotion, and a mechanism tomized material system that can change from
for adhering to other catoms (Goldstein et al. one shape to another, directly off the print bed.
2005, p. 99). The material that is being used for the active
Once the work succeeds in overcoming some parts of his transformable assemblies is a
crucial aspects, such as shrinking the elements, hydrophilic polymer, which is able to expand
which are still in the centimeter range, to millimeter 150 % upon immersion in water. In combination
or even micrometer sized particles, providing the with a rigid polymer that provides the required
individual nodes with sufcient energy while stability the printed systems can then self-change
maintaining their lightness and versatility, and from one state to another when put in contact
developing stable software and hardware congu- with water. While Tibbits method in 3D printing
rations that function in ensembles of millions of smart materials undoubtedly offers various
catoms, Goldstein and Mowry imagine: exciting opportunities, which he nds mostly
54 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

for the future of the products, and the shipping threshold, will automatically either induce a
and manufacturing sectors, the creation and heating or cooling process in order to retain the
application of shape changing smart materials is previously set target temperature. It is interesting
not new (Tibbits 2014, pp. 119121). Among the to observe Pasks trouble in properly describing
best-known and widest-used materials are and dening the phenomenon of both the
so-called bimetals, which due to the differential cybernetic system as well as the dynamic mate-
expansion of two tightly bonded metals are able rial. He clearly distinguishes it from the
to flex reversely in response to a change in mechanical notion of machines and refers toward
temperature. This property has among others more biological and organic associations. By this
been extensively used for the actuation of on/off Pask already anticipated some of the difculties
switches within early thermostats and is depicted we are still facing today when dealing and
in the following graphic (Fig. 2.18). working with information materials.

2.7.3 Definitions of Smart Materials

The term smart materials is a relatively young

invention and generally refers to materials that
can change their properties in response to envi-
Fig. 2.18 Schematic diagram of the working the dia-
ronmental conditions, such as changes in tem-
gram appears a little too big principle of a bimetallic strip
as used in early thermostats (Kretzer 2015) perature, humidity, pressure, stress, pH level,
magnetic or electrical eld, light radiation, and
many more. The degree of smartness or behav-
The English scientist Gordon Pask was one of
ioral response of a certain material is often
the earliest to describe the puzzling effect of the
measured by comparing the amount of transfor-
self-activated material in 1972:
mation to the duration it takes to complete a full
It seems to me that the notion of machine that was cycle. Smart materials are generally classied
current in the course of the Industrial Revolution - according to their basic physical or chemical
and which we might have inherited - is a notion,
essentially, of a machine without goal, it had no effects. Table 2.1 shows an overview of several
goal of, it had a goal for. And this gradually smart materials displaying both the stimulus
developed into the notion of machines with goals applied and the actual response of the material.
of, like thermostats, which I might begin to The history of smart materials differs accord-
object to because they might compete with me.
Now weve got the notion of a machine with an ing to the respective type of material and the rst
underspecied goal, the system that evolves. This recorded occurrences of certain effects can in
is a new notion, nothing like the notion of cases date back centuries, like, for example, the
machines that was current in the Industrial Revo- discovery of Luminescence by Vincenzo Cas-
lution, absolutely nothing like it. It is, if you like, a
much more biological notion, maybe Im wrong to ciarolo in 1602. Their commercial emergence as
call such a thing a machine; I gave that label to it a new class of materials is however often traced
because I like to realise things as artifacts, but you to the research of S. Donald Stookey at Corning
might not call the system a machine, you might Glass, who in the early 1960s aimed to develop a
call it something else (Haque 2007, p. 54).
glass that turns opaque automatically when
Pask was a convinced advocate of cybernet- exposed to light and vice versa increase its
ics, a term coined by Norbert Wiener in 1948, transparency when the light source is withdrawn.
describing systems that are able to assess feed- By adding silver and copper halides into the glass
back on their state and progress and alter their formula Stookey succeeded in creating a pho-
course accordingly. To Pask the thermostat rep- tochromic glass, which to date still forms the
resents a very basic cybernetic system that, when basis for light-sensitive glass with self-adjusting
the temperature of a space goes beyond a certain transparencies (Geiser 2001, p. 249).
Table 2.1 Stimulus response matrix for a selection of smart materials
Response ! Electrical Magnetic Optical Thermal Mechanical Chemical
# Stimulus
Electrical Magnetoelectronics Electrochromic Thermoelectric (Peltier) Piezoelectric Electrolysis
2.7 Information Materials

Spinelectronics Electroluminescent Electrostrictive Electrochemical

Spintronics Electrooptic Electrorheological Bioelectric
Piezochromic Electrokinetic Electromigration
Kerr Effect
Pockel Effect
Magnetic Magnetoelectronics Magnetooptic Magnetothermal Magnetostrictive Nuclear magnetic resonance
Spinelectronics Piezochromic Magnetorheological Magnetochemical
Spintronics, Hall Effect
Optical Photoconductive Optomagnetic Optical stability Photothermic Optomechanical Photochemical
Photoacoustic Photosynthesis
Thermal Thermoelectric Curie point Thermochromic Shape-memory
Superconductivity Thermoluminescent
Radiometer Effect
Mechanical Piezoelectric Magnetostrictive Mechanochromic, Rheopexic
Electrostrictive Rheochromic Auxetic
Pseudo Plastic
Chemical Magnetochemical Color change Exothermic Catalysis
Litmus Endothermic
Adapted from Darrell Mann: Smart Materials Solve Contradictions: paper rst presented at ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference, November 2008
56 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

Other innovations followed rapidly with one development of advanced actuator designs to
of the most notable being the shape-memory move developing concepts of smart materials
effect found in Nickel-Titanium alloys in 1962 at into practical applications. To them the term
the now disestablished Naval Ordnance Labora- smart materials has thus always been used to
tory (NOL) in White Oak, Maryland, creating a describe a materials system constructed of
material that is accordingly called Nitinol. The actuation materials, structural materials, structure
shape-memory effect has since then been dis- design, sensing, and control (Wax et al. 2003,
covered in a few other alloys, Nitinol however pp. 1723).
remains the most popular. Shape-memory alloys A similar denition is the base of a Foresight
(SMA) have the ability to remember the shape in study performed by the Institute of Materials,
which they were annealed and upon heating try Minerals and Mining, London entitled Smart
to remake that shape, creating relatively large Materials for the twenty rst century, which
forces in the process. Starting in the 1980s and highlights the development of products with
early 1990s, several companies are now pro- increasing levels of functionality as a key to
ducing and distributing Nitinol materials and twenty-rst century competitive advantage.
components including connectors, heat engines, Here, we dene Smart Materials as materials that
and various types of actuators (Cai 2003, p. 9). form part of a smart structural system that has the
Due to the continuous emergence of further capability to sense its environment and the effects
types of smart materials the United States army thereof and, if truly smart, to respond to that external
stimulus via an active control mechanism (Institute
organized a workshop on Smart Materials, of Materials, Minerals and Mining 2003, p. 9).
Structures, and Mathematical Issues, in
September 1988 aiming to identify recent sig- To disperse misunderstanding in relation to
nicant developments and breakthroughs in sci- different terminologies and meanings they
ence and technology. Its main focus was to continue:
develop a general agreement on the denition The terms smart, functional, multifunctional
and characteristics of a smart/intelligent mate- and intelligent are often used interchangeably.
rial or structure, since the use of different, often This is reasonable, if confusing, for the rst three
terms but the last almost certainly suggests a degree
complementary terms, such as smart, intelligent, of consciousness that does not exist in any
active, multifunctional, or adaptive lead to non-biological system. There is arguably no such
growing confusion among the scientic com- thing as a smart material per se - there are only
munity. Dr. lqbal Ahmad, director of the Mate- materials that exhibit interesting intrinsic charac-
teristics which can be exploited within systems, or
rials Science Division of the United States Army structures that, in turn, can exhibit smart behavior
Research Ofce and chairman of the workshop, (Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining 2003,
proposes to stick to the term smart and dene it pp. 5, 11).
technically as:
A system or a material which has built-in or
2.7.4 Concepts for Information
intrinsic sensor(s), actuator(s) and control mecha-
nism(s) whereby it is capable of sensing a Materials Usage
stimulus, responding to it in a predetermined in Architecture
manner and extent, in a short/appropriate time
and reverting to its original state as soon as the
Building upon this notion of materials which
stimulus is removed (Ahmad 1988, pp. 1, 4).
can alter their properties or transmit information
The Defense Advanced Research Projects merely due to electronic or molecular proceed-
Agency (DARPA) in the United States is highly ings, the British architect Mike Davis presented
convinced that smart materials will change the in 1981 the concept of his polyvalent wall, a wall
capabilities of military systems and commercial that controls the flow of energy from the exterior
applications in the near future. Since the early to the interior via thin, multifunctional layers.
1990s they have put serious efforts in the Proposing that this would become the future
2.7 Information Materials 57

envelope of a building, removing the distinction consequently be closed by activating embedded

between solid and transparent he proclaims the shape-memory alloys (DeLanda 2006, pp. 122
shift from the mechanical age to a solid state 123). The earlier mentioned Foresight study
era (Davis 1981, pp. 5557). provides similar suggestions, emphasizing the
With no lesser conviction emphasizes John advance of smart buildings and infrastructure:
Orton in his book Semiconductors and the The report specically identies as exemplars the
Information Revolution: Magic Crystals that use of embedded sensors to remotely monitor
made IT Happen, the utter importance and ubiq- building performance, the use of smart technolo-
uitous presence of semiconductor technologies in gies for identity, data collection and management,
and decorating paint that electronically changes
our current time and grants that they should rank colour and warns of stress points (Institute of
alongside the Beethoven Symphonies, Concord, Materials, Minerals and Mining 2003, p. 23).
Impressionism, medieval cathedrals, and Bur-
gundy wines and we should be equally proud of Although the number of such practical, yet still
it (Orton 2009, p. vi). Similarly claims the mostly theoretical, ideas is relatively large they
Physicist, Karl Wolfgang Ber that: have so far only seldom gone beyond a proto-
typical state toward more applied and spatial
Semiconductors have sparked the beginning of a scales. Thus the amount of realized architectural
new material epoch. Technology has evolved from
the stone age through the bronze and iron ages into projects challenging the usage of information
the age of semiconductors, materials that are materials and proposing alternatives to existing
inuencing culture and civilization to an unprece- structures is rather limited. This is due to certainly
dented degree (Ber 2002, p. 2). the low-cost culture in respect to building mate-
While it is a bit simple to reason from the rials but probably also because of a general lack
influence of stone and iron on architecture that of knowledge as well as limited access to archi-
semiconductors and as such information materi- tectural information material products. Michelle
als will equally and as importantly nd their way Addington and Daniel Schodek add that mate-
into the (built) environment they do undoubtedly rials continue to be chosen not so much for how
offer an immensely broad scope of potential they perform, but what they connote. In that
applications. These range from the (imaginative) respect information materials, whose fundamen-
creation of fully transformable immersive envi- tal properties are of behavioral nature, are largely
ronments (something that Winy Maas explored overlooked since they possess only little conno-
in his Barbapapa and Transformer studios tative qualities. Departing from this they demand
held at ETH Zurich and TU Delft) over climate to move beyond fetishization of the gadgets, and
responsive facade systems and building envel- get over our preoccupation with showing off the
opes, like Decker Yeadons homeostatic facade advanced materials in a purely provocative
system (Decker 2014, p. 78), to novel forms of manner (Addington and Schodek, pp. 201203).
interaction with and through a dynamic materi- Most of the early works employing informa-
ality, like Stefan Ulrichs Funktionide, a tion materials in a spatial context originate
shape-shifting, soft, and amorphous robot however exactly from such an intention, dis-
(Dezeen 2009). A more practical and applied playing smart materials for their artistic, sur-
suggestion is Manuel DeLandas reference to the prising effects. One of the earliest examples is
self-monitoring and self-healing capacities of Sigmar Polkes Thermowand installation at the
biological structures when emphasizing the Muse dArt Moderne de la Ville de Paris from
potential of such materials to respond to the 1988. Using three different types of ther-
occurrence of cracks in load-bearing compo- mochromic liquid crystal substances the German
nents. He proposes to enhance concrete columns artist covered a convex-curved wall with a large
with optical bers or piezoelectric crystals to area of temperature-sensitive paint, which visu-
analyze incipient ssures, which could alized the daily path of the sun by changing its
58 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

color in response to the sunlight shining upon it

(Ritter 2007, p. 86).
In 1999 the Dutch architecture rm OMA was
commissioned by Prada to design a number of
flagship stores around the globe. The New York
Epicenter opened in 2001 and on top of its
avant-garde design it features a number of
experimental technologies and new materials.
The doors of the changing rooms, for example,
are made of Privalite glass, a liquid crystal
composite that switches from transparent to Fig. 2.19 The retirement community in Domat Ems,
Switzerland by Schwarz Architekten integrates
translucent when customers enter (Vegesack and phase-change materials for latent heat storage within its
Eisenbrand 2006, p. 152). glazed facade (Kretzer 2015)
Another innovative concept is SmartWrap, a
proposal of a multifunctional building skin energy back into the room. When charged the
developed by Kieran Timberlake Associates, opaque panels turn translucent, making the
which bears striking similarities to Mike Davis heat-storing effect visible (Schrpfer and Car-
polyvalent wall described earlier. The two-layer penter 2011, p. 168).
facade skin is made of transparent, elastic PET On occasion of the international building
foil. Organic photovoltaic cells are printed onto exhibition IBA in Hamburg four Smart Material
the outer surface to harvest energy, which is Houses have been built in 2013. The model homes
stored in thin lm batteries and distributed are ought to demonstrate new technological
throughout the system through conductive, approaches for creating more sustainable and
printed circuits and organic thin lm transistors. energy efcient buildings. The project BIQ by
The foil is further equipped with polymer-based Splitterwerk, Graz incorporates a bioreactor glass
OLEDs for lighting and electronic displays, and facade, which cultivates green microalgae to pro-
with chromatic solar protection for adjusting the duce energy and control light radiation and shad-
transmission of light and heat. The inner skin ing. Zillerplus Architekten from Munich created a
contains pockets of aerogels for insulation and building that has phase-change materials embed-
phase-change materials for heat storage. A small ded into its external skin and is able to produce
portion of the building envelope was demon- more energy than its residents require. Woodcube
strated in August 2003 at the SOLOS exhibition by the architektenagentur, Stuttgart is a ve-story
at the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum apartment building that consists almost entirely of
(Ritter 2007, p. 140). wood and demonstrates how traditional techniques
Phase-change materials have also been used can be reinterpreted in a modern way. And the Soft
by the Swiss architect Dietrich Schwarz in the House by Kennedy & Violich Architecture uses
design of his Senior Citizens Apartments photovoltaic cells incorporated into a dynamic
building in Domat/Ems, 2004 Fig. 2.19. The textile facade that turns toward the sunlight to
148 m2 southern glass facade of the building is harness energy (International Building Exhibi-
made of a latent heat-storing insulation glass, tion IBA Hamburg).
which employs a light-directing prism panel to
reflect direct light radiation during summer but
permit light penetration in the winter. The 2.7.5 Material Behavior in Regards
low-angled light then passes through the glazing to Energy, Time,
where it hits salt hydrate panels on the inside of and Space
the structure and gets stored by melting the
material. When the room temperature falls below Evaluating the above-described examples, it is
26 C the salt hydrate crystallizes and releases its interesting to observe that while the earlier, more
2.7 Information Materials 59

artistic ones focus on emphasizing particular all units of private property, which might even-
material effects for their entertaining value, the tually be considered a collection of behaviors
latter, increasingly architectural works deal that intervene at many different locations in the
mainly with energy related issues. Affordance and energy network, but should not be seen as energy
affordability thus seem to be key aspects for the systems or as containers for energy systems
rise and usage of any smart technology either by (Addington and Schodek 2005, p. 220).
in itself being extremely economical or by adding Ludger Hovestadt vigorously criticizes the
extra value through increased performance, current xation with terms like sustainability and
including additional safety or long-term cost energy efciency and proposes to (intellectually)
reduction in regards to maintenance. Thomas liberate ourselves from energetic constraints and
Schrpfer argues that with buildings and their scarcities. He believes that through our knowl-
associated systems contributing [] an average edge on how to, for example, produce functional
of 32 % of all greenhouse gases in the US materials like solar cells and thus harvest elec-
architects have a certain responsibility to address tricity from sunlight, we have in principle access
and prioritize issues of sustainability, energy to an abundant source of continuous supply,
efciency, and material lifecycles (Schrpfer and providing us with roughly 10,000 times our
Carpenter 2011, p. 178). Yet, as textile designer overall energy consumption today. To him
and researcher Aurlie Moss points out, that energy is thus not about declining resources, nor
while sustainability is predominantly understood about inefcient technology, and certainly not
as a practice aimed at reducing and minimizing about sustainability, but simply a matter of the
the impacts of human actions on the environ- unrestricted and far-reaching distribution of
ment, it is not only an issue of space and matter, knowledge and intellect (Hovestadt 2014, p. 64).
but more fundamentally a temporal aspect, and Together with Vera Bhlmann in their book
should include an understanding of what to sus- Printed PhysicsMetalitikum I, they highlight
tain, in whose interest, and for how long it is to be yet another essential aspect of information
sustained (Moss 2014, p. 88). materials, which often tends to be overlooked:
Considering time an essential characteristic of the novelty of their fabrication process using
both sustainability and materiality, especially in printing technologies. Drawing direct analogies
relation to information materials, Sheila Ken- to the revolutionary importance of Gutenbergs
nedy argues that when designing in the fourth printing press in the fteenth century, which
dimension: promoted the secularization of mental horizons
The question for architecture thus becomes not in philosophy and modern science, they argue
what is a material but when is a material; when that we are now witnessing an equally important
does it change from one state to another, and how moment in time, initiating the secularization of
may its dynamic behavior be designed and expe- a naturalized rationality principle. Just as the
rienced in the space of architecture? (Schrpfer and
Carpenter 2011, p. 120). invention of the printing process made formerly
inaccessible text available as a descriptive
In Smart Materials and new Technologies medium to society and essentially reformed
Addington and Schodek note that nowadays many dominant belief structures, brings information-
products are labeled green in terms of energy technological printing technology unprece-
usage. However, the assumption that an accu- dented new possibilities that might reach far
mulation of more powerful products will auto- beyond general anticipations.
matically result in more efcient buildings and Bhlmann and Hovestadt build their thesis
settlements and thus less fossil fuel consumption upon two major lines of argumentation. The rst
and global greenhouse emissions is misleading is based on the conception that information
since energy boundaries do not fall into a vertical technology is profoundly distinct from both
or horizontal arrangement with a neatly additive matter and energy, since unlike mechanics it
accounting system. To them buildings are rst of controls the physical conditions symbolically.
60 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

The second statement emphasizes the industrial The exchange of energy can only take place at
production of such symbolic physics which the boundary between a system and its
thus are able to quickly reach a substantial mass, surroundings.
powerful enough to have global effects (Bhl- Energy must be accounted for during exchange
mann and Hovestadt 2013, pp. 1215). Referring processes. Any energy exchange that is not
to both the vast impact of Google as well as 100 % efcient will produce heat. As such, all
real world processes produce excess heat.
cellular phone technology on society Hovestadt
exemplies a number of decisive digitally Usable energy is lost in every exchange. When
there is an energy input in one form, the usable
enabled novelties, which are all based upon energy output is always lower.
similar information technological phenomena.
Material properties are determined by either
These include microelectromechanical systems
molecular structure or microstructure. Any
(MEMS), piezoelectronics, semiconductors (like change in a material property, such as what
LEDs or OLEDs), but most of all photovoltaics happens in a smart material, can only occur if
and their potential for an abundance of clean there is a change in one of the two structures.
energy (Hovestadt 2013, pp. 6067). Change can only occur through the exchange of
Such an assumption, challenging not only energy, and that energy must act at the scale of
structure that determines the material property
some of the core principles of contemporary
(Addington and Schodek 2005, pp. 221222).
architectural design but our present attitude
toward the planet and nature in its entirety, might Building upon this Addington and Schodek
be hard to simply accept and is in its practical declare that any kind of material behavior can be
implementation still far from realization. Yet its understood by relating to these basic principles,
theoretical foundation provides an immensely which will empower architects to focus on phe-
powerful base to liberate oneself from the exter- nomena and environments rather than material
nally imposed burdens of environmentally artifacts. Calling for the active exchange of
friendly and ecologically aware design politics knowledge with other disciplines they highlight
and allows the designer to explore information the potential of information materials as being
materials in relation to other fundamental aspects more than just an exciting new technology but a
of architecture, such as space, time, and particu- powerful impulse and chance to question the
larly people (Kolarevic 2014, p. 150). Moreover, status quo. This will allow architects to depart
the hypothesis of an abundant availability of not from established models, beyond the notions of
only resources but especially possibilities poses efciency and expediency and create results that
extremely challenging tasks and uncovers our are not buildings or urban infrastructure, but
current impotence in addressing far-reaching places of human interaction (Addington and
value and context, which are often concealed Schodek 2005, p. 227).
behind formal aesthetics and eye-catching effects.
Addington and Schodek expand upon this
issue and emphasize the responsibility of archi-
2.8 Final Summary and Conclusion
tects and designers in purposefully integrating
novel technologies into our environment. As
The present chapter sets forth to investigate the
basic guidelines they formulate six key aspects in
meaning of materiality and how the role of
relation to energy theory and the essentials of
materials in architecture changed and evolved
material structure:
over the course of time. The rst part of the
chapter is split into the topics Natural Materials,
Energy is about motion, and motion can only Industrial Materials, and Synthetic Materials,
occur if there is a difference in states between a while the second part covers the areas Digital
system and its surroundings. Materials and Information Materials.
2.8 Final Summary and Conclusion 61

In comparison to the rst part, the latter much of the technological development happens
obviously has a much smaller theoretical foun- in other sectors, such as the aerospace, automo-
dation, spanning a little more than two or three tive, and military industries. Moreover, despite
decades, yet in both cases the chosen positions the time it takes to create and establish new
are not intended to reflect a general tendency but technologies on the market so they can be pro-
rather specic opinions within a diverse context. moted to other areas, it might be the very stan-
While the phenomenon of digital materials in dards and norms, which emerged during
regards to freeform or nonstandard architecture is Industrialization, that impede their architectural
by now largely accepted and publicly renown application and which might require reassess-
they do remain exceptional cases and the ment in respect to the current era.
majority of practices still designs and builds in a What however remains striking and highly
fairly traditional sense. In that context it is motivating is the observation of an underlying
interesting to observe that the very inventor of desire for the creation of more dynamic, more
CAD systems, Ivan Sutherland, proclaims that fluid, flexible, or liquid spaces, which seems to
using digital tools is only helpful if the result is have (re)emerged with the occurrence of digital
superior to what can be done by hand.3 Obvi- technologies around the turn of the century.
ously computer-aided drawing has greatly sped While these formulations were in the beginning
up the design process and being able to copy mostly tied to virtual environments, akin to
paste or delete elements on the fly was not as Markos Novaks liquid architecture, forerunners
easy before, yet it was possible. In that sense it in digital fabrication like Greg Lynn manifest
remains questionable where the true benets of them physically, and visionaries such as Kas
these new technologies lie and how to adequately Oosterhuis even attempt to maintain the dynam-
assess them. Robert Aish from Autodesk icity of the digital design process through the
Research transfers the responsibility to the user creation of (inter)active spaces. As such it
and argues: remains very likely that both digital materials as
A creative tool is one that facilitates [] cus- well as information materials will influence
tomization and can be used beyond what was architecture on a variety of levels and scales. Yet
envisaged by the original tool builder. considering the duration of a buildings con-
struction and the time it is ought to last, as well
He encourages us to challenge both the
as its tightly tied cultural and social implications,
instruments and ourselves in a critical and
meaning, and value it is very possible that
reflective way (Sheil and Glynn 2011, p. 11). In
change will not emerge from within the archi-
relation to information materials the reluctance
tectural discipline but rather through user
of the discipline is even higher, mostly because
demands, applications, and products. Often such
the technology still seems too far off in order to
shifts are much more subliminal than initially
be considered serious. However, there are other
anticipated. While plastics, for example, did not,
factors such as scalability, longevity, costs, sus-
or only for a short period, lead to the architectural
tainability etc., as well as the fact that the mate-
revolution its supporters proclaimed, the material
rials are usually designed and developed for
is more than omnipresent today. In a similar
particular situations and purposes, which mutu-
sense might information materials, at least for
ally hinder the progressive advancement in an
the time being, be much more powerful in
architectural context.
smaller scales emerging from particular con-
In both cases a closer cross-disciplinary
sumer related demands.
exchange could prove helpful, especially since
In that sense a reformulation of the architec-
tural practice and the development of new
instruments will be the keys in order to remain
See Sect. 2.6.1 The Emergence of Digital Design and up-to-date. Concluding from such a demand a
Fabrication Techniques for more details. fundamental evolution of architecture both
62 2 The Ever-Changing Nature of Materiality

topologically and formally might however still Alberti LB (1988) On the art of building in ten books
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