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MAAE 3202 Exam

December 16. 2pm to 5pm

Field house
Section A Rows 39 - 42
Section B Rows 33 - 38
Cartesian Coordinate System Stress Strain Relations

Direct Strain Shear Strain Volumetric strain

Available on cuLearn
G : Shear modulus

Plane Stress z, = zx = yz =0 Plane Strain z =0

z =

(x + y ) (
z = x + y )

Polar Coordinate System Plane Stress z = 0 Plane Strain z = 0

Energy Methods Stress at a point
Strain Energy in simple Load case Castiglianos Theorem
(Single D.O.F.) -
(1st theorem)
Elementary Solutions
(2nd theorem)

2nd theorem for beam deflection

= displacement of the point caused by the

real loads acting on the beam
Closed Sections Torsion of non-circular thin-walled sections Open Sections P = external force applied to the beam in
b the direction of
shear flow q M =internal moment in the beam caused by
the applied loads Blades attached to the outer radius
b E = modulus of elasticity
Rotating discs Solid circular disc Circular disc with central hole
t t t I = second moment of area computed
b around the neutral axis

Brittle materials Failure Theories Ductile materials B=0

Max. stress @ r = 0
Maximum Principal Stress Theory (Rankine) Maximum Shear Stress Theory (Tresca)
if t is constant along is max. at bore r = r1
the perimeter S A = area enclosed by the centre
1 y or 2 y or 3 y
line of the wall of the tube r max. at at r = r1r2
Co-ordinate transformation Unsymmetric Bending
v = z sin +y cos
Shear or Distortion Strain Energy Theory (von Mises) Buckling of Struts/ Slender Column (Euler Theory)
w = z cos -y sin Mohrs criterion for brittle rupture Fixed - Free Strut Fixed - Fixed Strut
in 3D Pin - Ended Strut Fixed - Pined Strut
(Leff = L) (Leff = 0.7L) (Leff = 2L) (Leff = L/2)

in 2D

Variation of Stress and Strain

Strain - Displacement Relations Equation of Equilibrium Compatibility Equations

Shear Centre F Two-Dimensional Axi-Symmetric Problems Compound Cylinders

s Interference
Strain - Displacement Relations Equation of Equilibrium pi = 0
= um2 - um1

D F Notes:
V : is the vertical shear force t : is the thickness of the Lam equations for thick walled cylinders
I : is the second moment of area section a the point of interest
Formula sheet MAAE 3202 1/ 3

po = 0

pi 0

pi = 0

Formula sheet MAAE 3202 2/ 3


! December 16. 2017

DURATION: 3 HOURS No. of Students: 190

Department Name & Course Number: Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering MAAE 3202A & B
Course Instructor(s) Prof. H. Frei,


Course notes and calculator only


Students MUST count the number of pages in this examination question paper before beginning to
write, and report any discrepancy immediately to a proctor. This question paper has 10 pages.
This examination question paper MAY NOT be taken from the examination room.
In addition to this question paper, students require: an examination booklet yes _X_ no ___
a Scantron sheet yes _ X_no ___


a) This final exam is divided into two parts:

Part I: 25 multiple choice questions
Part II: 3 long answer questions
b) Part I: You need to answer all 25 question. Use the Scantron sheet to
answer. Mark only one answer for each question. If more than one
answer is marked, the question will be marked as wrong. Each ques-
tion carries one mark.
c) Part II: Solve all three questions. Use only the examination booklet
for your answers. Each question carries 25 marks
d) No enquiries on the interpretation of the questions will be enter-
tained during the examination. If there is any doubt, state the as-
sumptions you have made in answering them.
MAAE 3202 Mechanics of Solids II Page 7!
Final Examination

Part II: Long Answer Questions

Question 1
A beam with the cross-section shown in the Figure Q2 is 2m long and simply supported at its ends. At
mid-span a load P is applied to the beam through the centroid of the cross- section.
(a) Determine the principal centroidal axes using the Mohrs circle and draw the orientation
of the axes into the cross-section.
(b) Determine the orientation of the neutral axis, and draw this axis on the same figure of the
cross-section of part (a) above.
(c) Determine the maximum load P that can be applied so that maximum compressive stress
in the beam can not exceed 150MPa


h =180mm


Figure Q1

MAAE 3202 Mechanics of Solids II Page 8!
Final Examination

Question 2
The continuous frame ABC has a fixed support at A, a roller support at C, as shown in Figure 1. The
connection at corner B is rigid. Members AB and BC each have length L and flexural rigidity EI. A
horizontal force P acts at mid-height of member AB.

(a) Find the reaction forces at supports A and C.

(b) What is the largest bending moment Mmax in the beam?

(Hint: Use Castiglianos method and consider the energy due to bending stresses only.)



Figure Q2

MAAE 3202 Mechanics of Solids II Page 9!

Final Examination

Question 3
An aluminium alloy thick-walled pipe, which is used to transport a corrosive medium, has an
inner diameter of 80 mm and outer diameter of 160 mm. To protect the aluminium tube from
corrosion, it is shrink-fitted with a stainless steel liner which has an inner diameter of 64 mm
(Figure 2). At the maximum internal pressure of 75 MPa, it is required that maximum tensile
stresses in both cylinders have the same magnitude.

(a) Determine the required radial interference.

(b) What is the factor of safety against yield in the compound cylinder according to Trescas

Aluminium Alloy Stainless Steel

Youngs modulus 70 GPa 200 GPa

Poissons ratio 0.33 0.29

Yield stress 300 MPa 340 MPa

Aluminum pipe

Stainless steel liner

Figure Q3

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