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Shahi Parvin and Zarah Farid

Edited Film Pitch For Our Trailer After Feedback

Clue This should conform to conventional title and be fitting for
your work.
Genre incl. Subgenre (where appropriate)
Thriller may be the overall genre but have you added a sub-
Thriller- Sub Genre Crime genre or is has it be hybridised with another separate genre
Clue is inspired by video game Heavy Rain following two orphans Saphire
Log Line
and Saffron who have began to experience life without their parents for the
1-2 sentence description
first time. However, things turn for the worse when Saffron scans for the
of your concept;
handbag section only to be met with a body bag, leaving her destiny at her
sisters hands.
(Bullet point chronologically, to be written in full by a group member)

Scene starts off with the two sisters coming back from the funeral of their
parents. Their parents had passed from a car crash. They are now
independent and only have themselves to look after.
Ordinarily, they both go back to school, and everything is seem to be
After school, Saphire notices that Saffron hasnt come home even when
school has ended four hours ago. She informs the police just in case.
The next night, there is still no word from Saffron, however, there is a
shoebox that awaits with an old phone with an outstanding text message
on it addressing Saphire, a map, a compass and a calculator. The text
message reads as follows I kn.ow where she is. Saphire assumes the dots
signify NS, North Stratford.
Content should be
She solves and discovers the meaning behind the numbers marked on the
roughly 3 detailed
map, an equation which works out to be 37818, bible upside down. Which
paragraphs outlining the
links her to her new clue. Every location links with an item that belongs to
content of the film from
her parents, towards a new clue and a new location.
beginning to end. Be
One of the most extreme tasks is when Saphire is a secluded room at her
specific and dont been
school, and is confronted by a screen in which focuses a camera on her,
ominous about the
and a voice which demands her to cut the end of one of her fingers for the
ending. Even though
next clue; a text of the postcode of where Saffron was last at in the past 5
youre doing the trailer
only, you should have a
Saphire proceeds the task, and cries out for help from her parents. Within
whole narrative planned
this half of the movie she is fed up of following around aimless clues which
are getting her nowhere. However the last text message read Ne.ed a E.L. meaning East London, however the question mark may
represent South London. Saphire only has half an hour to get to one side
of the city before time runs out.
She is met outside rushing with her neighbour watching who offers her a
ride due to her car breaking down. She tells him everything that has
happened after her parents funeral. Due to his techy nature, he found a
blip on Saphires phone, the last text message was the only message that
was traceable.
The follow the van towards South London, in which follows towards a
isolated land that holds an abandoned home and shed.
Saphire runs to the shed with her neighbour Zayn, and finds Saffron
underneath the iron bars of the shed floor, in which she is trapped under
Shahi Parvin and Zarah Farid

with sand filling.

Although, she is met with the Map Killer and they fight until Zayn sneaks
up on the Map Killer, whose mask is ripped off- revealing that she is
indeed Mrs. Peer, the detective and their mother.
She justifies her reasons of killing innocent children because she herself
had a sister who had abandoned her while she was going through
depression after her family not believing she had been sexually assaulted
by her father, ever since she became a detective, it was a good cover for
her to be able to test other families, trying to find hope in a sister who
would go far enough to protect her sibling.
The police show up after Zayn had called, the Map Killer had been put
away for life, while the girls carry on with their lives.
Characters Locations Resources needed
Saphire Peer Basement Camcorder
Saffron Peer school Tripod
Myra Peer A house Ipad/Laptop
Zayn Forest iphone
Justification for your ideas You need to explain how your ideas link to the genre, task and also your
target audience.

Clues follows a conventional thriller crime narrative as there is the presence of action, violence and
danger, which is a huge element of the genre, shown in the tasks Saphire is forced to carry out in order to
find her abducted sister. Our target audience for the film is 16+ because of the nature of the film; violence
and crime, so it is very crucial we take into consideration of what exactly we will have in our trailer, as we
may decide to lower the rating for the short clip only.

Also, we have decided to aim at the female audience because of the emotional family unit and wide
female casting, (women are tend to be emotional than men which is unconventional that gives out film a
unique selling point), the death of their parents and the lead actor being a female. As it involves the law;
police trying to find Saffron and the Map Killer on the loose, it links to our genre which is a hybrid of a
thriller/crime. Usually crime films involve fast paced editing and action which is why we decided crime as
our sub genre.

It also links to our target audience because usually crime thrillers involve family and a form of abuse which
the victim is usually a female. Moreover, the film can be perceived to be an indie because of the nature of
an independent film and it demonstrates a normal everyday life of two girls like the audience which one
day gets tipped upside down. This fits with the genre because of the psychological endeavours however,
in an unconventional way as it starts off on a darker note; they put their parents to rest and are left all by
themselves without anyone having to look after them, but each other.

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