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Apollo Finger
Home Palmistry Apollo Finger

In palm reading, the Ring Finger is ruled by Apollo. It shows

creativity, artistic flair and love of beauty. The creativity, artistic and
appreciative of beauty of an individual is directly proportional to the
length of the finger. Exceptional artistic gifts are being shown by a
bent ring finger. If it points towards finger Saturn, then it means that
one has karma in metaphysics.
The ring finger can also be called the finger of Apollo. It indicates the
love of a person for aesthetics, romance, arts and emotions. The
person is endowed with balanced emotions if the ring finger reaches
the bottom of the nail of the middle finger in length. The Apollo finger
indicates a spontaneous disposition and lack of caution if it is longer
than that.

The finger shows that it is not easy for the subject to express
themselves if it is very short and not able to reach the nail bottom of
the middle finger. Those who have an interest in astrology also know
their sun sign is Apollo. Palmistry also has a sun sign. The old name
for the god of the sun which is called Apollo is used by hand reading.
The Apollo finger links well with astrology and is the third or ring
finger on each side. It stands for arts and music, gambling home, leisure and pleasure, affection and creativity.
Often Apollo, the god of music, was shown playing a lyre according to the first forms of astrology and

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Apollo Finger: Palmistry Illustrated guide -

mythology. He is also associated with having fun, an idea that still persists in astrology. The person is creative
and artistic if the Apollo finger is longer than the Jupiter finger.

When it is the same as the Saturn finger, then the person is a good actor and singer. When the fingertip is
wide, then the person is musical but if it has a thick pad underneath, the person is excellent as far as craft
work, pottery, gardening; sewing, cooking and other similar crafty works are concerned. The disadvantage
along the Apollo person is that is that he lacks practicality and hanging on to money is difficult. A person may be
said to have a low sense of self esteem and depends on others for support if the Apollo finger is longer than the
Jupiter finger. Such people are very creative but their creativity may not be recognized. Being clever and
successful in business is among the older Sun-Apollo connections that are not taken seriously by the Western
astrologers but not the Asian ones.

Astrologers give comments on creativity in conjunction with the sun not knowing that to run and to start a
business is another act of creation. A substantial and long Apollo finger helps one to come up with a business
or wonderful home and family including being artistic, musical, and creative in other different ways. Problems
usually result if the Apollo finger is longer than the Jupiter finger. This is because the person may lack both
confidence and leadership qualities. If an average finger has same length as the Jupiter finger, then the person
has self esteem that is without selfishness and can exhibit love to others but not to the point of self-sacrifice.
The person is balanced in that he is very creative, worldly wise and ambitious. The Apollo finger that is very
short may lack a sense of humor and is of less interest in a family. He loses money, not influenced by views of
other people, may become rich but may have problems in relationships.

The point on the hand just below this finger is termed as the amount of Apollo. The skin ridge patterns, lines,
and marks show whether the person will be happy in his /her old age-they indicate that a person will reach old
age. They also give information concerning the home of a person, his sense of humor and style, love of family,
animals and life in general. In astrology this is like the sun sign.

According to palmistry experts, the person is said to posses innate dramatic and acting ability if the shape of
the ring finger is like that of a spatula. Majority of the persons with spatula ring finger have the ability to move
audiences and even make them feel their emotions deeply.

A ring finger with same length as the index finger shows a desire for wealth and recognition through artistic
means as per the famous palmist and author, Cheiro. A very long ring finger just equal to the middle finger in
length, shows tendency to take risks. Majority of the people with a long ring finger have a tendency of risking
their assets and career. A ring finger that is extremely long acts as the mark of a reckless gambler.

The ring finger can either be straight or curve in a certain direction. A person uses his natural creative ability
well if the ring finger is straight. If it curves towards the middle finger, it indicates that the person neglects his
creative talents and is stuck on routine. If it curves towards the little finger, then the person undermines his
creative ability consciously.

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The Phalanges of the Ring Finger in Palmistry: according to the belief of the palmistry practitioners, the top
phalange relates to creative sensitivity. A person who has short top phalange prefer technical subjects like
sciences while one with a long top phalange feels the beauty of art, poetry and writing.

The middle phalange of the ring finger is associated with a persons intellectual to appreciate creativity and love
of detail. A person who likes thinking about the possibilities of the story not considered by the author and loves
to discuss plot lines and plot holes in movies and stories always tends to have a long second phalange. A
person with a short second phalange do not care so much about the details of the story but they enjoy it without

Majority of the palmistry authors argue that the bottom of the ring finger is related to creativity in the material
world. The phalange shows a more materialistic approach to life it is extremely long. In most cases the person
wishes to succeed and wear fancy clothes and even buying costly things. The person values comfort and
pleasure and he cannot live in a small apartment.

In conclusion, the hand readers are in agreement that the ring fingers are creative. You may be surprised to
see that an artist with this same trait

Apollos fire and acquiring fame: the apollo finger has been associated with ones ability to become famous.
When it is longer than the others, the subject is most likely to become a celebrity more so in the field of
creative arts. However, when it is abnormally longer than the others, it shows that the individual will be eager to
get famous at whatever the cost that they may have to pay. If it is short, one will be quite quiet and seeking to
shun anything that may make them popular, thus they will be working behind the scenes. If one wants to get
famous and does not have a long Apollo finger, then they may be straining for no reason as it will be very hard
to become famous.

The position of the ring finger: if one has fingers that have grown uniformly above the mounts, then
they will be very successful in life. However, this will be quite odd and is very rare either. The rules of
palmistry are that, any finger that has been set below the others will lose a good amount of its power. Since the
middle finger is the finger of circumstance, if the ring finger has been set below the middle one, circumstances
will not allow it from cultivating fully.

You can as well predict a subjects fate by looking at the inclination of the finger, if it inclines towards the middle
one; it is a show of morbid vanity. But inclination towards the small finger is indication of the persons full
reliance on art for income. On the other hand, there is a lot that can be learnt if the fingers have got spaces at
the base. One will be said to be unconventional if they have fingers that can fall off so easily, but is they are
close, one is said to have stiffness ion intercourse with other people.

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