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proscribes the investigation of any administrative act or omission if the complaint was filed after one

year from the occurrence of the complained act or omission.

In Melchor v. Gironella [G.R. No. 151138, February 16, 2005, 451 SCRA 476], the Court held that
the period stated in Section 20(5) of R.A. No. 6770 does not refer to the prescription of the offense
but to the discretion given to the Ombudsman on whether it would investigate a particular
administrative offense. The use of the word "may" in the provision is construed as permissive and
operating to confer discretion [Melchor v. Gironella, G.R. No. 151138, February 16, 2005, 451 SCRA
476, 481; Jaramilla v. Comelec, 460 Phil. 507, 514 (2003)]. Where the words of a statute are clear,
plain and free from ambiguity, they must be given their literal meaning and applied without attempted
interpretation [Melchor v. Gironella, G.R. No. 151138, February 16, 2005, 451 SCRA 476,
481; National Federation of Labor v. National Labor Relations Commission, 383 Phil. 910, 918

In Filipino v. Macabuhay [G.R. No. 158960, November 24, 2006, 508 SCRA 50], the Court
interpreted Section 20 (5) of R.A. No. 6770 in this manner:

Petitioner argues that based on the abovementioned provision [Section 20(5) of RA 6770)],
respondent's complaint is barred by prescription considering that it was filed more than one year
after the alleged commission of the acts complained of.

Petitioner's argument is without merit.

The use of the word "may" clearly shows that it is directory in nature and not mandatory as petitioner
contends. When used in a statute, it is permissive only and operates to confer discretion; while the
word "shall" is imperative, operating to impose a duty which may be enforced. Applying Section
20(5), therefore, it is discretionary upon the Ombudsman whether or not to conduct an
investigation on a complaint even if it was filed after one year from the occurrence of the act
or omission complained of. In fine, the complaint is not barred by prescription. (Emphasis

The declaration of the CA in its assailed decision that while as a general rule the word "may" is
directory, the negative phrase "may not" is mandatory in tenor; that a directory word, when qualified
by the word "not," becomes prohibitory and therefore becomes mandatory in character, is not
plausible. It is not supported by jurisprudence on statutory construction. [emphases and
underscoring supplied]

Clearly, Section 20 of R.A. 6770 does not prohibit the Ombudsman from conducting an
administrative investigation after the lapse of one year, reckoned from the time the alleged act was
committed. Without doubt, even if the administrative case was filed beyond the one (1) year period
stated in Section 20(5), the Ombudsman was well within its discretion to conduct the administrative

However, the crux of the present controversy is not on the issue of prescription, but on the issue of
the Ombudsmans authority to institute an administrative complaint against a government employee
who had already resigned. On this issue, we rule in Andutans favor.

Andutans resignation divests the Ombudsman of its right to institute an administrative complaint
against him.

Although the Ombudsman is not precluded by Section 20(5) of R.A. 6770 from conducting the
investigation, the Ombudsman can no longer institute an administrative case against Andutan
because the latter was not a public servant at the time the case was filed.

The Ombudsman argued in both the present petition and in the petition it filed with the CA that
Andutans retirement from office does not render moot any administrative case, as long as he is
charged with an offense he committed while in office. It is irrelevant, according to the Ombudsman,
that Andutan had already resigned prior to the filing of the administrative case since the operative
fact that determines its jurisdiction is the commission of an offense while in the public service.

The Ombudsman relies on Section VI(1) of Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 38
for this proposition, viz.:
Section VI.

1. x x x

An officer or employee under administrative investigation may be allowed to resign pending decision
of his case but it shall be without prejudice to the continuation of the proceeding against him. It shall
also be without prejudice to the filing of any administrative, criminal case against him for any act
committed while still in the service. (emphasis and underscoring supplied)

The CA refused to give credence to this argument, holding that the provision "refers to cases where
the officers or employees were already charged before they were allowed to resign or were
separated from service."36 In this case, the CA noted that "the administrative cases were filed only
after Andutan was retired, hence the Ombudsman was already divested of jurisdiction and could no
longer prosecute the cases."37

Challenging the CAs interpretation, the Ombudsman argues that the CA "limited the scope of the
cited Civil Service Memorandum Circular to the first sentence."38 Further, according to the
Ombudsman, "the court a quo ignored the second statement in the said circular that contemplates a
situation where previous to the institution of the administrative investigation or charge, the public
official or employee subject of the investigation has resigned."39

To recall, we have held in the past that a public officials resignation does not render moot an
administrative case that was filed prior to the officials resignation. In Pagano v. Nazarro, Jr.,40 we
held that:

In Office of the Court Administrator v. Juan [A.M. No. P-03-1726, 22 July 2004, 434 SCRA 654, 658],
this Court categorically ruled that the precipitate resignation of a government employee charged with
an offense punishable by dismissal from the service does not render moot the administrative case
against him. Resignation is not a way out to evade administrative liability when facing administrative
sanction. The resignation of a public servant does not preclude the finding of any administrative
liability to which he or she shall still be answerable [Baquerfo v. Sanchez, A.M. No. P-05-1974, 6
April 2005, 455 SCRA 13, 19-20]. [emphasis and underscoring supplied]

Likewise, in Baquerfo v. Sanchez,41 we held:

Cessation from office of respondent by resignation [Reyes v. Cristi, A.M. No. P-04-1801, 2 April
2004, 427 SCRA 8] or retirement [Re: Complaint Filed by Atty. Francis Allan A. Rubio on the Alleged
Falsification of Public Documents and Malversation of Public Funds, A.M. No. 2004-17-SC, 27
September 2004; Caja v. Nanquil, A.M. No. P-04-1885, 13 September 2004] neither warrants the
dismissal of the administrative complaint filed against him while he was still in the service [Tuliao v.
Ramos, A.M. No. MTJ-95-1065, 348 Phil. 404, 416 (1998), citing Perez v. Abiera, A.C. No. 223-J, 11
June 1975, 64 SCRA 302; Secretary of Justice v. Marcos, A.C. No. 207-J, 22 April 1977, 76 SCRA
301] nor does it render said administrative case moot and academic [Sy Bang v. Mendez, 350 Phil.
524, 533 (1998)]. The jurisdiction that was this Courts at the time of the filing of the administrative
complaint was not lost by the mere fact that the respondent public official had ceased in office during
the pendency of his case [Flores v. Sumaljag, 353 Phil. 10, 21 (1998)]. Respondents resignation
does not preclude the finding of any administrative liability to which he shall still be answerable [OCA
v. Fernandez, A.M. No. MTJ-03-1511, 20 August 2004]. [emphases and underscoring supplied)

However, the facts of those cases are not entirely applicable to the present case. In the above-cited
cases, the Court found that the public officials subject of the administrative cases resigned, either
to prevent the continuation of a case already filed42 or to pre-empt the imminent filing of one.43 Here,
neither situation obtains.

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