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Food Chemistry 240 (2018) 11131120

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The use of fuzzy logic to determine the concentration of betel leaf essential MARK
oil and its potency as a juice preservative
Suradeep Basak
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal, India


Keywords: The present study was attempted to determine organoleptically acceptable concentration of betel leaf essential
Fuzzy logic oil (BLEO) in raw apple juice using fuzzy logic approach, and to evaluate the ecacy of the acceptable con-
Sensory evaluation centration in the juice under refrigerated storage. The presence of BLEO components in treated juice was con-
Essential oil rmed by FTIR spectroscopy. Based on similarity values, the acceptable concentration in the juice was found to
Apple juice
be 0.19 l/ml of BLEO. Total antioxidant capacity of untreated juice was found to be 16% less than treated juice
Shelf life
at the end of storage. The treated juice exceeded total aerobic plate count of 2 log10 (cfu/ml) on 15th day of
storage. Based on safe limits of microbial load, the shelf life of treated juice was extended by 6 days as compared
to untreated juice under refrigerated storage. BLEO contributes to green consumerism and its application as food
preservative will add value to the product.

1. Introduction (Hyldgaard, Mygind, & Meyer, 2012). Therefore, detailed sensory eva-
luation of any product treated with essential oil forms the basis of its
Raw apple juice (RAJ) is unltered, cloudy, high soluble solids, low marketability. Sensory evaluation is a scientic method to decide ac-
acid (pH < 4.5), unpasteurized non-alcoholic beverage that has ceptance and rejection of food by the evaluator upon consumption
shorter shelf life of 23 weeks (Dock, 1999). Despite several foodborne (Kemp, Hollowood, & Hort, 2009). Fuzzy logic is an important tool
illness associated with unpasteurized apple juice, it has always been which can draw an important conclusion regarding acceptance, rejec-
preferred over thermally pasteurized apple juice by the consumers tion, ranking, strong and weak attributes of food using vague and im-
(Parish, 1997). Thermal processing is one of the most common prac- precise data in linguistic form lled in by single or multiple experts
tices, but it has adverse eects on sensory, nutritional and functional (Zimmermann, 1991). Fuzzy sets provide the mathematical method
properties of food (Maas & Pagn, 2005; Raso & Barbosa-Cnovas, that represents the fuzziness of human expressions (Lazim & Suriani,
2003). 2009) using linguistic variables instead of numerical values
The demand of minimally processed food has escalated with (Zadeh & Kacprzyk, 1999).
emergence of green consumerism, which in turn has promoted the use Comparison and choice is fundamental to consumers (Imm,
of naturally occurring antimicrobials (Juneja, Dwivedi, & Yan, 2012). Lee, & Lee, 2011) so is the market risk of any food products. Alongside
Essential oils are secondary metabolites of plants which can be ex- organoleptic acceptability, the quality of any food products over sto-
tracted from herbs and spices. Antimicrobial properties of essential oils rage period is determined by their physical and chemical character-
can be attributed to the presence of bioactive phenolic compounds istics, microbiological and toxicological safety, and sensory attributes,
(Tepe, Daferera, Sokmen, Sokmen, & Polissiou, 2005). Basak and Guha packaging and labelling (Molnr, 1995). From industrial point of view,
(2015) have identied chavibetol, estragole, -cubebene, chavicol, and consumer acceptability of BLEO treated unpasteurized apple juice and
caryophyllene as the major chemical compounds of betel leaf essential its potency in shelf life extension of the selected food product should be
oil (BLEO) of the cultivar Tamluk Mitha. And estragole of the ve BLEO studied. In view of the above research gap, this study was taken up to
components has restricted use in the European Union, whereas all ve conduct sensory analysis of raw apple juice treated with betel leaf es-
chemical compounds of BLEO have GRAS status in US FDA. sential oil using fuzzy logic followed by evaluation of antimicrobial
Alfonzo et al. (2016) have investigated the biopreservative eect of ecacy of organoleptically acceptable concentration of BLEO in the
lemon essential oil micro-emulsion while improving safety and sensory unpasteurized juice during refrigerated storage at 4 C.
attributes of salted sardines. Use of essential oil is also limited due to its
ability to make undesirable alteration in sensory attributes of food

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Received 25 May 2017; Received in revised form 11 August 2017; Accepted 15 August 2017
Available online 16 August 2017
0308-8146/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Basak Food Chemistry 240 (2018) 11131120

2. Materials and methods attributes of raw apple juice in general was calculated using sum of
sensory scores, triplets associated with sensory scales, and number of
2.1. Essential oil panellists as given below:
Quality attributes of RAJ in general=[{no. of panellist (0 0 25)}
BLEO was extracted from fresh betel leaves of cv. Tamluk Mitha
+ {no. of panellist (25 25 25)} + {no. of panellist (50 25 25)}
(Guha, 2007), and the essential oil based microemulsion (BLEO-ME)
using Tween 20 (SRL Chem., India) as emulsier and water as the + {no. of panellist (75 25 25)} + {no. of panellist (100 25 0)}]
continuous phase was formulated according to Basak and Guha /(Total no of panellist) (2)
Similarly, triplets for all quality attributes, viz. colour (QC), avour
2.2. Preparation of raw apple juice (QF), taste (QT) and mouthfeel (QM) of RAJ in general were calculated
according to Eq. (2).
Apples (cv. Red delicious) at commercial maturity were purchased
and surface sterilization of the apples was performed according to 2.3.4. Triplet for relative weightage of quality attributes
Buchanan, Edelson, Miller, and Sapers (1999). Briey, apples were Relative weightage of quality attributes were calculated so as to
dipped in 2 l/ml sodium hypochlorite for 1 min, followed by rinsing determine the triplets for overall sensory scores of the juice using Eq.
them in autoclaved distilled water for another 1 min. Each apple was (3):
cut and made into pulpy juice using mixer grinder followed by ltration Qsum = sum of first digit of triplets of QC ,QF ,QT and QM (3)
using two layers of muslin cloth to obtain raw apple juice.
Based on the previous study by Basak and Guha (2015), 0.14, 0.19, Triplet for relative weightage of colour (QCrel) attribute was cal-
0.28, 0.37 and 0.56 l/ml of BLEO in the juice were selected for sensory culated using Eq. (4):
evaluation that corresponds to RAJ-S2, RAJ-S3, RAJ-S4, RAJ-S5 and QC
RAJ-S6, respectively. RAJ-S1 was served as untreated sample QCrel =
Qsum (4)
throughout the evaluation process. A panel of 20 participants was se-
lected and trained to perform the sensory evaluation. Accordingly, relative weightage for all four quality attributes of raw
apple juice was calculated.
2.3. Fuzzy logic analysis
2.3.5. Triplets for overall sensory scores of the juice samples
2.3.1. Sensory evaluation The values of triplets for colour, avour, taste and mouthfeel of all
All the selected panellists were trained to familiarize the quality samples are tabulated in Table S1 (supplementary material). Similarly,
attributes of raw apple juice, sensory score sheets and method of the triplets for sensory score of quality attributes of RAJ in general was
scoring the samples. Quality attributes of sensory analysis were colour, calculated based on the preferences of panel members (Table S2, sup-
avour, taste and mouthfeel. The fuzzy scale factors were Not sa- plementary material). Overall sensory scores for every sample were
tisfactory, Fair, Medium, Good and Excellent. calculated according to Eq. (5):
According to the explanation provided by Das (2005), ranking of
SO1 = (S1 C QCrel) + (S1 F QFrel) + (S1 T QTrel) + (S1 M QMrel )
raw apple juice samples were done using triangular fuzzy membership
distribution function. Sensory scores of the juice samples obtained using (5)
fuzzy scores given by the panellists were converted into triplets and where, SO1 is the overall sensory score for RAJ-S1; S1C, S1F, S1T and
similarity analysis were performed in order to rank the samples. A S1M represent the triplets corresponding to the colour, avour, taste
program was coded in Matlab 2015a (The Mathworks; McGarrity, and mouthfeel of RAJ-S1; QCrel, QFrel, QTrel and QMrel represents the
2008) to perform calculations involved in aforementioned steps. As triplets corresponding to the relative weightage of quality attributes of
shown in Fig. S1 (supplementary materials), the distribution pattern of RAJ in general. Multiplication of triplet (a, b, c) with (d, e, f) was
5-point sensory scales comprises Not satisfactory/Not at all important, performed using the rule given in Eq. (6):
(0, 0, 25), Fair/Somewhat important, (25, 25, 25), Medium/Im-
(a,b,c ) (d,e,f ) = [(a d ),(a e + d b),(a f + d c )] (6)
portant, (50, 25, 25), Good/Highly important, (75, 25, 25) and
Excellent/Extremely important, (100, 25, 0). The rst number in the Using the above triplet multiplication rule, overall sensory score for
triplets denote coordinate of the abscissa where the value of the all RAJ samples were calculated.
membership function is 1, whereas the second and third number re-
presents distance to left and right of the rst number where the mem- 2.3.6. Standard fuzzy scale and ranking of the samples
bership function is zero, respectively (Chakraborty, Das, & Das, 2011). Standard fuzzy scale following triangular distribution pattern of 6-
point sensory scale is shown in Fig. S2 (supplementary material). The
2.3.2. Triplets for sensory score of samples linguistic expression of the standard fuzzy scale and values of mem-
Quality attributes of the samples in form of triplets were calculated bership functions for F1F6 are mentioned in Table S3 (supplementary
using sum of sensory scores, triplets associated with sensory scale and material).
number of panellists as given below:
Quality attribute of RAJ samples=[{no. of panellist (0 0 25)}+ 2.3.7. Values of overall membership function of sensory scores on standard
{no. of panellist (25 25 25)} + {no. of panellist (50 25 25)}+ fuzzy scales
Membership function of overall sensory scores of raw apple juice
{no. of panellist (75 25 25)} + {no. of panellist (100 25 0)}] samples was calculated on standard fuzzy scale. According to Fig. S3
/(Total no of panellist) (1) (supplementary material), when the value of abscissa as a, the value of
membership function become 1, and when (a b) < abscissa < (a
Accordingly, values of triplets for colour, avour, taste and
+ c), the value of membership function becomes 0. For the given value
mouthfeel of all samples were obtained using Eq. (1).
of x on abscissa, value of membership function Bx can be expressed as,

2.3.3. Triplets for panellists preference to importance of quality attributes x (ab)

Bx = for (ab) < x < a
Preference of individual panellist to the importance of quality b

S. Basak Food Chemistry 240 (2018) 11131120

(a + c )x [100(x 0.31)]
Bx = for a < x < (a + c ) BI =
c (7) 0.172

Bx = 0 for all other values of x where x = (a + 1.75L)/(5.645L + a 3.012b )

Since, initial colour of raw apple juice was not monitored while
The value of membership function Bx at x = 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, extraction, a normalized browning index (BI) was calculated as the
60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 for every samples were determined. dierence between initial BI and the BI at a given time during storage
for untreated and treated juice samples.
2.3.8. Similarity values of the juice samples
After obtaining the membership function of each juice samples, si- 2.5.2. pH and total soluble solids
milarity values were compared with the corresponding values of The pH value of the juice was measured using the pH meter
membership function of standard fuzzy scale. This is followed by cal- (Toshcon Industries Pvt. Ltd., Ajmer, India). Hand held refractometer
culation of similarity values of samples under F1 (Not satisfactory), F2 (Erma, Tokyo, Japan) was used to measure total soluble solids (TSS) of
(Fair), F3 (Satisfactory), F4 (Good), F5 (Very good), and F6 (Excellent) the juice.
were made using following equation:
2.5.3. Total antioxidant capacity
Sm (F,B) = Total antioxidant capacity (TAOC) of the juice samples were mea-
maximum of ( F F Tand B BT) (8)
sured according to Arabshahi-Delouee and Urooj (2007). Briey, 2.5 g
where, Sm is the similarity value for the sample; F B is the product of of RAJ was mixed with methanol in ratio 1:8 (v/v) and incubated for at
matrix F with the transpose of matrix B; F FT is the product of matrix least 18 h at 4 C. After incubation, 100 l of sample was mixed with
F with the transpose of F; B BT is the product of matrix B with its 1 ml of reagent solution (0.6 M sulphuric acid, 28 mM sodium phos-
transpose. Therefore, for sample 1, Sm (F1, B1), Sm (F2, B1), Sm (F3, phate, and 4 mM ammonium molybdate). The tubes were capped and
B1), Sm (F4, B1), Sm (F5, B1) and Sm (F6, B1) were calculated using the incubated at 95 C for 90 min. Samples were cooled at room tempera-
rules of matrix multiplication. ture and absorbance was measured at 695 nm. TAOC of the samples
were expressed as equivalents of -tocopherol (extinction coecient,
2.4. FTIR characterization = 4 103 M1 cm1).

Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopic analysis of pure 2.5.4. Microbial counts
BLEO, BLEO-ME (50 l/ml), raw apple juice (untreated and treated) Microbial count in raw apple juice were enumerated by ten-fold
samples were loaded on KBr discs and signals were recorded from dilution of juice samples in phosphate buer (pH 7.4) and plated out in
wavenumber 4004000 cm1 at a resolution of 2 cm1 by a Thermo duplicate on plate count agar (PCA; HiMedia, India) for bacteria and
Nexus-870 (USA). potato dextrose agar (PDA; HiMedia, India) acidied with 10% tartaric
acid for yeasts and moulds (Mller, Noack, Greiner, Stahl, & Posten,
2.5. Storage study 2014) growth.

As suggested by SantAna et al., 2010, the polyethylene terephthalate 3. Results and discussion
(PET) bottles and caps were washed and sanitized in a 0.05% and 0.01%
(v/v) of peracetic acid solution for 30 min, respectively followed by rinsing 3.1. Overall sensory scores of raw apple juice samples
with 70% ethanol and dried under laminar air ow chamber. Raw apple
juice was freshly prepared as mentioned earlier in Section 2.2. To every Sensory scores of raw apple juice samples as given by the panellists
sterile PET bottle, 100 ml of RAJ treated with organoleptically acceptable are shown in Table S1 (supplementary materials) and sum of panellists
concentration of BLEO was aseptically transferred. Untreated RAJ samples preferences to relative importance of quality attributes of raw apple
were used as control sets alongside treated juice samples during entire juice in general are shown in Table S2 (supplementary materials).
storage study under refrigerated (4 C) conditions. Triplets for overall sensory scores of all individual samples were ob-
PET bottles (untreated and treated) were randomly picked up for tained as given below:
microbial enumeration, determination of L, a and b values, pH, total
soluble solids (TSS) and total antioxidant capacity (TAOC) at every SO1 = (81.22, 50.59, 30.02)
3 days interval during storage. SO2 = (61.33, 42.42, 31.47)
SO3 = (61.88, 42.92, 32.78)
SO4 = (43.58, 33.72, 32.17)
2.5.1. Colour
SO5 = (45.29, 33.29, 32.00)
The colour parameters of the juice was measured using a portable
SO6 = (37.67, 28.24, 30.62)
Chromameter CR-400 (Konica Minolta Sensing, Inc., Osaka, Japan) in
the L (lightness), a (red-green) and b (yellow-blue) colour spaces at
Values of overall membership function of sensory scores on standard
constant lighting conditions after standardizing the instrument with
fuzzy scales
standard black and white plate. Total colour dierence (E) was cal-
Using Eq. (7), the value of Bx at x = 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,
culated to quantify the overall colour dierence of the juice samples
90 and 100 for individual juice samples was obtained as:
with respect to the reference sample. It was calculated using the fol-
lowing equation (Hirschler, 2012):
B1 = (0, 0, 0, 0.1854, 0.3830, 0.5810, 0.7783, 1.0405, 0.7074,
E = [(L)2 + (a )2 + (b )2] 0.3744)
B2 = (0, 0.0255, 0.2613, 0.4970, 0.7328, 0.9686, 0.7246, 0.4068,
where, L = (L1 L0); a = (a1 a0); and b = (b1 b0). 0.0890, 0)
Subscript 0 and 1 depicts the colour value of reference sample (zero B3 = (0, 0.0242, 0.2572, 0.4902, 0.72315, 0.9561, 0.7523, 0.4472,
day value of the sample) and the sample being analysed, respectively. 0.1421, 0)
The browning index (BI) represents the purity of brown colour and it B4 = (0.0041, 0.3007, 0.5973, 0.8939, 0.8003, 0.4895, 0.1786, 0,
was calculated according to Palou, Lpez-Malo, Barbosa-Cnovas, 0, 0)
Welti-Chanes, and Swanson (1999):

S. Basak Food Chemistry 240 (2018) 11131120

Table 1 Table 2
Similarity values for raw apple juice under dierent scale factors. Similarity values of individual quality attribute of raw apple juice samples.

Sensory Scale RAJ-S1 RAJ-S2 RAJ-S3 RAJ-S4 RAJ-S5 RAJ-S6 Sensory Scale Colour Flavour Taste Mouthfeel

Not satisfactory, F1 0 0.0051 0.0048 0.0716 0.0565 0.1059 Sm value of the quality attribute of RAJ-S1
Fair, F2 0.0341 0.2141 0.2080 0.5388 0.4807 0.6297 Not satisfactory, F1 0.0128 0 0 0
Satisfactory, F3 0.3160 0.7379 0.7192 0.8951 0.8937 0.8084 Fair, F2 0.1912 0.0095 0.0130 0.0159
Good, F4 0.7502 0.9052 0.9065 0.4273 0.4777 0.2278 Satisfactory, F3 0.5526 0.1608 0.1783 0.1937
Very good, F5 0.8317 0.3433 0.3816 0.0357 0.0455 0 Good, F4 0.7519 0.4818 0.5034 0.5236
Excellent, F6 0.2680 0.0179 0.0281 0 0 0 Very good, F5 0.4406 0.7932 0.7938 0.7949
Excellent, F6 0.0738 0.4532 0.4346 0.4163
Bold values represents the maximum similarity value.
Sm value of the quality attribute of RAJ-S2
Not satisfactory, F1 0.0169 0.0174 0 0
B5 = (0, 0.2403, 0.5407, 0.8412, 0.8527, 0.5402, 0.2277, 0, 0, 0) Fair, F2 0.2237 0.2313 0.1341 0.0773
B6 = (0.0199, 0.3741, 0.7283, 0.9240, 0.5974, 0.2710, 0, 0, 0, 0) Satisfactory, F3 0.6114 0.6302 0.5045 0.3778
Good, F4 0.7532 0.7593 0.7743 0.7264
Very good, F5 0.3924 0.3722 0.5234 0.6477
3.2. Similarity values of the juice samples and their ranking Excellent, F6 0.0483 0.0385 0.1048 0.1723

Sm value of the quality attribute of RAJ-S3

Similarity (Sm) values were calculated using the values of mem- Not satisfactory, F1 0.0141 0.0135 0.0031 0
bership function of standard fuzzy scale and overall membership Fair, F2 0.2044 0.2066 0.1509 0.0771
Satisfactory, F3 0.5776 0.5932 0.5267 0.3664
function values of sensory scores according to Eq. (8). As shown in
Good, F4 0.7433 0.7575 0.7767 0.7033
Table 1, the Sm values of RAJ-S1 under not satisfactory category was 0, Very good, F5 0.4329 0.4138 0.4857 0.6638
while the same sample had Sm value of 0.0341, 0.3160, 0.7502, 0.8317 Excellent, F6 0.0825 0.0605 0.0828 0.1995
and 0.2680 under Fair, Satisfactory, Good, Very good and Excellent Sm value of the quality attribute of RAJ-S4
category, respectively. Hence, overall quality of RAJ-S1 can be con- Not satisfactory, F1 0.0215 0.0848 0.1389 0.0383
sidered as very good because the highest Sm value belongs to this Fair, F2 0.2491 0.4742 0.6902 0.3910
category. Interestingly, RAJ-S3 was found to have slightly higher Sm Satisfactory, F3 0.6405 0.8149 0.8356 0.8325
Good, F4 0.7364 0.5467 0.3243 0.6360
value of 0.9065 under good category as compared to Sm value of
Very good, F5 0.3605 0.1104 0.0215 0.1381
0.9052 for RAJ-S2 under same category. On the other hand, RAJ-S4, Excellent, F6 0.0396 0 0 0
RAJ-S5 and RAJ-S6 were placed under satisfactory category with Sm
Sm value of the quality attribute of RAJ-S5
value of 0.8951, 0.8937 and 0.8084, respectively. Based on Sm values, Not satisfactory, F1 0.0096 0.0520 0.0593 0.0480
the order of ranking of raw apple juice samples was found to be: Fair, F2 0.1761 0.4636 0.5298 0.4455
Satisfactory, F3 0.5361 0.8432 0.8787 0.8574
RAJS1 > RAJS3 > RAJS2 > RAJS4 > RAJS5 > RAJS6 Good, F4 0.7416 0.5272 0.4606 0.5641
Very good, F5 0.4647 0.0911 0.0483 0.0912
As far as general perception of raw apple juice is concerned it was
Excellent, F6 0.1006 0 0 0
found that Sm values of avour, mouthfeel and taste are highest under
highly important category, whereas colour has highest Sm value under Sm value of the quality attribute of RAJ-S6
Not satisfactory, F1 0.0242 0.1322 0.1802 0.0552
important category. The order of ranking of quality attributes of raw Fair, F2 0.2661 0.7309 0.8001 0.5071
apple juice in general as mentioned in Table S4 (supplementary mate- Satisfactory, F3 0.6652 0.8124 0.7923 0.8829
rials) was: Good, F4 0.7325 0.2370 0.2063 0.4631
Very good, F5 0.3293 0.0015 0 0.0452
Flavour> Mouthfeel > Taste>Colour Excellent, F6 0.0316 0 0 0

A comparable Sm values for avour, taste and mouthfeel of RAJ-S1 Bold values represents the maximum similarity value.
under very good category was observed, whereas colour had highest
Sm value under good category. This satised the ranking of quality
attributes of raw apple juice in general. Now, for BLEO treated raw
apple juice, RAJ-S2 and RAJ-S3 was found to have all four quality at- has additional benets of being green and clean food product despite
tributes under good category, whereas quality attributes of remaining lower organoleptic acceptability due to presence of bioactive chemical
samples were ranked accordingly to Sm values as given in Table 2. components in form of BLEO.
RAJ-S3 was found to have a minor increment in Sm value (0.7767)
of taste as compared to RAJ-S2 (Sm value = 0.7743). On the contrary, 3.3. FTIR characterization
Sm values of remaining quality attributes viz. avour colour and
mouthfeel were found to be comparatively higher in RAJ-S2. It can also Fig. 1 depicts FTIR spectra of BLEO, BLEO based microemulsion,
be observed that Sm value of mouthfeel, avour and colour for RAJ-S3 treated and untreated raw apple juice. In general, BLEO exhibit char-
under very good and excellent category are on the higher side as acteristic peaks at 3419 (hydroxyl group, H bonded eOH stretch), 3076
compared to RAJ-S2 for the same. It can be suggested that increase in (vinylidene eCH stretch), 2954 (methyl eCH asymmetric stretch),
concentration of BLEO by 0.05 l/ml increased the acceptability due to 2929 and 2864 (methylene eCH asymmetric and symmetric stretch,
tinge of BLEO essence in RAJ-S3 over RAJ-S2. It is evident that highest respectively), 1639 cm1 (alkenyl C]C stretch or conjugated ketone
concentration of BLEO has imparted a fair taste in RAJ-S6 as opposed group), 1614, 1595 and 1510 cm1 represents C]CeC aromatic ring
to satisfactory taste for RAJ-S4 and RAJ-S5. The bitter and pungent stretch, 1365 (phenol or tertiary alcohol eOH bend), 1267 and
taste at concentration greater than or equal to 0.28 l/ml of BLEO has 1240 cm1 (aromatic ethers, arylOstretch), 1174, 1149, 1128, 1032,
resulted in unacceptability of the juice. Therefore, raw apple juice 993, 966 cm1 represents aromatic CeH in plane bend and 823, 762,
treated with any concentration less than or equal to 0.19 l/ml of BLEO 711 cm1 represents aromatic CeH out of plane bend, and nally 637
will be organoleptically acceptable. and 591 cm1 could be OeH out of plane bend (Fig. 1(a)). The ob-
Although overall quality of RAJ-S1 (untreated) sample was unan- tained functional groups and bond vibration are in agreement with
imously preferred by the panellists, however RAJ-S2 and RAJ-S3 fared functional groups of chemical compounds of BLEO reported earlier by
well among treated juice and was placed under good category. RAJ-S3 Basak and Guha (2015). For BLEO based microemulsion (Fig. 1(b)),

S. Basak Food Chemistry 240 (2018) 11131120

Fig. 1. FTIR spectra of (a) BLEO, (b) microemulsied BLEO (50 l/

ml), (c) BLEO treated raw apple juice (0.19 l/ml), and (d) untreated
raw apple juice.

peak of H bonded eOH stretch shifted to 34193417 cm1 and peak at 3.4. Storage study
3076 and 2954 cm1 of vinylidene eCH stretch and methyl eCH
asymmetric stretch was found to be missing in BLEO-ME. Also, peak at 3.4.1. Colour
2929 and 2864 for methylene eCH asymmetric and symmetric stretch Total colour dierence (E) of untreated as well as treated juice
were shifted to 2925 and 2880 cm1, respectively. An additional peak samples signicantly (P < 0.0001) increased from 0.42 0.06 and
at 2104 cm1 was observed in BLEO-ME that could possibly represent 0.28 0.02 to 1.86 0.09 and 1.35 0.08 during 3 and 15 days
terminal alkyne groups present. FTIR spectra of treated and untreated after storage, respectively. Similarly, signicant (P < 0.0001) increase
raw apple juice (Fig. 1(c) and (d), respectively) shared every char- in BI values from 0.67 0.02 and 0.32 0.06 to 3.2 0.11 and
acteristic peaks except an additional peak at 1344 cm1 that suggested 2.1 0.11 was observed during 3 and 15 days after storage of un-
the presence of primary or secondary or phenol or tertiary alcohol treated and treated juice samples, respectively.
(OeH in-plane bend or eOH bend) in juice treated with BLEO-ME. The increase in browning can be due to oxidation of naturally occurring
Presence of the functional group in treated raw apple juice could be due phenolic components in apple by polyphenol oxidase that remained active
to reduced ingredient interaction of apple juice and essential oil com- because the juice was not exposed to any thermal treatment prior to storage
ponents of BLEO-ME that probably helped it retain its bioactivity (Ndiaye, Xu, & Wang, 2009). Perhaps, presence of polyphenols in BLEO
mostly unaltered. Previous report by Basak and Guha (2017b) sug- might have provided an added benet to the treated juice to have lower E
gested no signicant alteration in antifungal potential of micro- and BI values as compared to untreated juice, which has only indigenous
emulsied BLEO on growth of P. expansum in raw apple juice with re- phenolic compounds of apple (Toms-Barbern & Espn, 2001). Other
spect to in vitro growth medium. Ma, Davidson, and Zhong (2016) have reason for increase in BI value can be direct photo-oxidation of phenolic
also reported to have similar antifungal potential of free and micro- compounds present in both untreated and treated juice samples (Manzocco,
emulsied cinnamon bark essential oil against Salmonella enterica and Quarta, & Dri, 2009). Variation in E and BI values as given in Table 3,
Escherichia coli O157:H7. suggested that concentration of BLEO selected in the present study does not
have much impact on prevention of browning, but it can slow down the
reaction in the treated juice as compared to untreated juice during storage.

S. Basak Food Chemistry 240 (2018) 11131120

Table 3 (500 M) free radicals was found to be 11.29 g/ml (unpublished data).
Total colour dierence (E*) and normalized browning index (BI) of raw apple juice The value of TAOC suggested high antioxidant potency of BLEO, which
during storage at 4 C.
was further elaborated by lower IC50 value of the essential oil. It is
DAS+ (E*)# (BI) evident that terpene, terpenoid and phenolic compounds of essential oil
of betel leaf alongside natural antioxidants in the juice might have
Untreated Treated Untreated Treated provided an enhanced electron donating capability to convert reactive
fg g gh free radicals into stable non-reactive products in treated raw apple juice
3 0.42 0.06 0.28 0.02 0.67 0.02 0.32h 0.06
6 0.86de 0.07 0.51eg 0.11 1.25ef 0.03 0.64gh 0.11 during storage.
9 1.33bc 0.03 0.70def 0.03 1.87cd 0.01 1.04fg 0.01
12 1.52ab 0.08 1.02cd 0.06 2.39b 0.10 1.55de 0.07 3.4.4. Microbial counts
15 1.86a 0.09 1.35bc 0.08 3.19a 0.11 2.10bc 0.11
The growth of microbial population in untreated and treated raw
apple juice during storage at 4 C is represented in Fig. 2. The initial
Values are mean S.E.
Means represented by the same letter in untreated and treated column of same parameter total aerobic plate count (TAPC) and yeast and mould (YM) count of
are not signicantly dierent according to ANOVA and Tukeys multiple comparison raw apple juice was enumerated to be 1.77 0.05 log10 (cfu/ml) and
tests. 2.23 0.04 log10 (cfu/ml), respectively. Initial microbial load in
DAS: Days after storage. freshly extracted apple juice can be supported by a few previous stu-
Values are compared with reference sample (zero day value of untreated sample).
dies. Among those studies, Beech (1958) has reported initial yeast po-
Values are based on dierence between initial browning index and browning index
on the observation. pulations of raw apple juice produced in a clean pilot plant and com-
mercial plant varied from 5.485.79 log10 (cfu/ml) and 5.836.11 log10
3.4.2. pH and total soluble solids (cfu/ml), respectively. Vasavada and Heperkan (2002) have also cited
During refrigerated storage of 15 days, no signicant variation was initial yeast levels of 3 log10 (cfu/ml) to 5 log10 (cfu/ml) for juices
observed in the pH of untreated (P = 0.338) as well as treated produced from healthy apples. Similarly, Miller and Keller (2005) have
(P = 0.614) raw apple juice samples. TSS of untreated juice decreased also reported TAPC and YM population of unsorted tree harvested fruit
signicantly (P = 0.002). However, the change in TSS of treated juice apple cider or juice ranged from 1.903.40 log10 (cfu/ml) and
was not signicant (P = 0.012) during storage (Table 4). The reduction 1.993.32 log10 (cfu/ml), respectively. They also reported that cider or
in TSS of untreated raw apple juice during refrigerated storage can be juice extracted from poorer quality, ground harvested apples have
correlated to the breakdown of polysaccharides into monosaccharide in substantially higher TAPC and YM count ranging from 4.195.43 log10
presence of spoilage microorganisms and utilization of the available (cfu/ml) and 3.845.23 log10 (cfu/ml), respectively. In the present
monosaccharide by the same for further growth and proliferation in the study, low initial bacterial load of the juice could be due to pre-treat-
untreated juice (Bhardwaj & Pandey, 2011). ment of the apples with sodium hypochlorite as suggested by Buchanan
et al. (1999). TAPC of untreated juice constantly increased during
storage and exceeded the permissible limit of 2 log10 (cfu/ml) count
3.4.3. Total antioxidant capacity (EFSA, 2005) on day 9, followed by TAPC of treated juice on day 15. On
As mentioned in Table 4, TAOC was found to have decreased from the contrary, initial microbial load of unpasteurized apple juice on PDA
10.12 0.06 to 2.46 0.15 mM -tocopherol/g of untreated juice plate was dominated by yeast population. However, lowest YM count of
sample, whereas TAOC in treated raw apple juice was reduced from untreated and treated juice was observed at day 6 with 1.98 log10 (cfu/
10.92 0.05 to 4.39 0.03 mM -tocopherol/g treated juice ml) and 1.63 log10 (cfu/ml), respectively. The dierence in YM count of
sample at 0 and 15 days after storage, respectively. As suggested by Van untreated and treated can be attributed to the fact that rate of inhibition
der Sluis, Dekker, Skrede, and Jongen (2002), the antioxidant activity using sub-lethal concentration ( MIC = 0.19 l/ml) of BLEO was slow
imparted by fresh raw apple juice is due to naturally occurring poly- due to heavy initial load of inherent microbial population in freshly
phenols, which provides only 10% of antioxidant activity of the fresh extracted unpasteurized apple juice. Therefore, low concentration of
apple, if the juice is obtained by pulping and pressing. No signicant the essential oil imparted lower toxicity on the inherent microorgan-
change in Brix, pH and concentrations of polyphenols in pasteurized isms in the juice samples that eventually led to constant increase in
apple juice during storage at 4 C was also observed by Van Der Sluis, TAPC and YM count at par with untreated juice.
Dekker, and Van Boekel (2005). On the contrary, present study deals According to the basic aspects of hurdle technology (Leistner,
with unpasteurized and unltered apple juice that had active oxidizing 2000), the sub-lethal concentration of BLEO in the present study can be
enzymes, which were perhaps responsible for degradation of TAOC of opted for eective preservation of the juice in combination with other
the juice during storage even at refrigerated condition. TAOC of pure preservation factors viz. mild temperature, pH, and water activity.
BLEO was found to be 362.9 1.24 mM -tocopherol/g of pure BLEO Previously, Tyagi, Gottardi, Malik, and Guerzoni (2013) have suggested
and the concentration of BLEO required to scavenge 50% of DPPH the preservation of a mixed fruit juice using combination of Mentha

Table 4
Comparison of pH, total soluble solids (TSS) and total antioxidant capacity (TAOC) of untreated and treated raw apple juice during refrigerated storage at 4 C.


(mM -tocopherol/g sample)

Untreated Treated Untreated Treated Untreated Treated

a a b
0 4.36 0.01 4.35 0.02 15.57 0.03 15.57 0.03 10.12 0.06 10.92a 0.05
3 4.35 0.02 4.35 0.02 15.50a 0.06 15.57a 0.03 6.96d 0.13 7.74c 0.08
6 4.33 0.02 4.34 0.02 15.47a 0.03 15.57a 0.03 5.74e 0.02 6.47d 0.23
9 4.33 0.02 4.33 0.01 15.47a 0.03 15.50a 0.06 4.86fg 0.03 5.26ef 0.17
12 4.32 0.02 4.33 0.01 14.37b 0.03 15.43a 0.03 3.14h 0.14 4.53g 0.04
15 4.31 0.02 4.32 0.01 14.27b 0.03 15.37a 0.03 2.46i 0.15 4.39g 0.03

Values are mean S.E.

Means represented by the same letter in untreated and treated column of same parameter are not signicantly dierent according to ANOVA and Tukeys multiple comparison tests.
DAS: Days after storage.

S. Basak Food Chemistry 240 (2018) 11131120

Fig. 2. Microbial count (a) TAPC and (b) YM count of un-

treated and BLEO treated (0.19 l/ml) unpasteurized raw
apple juice during storage at 4 C.

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