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Paper 1
29 Ogos 2010
1 jam

Peraturan Pemarkahan
( Jawapan )


1. C 26. A
2. A 27. A
3. C 28. B
4. D 29. C
5. C 30. C
6. B 31. C
7. A 32. B
8. D 33. A
9. D 34. C
10. B 35. D
11. C 36. A
12. D 37. A
13. D 38. A
14. D 39. D
15. B 40. A
16. D 41. A
17. C 42. C
18. A 43. B
19. D 44. B
20. C 45. A
21. B 46. B
22. D 47 D
23. A 48. A
24. B 49. C
25. C 50. B

2 hours

Two hours and thirty minutes

Peraturan Pemarkahan

( Jawapan )

PAPER 2 [4551/2]
No. Marking Criteria / Sample Answers Marks

1 (a) (i) Gills 1

(ii) Tracheal system 1

(b) P : Filaments 1
Q: Spiracles 1 2

(c) (R is ring of chitin which) support the tracheal / prevent the tracheal 1
from collapsing.

(d) Diagram 1.1(b):

P1: The filament have numerous thin-walled lamellae to maximise
the surface area for gaseous exchange.
P2: The gill filaments have thin membrane and covered by a net
work of capillaries to transport respiratory gases.
P3: The surface of the gills is moist which allows the gases to be
Any 1P 1

Diagram 1.2(b)
P1: The large number of tracheoles provides a large surface for the
diffusion of gases.
P2: Tip of tracheoles have thin permeable walls and contain fluid in
which respiratory gases can dissolve.
P3:Terminal ends of the tracheol remains moist which allows the
gases to be dissolved. 1
Any 1P

(e) (i) P1:( The gaseous exchange process occurs over the whole body 1
surface in an Amoeba sp) through simple diffusion.
P2:Higher concentration of oxygen in the water surrounding causes 1
oxygen to diffuse into the Amoeba.
P3:Higher concentration of carbon dioxide in the cell causes carbon 1
dioxide to diffuse out of the Amoeba.
Any 2P 2
(ii) S: Contractile vacuole 1

(iii) P1: Freshwater is hypotonic to the cytoplasmic fluid of Amoeba sp . 1

P2: Water diffuses into the cell and fill the contractile vacuole by 1
P3: When the contractile vacuole is filled with water to its maximum 1
size, it contracts to expel its content from time to time.
Any 2P 2

No. Marking criteria/ Sample answers Mark

2 (a) (i) Osmosis 1

(ii) P1 : Sucrose solution is hypertonic / more concentrated. 1

P2 : Water diffuse from distilled water into the sucrose solution 1
P3 : The level of sucrose solution in the capillary tube stop rising 1 2
at the equilibrium stage / the concentration inside and outside
of the visking tubing is the same / the amount of water
diffuse into and out from the visking tubing is the same.
Any 2 Ps
(b) F- Sucrose molecules are too large 1

E- The visking tubing is a semi permeable membrane/ 1 2

which only allows certain substances to pass through.

(c) (i) Y : crenation 1

Z : haemolysis 1 2

(ii) P1- Solution Z is hypotonic compare to red blood cell. 1

P2- Osmosis occur 1
P3- water leaves/ diffuses into the cell 1
P4- Red blood cell expand/ swell and burst. 1
Any 3P 3

(iii) F : No 1
P1 : Plant cell consists of cell wall 1
P2 : Cell wall is made up of cellulose 1 2
// Cell wall able to withstand the pressure.

Any 2

Total 12

No. Marking criteria/ Sample answers Mark

3 (a) (i) Absorption / Simple diffusion / facilitated diffusion 1

(ii) F1 thin wall/ one cell thick 1

E1 increase rate of diffusion of digested food/ nutrients 1

F2 large surface area/ has microvilli 1

E2 increase rate of absorption of digested food/ nutrient 1

F3 has a network of capillaries/ blood vessels 1

E3 to transport the absorbed nutrients 1
Any F + E

(b) P: hepatic portal vein 1

Q: lymphatic/lymph vessel/ duct 1 2

(c) P1: Deamination.// The amino group is removed (from amino acid)/ 1
converted to ammonia .
P2: (Ammonia) is converted to urea. 1
P3: urea will be excreted through the kidneys. 1 2
Any 2 Ps
(d) L1: A major energy reserve in the body// 1
L2: (phospholipids are) components of the plasma membrane// 1
L3: Lipids is used as a respiratory substrate// 1
L4: Excess fats are stored in adipose tissues (under the skin, around 1
internal organs)
Any 1L
A1:Amino acids are used in protein synthesis// 1
A2:For repair and production of new protoplasm/growth and repair// 1
A3:Used in the formation of enzymes/ some hormones/protein part of 1
haemoglobin/ antibodies
Any 1A

G1:Glucose is used as the main respiratory substrate// It is oxidised to 1

release energy (water and carbon dioxide)//
G2:Excessive glucose is converted to glycogen 1
// Blood glucose level rise / increase.
Any 1 G 3

(e) P1: Diabetes mellitus // Blood sugar level increases// Hyperglycemia 1

P2: Excess glucose cannot be converted to glycogen. 1 2

Total 12

No. Marking criteria/ Sample answers Mark

4 (a)

Both arrows correct 1

(b) A – Pulmonary artery 1

B – Pulmonary vein 1 2

(c) F : Contraction of ventricle / heart 1

E1: generates a (high) pressure 1
E2 : (to) propel/ force / pump the blood flow from the heart/ ventricle to 1 2
vessel A

Any two

(d)(i) Coronary artery 1 1

(ii) P1: Cut the supply of O2/ nutrients to the heart muscle 1
P2: causing chest pain / angina / heart attack / myocardial infarction 1 2
Reject ‘Heart problem’
(e) (i) P1: platelets break down and release chemicals 1
P2: to cause platelets to stick to each other 1
P3: platelets clump together to form a plug to prevent blood loss . 1
P4: released thrombokinase and other clotting factors 1 2

Any 2P

(ii) P1 : Fibrinogen is soluble, fibrin is insoluble / not soluble 1

P2 : Fibrin able to form fibres / meshwork / thread to trap 1 2
blood cells, fibrinogen is not able to do so.

Total 12

No. Marking Criteria / Sample Answers Marks

5 (a) (i) (Transfer/flow of) energy 1

(a) (ii) F : Phytoplankton is an autotrophic organism. 1

P1 : Able to absorb light energy / consists of chloroplast. 1
P2 : synthesis their own food / carry out photosynthesis 1 2
Any 2

(b) F1 : population of small fish increases 1

P1 : no shark feed on small fish // shark is the predator 1
F2 : population of plankton decreases 1
P2 : more small fish feed on the plankton 1
F3 : Eventually the population of small fish decreases 1 3
Any 3

(c) F : Commensalism 1
P1 : Shark is the host / neither gain any benefit nor harmed. 1
P2 : Remora benefits 1
P3 : Remora obtain protection / food / transport from the shark. 1 3
Any 3

(d) P1 : Fertilizer washed away by rain water into the lake 1

P2 : Nutrient / minerals content in the lake increase. 1
P3 : alga bloom / alga grow rapidly in the lake. 1
P4 : eutrophication occur. 1
P5 : Oxygen content in the lake decrease / drop 1
P6 : Fishes die / population decrease 1 3
Any 3 P

Total 12

PAPER 2 [4551/2] - ESSAY
No. Marking Scheme Mark

6(a) (i) Continuous variation : body weight, height 1

Discontinuous variation : types of earlobe, types of finger print. 1 2
(a)(ii) Continuous Variation Discontinuous variation
P1 The changes of The differences among
characteristics among individuals are distinct.
individual are gradual
P2 Continuous variation is Discontinuous variation is
quantitative // characteristics qualitative // characteristic
can be measured. is either present or absent.
P3 The graph shows the normal The graph shows the
distribution curve. discrete distribution.
P4 The character is determined The character is determined
by many genes by a single genes
P5 The characteristic is The characteristic is
influenced by the influenced by the genetic
environmental factor and factor.
genetic factor.
P6 Exhibits a range of There are no intermediate Any 4 Max
phenotype with intermediate groups. pair 4m
(b) Albinisme
F : Albinisme is caused by the change in gene // mutation 1
P1 : Body / skin unable to produce black pigment (melanin) 1 Max
P2 : The skin and hair of albinos are white // their eyes are pink. 1 2m
Any 2
Sickle cell anaemia
F : Sickle cell anaemia is caused by the change in the genes // 1
P1 : haemoglobin produced is not normal / abnormal 1
P2 : Abnormal haemoglobin unable to bind / transport / carries 1
with oxygen efficiently.
P3 : The patient will always feel weak / cannot carries out 1 Max
vigorous activities. 2m
Any 2

6(c) (i) Abiotic factors that cause variation between the two sets of ginger plants
F1: Sun light 1
P1: Plants need light energy to carry out photosynthesis for 1
P2: Set A, plants are obtain more / exposed to sunlight 1
// Plants in set B obtain less sunlight / not exposed to Sunlight.
P3 : Growth rate of plants in Set A is higher than plants in Set B. 1

F2: Space 1
P4: Plants need (space) to grow a large root system / leaves 1
P5: Plants able to absorb sufficient water and minerals/sunlight. 1
P6: Set A, plants have larger space for the root and leaves to 1
Grow // Plants in set B have smaller space for the root and
leaves to grow.

F3: Soil / minerals 1

P7: Plants need mineral for (healthy) growth. 1
P8: Loam soil provides more minerals in Set A. 1
// Sandy loam soil in Set B contains less minerals. max
P9: Loam soil able to trap / store water better than sandy loam soil. 1 8
Any 8
6(c) (ii) F1 : Plantlets from tissue culture have the same genetic material. 1
P1 : This is to show /ensure/proof the differences of plants in 1 2
Set A and Set B are not caused by genetic factor / have the same
genetic material.
// This is to show /ensure/proof the differences of plants in
Set A and Set B are caused by abiotic factors.

Total 20

No. Marking Scheme Mark

7(a) P1 : Nerve impulses arrive at the axon terminal of 1

(presynaptic) neurone.
P2 : Causes the synaptic vesicles to move towards the 1
(presynaptic) membrane and fuse with the membrane.
P3 : Neurotransmiters /acetylcoline (examples) molecules 1
are released from synaptic vesicles.
P4 : (The neurotransmitter molecules) diffuse across the 1
synaptic cleft into the postsynaptic knob / dendrite
/ cell body of neighbouring neurone..
P5 : The neurotransmitter molecules bind to specific 1
receptor sites in the postsynaptic knob.
P6 : The binding triggers / generates new nerve Impulses. 1
P7 : The impulses then move along the postsynaptic neurone. 1
P8 : The release of neurotransmitter is in one direction, 1
from the synaptic knob to the postsynaptic neurone.
P9 : Mitochondria in the synaptic knob generate ATP 1
/ energy to synthesis neurotransmitter molecules.
Any 6 Max

No. Marking Scheme Mark

7 (b) P1 : The receptor at the terminal of X stimulated by the heat. 1

P2 : The receptor generates a nerve impulse.
P3 : The nerve impulse travels along X / afferent neurone 1
To the spinal cord. 1
P4 : In the spinal cord, the nerve impulse is transmitted to
an interneurone. 1
P5 : From the interneurone, the nerve impulse is
transmitted to an efferent neurone/ neurone Y. 1
P6 : Nerve impulse travels along efferent neurone / Y and
reach the effector / muscle tissue / fingers. 1
P7 : Muscles contract to withdraw the hand / finger.
Any 4 1 Max 4
7 (c) P1 : The receptors in the eyes detect the dog. 1
P2 : Nerve impulses are generated and transmitted to the 1
brain via the afferent neurone.
P3 : The hypothalamus in the brain is stimulated. 1
P4 : It actives the sympathetic nervous system to generate 1
nerve impulses.
P5 : Nerve impulses are transmitted to the adrenal medulla 1
to stimulate secretion of adrenaline.
P6 : Adrenaline carried / transported by blood circulatory 1
system to the targeted organs.
P7 : Adrenaline promotes the breakdown of glycogen to 1
P8 : (Adrenaline) increases the breathing rate. 1
P9 : More oxygen will be taken into the body 1
P10 : (Adrenaline) increases the rate of heartbeat/ blood 1
P11 : Rate of the blood flow increase. 1
P12 : More glucose and oxygen will be supplied to the muscles. 1
P13 : More energy produced by the muscles. 1
// metabolic rate increase.
P14 : Body has enough energy to face the ‘fight or flight’ 1 Max 10
Any 10

Total 20

No. Marking Scheme Mark
8 (a)(i) P1 fish have streamline shapes // the anterior of the fish is 1
smooth and rounded // the body is long and tapers
towards the end.
P2 the body of a fish is covered with scales that have a 1 2
slimy coating
(a)(ii) P1 myotomes muscles are arranged in both side of the body 1
P2 the vertebral column of the fish is flexible and can bent 1
from side to side
P3 myotome muscles act antagonistically in fish./ carry out 1
opposite action in a fish
P4 when the muscles on right side contract, the muscle on 1
the left side relax
P5 the tail/body will be bent to the right. 1
P6 when the muscles on left side contract, the muscle on 1
the right side relax
P7 the tail/body will be bent to the left. 1
P8 alternate contraction of the right and left myotome block 1
enable its tail to move left and right
P9 to produce a force that propel the fish forward. 1 Max
[ any 6] 6
(b)(i) Similarities:
F1 Both Joint S and Joint T has a cavity filled with 1
svnovial fluid // lined with synovial membrane
El Synovial fluid acts as lubricant to reduce friction 1
between bones // absorbs shock of the movement.
F2 The end surfaces of the humerus bone of Joint S and 1
Joint T are covered with cartilage
E2 To protect the bone / reduce friction between the bones 1
F3 Both Joint S and T are connected with ligaments 1
E3 to absorb shock // strengthen the articulation of bones/ joint. 1

D1 Joint S is hinge joint 1
E4 Joint S allows the movement of bones in one plane / 1
D2 Joint T is ball-and-socket joint. 1 Max
E5 Joint T allows rotational movement of bones in 1 8
all directions.
[ any 8 ]
8 (b)(ii) Osteoporosis
P1 : the bone become thinner / more brittle / porous / fragile. 1
P2 : Loss of bone mass. 1
P3 : Lack of calcium / phosphorus / vitamin D 1

P4 : Cartilage between bones become thinner. 1
P5 : Ligaments become shorter / loss elasticity 1
P6 : Less production of synovial fluid. 1 Max
P7 : The joints become swollen / stiff / painful 1 4
[ any 4 ]
Total 20


No. Marking Scheme Mark

9 (a) The tree

F1 : Less tree will be chopped / felled 1
P1 : More CO2 absorbed by the trees for photosynthesis 1
P2 : Avoid the increasing of CO2 in the atmosphere. 1
P3 : Reduce the impact of Green house effect // global warming 1
P4 : Less habitat of fauna and flora will be destroyed. 1
P5 : Reduce / avoid the extinction of fauna and flora. 1
P6 : To maintain / preserve the biodiversity. 1
The oil / fuel // Save Energy
F2 : Reduce the burning of oil / fuel 1
P7 : More fuel/energy can be preserved for future. 1
P8 : Less green house gases / acidic gases released. 1
P9 : Reduce / avoid the impact of green house effect / acid rain. 1
The Landfill
F3 : Less landfill will be opened 1
P10 : Landfill cause leaching / ground water pollution. 1
P11 : Less diseases / health problem caused by the improper managed 1
The Water
F4 : Less used water / effluent / untreated sewage released into river. 1 max
P12 : Reduce / avoid the impact of water pollution / avoid the 1 10
extinction of aquatic organisms.
Any 10

(b) Good Effect

G1 : Generate hydropower electricity 1
G2 : As reservoir / to store water / supply fresh water 1
G3 : Supply water for agricultural / industries. 1
G4 : Place/site for recreation / tourism 1
G5 : Reduce the flood problem at the downstream. 1
Bad Effect
B1 : Flooded / submerge trees / habitat of the fauna and flora 1
B2 : Less tree / plants to carry out photosynthesis 1
// Less CO2 absorbed for photosynthesis
B3 : Amount of CO2 in the atmosphere increase 1
B4 : Increase the impact of green house effect / global warming. 1
B5 : Many species of fauna and flora extinct 1
// Reduce the biodiversity.
B6 : Reduce the flow of water at the downstream. 1
B7 : Cause the population of aquatic life at the downstream reduce. 1
B8 : Reduce the land used for residential / agricultural 1 max
B9 : Flooded / destroy / loss of historical building / site. 1 10

Any 10
Total 20




Kertas 3
23 September 2010
1 ½ jam

Peraturan Pemarkahan

( Jawapan )
Skema Biology P3 2

1 (a)
Date / Tarikh Set A Set B Set C

Green / Hijau Green / Hijau Green / Hijau

Green / Hijau Yellowish green Yellow

Hijau kekuningan Kuning

Yellowish Green Yellow Yellow

Hijau kekuningan Kuning Kuning

Yellow Yellow Yellow

Kuning Kuning Kuning

3 days 2 days 1 day

………………….. ……………………… …………………….

Time Taken for the bananas to turn yellow / day

Masa yang diambil untuk pisang menjadi kuning / hari

Score 3 : 3 ticks
Score 2 : 2 ticks
Score 1 : 1 tick
Score 0 : 0 tick / no answer

Percubaan SPM 2010 PKPSM Kedah

Skema Biology P3 3


1 (b) (i) KB0601 – Observation

Able to state two different observations correctly

3 Sample Answers :
1. Bananas in set C took 1 day to ripen / turn yellow

2. Bananas in set A took 3 days to ripen / turn yellow.

3. In day 1/ 16 Nov, bananas in set A have turn yellow ,
bananas in Set B and Set C still in green and yellowish
green colour.
4. In day 2/ 17 Nov, bananas in set A still in yellowish
green, bananas in set B and set C have been turn yellow.
2 Able to state two different observations inaccurately.

Sample Answers :
1. Bananas in set C turn yellow the fastest.
2. Bananas in set A turn yellow the slowest.

1 Able to state two different observations at idea level.

Sample Answers :
1. Ripening process of the bananas is affected by the
number of ripe mangoes.
2. Ripening process of the bananas become faster if the
number of ripe mangoes increase.

0 None of the above OR No response


Correct Inaccurate Idea Wrong Score

2 - - - 3
1 1 - -
- 2 - - 2
1 - 1 -
- - 2 -
1 - - 1 1
- 1 1 -
- 1 - 1
1 1 0

Percubaan SPM 2010 PKPSM Kedah

Skema Biology P3 4


KB0604 – Making inference

Able to state two inferences correctly Must have

1 (b) (ii) 3 Sample answers : the concept
1. In Set C, the concentration of ethylene produced by
the mangoes is the highest. Ethylene induced the I . ripe
bananas to ripen faster. mangoes
2. in Set A, no ethylene induces the ripening process produce
of the bananas. The ripening process is the slowest. ethylene.
3. In day 1, bananas in Set C turn yellow/ ripen the
fastest because the concentration of ethylene in Set II. ‘ethylene
C is the highest, ethylene induce the ripening of induce the
bananas. ripening
4. In day 2, bananas in Set A is still unripe because no process’
ethylene induce the ripening process.

2 Able to state two inferences inaccurately

Sample answers : Does not
1. In Set C, the concentration of ethylene produced by have
the mangoes is the highest. concept II
2. In Set A, no ethylene produced, the ripening process
of the bananas is the slowest.

1 Able to state two inferences at idea level

Sample answers : Does not
1. In Set C, the number of the mangoes is the most. have
Mangoes induce bananas ripe faster. concept I
2. In Set A, no mango induce the ripening of bananas. and
concept II

0 None of the above OR No response

Correct Inaccurate Idea Wrong Score
2 - - - 3
1 1 - -
- 2 - - 2
1 - 1 -
- - 2 -
1 - - 1 1
- 1 1 -
- 1 - 1
1 1 0

Percubaan SPM 2010 PKPSM Kedah

Skema Biology P3 5


1 (c) KB0610 – Controlling variables
Able to state all 3 variables and the methods to handle the
3 variable.

Sample answer :

Variables Method to handle the variable


The number of ripe Use different number of mangoes

mango. in different set of experiment.


Time / Day taken Count the day for the unripe

by the unripe bananas to turn yellow by
bananas to ripe / referring to the calendar.
turn yellow.

Constant variable

1. The size of the 1. Use the same size plastic

plastic container. containers..

2. The unripe 2. Use the bananas from the

bananas same stalk of bananas.

All 6 ticks

2 4 to 5 ticks

1 2 to 3 ticks
0 None of the above OR No response

Percubaan SPM 2010 PKPSM Kedah

Skema Biology P3 6


1 (d) KB0611 – State hypothesis
3 Able to state a hypothesis relating the manipulated variable
and the responding variable correctly with the following
aspects :
P1 = manipulated variable (the number of ripe mango /
concentration of ethylene)
P2 = Responding variable ( time/ day taken by the bananas
to ripe / turn yellow)
H = relationship (Higher/increases or inversely)

Sample answers :
1. The more the number of ripe mangoes / the higher Has all P1,
the concentration of ethylene, the faster the bananas P2 and H.
to ripen/ become ripe / turn yellow.

2 Able to state a hypothesis relating the manipulated variable

and the responding variable inaccurately

Sample answers :
1. Time / day taken by the unripe bananas to ripen is Has any 2
affected by / depend on the number of mangoes / aspect
concentration of ethylene. ( No H / relationship )

1 Able to state a hypothesis relating the manipulated variable

and the responding variable at idea level

Sample answer :
1. Ripe mangoes induce the unripe bananas to ripen /
turn yellow. ( No P1, P2 and H )

0 None of the above OR No response

Percubaan SPM 2010 PKPSM Kedah

Skema Biology P3 7


Able to construct a table correctly with the following aspects :

1. Able to construct the table with 3 columns

2. Able to state the manipulated variable and responding variable in the table.
3. Able to record all the data in the table correctly.

Score 3 : All the 3 aspects correct

Score 2 : Any 2 aspects correct

Score 1 : Any 1 aspect correct

Score 0 : None of the above OR no response.

Sample Answer :

Set of Experiment Number of Time taken for the unripe

Mangoes Used bananas to turn yellow
Set A 0 3
Set B 1 2
Set C 2 1


1 (e)(ii) KB0607 –Correlating time and space
3 Able to draw the graph correctly with the following aspects:

P (paksi) : Correct title with unit on both horizontal,

vertical axis and uniform scale on the axis.

T(titik) : All points plotted/transferred correctly.

B(bentuk): Able to join all the points to form the graph

All three aspects correct.

2 Any two correct.

1 Any one correct.

0 None of the above OR No response

Percubaan SPM 2010 PKPSM Kedah

Skema Biology P3 8


1 (f) KB0608 – Interpretating data
Able to interpret data correctly and explain with the
3 following aspects ;

Relationship :
P1 = Able to state the relationship between the
manipulated variable and responding variable.

Explanation :
P2 = Able to state mangoes produce / release ethylene.
P3 = Ethylene induce the ripening of bananas.

Sample answer :

1. As the number of ripe mangoes increase, the

bananas ripen faster. This is because more ethylene
is produced by the mangoes. Bananas induced by
ethylene to ripen / turn yellow faster

2 Able to interpret data correctly with two aspects

1 Able to interpret data correctly with the only one aspect

0 None of the above OR No response

Percubaan SPM 2010 PKPSM Kedah

Skema Biology P3 9


1 (g) KB0609 – Defining by operation
Able to deduce about ripening process of bananas
3 based on the results of the experiment with the
following aspects.

P1 : The condition of ripening process.

P2 : Induced by ethylene / ripe mangoes.
P3 : The higher the concentration of the ethylene , the faster
the ripening process occur.

Sample answer :

1. Ripening process of bananas occur when the

bananas turn yellow. The process induced by
ethylene / number of mangoes present. The higher
the concentration of the ethylene, the faster the
ripening process occur.

2 Able to define operationally based on the result of the

experiment with two aspects correctly.
1 Able to define operationally based on the result of the
experiment with only one aspect correctly.

0 None of the above OR No response

Percubaan SPM 2010 PKPSM Kedah

Skema Biology P3 10


1 (h) KB0605 – Predicting

3 Able to predict and explain the outcome of the experiment

correctly with the following aspects :

Prediction :
P1 : Able to predict the time taken for the unripe bananas to
turn yellow / ripen.

Explanation :
P2 : Able to state that without the cover, ethylene diffuse
into the surrounding.

P3 : Able to state that less ethylene to induce the

unripe bananas to ripen.

Sample answer :

1. The time / day taken for the unripe bananas in Set C

to ripen will become more than one day. This is
because without the plastic cover, ethylene diffuse
to the surrounding, less ethylene induces the unripe
bananas to ripen.

2 Able to predict and explain the outcome of the experiment

correctly with the two aspects correctly.

1 Able to predict and explain the outcome of the experiment

correctly with one aspect correctly.

0 None of the above OR No response

Percubaan SPM 2010 PKPSM Kedah

Skema Biology P3 11

1 (i)
Able to classify the factors in Table 3 correctly.

Plant Hormones Function / Usage

Auxin Used to produce seedless fruits

Gibberellins Used to promote the growth of main stem

Cytokinin Used in storage of green vegetable.

Score 3 : 3 ticks
Score 2 : 2 ticks
Score 1 : 1 tick
Score 0 : 0 tick

Percubaan SPM 2010 PKPSM Kedah

Skema Biology P3 12

Question 2

Explanation Score
01 Able to state problem statement by relating P1, P2 and P3 in a 3
question form correctly.
P1- manipulated variable P1+P2+P3
The deficiencies of nitrogen in culture solution/types of
culture solution
P2-responding variable
The height of seedling/growth rate of seedling
P3-question form (What …? )
Sample answer:
1. What is the effect of nitrogen deficiencies in culture solution (P1)
on the height / the growth rate of seedling (P2)? (P3)
2. How does the deficiencies of nitrogen in culture solution (P1)
affects the height / the growth rate of seedling (P2) ? (P3)
Able to state problem statement inaccurately 2
Sample answer: P1+P2/
1. What is the effect of deficiencies of nitrogen in culture solution P1+P3/
on plants ? (P1+P3) P2+P3
2. The height / growth rate of seedling is affected by the
deficiencies of nitrogen in culture solution (no P3)
Able to state the idea 1
Sample answer : P1/P2/P3
1. The deficiencies of nitrogen in culture solution affects the
plants ( no P2 + P3)
No response or wrong response 0

Explanation Score
Able to state the hypothesis by relating two variables correctly 3
02 (P1+P2+H) P1+P2+H
P1- manipulated variable
The deficiencies of nitrogen in culture solution/ the types of
culture solution
P2-responding variable
The height of seedling/ the growth rate of seedling

Sample answer:
1. The height / growth rate of seedling (P2) is lower / slower (H) in
nitrogen deficiencies of culture solution.(P1)
2. In complete culture solution (P1), the higher/ slower (H) , the
height / the growth rate of seedling (P2)
3. The height / the growth rate of seedling (P2) is higher (H) in
complete Knop’s solution (P1)
4. In complete Knop’s solution (P1), the height of seedling / the
growth rate (P2) is higher (H)

Able to state any two criteria correctly or inaccurate hypothesis 2

Sample answer: P1+P2/
1. The deficiencies of culture solution (P1) affect the height /growth P1+H/

Skema Biology P3 13

rate of seedling (P2). (no H) P2+H

2. The height of seedling is higher (no P1)

Able to draw the idea of hypothesis 1

Sample answer: P1/P2/H
1. The deficiencies of nitrogen in culture solution affect the plants
No response or wrong response 0

KB061204 Explanation Score

Able to state K1, K2, K3, K4 and K5 (5K) correctly 3
04 K1: The set up of apparatus (S1/ S2/S3/S4/S5/S6/S7/S8) (any 3 ) K1+K2+
K2: How to manipulate the variable (S2/S3/S4 /S11) K3+
K3: How to operate the responding variable ( S10/S12) ( any 1 ) K4+K5
K4: How to fix the constant variable(S5/S6/S10) ( any 1 ) (5K)
K5: Precautions ( S5/S6/S7/S8/S9)

Seedling /anak benih

To air pump/pam

Cotton wool / kapas

Culture solution / Larutan kultur

Glass jar/ balang kaca

Black paper/kertas hitam

S1- Three glass jars labelled A, B and C are prepared

S2- In glass jar A, distilled water is fulfilled which serves as a
control experiment.
S3- In glass jar B, a complete culture solution is prepared using the
composition of the Knop’s solution as a guide.
S4- In glass jar C , a culture solution deficient in nitrogen is prepared
by replacing calcium nitrate with calcium chloride and potassium
nitrate is replaced by potassium chloride. .
S5- Each jar is wrapped with black paper to prevent light from
penetrating into the culture solution which will cause the growth of
green algae.
S6-Three maize seedlings of the same height are chosen and put into
each jars.
S7- Keep the roots of seedlings are fully immersed in each solutions.
The culture solution is aerated using an air pump to ensure the root
of the seedling obtain enough oxygen for respiration.
S8- All set of apparatus are exposed to light so the seedling are able
to carry put photosynthesis
S9- The culture solution in each jar is replaced every week to ensure
that the nutrients which are supposed to be available are not depleted.
S10- After one month , seedling in jar A is taken out and the height
of seedling is measured by using a ruler . The growth rate of the
seedling is calculated and is recorded in a table . (Any abnormal

Skema Biology P3 14

characteristics are not to be observed.)

S11- Step S10 is repeated with seedling in glass jar B and glass jar C
are observed .
S12- Record the result in a table and plot a bar chart showing the
growth rate of seedlings ( cm/day) against the types of solution.
Able to state any 3K – 4K correctly 2

Able to state any 1K – 2K correctly 1

Wrong response or no response 0

KB061205 Explanation Score

Able to list all materials and apparatus correctly to make a
05 functional experiment and able to get the data 3
√ Tomato seedling/ maize seedling,
Calcium nitrate Notes:
Potasium nitrate
√ Potasium dihydrogen phosphate
Magnesium sulphate
Iron (III) phosphate(trace)
√ Calcium chloride
√ Potasium chloride
} Accept if written as
Knop’s Solution (√)
If solutions are listed,
reject if list out are

√ Distilled water
√ Cotton wool
√ Black paper

√ Glass jar
√ Glass tubing
√ L – shaped delivery tubes
√ Air pump
√ Rubber bung
√ Ruler

Notes :
Score Material (M) Apparatus
3 7M 6A
2 5M 3A
3M 2A
1 2M 1A
1M 1A
Able to list any 5 materials and any 3 apparatus related to the
experiment ( 5M + 3A / 3M + 2A ) 2
Able to list any 2 material and any 1 apparatus related to the 1
experiment (2M + 1A / 1M + 1A)
Wrong response or no response 0

Skema Biology P3 15

Explanation Score
Able to construct a table to record data with the following aspects B2 = 1
- Titles mark
- Data is not required

Glass Types of solution The height of seedling The growth rate of

Jar /(cm) seedling / (cm/day)
Initial Final
height height

A Distilled water

B Complete Knop’s

C Nitrogen Deficient
in culture solution

Construct Explanation Score

Able to state the correct technique with the following aspects B1 = 1
Sample answer mark

Measure the height of seedling from the tip of the shoot to the root
by using ruler OR
Calculate the growth rate of seedling by using formula :
The growth rate of seedlings= The height of seedling (cm)
Time taken (days)

Explanation Score
Able to state 7-9 aspects of experimental planning correctly : 3
03 √Statement of problem
√Variables ( The three variables are correct)
√List of materials and apparatus
√Technique used
√Presentation of data

7-9 √- 3 marks
4-6 √- 2 marks
1-3 √- 1 mark

Able to state any 4 - 6 items/aspects in the experimental planning 2


Skema Biology P3 16

Able to state any 1 - 3 items correctly 1

Wrong response or no response 0

The report is in the form of explanation without planning item

Sample Answer :

√Problem Statement
What is the effect of nitrogen deficiencies in culture solution on the height /growth rate of
seedling ?

√Aim of experiment

To study the effect of nitrogen deficiencies in culture solution on the height/ growth rate of

The height / growth rate of seedling is lower / slower in nitrogen deficiencies of
culture solution.


Manipulated variable : The types of culture solution

Responding variable : The height of seedling/ growth rate of seedling
Constant variable : The initial height of seedling / the type of seedling

Tomato seedling/ maize seedling, calcium nitrate*, potassium nitrate*, potassium
dihydrogen phosphate*, magnesium sulphate*, iron (III) phosphate*, calcium chloride,
potassium chloride,distilled water, cotton wool, black paper

Notes: accept 5 * if it is written as Knop’s solution .

Glass jar , Glass tubing , L – shaped delivery tubes, Air pump, Rubber bung , Ruler

Measure the height of seedling from the tip of the shoot to the root by using ruler
Calculate the growth rate of seedling by using formula :
The growth rate of seedlings= The height of seedling (cm)
Time taken (days)

1. Three glass jars labelled A, B and C are prepared
2. In glass jar A, distilled water is fulfilled which serves as a control experiment.
3. In glass jar B, a complete culture solution is prepared using the composition of the Knop’s
Skema Biology P3 17

solution as a guide.
4. In glass jar C , a culture solution deficient in nitrogen is prepared by replacing calcium nitrate
with calcium chloride and potassium nitrate is replaced by potassium chloride. .
5. Each jar is wrapped with black paper to prevent light from penetrating into the culture
solution which will cause the growth of green algae.
6. Three maize seedlings of the same height are chosen and put into each jars.
7. Keep the roots of seedlings are fully immersed in each solutions. The culture solution is
aerated using an air pump to ensure the root of the seedling obtain enough oxygen for
8. All set of apparatus are exposed to light so the seedling are able to carry put photosynthesis
9. The culture solution in each jar is replaced every week to ensure that the nutrients which are
supposed to be available are not depleted.
10. After one month , seedling in jar A is taken out and the height of seedling is measured by
using a ruler . The growth rate of the seedling is calculated and then is recorded in a table .
(Any abnormal characteristics on the leaves are not to be observed.)
11. Step S10 is repeated with seedling in glass jar B and glass jar C are observed .
12. Record the result in a table and plot a bar chart showing the growth rate of seedlings
( cm/day) against the types of solution.


Glass Types of The height of seedling /(cm) The growth rate of B2= 1
Jar solution seedling / (cm/day)
Initial height Final height

A Distilled water

B Complete
Knop’s Solution

C Nitrogen
Deficient in
culture solution


The height/ the growth rate of seedling is lower/slower in nitrogen deficiencies of culture
solution. The hypothesis is accepted.

7-9√ - 3 marks
4-6√ - 2 marks
1-3√ - 1 mark 03=3



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