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Isela Pena Estrella

RR #2 Commented [1]: Solid work, Isela. This is a great

response. I feel like all of the elements were well
developed. Your claim was strong. One thing I will
Text caution you is about using personal language for this
response option. Generally, we want to shoot for more
Ferris, Dana. Multilingual Students and College Writing. Student Handbook. Pg 23-27. impersonal language. We will talk about this more in
Summary This response has earned a 4 for the use of Extra
In the article Multilingual Students and College Writing by Dana Ferris, Dana starts off credit quote.
10/10 points for incorrect MLA format. Great job.
by defining what a multilingual person is and some challenges many of them face in college. She
Commented [2]: Close!
discusses possible challenges for ML students; for example, needing to adapt to the American
style of writing and being limited to the English language/vocabulary. Dana further explains and Ferris, Dana. Multilingual Students and College
Writing. Student Writing Handbook, 1st ed.,
admits that learning the English language can be hard to fully understand especially for Sacramento State University, 2009, pp. 2327.
Multilingual students. Therefore, she gives the readers many different things they can do to Commented [3]: Good!
improve their English and writing. In fact, at the end the author includes many different places
Commented [4]: In academic writing, we use last
people can visit in Sac State to find assistance and help improve their writing. names.

Claim Commented [5]: Good

The most important idea from the article I think my peers inside my class should know is
that since we are all ML student we may experience difficulties in writing and should seek help.
I think it's important for us to know this and understand that we are expected to have a
higher level of writing in college and should get help if needed.
These problems are of two general types: (1) lack of English language knowledge that
leads to written errors; and (2) inadequate knowledge of English vocabulary and sentence
structure that limits their ability to write effectively and clearly (25).
At Sac State, these include the Learning Skills Center,which has classes and small
groups tutorials on reading, writing, grammar, and oral skills, the ML writing program in
the English department (English 2, 2X, 20M,and 109M), and the University Writing
Center, which includes specialized materials and tutors trained to work with ML

In Ferris article, it's allows my peers who are in fact Multilingual to understand and be
able to relate to what being a ML student is like. In addition, the most important idea from the
article I think my peers inside my class should know is that since we are all ML student we may
experience difficulties in writing and should seek help.
I believe it's important for us to know this and understand that we are expected to have a
higher level of writing in college and should get help if needed. In this article, Ferris states that
ML students may experience difficulties such as having the ... (1) lack of English language
knowledge that leads to written errors; and (2) inadequate knowledge of English vocabulary and
sentence structure that limits their ability to write effectively and clearly (25).This quote
demonstrates some difficulties that ML student face and can affect them throughout their college
and future life. This makes these students realize that having difficulties in writing is common
when being ML; therefore, they have to be willing to work harder in order to overcome their
Furthermore, Ferris provides different places At Sac State[such as the] Learning
Skills Center,which has classes and small groups tutorials on reading, writing, grammar, and oral
skills, the ML writing program in the English department (English 2, 2X, 20M,and 109M), and
the University Writing Center, which includes specialized materials and tutors trained to work
with ML students(27). It is important for my peers to know this to see all of the different thing
and places our campus provides us and are able to go to. Visiting these places will allow them to
get the help they need in order to do better in their writings and language skills.

1. Contrastive Rhetoric; Study of how a person's first language and cultural influences the
writing in the second language ; ML students who have learned to read and write in another
language may be affected by contrastive or intercultural rhetoric.
2. Intercultural Rhetoric; Study of discourse between and among individual from different
cultural backgrounds; ML students who have learned to read and write in another language may
be affected by contrastive or intercultural rhetoric.
3. Writer-responsible language; Writers job to make sure the audience understands the writing;
It is important to understand that English is considered a writer-responsible language.

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